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Empaths and Empathy

Started by cindybc, September 08, 2007, 07:07:16 AM

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The heart and soul of an empath.   

If you are an empath, yes, you certainly can and do pick up vibes from other people. Sometimes  you can tell if a person is in the darkness or the light. Usually you will find that most empaths keep a low profile, they don't seek attention and would prefer not to get it unless it is for a positive reason.

Feelers of vibes and emotions we definitely are and you will find empaths in many positions as caregivers, often for the chronically ill and less fortunate.  We are often nurses and aides, doctors, paramedics, rescue squad members, Coast Guard (especially rescue swimmers), healers, teachers, and in many other service occupations or careers.  We feel the pain of the world around us and we need to help soothe it.

Yes I quite agree that for a lightworker in order to shine their light to those that will accept it, you will find them working in the dark places. One needs to know the darkness in order to trully appreciate and know the light. I do believe that for those of the heart that truly care for an other then at the very least they are Earth Angels.



Good post Cynthia!
Being an empath can be a blessing and a curse. It's truly a blessing to those that work as healers as often a manifested illness has an underlying cause and a good healer will pick up on this.
Do you work with other empaths and, if so, have you noticed that a number of these were (dang I hate this word) handicapped? I was born without normal hearing and noticed that other senses are all the more heightened, to include empathy. Other similarly "enabled people" seem to have a higher percentage of empaths than the average population, so it seems.
And ever so true, the descent into darkness and pushing up to the light seems to be a keynote experience for empath healers. In experiencing the darkness one can truly relate to another that is in the darkness.



Hi, Ronni,

Thank you for your response.

Many people are empaths at different levels but most would be categorized under the word "intuition."  The problem is that when someone mentions the word intuition they instantly attach that label to mostly women. They couldn't be more wrong.  Males can be just as receptive to intuition as a woman, they just don't talk about it.

Nowadays you will see where men are equally as capable of being a single parent as you do a woman. I should know. I raised 11 kids through the years.

As for people with impairments, yes, I quite agree with you. For a person who is disabled from the waist down their muscle power might very well go into their arms and upper body, or if they are blind the huge area of the brain dedicated to sight now enables their hearing or feel to become more sensitive. Or if their hearing is impaired their sight will increase in perception.

But then there are those of us who are born with the gift of empathy whereby many of the senses are increased. So yes, I believe that those incapable or physically disabled people would in all probability have senses that are above the "normal" threshold  of any of the five senses.

With the exception of tiny print I have higher sensitivity in eyesight.  My hearing tends to become more keen in terms of frequency heard and minimum threshold at which I can hear it.  For noise above the hearing spectrum I have at times been able to sense it instead, like a pressure within my head.  Some days someone just rattling the dishes in the sink can sound ear splitting to me.

I have worked with other empaths when I was a social worker, one whom was a retired school teacher. I had another friend who was an empath, she was a deacon in the Catholic Church, and I have another very dear friend who is an empath whom I met in Long Island.  She works with learning disabled adults, helping them to handle their daily chores and keeps them communicative.  Her love and care have made them blossom anew.  She and I  still keep in touch by frequent emails.

As for people who are in the darkness, for a long enough time they would not be aware of it, thinking that it is a normal way of life. Sometimes it takes something really drastic, near catastrophic proportions, to wake them up and "smell the coffee."



Hi Cindy,
I agree with you wholeheartedly. Intuition and empathy are similar, if not related. It seems that many men, through upbringing or society mores and patterns, are not encouraged to be intuitive in human emotions while woman, as a whole, do seem to be encouraged. You likely have quite good intuition having raised so many kids. I have raised two sons almost single handed and it came as a natural as I have been sensitive to intuition for many years and always was a caregiver of a sorts. (You know, the good guy that girls and guys always came to to confide their fears and thoughts with. And the heartaches of listen to a girl whom I liked tell me of her woes with her boyfriends. Sigh.LOL) My spouse, on the other hand was almost the complete opposite so it seemed that our roles were reversed as I was always there to comfort and nurture my sons, almost like the common perception of a Mother's role.
I am not surprised that your eye sight and hearing compensated for the loss of some of your other senses. For me the sense of touch, scent and eyesight were greatly enhanced. This increase in the sense of touch and detection of energy led me to be quite proficient in Reiki while my sense of scent led me to perfume and essential oil blending.
I am curious, did you, as a youngster often retreat into a dark place to escape the pain felt in the world around you? Being sensitive to other's pain caused me to withdraw as a youngster as I could not cope being surrounded by other's pain and suffering. I could feel the joy in others around me and yet the darkness and sadness around me seemed seemed to override the joys and happiness I felt in others. It was not until I came to recognition and acceptance of my identity and raising my sons that I was able to better handle and guard my sensitivity so as to not be dragged down into another's darkness.
Great post Cindy!



