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Great ad/Horrible ad

Started by Susan, October 14, 2015, 02:38:34 PM

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Great ad

Horrible Ad

There has never been a documented case of a anyone being attacked because transgender people are allowed to use the restroom that matches their identity. However there are frequent incidents of attacks on transgender people for doing so.

QuoteThe Campaign for Houston's new website claims that "other cities and states with these laws have seen sexual predators use them to violate and hurt women and children," even though that's factually untrue. A video displayed prominently on the site features a sermon from Homer Edwin Young (a.k.a. "Dr. Young"), senior pastor at Second Baptist Church Houston, in which he decries HERO as "absolutely godless," "totally deceptive," and "deadly." He also claims that his wife saw a "man" walk out of a women's restroom.

This pastor's church should lose their tax exempt status...

We just need to pee...

Read the article on this from Think Progress:
Susan Larson
Susan's Place Transgender Resources

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  I don't know why these people are griping. It is more for fair housing and business practices. Under section 17-54 under the HERO proposition, Exemptions Under Public Accommodations; Religious organizations and PRIVATE clubs, restaurants, cabarets, etc. are exempt from this ordinance.

  A pastor, other religious leader or any officer of an 501 (c) (3) tax exempt organization can say anything about voting for a city, federal or state proposal on the public ballot as long as there is no money directly involved in that campaign. They could get in trouble if a 501 (c) (3) organization supports a political organization or person in any way running for any elected government office.
  My club is a tax exempt educational organization under the 501 (c) (3) tax exempt status. We get these reminder notices around the General Election times not to get involved with the political parties or organizations. We did a petition drive to congress and NASA along with the other 501 (c) (3)s to get the Hubble Space Telescope serviced for the last time. That is allowable. We even sent a letter.
  Let the pastors blabber. Sex offenders are prohibited in these public areas anyway.



The pastor is paid directly by 501c3 funds and therefore it applies to him preaching for or against any ballot measure from the pulpit.
Susan Larson
Susan's Place Transgender Resources

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The Great add is indeed a good one, there should be more like it. It is better to make normal stuff the norm, rather than fuel prejudices and demonization against at-risk people by giving the fears 'legitimacy' through bad ads and regulations.

There should also be more 'mirror' adds. What I mean by that is that there was an iconic image of an old woman holding a mirror to a police officer that came to stop the peaceful protest. It made him think about just what kind of a person he is to do that to people that cant protect themselves. So there should be adds that show just how ugly those 'common knowledge' ideas are when used against trans individuals.