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prices and comparisons on FFS

Started by kalt, October 05, 2007, 06:50:56 PM

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Hello people.

I remember doing searches three years ago for the price of SRS and it was usually 10k or greater.
Now it seems anywhere between 7-9k.

Also, I was looking at the prices for FFS.  I came across a few links.

Big difference in price.

And based off of these:

What kind of work could I get done?
I was thinking that forhead thingy.  Whatever it is, get rid of the forhead bumps.


FFS prices depends on what you get done
where you get it done and how many operations you get done
at the same time
Operations with a lot of competition are usually the least expensive
Rhino's can be had in Canada, US for less than $5000, Brow bossing removal coupled with brow lift $6000, together, you can get both done for about $10K.

The jaw operations I feel are overpriced, since they're less frequently done in the normal population, considering they're relatively simple for an experienced surgeon.

I feel O's reputation is way way overdone and is using is reputation as pioneer to jack prices. There's plenty of surgeons who do reconstructive surgery on GG's that have a similar level of skill to him.



Quote from: Keira on October 05, 2007, 08:10:30 PM

FFS prices depends on what you get done
where you get it done and how many operations you get done
at the same time
Operations with a lot of competition are usually the least expensive
Rhino's can be had in Canada, US for less than $5000, Brow bossing removal coupled with brow lift $6000, together, you can get both done for about $10K.

The jaw operations I feel are overpriced, since they're less frequently done in the normal population, considering they're relatively simple for an experienced surgeon.

I feel O's reputation is way way overdone and is using is reputation as pioneer to jack prices. There's plenty of surgeons who do reconstructive surgery on GG's that have a similar level of skill to him.
So, a nose job, jaw reduction, and brow thingy would probably be around 10k?

How does one determine a good surgeon?


Quote from: kalt on October 05, 2007, 06:50:56 PM
Hello people.

I remember doing searches three years ago for the price of SRS and it was usually 10k or greater.
Now it seems anywhere between 7-9k.

Are these quotes from Thai surgeons?  I'm afraid that the prices in the US and Canada are much more expensive than 7 or 9K.

Dr. Marci Bower's fees:

I paid $24,000 for my SRS and breast augmentation with Dr. Toby Meltzer last January.  His fees are set for $19,500 + for SRS (first stage only) in 2008.  If patients want a labiaplasty (construction of the labia minora), the fees for this procedure are about $5,000.  I believe that Dr. Brassard's fees are one thousand to two thousand dollars less than Dr. Bower's but in Canadian currency.  Both Dr. Brassard and Dr. Bowers perform the one stage vaginoplasty procedure.

As far as FFS, well, I understand that the procedures are very expensive ranging from $15,000 to $60,000 (with Dr. Ousterhout in San Francisco or Dr. Zukowski in Illinois) depending on the type of operation (s) that are needed.

You may find this link helpful:

There are several places where you can get virtual FFS.  They usually give you an idea of what to expect (results and fees).  It may be something worth considering.

tink :icon_chick:



Join the FFS support group on Yahoo.

Thats where I started and got to meet (and talk) to many people, who had used many surgeons.

There are many photos (before and after), details of surgical procedures and price lists.

Looking at your photos, its not easy to tell, as you need the hair tied back, full face, side angles and 3/4 oblique.

Most FFS surgeons will give you a consultation via photos.

My FFS cost me $30,000 and that was in 2000.

Take care!


I would like to mention this
Dr. Speigel in Boston is rarely mentioned and should be.  Many consider him to have surpassed Dr. O and Dr. Z who has been having ongoing issues with Malpractice, and have better (ie more natural) results than both Z and O. 

He is also SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper than both.  $3500 for a contouring and scalp advance, a little over $4000 for rhinoplasty, etc.  There is also Dr. Cardanes in Mexico and Dr. Leis in Philly (who also does SRS).  Also Kalt, you need very little work just from looking at your photo, if any.  Just grow your hair out again, don't mess with your jaw, its very feminine, and well...that is the most difficult things to recover from.

It USED to be just Dr. O and Dr. Z, however, I highly suggest you look elsewhere.  They were popular at one point, but now they are overpriced, and Speigel has surpassed both (a younger talented surgeon who uses both of their methods). 