Hi Ronni, oh yes most certainly, especially at school since I looked more like a girl then I did a boy, a girl in guys clothes, and with my shy and timid characteristics  of an empath they had me tagged as weird and I was being constantly razed by other kids. Back then they had the boys play ground on one side of the school and the girls on the other. I hated the boys so I would sneak over to the girls side and kind of just do my best to blend into the woodwork per-say.

I also spent a lot of time playing by myself in the woods, that made me feel like this was where  belonged, mother nature was good to me and anyway I wasn't really ever alone. I had many imaginary friends to play with, I mean to me I could actually see them like they were real, I have often wondered if I was maybe connecting with other empathic kids from who knows where. I seen a lot of stuff appear to me back then some that was scary but mostly they were good. I just simply never fitted in with  the rest of the gang so I was very much a loner but most times that was OK with me. I sometimes got lonely but mostly I liked the seclusion of the woods, it became my refuge and my church. I would sit for hours sometimes under a tree and call out in silence for the denizen of the forest to come out and play.

I believe that the kids at school kind of shied away from me after a time because if they bugged me I would read their beeds and not very many people if any like to get their beeds read without their permission.

The spouse thing, the bitch from hell, hey I survived it for a time and at the first opportunity I  was gone with the wind. The story is much more involved then that but it would take at least another post dedicated solely to that particular subject.

I moved to the reservation and lived common law with a lady I had met there when I use to work on rural mail delivery. Suffice it to say she was an angel compared to my ex.
The only reason that that relationship failed is that I couldn't perform sexually to her satisfaction, never could. Anyway we parted amicably.



Wow Cindy!
I could have almost written what you wrote and makes me wonder how many other empaths and sympathetics had similar childhoods?
I was never one to really play with the guys and their ever so macho sports nor really played with the girls as both seemed to raze on me as I was always the different kid, the one with those old fashioned hearing aids with wires leading out of my ear molds and on down to my body hearing aids. "Handicapped" kids were treated so different in those days and most likely out of a fear of things that they did not know or understand. So, like you, I spent many hours alone as a loner with nature as my solace for I could be myself. I developed quite a kinship with the living world around me, the non judgmental world of nature, most especially plants hence my background in herbology and botany.
This loner aspect still carries to me to this day and, unlike so many, I am comfortable being alone...not lonely but alone. I never felt that I really fit into any group of people and relationships so remained pretty much asexual until I was in college. What relationships I had were primarily ones where I was a caretaker and confidant of a sorts. When in college I was attracted to a gal, one that I felt had so much inner pain and torment and the caretaker in me what to help her, to be a friend when all else was bleak. Over time we became good friends and in turn nourished each other. She helped to bring some focus into my life and was either an empath or intuitive as she reached into a part of me. By preference and being, she was a gay woman, a person that I felt so at ease with as I could be myself without her wondering why I, as  a guy was not continually trying to get into her pants and strutting the typical male role. The first time that we made love, out of a closeness for each other, genders put aside, she amazed me by telling me that I had made love to her as a woman would. At that point there was a subtle shift in my way of thinking and acceptance of what I was and felt some of the darkness depart.
  As to your spouse from "Hell", sorry to hear. Some people, male or female can be such royal PITA's and made worse when married to them. My spouse was never quite that bad but there were some very rough times. I am sorry to hear about your friend on the reservation. Sadly we place such importance on sex in relationships, we all do to a given degree. The years of my sexual abstinence and lack of relationships was painful but it helped me to realize that sex is but a part of a relationship, not the whole of it.
I am so enjoying hearing your thoughts Cindy! We appear as kindred spirits of a sorts!




A very interesting discussion you two are having.  I'm not going to disrupt it, but just want to ask what's a "beed"?


Hi Rebis

"Hee, hee" reading someones beads is an old expression which means like reading their horoscopes without the aid of a book to do so.  ;D. Pleas feel free to join in on the conversation. If you wish to familiarize yourself with the metaphysical and spiritual part of this phenomena may I suggest you read the links that David so kindly posted for me. My apology for the misspell for beads.

