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Yet another "Chett" topic...about to book, a few final questions

Started by StartingOver, August 05, 2015, 10:13:40 AM

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I'm about to book surgery with Chett.  I think I've come to the pretty solid conclusion that I'd feel like I'd "settled" if I don't opt for what I consider to be the latest in surgical techniques when it comes to SRS.

So...time for a few last minute questions:

1 - How "durable" are the results of this surgery?  I know that penile inversion is tried and tested and will last me the rest of my life and is pretty resilient, but are there any long-term road tests of Chett's work (or similar work)?  I don't want to opt for surgery with results that end up being too fragile or won't see me well into old age or prolapse and rot in ten years or whatever.  His surgery has survived the test of time, right?  Once all is healed, it's good to go provided that dilation and hygiene are maintained?

2 - How is his trach shave technique?  Small scar or Sweeney Todd?

3 - His site wasn't 100% clear, but his refund policy is basically that the 20% deposit is forfeited if the surgery is canceled, correct?

4 - This isn't the stupidest decision of my life, right?  I mean, I could a little more and get Plain Jane penile inversion, but I think I'd look at that and think, "Hmm, it's nice, but maybe I sold myself short and wasn't bold enough in my choices."  I know that the choice of surgeon and technique is more subjective than objective, but I could use a little reassurance that after all my months spend in diligent research and checking out the various players, that I'm not making an obviously bad decision that nobody should ever make.  Some people want US surgeons and techniques, some people fly off to Thailand.  Both are solid choices, yeah?  It's not like I'm jetting off to the $9,999 SRS package in Mexico...

I've had so many people now tell me (online and offline) that I should look at the Thai surgeons because they are light years ahead of the US and Europeans when it comes to SRS.  And the cost is impossible to overlook: surgery, flights (inc. business back home for my companion and me), hotels, meals, everything, all that adds up to the cost of regular SRS with the "local" doc who isn't actually that local.

Horses for courses and all that, and I don't really want to start a discussion about whether penile inversion is "better" than the Thai techniques (because I've tried for a long time and can't come to a definitive answer on that one), but in order to get the surgery date (or thereabouts) that I want early next year, I need to make a final decision very soon and commit.  I could research this subject for another entire year and still end up unsure.

So...any words of reassurance?  Or is it just time to take a bold step, set a date, and start to plan?

Evolving Beauty

I'm a Chett girl so here are my answers...

1 - Durable? Dunno I'm only 1 year op but what I can tell you me and my friend ended up in the disaster of 3 inch /4 inch respectively with his excuse of 'I couldnt dig any further cos you had too much anal sex'. Good point: Aesthetically perfect & very beautiful natural, not a single man clocked my vagina, clitoris orgasmic after 3/4 months.

2 - How is his trach shave technique?  Small scar or Sweeney Todd?

This one he's VERY GOOD. He manage to scrape off all while my local surgeon in Europe failed. Scar is VERY normal with ANY surgeon you'd go. You need to use cream and dermabrasion to get rid of it all.

3 - His site wasn't 100% clear, but his refund policy is basically that the 20% deposit is forfeited if the surgery is canceled, correct?


4 - This isn't the stupidest decision of my life, right?  I mean, I could a little more and get Plain Jane penile inversion, but I think I'd look at that and think, "Hmm, it's nice, but maybe I sold myself short and wasn't bold enough in my choices."  I know that the choice of surgeon and technique is more subjective than objective, but I could use a little reassurance that after all my months spend in diligent research and checking out the various players, that I'm not making an obviously bad decision that nobody should ever make.  Some people want US surgeons and techniques, some people fly off to Thailand.  Both are solid choices, yeah?  It's not like I'm jetting off to the $9,999 SRS package in Mexico...

To each her preference

So...any words of reassurance?  Or is it just time to take a bold step, set a date, and start to plan?

Just be very careful on Chettawut, depth failure is high. Me and my friend both failed in depth. I even created a thread so that other Chett girls reply and tell me their depth/sensation but no one seems to be answering, maybe they failed too in depth are just embarassed to tell, dunno.


Thanks.  Especially for the link to the Bambi Guide - really useful.


Next question: is this part of Bangkok really seedy and nasty?  Or is it away from the revolting "sex tourist" areas?


Quote from: StartingOver on August 05, 2015, 01:07:01 PM
Thanks.  Especially for the link to the Bambi Guide - really useful.


Next question: is this part of Bangkok really seedy and nasty?  Or is it away from the revolting "sex tourist" areas?,182934.msg1657737.html#msg1657737

This is a really quiet part of Bangkok and the cottages are even more quiet because of the surrounding trees. If you want to see the craziness that is the tourist areas of Bangkok you can get a taxi to either Hua Mak ART station or On Nut BTS station and then make your way from either. I did a couple of excursions into the center while setting up the room ...


