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so sad that there seems to be so many who reject the idea of God

Started by stephaniec, June 29, 2015, 07:43:34 PM

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Well concerning free will you might see it this way...
its like an artist...
it needs some diligence and good intention but really nice things can be created...

and you can stay away from things that would drag you into stuff you do not want to go to...



thus why I took up a neutral nature. imma bow out of this now

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look... this is some anger energy that keeps you from good things imo...

thse are things that cannot be changed... so directing energy into it makes no sense imo...

imagine playing with a few lightful angels... maybe you find a thing or two when you are out and about... some nice food, or something nice you were looking for in a second hand place...

I'd say let go and concentrate on the positive... its like a stone welling up water otherwise... just let it flow...



Hi Stephanie,

Just curious what the response would be if the title of the thread was changed by adding one word.

"so sad that there seems to be so many who don't reject the idea of God"

I don't claim to have any answers but the whole process of life seems to me like we're in some sort of wacky science experiment.   Think test tubes.  Do I have any proof that my idea supersedes any of the other infinite possibilities?  Nope.  But to me it's a false dichotomy to believe it's either atheism or one Christian god.

Take care :)


I'm not a religious person and I was not raised in a religious household. I've come across many people that were Christian. I would say that at least 90% of them took such a hardline and fanatical stance that it turned me off from even asking them about what they were into.

My experience with religious people was basically summed up like this: Confrontation, Hostility and Intrusion. I actually ended up in a few fights over this stuff. (None that I actually started) I honestly don't care if people are religious or not. Hey, whatever gets you through this go around on this blue ball is fine with me.

However, when you have people that will actually throw a punch at you, come to your home and bother you (although they say that they are just "raising donations". Sorry, it's you being bothersome. You want money? Pass the plate during service. Don't come to my home and bother me.) Then, when you say, 'sorry, I'm not interested' and then they launch into some tirade about how I am going to hell. Sorry, but you can get lost.

I don't need anyone feeling sorry for me, taking pity, etc. I abhor the idea of anyone taking pity on me for any reason. I didn't seek it out. So, don't bother with that.

However, I have met a very tiny minority of people that are religious and they were cool with the fact that I wasn't religious. People like that will always have my respect.


Quote from: Paige on June 30, 2015, 03:04:29 PM
Hi Stephanie,

Just curious what the response would be if the title of the thread was changed by adding one word.

"so sad that there seems to be so many who don't reject the idea of God"

I don't claim to have any answers but the whole process of life seems to me like we're in some sort of wacky science experiment.   Think test tubes.  Do I have any proof that my idea supersedes any of the other infinite possibilities?  Nope.  But to me it's a false dichotomy to believe it's either atheism or one Christian god.

Take care :)

so, I don't think there's anything wrong at all being a pure existentialist having no god just matter and energy or my belief there being some extremely nerdy physics geek experimenting with life forms, I mean platypus's, really or dinosaurs , come on you got to be pulling my leg. If that's not experimentation , what is. I just like the comfort of believing the Universe loves me and wants to show its beauty to me.


My problem stems from the fact that I'm an Idealist communal Hippie freak bent on the radicalization of human thought to achieve greatness through peace and love.


Quote from: stephaniec on June 30, 2015, 03:27:45 PM
My problem stems from the fact that I'm an Idealist communal Hippie freak bent on the radicalization of human thought to achieve greatness through peace and love.
well if r adicalization would be replaced by pacifying i'd say it will be successful over time :)


Jill F

I was a cultural anthropology major in college and have studied many of the world's religions in depth.

One universal in the human condition is that we all wonder where we came from, why we are here and where we go when we die, but the answers to these questions can vary greatly from culture to culture.  In the history of mankind, there have been thousands upon thousands of cultures worshipping thousands upon thousands of divinities.

The fact remains that all human beings that have ever existed share a common origin and fate despite the thousands upon thousands of explanations that mankind has proposed for this phenomenon.  Now that the world's population has swelled and technology has flourished, cultures that were once geographically isolated from one another are now just a mouse click away, often leading to ugly clashes and conflicts over whose deity is truly divine and what is expected of us.

It seems to me that if there were a divine being or beings, the message they are sending is clear- I'm not supposed to know these things.  I'm fine with that.  I'm here to live my life as I see fit, be kind and helpful to others, try to pack as much joy and happiness into this short life as I possibly can and spread as much of that joy and happiness around as humanly possible. 

I think Bill and Ted had it right. 