There is a lot attached to these gifts that may for some who are not familiar with it sound "far out!", and at times sounding like something out of a sci-fi novel or for instance Deanna Troi on Star Ship Enterprise - D. She was a good characterization for an empath. I had fifty five years experience as an Empath but only just became aware of what being an empath was about in the past ten years, so I am basically still learning what the nature of being an empath is. Yet I still consider myself a novice at it. We do not know nor could we explain to anyone what the mechanics of empathy are, they just happen.

I have been to many other groups that dealt with the phenomena of Indigo, spiritualists, covens, pagans, etc. But I feel more comfortable identifying as the humble empath.  To me where I thought and felt empathy for so many years to be a curse turned out to be my best teacher of all in learning who truly resided within. So this is why I thought I would change the title to this thread to Empaths and Transitioning.

Learning about the path that an empath walks may be challenging for some but not impossible to learn what being an empath is.

Humbly yours


Posted on: September 09, 2007, 07:57:55 PM
Hi Ronnie, I don't think much has changed in the school yard except that the bullies when I was in school used their feet and fists to beat me up. They now tote guns and a whole array of other types of concealed weapons to school with them. It isn't surprising that mom's do more homeschooling with their children instead of sending them to public school. Many of these are supposed to be kids that are classified as having learning disabilities. Then it is discovered that many of these children have an over average IQ. They just see and perceive things differently then the average student. These are the gifted children who are growing more in numbers every year.

"Hee, hee," most any close friends I had were girls, especially this one girl I met while walking in the woods at school during recess. She was also a reject from the other kids and we hit it off right on the spot and became the best of friends. She was a street fighter and not many would bother her, she had two brothers and they had trained her well in the art of street fighting..  :D
So we ran together terrorizing the neighborhood with our mischievousness, "hee, hee.". It felt so good and so liberating to be running the streets with her. I was in my early teens then and had let my hair grow down to butt length so I quite passed as a girl by people who didn't know me personally.

We may have performed many mischievous acts but never anything serious enough to get picked up by the cops, well this one cop did sometimes, he would give us a lecture and a finger waging while Helen and I pressed up against each other against the passenger door and putting out on the pouting act pretty good. He would then drive us home but never without a stop somewhere along the way to buy us treats.

Basically he was our friend, hmmmm I remember thinking how cute he was. I also met a girl, her name was Tracy and she had three kids, I had them in my care for two years while she was ill.
Anyway there were some nights when she was at my place with the three kids and we would all share the same bed, me being like a kid myself of course there had to be the old wrestling matches and tickling sessions with the kids, that was my way, a fun way really of wearing them out so they would sleep. One morning Tracy told me that she found it strange. actually a neat strange to be sleeping with a guy that didn't come on to her for sex.  I had never even really gave it a thought. I have not had sex with anyone since i left my ex girlfriend 20 years ago and don't really miss it, I don't even think of it, but it's nice to know that the excess baggage down there is no longer there.



A Manual For Empathy

Posted on: September 09, 2007, 09:30:03 PM
This manual is designed for practical use by empaths. This
instruction will primarily deal with generalized empathic influence
and situations. Emotions and energy fields may be modified by empaths
to handle personal activities, relationships and surroundings.

We all receive and send feelings which influence us and others.
Empaths learn more emotions and utilize feelings better as we
develop. Most of this learning is natural but an empath may need more
to be fulfilled. Learning requires evaluation and implementation of

An empath is an active and radiating influence. As empaths, we
influence with fields of energy. The effects are over an area and not
at a specific point. These radiance's affect us as well as others and
linger for some duration.

Before initiating any activity; always look ahead to the overall and
eventual effects. Look for ways to guide the operation to a
successful and mutually beneficial result. This knowing will
generally be received in an instant. Empathic forces are dynamic and
will change over time.

An empath deals with the physical world mainly by using emotional
influence. We confidently blend in with all environments. Empaths are
aware of the forces that influence a situation. We adapt and create
favorable results. Empaths are more interested in the overall effect
rather than specific objectives.

With practice, empathic influence becomes automatic which is
different from simply reacting. The situation will be brought to our
attention, but generally we simply acknowledge that what we are doing
is correct. The actual process is complex and based on numerous
factors although the action appears simple when viewed from a higher
level prospective.