SRS, again there are several more doctors doing this than years past in both Thailand and the US.  SRS in the US/Canada you will pay $15,000-$25,000 depending on the Doctor,  Thailand you will pay $7000-$9000.  FFS...stick to North America, but there are several doing the procedures now, its not just Dr. O and Dr. Z.    Those days are over. 


In Montreal, Brassard can do all the light FFS,
Rhino, scalp advance, browlift, type I brow bossing shave, burring mandibular angle and light chin work (burrring and implants, not sliding genioplasty).
Bensimon (in the same office) can do Type II-III, jaw cutting and the heavy chin work. He also does reconstructive work at a local hospital for GG's.

As I said. I think O is WAY WAY WAY overpriced.
All the techniques he does are not that difficult for an experienced surgeon.
The most difficult operation and the one with the where errors of mm can have big consequences is the Rhino, and I really don't like his rhino's and I would sugest going elsewhere for them. More people are unsatisfied about their rhino than any other plastic surgery even when the doctor did exactly what he was supposed to do, because how the nose heals makes it hard to predict exact results (especially if your not conservative). Overesection is one of the main problems (rebuilding a nose is much harder than making it smaller).

I had a brow bossing type I shave, brow lift and Rhino done by Brassard a year ago for 9700$ Canadian dollars (which now are worth MORE than US dollars, which is funny in a sense).



i dont need ffs but if i did, i'd go with either dr.o, dr.z, or dr.b.  since they have been known in the community for years.  this is the thing, when you are "messing" with your face, you want the best of the best, not some doctor on the other side of the world or someone who is not known.


Quote from: Katia on October 07, 2007, 07:10:29 AM... you want the best of the best, not some doctor on the other side of the world ...

"Some" doctor on the other side of the world is not necessarily inferior to an "American" doctor simply because he practices on the other side of the world. We have to be a bit careful how we express ourselves sometimes, remember the TS community is an international one.


Quote from: tarasita on October 07, 2007, 07:59:30 AM
Quote from: Katia on October 07, 2007, 07:10:29 AM... you want the best of the best, not some doctor on the other side of the world ...

"Some" doctor on the other side of the world is not necessarily inferior to an "American" doctor simply because he practices on the other side of the world. We have to be a bit careful how we express ourselves sometimes, remember the TS community is an international one.

i'm not sure what you mean by this. logically, there are a few fallacies in linking the two statements [ignoratio elenchi and false analogy].  plus, you inserted the word [inferior] which wasn't part of my initial statement.  i said [some].  i don't recall having mentioned the words [inferior] or [american].  tsk tsk tsk

Quotesome    (sm) KEY 


Being an unspecified number or quantity: Some people came into the room. Would you like some sugar?
Being a portion or an unspecified number or quantity of a whole or group: He likes some modern scupture but not all.
Being a considerable number or quantity: She has been directing films for some years now.
Unknown or unspecified by name: Some man called.
Logic Being part and perhaps all of a class.
Informal Remarkable: She is some skier.

An indefinite or unspecified number or portion: We took some of the books to the auction. See Usage Note at every.
An indefinite additional quantity: did the assigned work and then some.

Approximately; about: Some 40 people attended the rally.
Informal Somewhat: some tired.


Hi Kalt

Thanks for letting me play around with your picture. Here are a few pictures compiled using Virtual Makeover. The only thing I have changed physically is the eyebrows. As you can see I have tried to stick to the curly hair look, except for 1, just to see how you look with straight hair. My personal favorite is the bottom right one.

As per your request I'll se if I can give you a more "teenagie" look :)
Stay tuned!  :D


Quote from: tarasita on October 08, 2007, 08:53:39 AM
Hi Kalt

Thanks for letting me play around with your picture. Here are a few pictures compiled using Virtual Makeover. The only thing I have changed physically is the eyebrows. As you can see I have tried to stick to the curly hair look, except for 1, just to see how you look with straight hair. My personal favorite is the bottom right one.

As per your request I'll se if I can give you a more "teenagie" look :)
Stay tuned!  :D

I look like an old lady...



Hey Kalt,
First, welcome to Susan's, I hadn't had a chance to welcome you yet :)  I don't typically recommend commercial sites on here or anything, but I found this site on Susan's and it's pretty much widely accepted that it's a good site to go to see what you'd look like after FFS and the owner of the site gives you feedback on what you'd need. The site is and you basically take the pictures EXACTLY like she says and send them in. I think I got the 6 picture deal for like $90 or something. It gives you a pretty decent example of what you might look like after FFS.

