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Been feeling like next step is soon

Started by BeefxCake, March 26, 2015, 02:44:21 PM

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Pretty much my entire transition has been done in teeny baby steps. Thats just the way i went about it.

The last big step was getting on T a year ago and I havent done anything since.

Lately now that my body has changed so much i feel like im going for a next step, least i may be ready for it.

The idea of top surgery comes to mind, i think i qualify for peri/ keyhole cuz my tits are small.

I also think i know what doc i want to see, dr medalie, cuz his consistancy is reasuring...

But i also think hysto wouldnt be bad to get done either.

Maybe just some advice on what would be recommended i do first?
Moneys not really an issue for me fortunately but im not really sure what step to take next. Its been a year since ive done anything and kinda want to get things going again.
:/ just some thoughts would be nice.


Certainly none of us can tell you which operation would be better for you, it's up to you to decide.

For me, I know I will go for Top Surgery first because it's something that would make me feel more confident every day and it will help me to appear male to the world even more. A hysterectomy, while would be good, is more 'invisible' I guess, which for me makes it less important. I am going to to things first to make me feel more comfortable in society, so like being able to take my shirt off is very important to me rather than getting the ovaries and stuff out. But really this is all my own view, and what is best for you entirely depends on your own dysphoria.

Basically, I would suggest thinking about which of the surgeries you think will be most beneficial to your mental health or comfort. The one that is more important in that respect is what may be the best thing for you, and while that's top surgery for one person, that is a hysterectomy or another bottom surgery for someone else.

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Yeah i know what you mean.

I know top surgery is important to me but im paranoid of botched job as well. That really what gets me away from just doing it.

I get that its probably not going to be perfect and that ultimately its what i want, i want to be able to go shirtless and not even think about my chest, but to me having crooked nip nops or a surgery gone wrong or something is almost just as bad?

I dont know. I been thinking since i posted this and i do think i want top surgery first, just a matter of what to do.

I look through the threads here on who i could go get surgery from and some say so and so does a very good job but then i look it up and its not to me. But then who do i ask?

I dunno just sorta overwhelmed.

Ill have to talk to my folks.

But besides that what sorta advice do other guys have for pre op to make things go smoother? Or like a checklist of things they did?


Like only reason i ask if theres a preferred way of going about top or hysto first is i know the body does change a bit with the hysto and if that improved the results of the top? In which case i would get a hysto first. But if it has no effect then ill do top first.


Not speaking from personal experience. I know for me, my chest is the only thing stopping me from passing without any additional help. I have a bad back that makes binding uncomfortable, so I only do it as necessary. That's made having my chest fixed a priority of mine. No one can see my uterus, so that's not holding me back from living the life I want. I'll get that taken care of next year maybe.

There is no preferred order of doing things, but I think statistically speaking more guys are getting top surgery done first.

I know in cis-women, weight gain typically accompanies a hysterectomy. I don't know if our community has enough statistics on this to see any trends on weight gain or other side effects of the hysto. But most surgeons prefer you to be near your ideal weight for surgery, so I'd strongly prefer to not be in a position to gain weight prior to having my chest done.
T: 12/5/2014 | Top: 4/21/2015 | Hysto: 2/6/2016 | Meta: 3/21/2017

I don't come here anymore, so if you need to get in touch send an email: maxdoeswork AT


Oho! I've never heard that, weight gainfrom hysto, thats good to know. Kinda helps me make up my mind really. XD

Im fortunate enough my boobs are so small i dont bind, the shirts i wear hide it enough. T shirts i just wear a tight sports bra. Im not a stick either (175lbs 5'10") so a bit of moob looks normal on my body type (doesnt mean i enjoy it, and its extremely stressful to have titties and try to use like the pool or locker rooms. I just want to be able to not think about them, and since moneys not really the issue only thing stopping me is paranoia :/

But yeah i mean, i guess im lucky in that since i dont bind im not feeling that pressure to get out of a binder?

I dunno i think i found my answer, top first, hysto later :3 just gotta sit down the folks. (Luckily i know my moms on board since she was the one to make the initial about surgery, shes just, "you should get ur boobs lipoed " and im like >-bleeped-< yeah, you dont know what the thing is called but ur on board!)


Well there is lipo involved but they need to cut out the milk making parts. I think the thing would be to talk to the surgeons and ease your fears.



If you're small upstairs, IMO you have way less to worry about. I looked at thousands of results over the last few months trying to figure out the ideal procedure for me since I'm in between sizes, and there were far fewer peri/keyhole results that looked off. DI results seem to be affected by a lot more variables. So if you're planning to go the keyhole route, I wouldn't worry toooooo much.
T: 12/5/2014 | Top: 4/21/2015 | Hysto: 2/6/2016 | Meta: 3/21/2017

I don't come here anymore, so if you need to get in touch send an email: maxdoeswork AT