There is always something new to learn and integrate. Whatever level
we reach, there is always one level higher. We have to determine at
what level we can function contently. Continuous innovation and
improvement becomes natural and a constant source of stimulation.
Empaths can become more proficient or refuse and never fully reach
their potential.

An empath influences with the projection of inviting energy. No one
likes to be forced into doing something. If others don't show
interest, it is time to either enhance your offering or move on.
Empaths are always changing and radiating improved energy fields and

Refine emotional delivery and presence. Emotions behind words are
more important than what you are saying. Expand emotional vocabulary
and empathic influence. An empath is able to change their level of
intensity and sensitivity.

The more invested in the physical side of life, the less we are
involved in the emotional level. Being prepared is an aid to
accomplishing anything more quickly and effectively. Adapt favorable
results to become more successful in endeavors and relationships.

It is difficult to isolate only the empathic affects since feelings
are interlinked with physical, mental and other influences. An empath
is aware of that fact and accepts that proficiency will take learning
and practice.

Look for others who want to play games at the same level of activity.
When we find someone, this will probably be the relationship that we
want to develop. There aren't that many compatible empaths around.

Empaths practice with people in public to gain experience and
harmonize into society. Don't stare or attract attention! There is no
need become we mainly function beyond the physical level. I can not
emphasize this too much; the influence of an empath should be
natural, harmonious and go unnoticed.

Send pleasant feelings which are mutually beneficial or entertaining
so we can feel contented afterward. This allows empaths to develop
and increase our own satisfaction and the enjoyment of those around

Lasting relationships are important to empaths. Having to start over
and over at the base level is undesirable. Make sure we are giving
proper emphasis to the activity, operation or influencing effects.
Giving appropriate value to objectives keeps us from expending
exorbitant amounts of energy and effort on less productive
activities. Effectively using our abilities require looking ahead
before becoming involved.


Coping is an initial skill that is learned so you can perceive
clearly and act effectively. Coping and becoming comfortable in your
environment takes practice.

Empath Practice:
Project outward into conflicts and situations instead of avoiding
them. This is from the mental level which directs emotional
influence. Empathic emanation requires charging the aura and drawing
power from higher levels. Breathing is helpful to develop the desired
surrounding energy field.

Feel an area of force radiating from your forehead. There will also
be a shift in consciousness to another level and enhanced clarity.
Apply this inner influence when proceeding into a situation. Take the
time to make the result harmonious and natural.

Access this influence attitude and adjust level when entering into a


Empath Practice:
Think back to the first effective coping skill used as a small child
when you met others and entered into a new situation. If you
answered, become afraid, cry and run to your mother, keep thinking!

Small children will smile at everyone they meet. This will serve in
almost any situation. Become aware of the response, we will need many
more skills later but this is an excellent start. If you can't recall
the innocent shy smile then go into public and watch as children
smile at you. Smile back! Keep your energy glow at the same level as
the child or person for a few seconds. Then move on!

A smile should generally last from 4 to 5 seconds. The glow should be
pleasant, sincere and without any other intent. Enjoy the moment
before returning to a normal contented state.

The smile should show that we are friendly and not looking for a
confrontation. We are going with the flow. Harmonize with any area we
go into. Some successes will booster our confidence. An empath
attempts to uplift the surroundings to a comfortable level. It is
easy to react, but more difficult to think and respond in an
appropriate manner.

Smile at a few people and be aware of the response!


Edited by Cynthia L. Groulx on Oct 7, 2007 at 1:10 PM


Hi, Cindy!

I have a question (we've been discussing this in the Androgyne section), but I think my question should go over here (although it would fit over there as well...I'm horribly indecisive sometimes).  I am assuming here that children are very good with empathy...That's what I've always heard, so that's the assumption I am making.  (also, if you've already covered anything I'm writing...I'm ashamed to say that I didn't read all the posts on this page...they are kind of long and I sometimes have trouble focusing when I'm reading...sorry :))

Since children are good empaths and since androgyne people seem to maintain a childlike disposition, is that something that makes androgynes good empaths?

Well...okay, so I kind of answered my own question.  But I guess I'm wondering if the part of the brain that makes us androgyne is the part that keeps us childlike and if that is the part of the brain that controls empathy.  Do you know if there have been any neurological studies on empathy in children?

I think it would be interesting to look at parallels between studies of empathy in children, studies of androgyne people, and studies of empathy in androgyne people. 