Remember that you are young and hormones will have a pretty big impact on your appearance, don't discount that! Because you haven't had the huge burst of T yet, you'd probably be surprised by what hormones can do to your appearance. Take care, Meghan


Quote from: Amy T. on October 07, 2007, 04:21:22 AM
Dr. Speigel in Boston is rarely mentioned and should be.  Many consider him to have surpassed Dr. O and Dr. Z who has been having ongoing issues with Malpractice, and have better (ie more natural) results than both Z and O.

I've delved into the various FFS lists and stuff a bit, and you can pretty much find good and bad opinions for every doctor. And they each seem to have their particular talents and techniques which should be considered too. For example, I *believe* Dr. O and Spiegal can both remove bone, reshape it, and reset it in place... where Z I think only shaves it down in place, so he can only go so far. And yet, Z. people I've spoken with are usually *ecstatic* with their results.



You are right about Z, also for Z the recovery time is less.
Cardenas in Mexico also does the bone surgeries.  (I am not sure about Leis in Philly.)

Every doctor has a different technique and is better at different things.



Quote from: MeghanAndrews on October 08, 2007, 10:17:57 AM
Hey Kalt,
First, welcome to Susan's, I hadn't had a chance to welcome you yet :)  I don't typically recommend commercial sites on here or anything, but I found this site on Susan's and it's pretty much widely accepted that it's a good site to go to see what you'd look like after FFS and the owner of the site gives you feedback on what you'd need. The site is and you basically take the pictures EXACTLY like she says and send them in. I think I got the 6 picture deal for like $90 or something. It gives you a pretty decent example of what you might look like after FFS.

Remember that you are young and hormones will have a pretty big impact on your appearance, don't discount that! Because you haven't had the huge burst of T yet, you'd probably be surprised by what hormones can do to your appearance. Take care, Meghan
Woah... when exactly is this, "big burst of T" supposed to hit?
I mean, jeez, I'm pretty sure I've gotten all I'm going to get.


Quote from: kalt on October 08, 2007, 02:08:41 PM
Woah... when exactly is this, "big burst of T" supposed to hit?
I mean, jeez, I'm pretty sure I've gotten all I'm going to get.

I think you said you did HRT once before, so it's hard to say. But from what I've read (and it could be totally inaccurate for all I know), most changes (aside from breasts) occur during the first two years, with the effects gradually diminishing after that. You still keep changing for many years if not forever, but just at a slower and slower rate after those first two years.

Or so I read ;)



Oh Kate, I was talking about the boost of Testosterone, the second big boost between, from what I've seen in my research, like 26 and 28. Kalt, surely you are younger than that. My point, Kalt, was that the hormones, both male and female, do a lot to your appearance, but that you haven't gone through a second major wave of Testosterone yet so you have that going for you. And for the E (Estrogen), I agree 100% with Kate, that's what I've read also, first two years = big changes, then subtle after that.


Quote from: MeghanAndrews on October 09, 2007, 10:04:43 AM
Oh Kate, I was talking about the boost of Testosterone, the second big boost between, from what I've seen in my research, like 26 and 28. Kalt, surely you are younger than that. My point, Kalt, was that the hormones, both male and female, do a lot to your appearance, but that you haven't gone through a second major wave of Testosterone yet so you have that going for you. And for the E (Estrogen), I agree 100% with Kate, that's what I've read also, first two years = big changes, then subtle after that.
Thanks.  I'm glad to know that.
I think I had a wave of T already hit me.  I haven't changed much in the face or anything, but from a year and a half ago I've gone from 70 pounds to 140 pounds, granted I've been working out and all... still, I think I have a much denser skeleton now though.  I can only hope that I'll be able to drop down again, I might try going anorexic:-P


I had all my operations done at the same time with Dr. Ousterhout around five years ago.

Scalp advance
brow lift
Forehead reconstruction
Cheek implants
Tracheal Shave
Chin recontouring (known as sliding genioplasty)
Top lip lengthening

It took me 12 hrs on the operating table.  Almost ten months to recover entirely.  My fees were over U$45,000 including air fares, hotel, room and board (I'm European) for three months following my FFS.  Definitely the best investment I've ever made.  Couldn't have transitioned without FFS.  I was horrid looking.