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HRT & SRS but staying in a male mode!

Started by evebanks1234, August 22, 2016, 08:18:08 PM

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What you describe is very similar to my own experience. It can all be achieved in incremental steps. If you are gender questioning get on HRT. Despite heresay the effects of HRT including breasts can easily be hidden. If you still feel the need for SRS after some time (a year is good) start the SRS ball rolling. Good Thai surgeons are the best in the world and will perform the customer's request.
Go easy step by step with wife and family and the workplace. Give things time. You can have it all if you just go steady - steady.
Best regards, Kirsten.

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As a child prayed to be a girl- now the prayer is being answered - 40 years later !


Quote from: Kirsteneklund7 on May 15, 2018, 11:29:51 PM
What you describe is very similar to my own experience. It can all be achieved in incremental steps. If you are gender questioning get on HRT. Despite heresay the effects of HRT including breasts can easily be hidden. If you still feel the need for SRS after some time (a year is good) start the SRS ball rolling. Good Thai surgeons are the best in the world and will perform the customer's request.
Go easy step by step with wife and family and the workplace. Give things time. You can have it all if you just go steady - steady.
Best regards, Kirsten.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

Hi @Kirsteneklund7 🙋‍♀️ Welcome to Susan's Place!  I'm Jessica.
I'm not sure if you will get a reply from Eve.  This thread was started by Eve almost 2 years ago and was their only post.

I see your new here, so I'll post some links that may help you get better acquainted with the site. Pay attention to the site rules they can be of great help and don't forget the link highlighted red.  It has answers to questions that are commonly asked.  Then join in on a topic you find interesting and learn and share.

Please feel free to stop by the Introductions Forum to tell the members about yourself!

Things that you should read

"If you go out looking for friends, you are going to find they are very scarce.  If you go out to be a friend, you'll find them everywhere."



Hate to burst all the naysayer bubbles but... I got my genital reconstruction without a therapist or psychiatrist or psychologist letter.    He did ask to at least have a physicians referral, and I got my GP to write up a letter of recommendation. 

I bypassed all the hoops.  I'm still alive 16 years later so .. yah.  And extremely happy to have had it done!

Ironically I .. kinda didn't fit the label anyways. I am the standard deviation hehe. 

I was never once labeled as gender dysphoric.. as a transgendered.  Nothing like that.  Though the surgeon that did it DID kind of put it on his surgery letter which annoys me as I wasn't really diagnosed as such.
I do have a whole bunch of other labels.  The latest one is mixed genital dysgenesis with mullerian structures intact.  I kinda like that one.  Fairly accurate too.


Oh gee I totally missed all those questions! I'll try to answer them from my unique perspective. :) After all, we all have our perspectives!

1. When I have a SRS (PI), how does everything feel, just normally?  For example, when I want, I can pulsate my penis, when you do that as a POST SRS MTF, can you do the same, but what does it do when you do that?  It feels like it comes from the prostate.

Well.. I can actually sit, not touch anything, and work myself into an orgasm.. or if nothing else aroused.  Don't have a prostate though so no clue how that feels.

2.  When you sit down, and its finally gone, do you feel different?  Do you feel like its missing, do you even notice?

Nope nothing missing.  Then again what I had was unusual in the first place, and felt alien.

3.  Can you concentrate more on work than ever before?

er.. no? lol

4.  Do you still live a heterosexual life with a female?  How is sex like now, and do you do anything different than before, i.e., toys, positions, etc...

I live with my spouse, but its not sexual.  I play with toys, or simply rub the labia/clit (tmi?)  I can enjoy vaginal stimulation too, but I start bleeding if I do it too much.  Don't ask me, my vagina is different.   I also DO produce copious vaginal lubrication on orgasm.  No I had no colon resegment.  I just have strange glands in strange places.

5.  Even with minimal HRT, do you still have significant breast growth?  How big?  And how do you hide it?

Hm I probably could hide it, maybe.  Its 36c but not HUGE in that I'm tall.  Maybe..  But then again I remember before I even started on the path and my boobs had grown I was trying to hide that I had boobs and had women staring at my chest... er.. my eyes are up here. 