Maybe I just like brains.  Zombie Jaimey.
If curiosity really killed the cat, I'd already be dead. :laugh:

"How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these." GWC


Hi, Jaimy, glad you dropped by!

First off, I will tell you something that is quite obvious, this by my own observation, not necessarily anyone else's, and that is for the short time I have been in the adrogyne group, is that there are strong ties that bind you all as one. The emotions, feelings, and compassion that have been exhibited is strong among the members.

I have searched the better part of two countries for such as people as I have found who call themselves androgynous folks. I've never met others such as I have in this androgyne group  until I came to Susan's message board. I think it is wonderful and I feel quite honored to have met you all, I also wish I could hug you all. I have never seen people with such sensitivities anywhere else before.

I believe one is born with the gift of empathy, and I certainly believe that some certain people can become aware and be in harmony with the elements around them. There are folks whose empathy can vary greatly from one person to another depending on how evolved they are. But this should have nothing to do hierarchies. All empaths are equal and they need to be themselves until the conditioning that one gets from the rest of the world can be "tuned-out".  This can greatly affect the ability to find and lock-into the different sources of energy that are all around us.

But for some odd reason these sensitivities never go away.  They may go dormant, like they did me.  For a good many years I suppressed them within. There has been some documentation about empaths and there is a goodly amount of information on the Internet but if I scientifically documented what I have felt and seen, I am not certain what it would prove. But it has been around for a good many years, maybe as old as the study of Wicca witchcraft Or how about Native American native traditions?  Many of these classifications kind of blurred together during the colonial years in North America.

Lastly, I certainly wouldn't be the one to say that androgynes cannot be compared, I strongly believe that there is a very good possibility that one could be correlated with another,     

As to why do some who remain child-like within is, well it is a good possibility because it was a way to hide from, what is called reality, being a loner, living in seclusion, rejected by society, abuse. These are also the environment that an empath grows up in. What is real?  The man made reality?  I am quite child-like and wouldn't have it any other way, it's more fun and that's what kept me alive. 

Childhood trauma or any type of trauma growing up can affect the way one defines their reality. I don't really know that I am, at this point in my life, androgynoys.  Although I am a woman and I have done the whole 9 yards to be a woman, and feel comfortable being a woman, I can't say I am a woman in 100% certainty.  There is the androgyne within me that feels welcome in your company. 

I believe that children would be more in-tune with the energies and elements around them, especially at an earlier age, where BEFORE the child is conditioned to follow standards imposed by society and all that other good unnecessary crap which becomes a good part of our life style and a good possibility it is subliminal messaging that we are sold into accepting as a normal part of our life. I sometimes wonder if all this white noise that society sells us is an attempt in slowing down our cerebral activity to prevent us from evolving into intuitive who will know what color the president's underwear are.  Really, I'd prefer to know something more useful, like how to keep all people from being at war.



Thanks, Cindy!

I don't really know a whole lot about empathy except what's on here and what little I read when I worked at a bookstore.  To be honest, I hadn't thought a lot about the fact that I was sensitive to other people until my high school English teacher started talking about how children can sense if a person is good or bad when they come into contact with them and then she went on to say that people suppress those feelings and by the time we are adults, we ignore them entirely.  She also told us to pay attention to our 'gut' whenever we felt something and to trust it.  Of course at that time, I had no idea I was androgyne and I was mostly a hollow shell of a person (but that's a whole other story  ;)).  I used to think that I was ftm, but then I realized that I would be in the same situation no matter what body I was in and I also had times when I felt more feminine than masculine, i.e., I have a strong desire to be a mother, etc.  So after some research, I figured out that I was androgyne and since then, a lot of stuff has been coming back, like the stuff my teacher told me. 

I am more sensitive to things like a person's mood, tone of voice, things like that.  I can also see through anyone if they aren't being themselves.  I have also been studying Doreen Virtue and learning about our angels and things like that.  I've been using her Archangel Oracle cards and I do think that you can communicate with Angels (though I would like to point out that it's totally spiritual and not religious...I don't want anyone thinking I'm a bible thumper  ;)).  At any rate, I'm still pretty new to all of this, the androgyne and empathy.  And I'm the type who wants to know everything, the cause/traits/etc.

Thanks for the info!  I'd love to discuss empathy more with you.  I'm still learning to see and hear more clearly.


