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School.. Bullying. Coping. Tw slurs

Started by linkthetwink, January 10, 2016, 08:22:39 PM

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Lately I have been really depressed. I'm 17, ftm and genderfluid and going through high school. Being trans in high school is hard enough, but I live in the middle of nowhere, where anyone who is remotely different is seen as a freak. I'm pretty much "out" well.. I've been outed plenty of times anyways. I go by my proper name at school instead of my birth name, but it hasn't been legally changed yet, and my teachers sometimes enjoy putting the damn attendance thingy up on the projector for god and everyone to see, which means they see "BIRTHNAME (my preferred name) " so everyone knows that the person with that name is actually me.. Some people have called me my birth name as an insult.  A few real ignorant morons have seen that and given me greif, saying I'm really a girl, that I have a "mangina" etc... It's calmed down lately but I'm always on edge, worrying about someone remembering that I'm "this" and not "this" and giving me more hell. It doesn't help that all my friends know about me... I feel like an outcast around everyone. My girlfriend just came out as genderfluid and everyone's fine with her but some people make fun of her for "being a lesbian" because she's with me. I don't fit in with the other queer kids because they're all just LGB. I don't know how to cope with being an outcast. I want to be out and proud and happy but I feel like it's not possible. I want to be considered "normal" and not some weird "thing." I want to be taken seriously as a person instead of a walking set of genitals. I don't know how. I don't know what to do. I'm sorry if this has been triggering or upsetting to anyone. I just don't know what to do and I feel so freaking alone. If anyone can give me advice or anything I'd really really really appreciate it.
Not another queer kid. :eusa_shhh:


So sorry your having to deal with that happening. I know for me it is never fun having my dead name mentioned or having to deal with it anymore yet I have too. I can only hope those arounds you care enough to in the future care more and not repeat what they are doing now. Hugs
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me.
I am also spouse of a transgender person.
Retired News Administrator
Retired (S) Global Moderator


Big hug! You get taken seriously by being yourself.  :)  These people's actions say more about them than you. Stick around the Forums, there's a lot to learn here. See you around the site,

Hugs, Devlyn



I am being stalked and bullied. For me, being myself and being assertive are worth it. I also stick with supportive people. I have been networking for new safe people and places. I am not sure what your availability is in a small town. You deserve to be respected and taken seriously.


School was pretty tough without any extra problems. Stick with yourself, it gets better out in the world.
I was teased a lot in school too. One day some boys caught me alone in the woods and stripped me naked "to see what I really was..." Boy, were they surprised! It actually turned into a pleasant experience. (OK, so I am an exhibitionist)

Now I simply ignore anything with words, and my time in the military taught me how to handle the physical issues.
I yam what I yam, and that's all what I yam.
-- Popeye

A wise person can learn more from fools than a fool can learn from a wise person.


I feel you, to be honest.

Went to a pretty small school in nowhere MN and anyone who wasn't white was already given crap. Then anyone who wasn't straight/cis is just going to have a ball. So for me, being a black bi trans-man, I was put through hell and back and feel you.

I did do one thing that always works. Got me in some trouble but I'm a smooth talker with authority, so it works. Be sarcastic and learn to talk back some. Talking back is fun because if they do in fact hit you first, which rarely happened for me but I can't say the same for you, it's not really a "you struck first" thing. It's more of a "they lost their temper and hit first for no real reason" situation. Plus, people think you don't give a crap, don't care, and it's no more fun.

Also, if people or teachers call you by your birth name, don't respond. My first day of junior year, I simply stood up and told everyone, "i go by Chris. I will give you this semester to call me *birthname*. After that, I won't respond. Don't care if you're a teacher cause this applies to you as well.". Second semester, I wasn't joking. Senior year came and people called me Chris like I asked. Some said my birthname and I don't respond. Keep on with me, trying to be cute, and I suddenly turn, snap, get a little aggressive, put them down, and leave the area. Usually worked like a charm.

An example I can give you are my high school experiences. I got called the n-word quite often. Cotton-picker, ex(or current) slave, Kunta Kinte, Toby, Hood rat, hood n***er, etc. etc. I simply responded, serious as it gets or bored, "Oh wooooow, *insert insult* again? Please come up with a new name. You're hicks. You hunt. I know there's a brain somewhere in that camo covered thing you call a head."

I talked back. Told people the amount of f*s I give is synonymous to the respect the racist kids give me. I learned to simply... Not care. Then turned it back on people. Call me a name, I'll insult you worse. Disrespect your entire bloodline. Bring your dog into it. I can be nasty when I want to be and the "bullies" found that out the hard way. I earned the title of someone who will not take peoples crap. I'd even shut a teacher up temporarily to put someone in their place. Can't slip once or they'll use that opportunity to figure out the best times to mess with you. By the time I graduated no one bothered me. My brothers are safe to because I did get in a scrape once or twice and showed I can fight and am quite brutal. I simply choose not to. Apparently self control mixed with someone who can seriously do damage, with a dash of "I was holding back btw" calmly, makes for someone who nobody will want to mess with.

I'm not telling you to go ahead and beat up everyone. But fight with words. It's quite funny and usually works as, if done right, people get tired of bothering you simply because it's now conditioned it their heads to expect an insult right back. People who made it a game to insult you will leave you alone since they are probably not in the mood to get roasted. Everyone can't fight but you can learn to talk back, hold your own, be strong, and go about life.

People aren't nice to us so we gotta learn some way to defend ourselves. For me it's the gym and fighting verbally, physically as a last resort. Maybe you can fight verbally. You might get in trouble but if you do just own it flat out. Tell both sides fairly. After that, the people who control your punishments would know you as someone who only gets in trouble when attacked first. Otherwise you're docile.


My memory is a little blurry, but I do recall one teacher threatening to make me change in-front of the entire school in public, if I didn't comply with their instructions.
They gave me a lovely excuse to smack them down, so I threatened to file a lawsuit against that teacher directly.
They whined but were visibly shaken and didn't dare do anything.

While teachers are annoying cockroaches, scaring them is much much easier. Perhaps, a letter from a lawyer might be even more effective. There's nothing that scares them more than the idea of being sued. If I was in school, these days with all the trans awareness, I could probably shred them into trillions of pieces, if they tried something.