6.  Have you gone back to testosterone?  How has it affected you?  Or how do you think that it would affect me?

Because I have 0 T I actually went back on it 3 months to see if it'd help my stamina.  Not only was there  a negligible increase in my T levels, it didn't help.. so I went off it. Too scared of the side effects (aka hair growth).

7.  Now that its gone, has it affected you in any negative way, do you miss it?  And what do you miss about it?

Don't miss the crap I had before.   I don't really like feeling raw/sore down there, and I most definitely do NOT like the daily cramps I get now, but that's a whole new story in a whole different area.

8.  How are the possible toys, and masturbation?  Does it feel the same as it is now?

I tell people this, and it baffles them. I masturbate the exact same way now I did before.  I rub my labia/clit.  What I had before resembled fused labia and an enlarged clit.. and produced the same experiences.. even BETTER now.  I know, right?

9.  Do you get erect, is it the same feeling as it was when you were male?  And what exactly gets erect when you do?

My labia gets aroused / swollen basically.  The vaginal walls get infused with blood & mucousy & secrete liquidy stuff.  (definitely not urine.)


Hi, my thread has been used "SRS without RLE" as an example.

Let me start off by saying I feel my adjustment to a life as a female tg has been incredibly succesful. Its been 2.5 years since the great event and I doubt if many have adjusted so well. I love my life as a tg female, I have found peace, happiness and a new found empathy to help others. A testiment to my belief that RLE is a cruel joke. Its dangerous and destroys confidence.
I am disgusted with regulations that forbid me from following a path in life that does not harm others nor myself.

I present my views below, sone of them address your questions. My views, tend to upset the Westerners, maybe its their strange views from their one god religions.I transitioned late in life because as a Eurasian, who identifies with Asia not with the West, I have a strong sense of family and responsibility. An immensly successful Alpha male, businesman, beautiful women and sports. I actually had a great life as a male. But later in life armed with the knowledge of TGs I felt the great need to start my journey.

Step 1. The most important step - see a therapist. Choose one that has extensive experience and one that will be your guide. Many therapist are not supportive of lifestyle that do not conform with their personal life views. Pick one that you can openly talk to and can explain the journey and its pitfalls to you. Dont pick one that judges you. My therapist was the most incredible person for my journey and I used a couple before I choose him. I consulted him for 2 years before hrt. And a further 3 years before srs.

Step 2. You will not be discovered at work on hrt. I was very powerful in my financial city the only change people noticed was that I started to care for people and community genuininely as opposed to a PR advantage and grew a pony taiI, my brest development caused minor problem and many solutions are available, also began to spread a fabricated story that I was treating a enlarged prostate with hormones. This ended working really well and my whole family saw me as a much nicer person. HRT was good for my health and a fountain of youth.

Step 3. If you are a sportsperson be ready to lose alot of your capabilities in strength sports. For example I was golf club champion, world class surfer, represented my country in Triathlons and in the Ironman World Championship. Again hormone treatment for prostate was a good story to expain why. I also took up new intetests, yoga and healthy diet. Thus losing weight and gaining flexibility.

Step 4. Family, no need to disclose until you are ready. You will eventually have that driving urge to disclose. But gentle hints over the years may give them some idea. It was the time of Caitlyn Jenner and some comments were made in passing..

When I finally told my wife she suggested  the idea I have srs and live as a male.

Step 5. Your perception of life will change greatly on hrt. For me i decided after 5 years that I should not live as a male with a vagina. However, this was an option that I gave alot of thought and discussion with my therapist and wife.

Step 6. My children were immensly supportive when told, just before srs and my begining of life as a female tg. Maybe because I prepared them subconciously.

Step 6. You will change so much with hrt, the srs is just the next step. But your life and relationship with your wife will change, some stay the same, others become great friends and some have a bad experience. Again, guidence from a therapist is essential. For me, we are now very close friends.