I had surgery with ch. It was in 2011 and i still have great depth. Aesthetic and sensation is great. I have read here that he can fail in depth achieving with patients who have scar tissue between the intestines and the prostate but I don't think it is frequent as only two persons have described such problem. As for full thickness grafts surviving rate they survive for lifetime in case the grafts take. With the scrotal graft techniques prolapse is impossible.

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Quote from: possessed on August 05, 2015, 02:08:19 PM
I had surgery with ch. It was in 2011 and i still have great depth. Aesthetic and sensation is great. I have read here that he can fail in depth achieving with patients who have scar tissue between the intestines and the prostate but I don't think it is frequent as only two persons have described such problem. As for full thickness grafts surviving rate they survive for lifetime in case the grafts take. With the scrotal graft techniques prolapse is impossible.

Sent from my LG-H220 using Tapatalk

There are surgeons who offer vaginal deepening, so I'd not close the eyes.
I personally would talk about a minimal depth and rather take a risk, and would make that clear.



I can understand how frustrating it is to not be able to use your vagina. I have heard that dr Bowers is good option for that.

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so having anal sex before srs doesn't really mean you end up with a small depth? Did u have alot of anal sex before your surgery?
Quote from: possessed on August 05, 2015, 02:08:19 PM
I had surgery with ch. It was in 2011 and i still have great depth. Aesthetic and sensation is great. I have read here that he can fail in depth achieving with patients who have scar tissue between the intestines and the prostate but I don't think it is frequent as only two persons have described such problem. As for full thickness grafts surviving rate they survive for lifetime in case the grafts take. With the scrotal graft techniques prolapse is impossible.

Sent from my LG-H220 using Tapatalk


Quote from: bootifulone on August 06, 2015, 12:29:57 AM
so having anal sex before srs doesn't really mean you end up with a small depth? Did u have alot of anal sex before your surgery?

It is called adhesions.
Heavy anal sex can be one cause, but not the only one. There was one girl who said she had no anal sex.,190787.msg1699725.html#msg1699725

As said, I'd talk about it, and make my point clear.


On the tracheal shave, he did very little for me, VERY disappointed. He charged me extra 20 or 15% because I've had in the past before, and didn't do anything anyway.


I'm one of Chetts patients and have to say I was impressed as my thread at the time stated. Depth is clearly an issue we all think about even those like me who are not planning sex with a man. I mostly transitioned in UK and was expecting to have my SRS there but due to weight issues 2 surgeons refused to operate. Neither was confident either in achieving a good depth if they could get any depth at all due to me not being very big and having been circumcised and I'd had an orchie. I get a very good depth with Chett mostly because of the skin graft but I'm honestly not bothered how he managed it the fact for me was he did it and even he was surprised. I know some people have mentioned about lack of depth. While I was there I met 6 of his patients if you include me and all of them where very pleased with the results of their ops although one of us had slightly less depth than the rest. This can happen with any operation as the existence of adhesions cannot be known until the operation is performed.

Only you can say if it is a good or bad move but I am sure whoever you choose the result will be the best you can get. I have met 2 people who had trach shaves and both said he had removed allot but they still had some evidence . I never saw them before however so again I cannot say if the result was dramatic but they seemed pleased..

I hope whoever you choose for the ops they go really well for you.


Sorcha  ;D
Full Time : July 2007,  ;D ;D
HRT : December 2007,
GRC, (Gender Changed on Birth Certificate) December 2009,  :eusa_clap:
SRS Dr Chettawut March 2015, ;D ;D


The six or so girls I met over there all got at least 6 inches of depth, and the one I met who had a trach shave, chet did a really good job on it. It was very noticeable before, and just a little scar after.

I was impressed.

On a side note, I'm pretty sure most trans girls have done some anal. It usually isn't an issue.....although I really don't know how to define how much is 'a lot' of anal sex.

I wouldn't worry about it, though. (Although I did a bit before having the surgery) :P


Quote from: SarahSchilling on August 22, 2015, 07:13:33 PM
I was impressed.

On a side note, I'm pretty sure most trans girls have done some anal. It usually isn't an issue.....although I really don't know how to define how much is 'a lot' of anal sex.

I wouldn't worry about it, though. (Although I did a bit before having the surgery) :P

Well would it be possible to tlk about risks beforehand ? Like wanting a certain depth min and being willing to take some extra risk ?


When you have your consultation with Dr Chett usually the day after you arrive in Bangkok one of the things he will ask is what is most important to you? If the depth is more important than say sensation then that is when you can tell him. He will tell you that he won't know about the depth because of adhesions but I am sure if you impress on him how important it is that he tries really hard to get as much depth as he can even if it increases slightly the risks you will get the best possible.

You could e mail Som and ask her to inquire if there are any stretches or exercises you could do before going to Bangkok to help break down any potential adhesions. I must admit I'm not aware of any but it doesn't harm to ask.


Full Time : July 2007,  ;D ;D
HRT : December 2007,
GRC, (Gender Changed on Birth Certificate) December 2009,  :eusa_clap:
SRS Dr Chettawut March 2015, ;D ;D