Be excellent to each other, and party on dudes.  *wheedlie wheedlie wheedlie*


As I may have said in other topics my family (mostly my grandparents - not alive now) were very religious. I was too, until ~10-11 years old. Then I understood (since he didn't answer my prayers) that God didn't exist.

I believe that there may be some higher intelligence (some kind of aliens probably) since I find it highly unlikely for humans on earth to be the only living beings in the universe.

I think that we humans "invented" God first because we couldn't understand various natural phenomena and felt better to have a "God" above us. Later on we kept believing in God since there still things we cannot comprehend (and may never do) and that we generally feel safer this way.
Trying to emerge to my real self


or it could be like the great Janis Joplin said praying to the Lord, " Oh Lord wont you buy me  a Mercedes Benz all my friends drive Porches I must make amends ." I suppose a Mercedes Benz is a good reason to pray to God.

Shawn Sunshine

My thought on this has been that certain human beings brains are just operating at a different frequency and are "very" empathic and sensitive, for them its easy to believe and tell there is something out there and around us. Kind of like how ghost hunters bring in someone for the very same purpose.

It would stand to reason then that other humans do not have that same frequency and are more logical minded and mathematical and do not see and sense what the others do, but accelerate and are better at science and math than their fellows and run circles around them in these areas.

Just a Theory in my head really. Let me know if you agree or not.
Shawn Sunshine Strickland The Strickalator



In all of this, Stephanie, know that you are not the only Christian on here, nor the only Trans* Christian. There are even Trans* pastors (I'm headed that direction) currently.

The Church (big C) has harmed a lot of people. There are welcoming and reconciling churches out there, but some have been hurt by the Church too much to ever darken a church door again. My heart bleeds for those hurt by my profession, and my hope lies in making the Church a better place for all, so others know that sanctuaries can truly be sanctuaries again
Strong's Greek 3341

Original Word: μετάνοια
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Definition: repentance, a change of mind

Merriam-Webster: Metanoia - a transformative change of heart

"Remember, I'm pulling for you. We're all in this together" - Red Green


Stephanie, your god sounds beautiful, its just sad that most who believe in god dont have such a resemblance. 


If there is a god why are there too much badness in the world? People are dying even children people born rich and some poor why don't god help them then? When people pray and the get what they want they says " Because God loves me" or " I prayed a lot"  but how many times you get what you want when you pray whenever a person get something, think It is from god and whenever  don't get, they just ignoring  it ..  so If there is a god he doesn't care about you or he is "evil " . No offense but If you look the world and stop positive thinking , (you have to  because sometimes you need to see reality) you will see how bad this world is ...
Going to start HRT


Quote from: Cynobyte on June 30, 2015, 09:08:12 PM
Stephanie, your god sounds beautiful, its just sad that most who believe in god dont have such a resemblance.
God is spectacularly majestic and the even more beautiful incredible thing is that we are all gods children and god loves us so much. Just stand in a mountain stream on a warm sunny day and let the ripples tingle your toes, there's a good reason we are able to feel the beauty and its free and for everyone. Life can be brutal , but with the love God meant for us to have we can over come and just enjoy the blue skies and the warm blazing sun. The Beatles said it perfectly " all we need is love ."


Hiya stephanie im sorry but im not a big fan of religion eather due to past experiances with myself or my family or even regarding what is going on within the world.. with all the killing that is happining within the world and also all the suffering... when i was younger i relied upon  god to help me through what i was going through. To give me a sign that things would get better but they never did... it was then when i realized god is nothing more than a idea... which was created by religion which was man made.. i know that seems silly to say but it was true to me. And now im older i just rely on being a good person and to love people who are deserving within this world... you have a right to your views like i do to mine.. so starting this thread is not a bad thing because you have the right to say what ever you want to say... 

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Will Humanity Live In Acceptance, Love and Hope Or Is It Just A Dream


It seems to me that within the trans community, you're more likely to find atheists/agnostics simply due to our lived in circumstances. I spent a lot of time in my life angry with God because everything seemed so unfair and callous to me. But God helps those who help themselves, thus the core of my frustration all stemmed from my wanting some mystical force to solve all my problems.
Religion, no matter how pious you are, will not supply you with a genie that grants your wishes. We all have to find our own path to happiness and contentment. Cis people have a hard a time finding that path as well, we just come at it from a different direction and circumstance.

- Katie
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If people are what they eat, I really need to stop eating such neurotic food  :icon_shakefist: