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Started by molly, December 27, 2005, 11:59:43 AM

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I have been trying to figure out how to "tuck" for a smoother appearence.  I have read several articles, but somehow I can't master the skill.  I read the tread about gaffs and that doesn't sound like a good option.  I do wear support pantyhose and snug panties, but there are times when I need a neater look.



Hi Molly,

If you got to this link in our Wiki I think you willfind the help you seek.



Wouldn't that be painful if you got...uh-hem...excited?

Ya put your right foot in.  You put your right foot out.  You put your right foot in and you shake it all about.  You do the Andro-gyney and you turn yourself around.  That's what it's all about.


Quote from: Bryanne on November 26, 2006, 01:12:29 AM
Has anyone ever tried super glue while tucking?  It seems to me that would be an easy way to achieve a girly front.  You just need to make sure you know how to remove the glue.

This seems impractical at best.  You'd most likely have to go through a rather involved and potentially painful removal process  :o every time you had to go pee.  And if you're taking spiro that may be alot.

All in all, not a good idea I'm afraid.  And if this was a joke, I don't think its funny.  Nope.  Not at all.

FKA: Emelye

Pronouns: she/her

My rarely updated blog:

Southwestern New York trans support:


Sorry but I had to laugh ;D

No No not a good idea at all. No how, No way!!!

Just think some of the glue could seal the hole just when U needed a wee ekk !!!!

Does not bear thinking about.

Superglue whatever next. :D :D :D :D


Sometimes superglue is used to seal together a wound that cannot be closed by stitches.  I fell down the basement stairs and tore the corner of my eyelid rather deeply.  It couldn't be stitched because of how close it was to my eyeball.  They disinfected the area and then glued the wound shut. The glue did not come off for ten days.

I'll repeat that.  The glue stayed stuck for 10 DAYS!

I don't think that's a good idea, please don't attempt it.

Diana M.

Regarding TUCKING:

PLEASE don't go to extremes, such a using superglue!  The real issue is to make the male parts "disappear," right?  Well, the best way I have found is to use VAGISIL (20% benzocaine) on your male parts--all of them.  This will desensitize them TOTALLY (of course, this is only for those of us who WANT to desensitize them, totally!).  Then, using pantyhose or tight panties, your maleness can be hidden by tucking the testes up and the penis (now small and flaccid) can easily fit to tuck.

Another hint:  When you make up, use Baby Shampoo (a very small amount mixed with water) on you face.  Let it dry and then make up.  You will be amazed by the smoothness that results!  Baby ("no tears"--generic is OK) shampoo sets the facial Ph so that, for all intents and purposes, your face "thinks" it has "solid water" on it.


Diana M.

Diana M.

It's Diana M. again...


I want to be clear that the adivce given re:  Vagisil is only my sugestion.  It is what I do, but in no way am I implying that you should try it without asking a doctor about the use of benzocaine in 20%.  There ARE some possible problems, and I only do this when I REALLY want to.  So, take this as a COMPLETE disclaimer.  If you use Vagisil as I do, you do so totally at your own risk.

On the Baby Shampoo:  it also is great for taking makeup OFF.


Diana M.


Superglue?  The only time I ever heard of it being used around the groin was by wives on their cheating husbands, and from here there are many combinations and permutations of HOW it was used and WHERE it was stuck to.

No, I don't think Superglue and tucking should ever mix...



OK call me sadistic, the last two days I have tried to superglue my tucking without any luck, I have superglued my fingers and the glue stick quite well. However, superguling my genital region has failed the glue does not hold? I am using the original superglue on smooth skin and still nothing. I tuck and glue first thing before coffee, a few hours later before I shower it all falls down and the glue just peals off. What am I doing wrong here?


Try Johnson and Johnson's Elastikon tape. It comes in 1", 2", 3" and 4" wide rolls, is flesh colored, sticks when wet (if applied dry), stays for 24+ hours, is flexible with movement, and peels off relatively easy without removing skin (except frequent use). The only downside is with hair, it pulls any off when removed. It's also best applied with talc or similar powder first to absorb moisture. It's usually available or by order at medical supply stores or on-line medical supply Websites.


So we have had glue, then we had tape ... anyone thought of just using a nailgun along with some balsa wood ?  Alternatively some cast iron plates and a blowtorch would probably be easier ?

;D ;D ;D ;D

Sorry, that's not much help I know.  Seriously though, using tape sounds a lot better than glue !!  From what I have heard the whole tucking thing is an art form in itself anyway, its something I have never tried though so cant really offer much in the way of advice.  All I know is you need to be in a comfy position and completely relaxed - as in your body being relaxed !! Obviously tucking is never a good idea if the thing you are tucking isn't relaxed !!  ::)

Hmmm, think we could have the making of a new television show here - "When Tucking Goes Bad" !!  ;D




If you are willing to go so far as to use superglue, then I would suggest using duct tape.  That's what drag queens use to hold themselves in place.  I even know one that does such a good job taping that they have gone out in the crowd with nothing but a small piece of cloth over the genitals...and it looked flat too.  Personally, I don't usually use anything other than my underwear (which ar eNOT super tight or anything.  If I'm in a situation where I don't want to chance coming untucked, I use the control top part of a pair of pantyhose over my underwear.  It seems to work really well.

Quote from: beckster on December 28, 2006, 03:33:12 PM
Hmmm, think we could have the making of a new television show here - "When Tucking Goes Bad" !!  ;D



Shocking aint it Melissa ... video footage of well known forum members with various DIY paraphernalia attached to their anatomy.  Come on, you have to admit - its gonna make a fortune !!

I like the idea of using the control top part of a pair of pantyhose, gotta be way easier than some of the other ways that have been talked about !!  :)



Hmmm, Melissa.  I've always done it the other way around.  I put things in a comfy position and put the control tops to hold them in place.  Then some underwear over that.  Well, maybe I'll try it your way.

Diana M.

Becky has it right.  The thing you're tucking has to be RELAXED.  That's what I've been talking about with regard to 20% benzocaine (commonly obtained as Vagisil).  You are RELAXED.  The glue idea is absolutly WHACKO.  I don't even want to discuss that with anyone advocating it, since they've got to be NUTS with regard to their NUTS.

Diana M.


I think I will order the tape and give it a try, my BF likes a truly feminine appearance so thats why I try to look as natural as possible.


Quote from: beckster on December 28, 2006, 05:48:50 PM
Shocking aint it Melissa ... video footage of well known forum members with various DIY paraphernalia attached to their anatomy.  Come on, you have to admit - its gonna make a fortune !!
Oh, I think it would be hillarious.

Quote from: beckster on December 28, 2006, 05:48:50 PM
I like the idea of using the control top part of a pair of pantyhose, gotta be way easier than some of the other ways that have been talked about !!  :)
Yep, it is.

Quote from: Kristi on December 28, 2006, 06:03:56 PM
Hmmm, Melissa.  I've always done it the other way around.  I put things in a comfy position and put the control tops to hold them in place.  Then some underwear over that.  Well, maybe I'll try it your way.
I've done both ways.  However, washing these things will wear them down fast, so it's better to have your underwear being the thing that touches your skin, since they are more durable in the wash.  However, if I think I'll be in a situation where I'll be down to my underwear, I'll wear the control top part inside the underwear.



Vagisil? Thats something that I never ever heard before. Ever. Although you can never know it all, one would think that they have a good hold on things till Vagisil comes up. Well thats one for the books for me.  :D


~reads with much interest~

i've tried tucking before but i too found that it was difficult to become relaxed and thus frustration set in. vagisil does the trick? i'll have to check that out sometime, thank you Diana. ~s~
