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I Got Fired.....For Being Trans

Started by TG CLare, July 29, 2016, 10:06:58 PM

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TG CLare

Hello everyone.

A sad and unhappy camper here today.

I began work as a long haul truck transport driver with a company who said at the time they did not care if I was trans, just as long as I could drive a transport truck.

I was fresh out of truck driving school from an 8 week course where I graduated with a 94% average. Passed my road test the first time with a 96% grade and got my licence for 18 wheel transport trucks and commercial buses.

I applied to a good carrier who took me on and passed their comprehensive hour and a half interview, road test, class room work, written exams. I then did 4 weeks long haul with a partner and a week on city runs with a partner. Passed their written exams again and a tough road test with their driver training supervisor then got the keys to my own tractor unit! Finally out on my own with a "shadow" driver in another truck for 2 days in case I had troubles then really on my own.

I have driven over southern Ontario, the eastern and mid west USA and even to Nashville and down as far south as Chattanooga! I would say about 15-20000 miles? (Have not added it up but it's a lot!)

Everything was peachy until 13 July when I took off a trailer clearance light at a customer's yard. No damage to their property and just the light on my trailer. Later that day, an ambulance hits my side mirror knocking it out of alignment while I am stopped to make a turn. He was turning left, I was going right and it was an off ramp and he had no emergency lights on. I reported that to my company too.

In Nashville, I was backing into a customer's dock and my tractor unit knocked the street sign down. I saw by the tire marks I wasn't the first to do that either!

Anyway, got that situation straightened out and back to Canada and see the nice people in the safety department. Total damage was something like $25.00 or less. They agreed I was not guilty with the mirror being hit but guilty of the 2 others which I won't argue with.

I get a one day suspension with no pay, lost my next run so really it's 4/5 days no pay, lost my safety bonus for the previous 3 months which was almost ready to be collected.

I come back after a run, get called in and told that there is a possibility I may lose my job so I do end up begging, something I was determined not to do. I took steps to improve the situation which impressed them and get a call later on after spending  almost $250.00 on additional lessons that they were letting me go after all!

They claim I am now a high risk driver and that was it for me. My 3 month probation ends on Monday, after that it's severance pay etc, right now nothing, just basic pay.

I find out from someone who knows things, I was terminated because I was trans. He pointed out how eager they were to get me on the payroll, just "happened" to leave answers to questions laying around for all to see and other things.

They had another TG lady there last year and let her go just before her time was up too.  This way, if another TG woman comes in and really does not make the grade, she can't scream discrimination as they have hired TG women before. I was told if I had not have had those minor incidents, they would have invented something to use against me.

Now in conversation with a person from another carrier, being classed as a high risk by one's carrier is not good as that's the reason they are officially using, might actually be a stumbling block to getting another job. Carrier's do not want to risk a big law suit so getting a job might be harder for me now.

My source says he will categorically deny the conversation ever took place and will say I was using the discrimination card to try to get re-hired.

If I was judged to b a high risk, how is it then I was allowed to get so far along before getting the chop?

Now I'm back out looking for another job. I was working since I was 18 and never once was I ever fired from a job until now.

Life sucks doesn't it?


I am the same on the inside, just different wrapping on the outside.

It is vain to quarrel with destiny.-Thomas Middleton.

Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Dr. McGinn girl, June 2015!


I know how that feels and it's far from fun. At the moment I can only think of a couple of options. I don't think you want that job back because I am sure they can go even lower because they appear to have no morals but you should see if you can learn the name of the other girl that was fired for future reference. In addition, in the United States we have a division of the government that handles cases like this. I am not sure ours handles TG cases as it didn't for a long time but your country may be different. They may be able to offer you some options that might result in a large settlement.

Last but not least, if this was a local office of the company, the central office may take a dim view of the managers that did this to you. A letter higher up may do wonders.
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
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Ugh, drudging up some bad memories

First I worked for a swimming pool supply co. who turned out to be using delivery drivers to transport drugs, I didn't have much trouble from that because I had no idea what was going on but another driver got busted and the co. was shut down

I did often wonder why most customers paid by check but I didn't have to collect from others

Then I worked for a limousine co. and that was great for a few years until the business was sold to a guy who was mainly interested in having his drivers do sexual favors for him and his clientele

Guess what happened if you refused? FIRED!!!  :P  Blah
The main things to remember in life are Love, Kindness, Understanding and Respect - Always make forward progress

Superficial fanny kissing friends are a dime a dozen, a TRUE FRIEND however is PRICELESS

- V M