...never tried to figure out the color of the president's underwear though.  ;D
If curiosity really killed the cat, I'd already be dead. :laugh:

"How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these." GWC


Hi, Jaimey,

Well for one, your teacher was quite right.  I wish that I could meet that teacher. As for angels, I believe there are such entities. All that is really known or suspected is that there are many different levels of vibrational energy in and all around us. If one becomes aware of these energy fields they can become aware that they are all part of various quantum densities of the electromagnetic grids or a matrix. The consciousness will vibrate at a higher state of awareness.

The angels could easily be extraterrestrial beings, regardless of what we call them, and are likely from outside of our planetary environment. These dimensions are separated only by a thin grey veil, other realities vibrating by a micro second apart. As we become aware of each inter dimensional level our human psyche continues to awaken.

Dorene Virtue is a good writer. I have met many other empaths and Indigo's during my travels on the Internet and I have come to share this opinion.  Many of the gifted people I have met, (including myself) have gone through the trauma of abuse by either parents or spouse and rape as well. I don't know that having gone through those types drastic experiences has or has not  have any bearing on the sensitivities, but it does appear to have something in common with our prior and present lives.

All exhibit intuitions and psychic phenomena that empaths exhibit at varying degrees. And these gifts appear to be more prevalent among the women than the men. Being androgynous is not one of the easiest things to be at peace with in this life. I  am not certain except there appears to be a constant correlation happening there. if there is then many of these gifts are sensitised through or during the troubled years.     



Quote from: cindybc on November 17, 2007, 09:58:37 PM
I believe that children would be more in-tune with the energies and elements around them, especially at an earlier age, where the child is conditioned to follow standards imposed by society and all that other good unnecessary crap we that becomes our life style nearly and a good possibility it is subliminal messaging that we are sold with. I sometimes wonder if all this white noise that society sells us is an attempt in slowing down our cerebral activity to prevent us from evolving into intuitives who will know what color the president's underwear are.  Really, I'd prefer to know something more useful, like how to keep all people from being at war.

I believe the white noise is generated by a restless group who feel compelled to thrust their wants & desires and their miseries into the faces of everyone else.  They are not happy people, for the most part, and their energies are beyond their control.

Just a thought.


Yes, you are quite right. Those greedy for power and money certainly wouldn't want to see the "sheeple" take control, so we are controlled, only allowed to grow to a degree that won't disturb the "ruling class," or as I like to call them, "little tin gods." and we are in a caste system of their design.

Politics is a term describing not only the various governments.  Every hierarchical organization has its politics.  I don't speak politics too well but it is no doubt to me that the politics of governments and corporations control the politicians. They are what is called a cabal.

The cabal conspires on matters of war, economics, industry, developments in the sciences, the money and banking, and how we live our lives.

The cabal wants us to continue a status-based existence, living like crabs in a bucket: when one crab gets near to the top of the rim of the bucket, the others pull it back down, the government collect the tax it owes, the corporations continue their price-gouging, and someone believing in the politics of envy sleeps better that night for having caught an escaping crab.


Shana A

Quote from: cindybc on November 17, 2007, 09:58:37 PM

I believe that children would be more in-tune with the energies and elements around them, especially at an earlier age, where the child is conditioned to follow standards imposed by society and all that other good unnecessary crap we that becomes our life style nearly and a good possibility it is subliminal messaging that we are sold with. I sometimes wonder if all this white noise that society sells us is an attempt in slowing down our cerebral activity to prevent us from evolving into intuitives who will know what color the president's underwear are.  Really, I'd prefer to know something more useful, like how to keep all people from being at war.


The white noise is a distraction to keep people from thinking for themselves. 1% of the population controls around 40% of the world's resources. They're doing great damage to our planet in the process of using up all its resources, and have no concern for the future, only greed for more profit and power. If everyone woke up to the way things really are, there would be a revolution. The people in power need to keep us all from realizing the truth, and are constantly selling us stuff/ideas/ways of life that we don't really need.

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde



I quite agree with you y2gen
I can't quite figure out the reasoning though. If these people are at all have any brains, and to be in power requires brains. As evil and greedy as they are, it would still be necessary for these people to be smart or cunning. But if they are smart, do they not realise that they are destroying the future for themselves, too, their kids and everyone.

I believe that something is taking place in the process of human evolution.

