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venting dysphoria

Started by KyleeKrow, April 23, 2015, 02:42:10 PM

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i tend to get my emotions out through art a lot, both positive and negative, and for a while that's how i dealt with gender dysphoria i guess.. so i did a bunch of pieces about it. this one is my favorite out of those, though.


Mayor Mare

Very nice. I'm not very good at my art yet, but it really helps me to be able to express what I feel in a way that doesn't risk me being outed before I'm ready.


An artist is all I ever wanted to be but in the closet my work became so much about my confusion and dysphoria. I was in such deep denial though that I couldn't understand let alone explain my own work. I recently went through a huge purge of my male belongings and a lot of artwork was part of it. Most of the painful and dysphoric stuff went to the trash and recycling.

I am still patiently waiting for the spark of inspiration to return. I'm excited to see what I will be making, what media I will be employing. It will be fun to develop an honest practice and body of work and I can't wait to head back to exhibition.

Without creative outlets I would not be alive today. Sometimes a pen is the best wound to bleed from. This is my blog A Trans Woman's Tale -Chris Jen Kellam-Scott

"You must always be yourself, no matter what the price. It is the highest form of morality."   -Candy Darling


Lady Smith

Not being able to draw for toffee it was writing that served me as my safety valve against dysphoria.

That is one powerful ink drawing by the way.


Art has always been one of my escapes.

I just don't get the time to do it for that reason now.

Using it to express dysphoria is cathartic for sure. Maybe not as much as we would like but I think it helps. Putting the pain into a drawing or painting or something can feel like you drained it from your system for a while. And you can do whatever you want with the result, keep it, destroy it, etc.
"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."