Steo 6. Be financially strong. Get the best, including ffs and ba if you want it. The recovery from surgery is an event you cannot hide fron your wife, if you live together.

Step 7. Sex and orgasms for me has just been out of this world. Eventually, your new body will just be your body. It will feel normal. Remembering my emotions as a male are fading fast, and trying to write it down for reference.

We each have our individual journey, a good guide is so helpful,  I dont conform to the norm but I really spent alot of time with my therapist. My journey has been a dream come true.

When we first start our journey the perception and moral values all dramatically change in wonderment. As we evolve further it all becomes normal again but the journey has changed us forever.

SRS January 21st,  2558 (Buddhist calander), 2015


What an inspiring story. I think there is much good advice and wisdom therein. Going steady and giving Wife and family time and respect to adjust is so important.
Thank you so much for putting it out there.
Best regards to you and family.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

As a child prayed to be a girl- now the prayer is being answered - 40 years later !


I have years ago personally known three people that had srs and lived as men most of the time. They were NEVER happy always living a lie and never finishing transition. I could not think of a sadder circumstance that what these people lived.


Quote from: Doreen on May 16, 2018, 12:10:08 AM
Hate to burst all the naysayer bubbles but... I got my genital reconstruction without a therapist or psychiatrist or psychologist letter.    He did ask to at least have a physicians referral, and I got my GP to write up a letter of recommendation. 

I bypassed all the hoops.  I'm still alive 16 years later so .. yah.  And extremely happy to have had it done!

Ironically I .. kinda didn't fit the label anyways. I am the standard deviation hehe. 

I was never once labeled as gender dysphoric.. as a transgendered.  Nothing like that.  Though the surgeon that did it DID kind of put it on his surgery letter which annoys me as I wasn't really diagnosed as such.
I do have a whole bunch of other labels.  The latest one is mixed genital dysgenesis with mullerian structures intact.  I kinda like that one.  Fairly accurate too.

From a medical perspective, it's not about being trans for you.. As the above makes clear..
This is not medical advice. Always consult your doctor.


Quote from: Katie on June 05, 2018, 02:39:29 PM
I have years ago personally known three people that had srs and lived as men most of the time. They were NEVER happy always living a lie and never finishing transition. I could not think of a sadder circumstance that what these people lived.

Having considered it myself, I view it like taking low dose HRT. Not ideal, but better than the alternatives.


Hi Everybody,
The Daniel Kercher/Savannah Jackson story on YouTube is worth checking out. It tipped the scales for me getting on HRT. Daniels approach before transition involved HRT, cross dressing and SRS PRIOR to publically coming out and going full time. Food for thought!
Kind regards, Kirsten.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

As a child prayed to be a girl- now the prayer is being answered - 40 years later !


Quote from: Kirsteneklund7 on June 05, 2018, 08:07:18 PM
Hi Everybody,
The Daniel Kercher/Savannah Jackson story on YouTube is worth checking out. It tipped the scales for me getting on HRT. Daniels approach before transition involved HRT, cross dressing and SRS PRIOR to publically coming out and going full time. Food for thought!

I've seen her video's before as the ones on Facial Team are quite good, but I never noticed the timing of her SRS and Social Transition. She had a bit over a year between the two. I don't recall her talking about this aspect of her transition, but I wish she would.


Hi AnonyMs
Try QTSW4fWknYk
It has her virtual life story. Her HRT journey was happening 6 years prior to transition. Very interesting viewing for those of us managing gender misalignment.
Kindest regards, Kirsten.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

As a child prayed to be a girl- now the prayer is being answered - 40 years later !


I must admit I didn't find that one very interesting. I find there's always something off-putting about trans related TV.

I liked the FFS ones as I've been thinking of going to Faical Team myself and the BBL one was also good. I wish she'd do some updates on those.



Quite right television trans specials can be off putting at the best of times. I found value in Savannah's approach to transition though.
  Regards Kirsten.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

As a child prayed to be a girl- now the prayer is being answered - 40 years later !