Before the flood, the first civilization was much more  evolved than we are today, like the abilities to move mountains telekinetically. Something abruptly brought the fall of these great people, scattered them everywhere. They degenerated back into murk of prehistory. Now let us suppose that homo sapiens once more emerge out the mists of past and resumes the position of modern humanity. This is only a possible presentation of what may have been, I read a lot of books and have a fertile imagination. The human psyche again began to evolve, to the point where some are actually exhibiting *confirmed* latent psychic abilities.




Quote from: cindybc on November 19, 2007, 10:04:13 PM
I quite agree with you y2gen
I can't quite figure out the reasoning though. If these people are at all have any brains and to be in power requires brains, as evil an greedy as they are it would still be necessary for these people to be smart. But if they are smart, do they not realise that they are destroying the future for themselves to, their kids everyone.

I have thought of this a lot and it occurred to me that there are many different types of intelligence.  The flabheads who have the property and the ability to make changes are not smart enough to know that change must be made or why it must be made.  They can tell you what stocks to buy and how to run a successful company by destroying smaller ones, however, they cannot comprehend that the really intelligent thing to do is actually the opposite of what their animal instinct commands that they do.
   I have also dwelled upon revolution, but have since retired from such thoughts as they bring up intense emotions that cloud my true empathy.   I think that by worrying about all of humanity, it entirely distracts me from accomplishing the positive actions that I take on behalf of people I know who need help.  I have noticed a big big difference in the amount of myself that I contribute to doing something for others instead of worrying about everybody.

    I guess that goes back to one of the points made here about not losing ourselves.

Our time will come,   :icon_2gun:



Hi Rebis
That is wonderful sentiment and smart suggestion. Help those around us by whatever means and capacity we can.To often the world comes to me and consumes we with the horrid things that are occurring. Literaly brought to certain places where there it pain and suffering. What can one do about these experiences, the only thing I can do and that is send prayers to great spirit that universe might be balanced.

There are more of us coming out everyday, the awakening is at hand, yes our time will come, it is a great time of preperation.



Shana A

Quote from: cindybc on November 19, 2007, 10:04:13 PM
I quite agree with you y2gen
I can't quite figure out the reasoning though. If these people are at all have any brains, and to be in power requires brains. As evil and greedy as they are, it would still be necessary for these people to be smart or cunning. But if they are smart, do they not realise that they are destroying the future for themselves, too, their kids and everyone.

I believe that something is taking place in the process of human evolution.

I don't understand their reasonings either. I think some believe that the writings of Revelations re second coming are true, and thus no need to preserve the planet...  :'( 

Something is happening though, some people are waking up... and returning :)

Quote from: Rebis on November 19, 2007, 10:22:00 PM

  I have also dwelled upon revolution, but have since retired from such thoughts as they bring up intense emotions that cloud my true empathy.   I think that by worrying about all of humanity, it entirely distracts me from accomplishing the positive actions that I take on behalf of people I know who need help.  I have noticed a big big difference in the amount of myself that I contribute to doing something for others instead of worrying about everybody.

    I guess that goes back to one of the points made here about not losing ourselves.

This has always been an issue for me, I have to be careful not to lose myself in other peoples' problems. I do want to help though, and do what I can. Each small thing we do is keeping the candle flame burning in the wind... there is light.

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde



Hi, Jaimey,
Please reread the post I sent to you.  I found that had a lot of typos in it, towards the end of it. I have corrected the typos and it should now make sense to you.

You know that if you are an empath, being an empath has its good points and it has it's bad points. Sometimes you feel like you are about to burst into tears from just observing the injustices and brutality there is around you. Or it could be tears of deep sentimentality and, oh my, mustn't forget love and compassion, both very strong emotions in themselves. And when these feelings get to the deepest part within yourself, you will find that the negative or positive energy are equal in intensity, there is no telling the difference. This a good time to release this energy like it was a dove, and let it fly in freedom to help balance that tiny part of this universe.


Posted on: November 20, 2007, 03:32:05 PM
Hi, y2gender,
How so true what you have said in your post. We can't afford to let ourselves get overloaded with cares but yet the need and want to do something right amidst all the wrong that is taking place in the world is a compelling call to those who will listen.

Sometimes I get to feeling impotent in my abilty to intervene or do something for these people but then as it turns out is that all I can do is pray. It's like looking for that the flimsy reed on the river bank and it turns out to be the branch of a sturdy oak. Sometimes that is all we have at our disposal to fight the wrongs of humanity.  Never stop looking for that reed, and never underestimate the power of prayer.

Prayer doesn't change anything.  It changes people and people change things.
