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Cult Classics We Love

Started by V M, September 10, 2016, 05:47:41 AM

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Quote from: Angela Drakken on April 04, 2017, 10:31:08 AM
Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack also got me watching Resevoire Dogs again. <3

That reminds me of another favorite of mine, True Romance.  Almost anything with Quentin Tarantino involved, I like.

Angela Drakken

Quote from: Paige on April 04, 2017, 12:14:56 PM
That reminds me of another favorite of mine, True Romance.  Almost anything with Quentin Tarantino involved, I like.
I lost interest in him somewhere around Kill Bill.
True Romance is a great film though!

Jennifer RachaelAnn

Howard the Duck
Army of Darkness
Weird Science
Killer Clowns From Outer Space

All are a laugh riot in my opinion. I remember sneaking out of my bedroom when I was 5 to go downstairs to see Killer Clowns. It was around midnight and I didn't want my parents to know I was up, so I kept the light off and the volume low. I also remember laughing my ass off thru the whole thing. I was, and still am, a morbid little girl.

I also laugh like crazy at slasher flicks. Jason cracks me up every time, mainly because it's the same damn thing every time!

Another one that is hilarious is From Dusk Til Dawn. So cheesy. It sucks so bad it's actually good.

Maybe I'm crazy.
"There are many who would take my time. I shun them.
There are some who share my time. I am entertained by them.
There are precious few who contribute to my time. I cherish them."

-Anton Szandor LaVey


Jamie 65

A Christmas Story every year........Wife cant stand it
All the Scary movie Spoofs............Wife cant stand them see a trend?
There are more but cant think of them right now.


John carpenter's  first film... Dark star


Dirty Dancing

Watched it 6 times while I was a teen and at least 6 more times since. Should have known something is up back then...



The series "Fargo" inocuous name bjt riveting and artful


Fantastic planet. I came across this movie by accident. It was made in the 70s I think. It's animated but definitely not for children. It's a trip! It's about these gigantic aliens who keep humans as pets. It sounds totally cheesy I know but it's really not. I like it because it's very dark for an animated movie made way back then.

Another totally weird movie is THX1138. It's also really old and it's made by that guy who made star wars. It's a really trippy movie. It's one of those movies that really doesn't explain a lot of stuff so you interpret it yourself. It's basically about a future where everyone is required by law to take drugs daily and stay stoned. This one couple goes off the drugs and starts having sex, which is illegal and punishable by death. Again, sounds cheesy but it's not. I totally care nothing about cars but even I found the car chase scenes cool though I can't imagine what kind of cars they used because they looked really weird.

I like watching old sci-fi movies because it's impressive to me how well some of the special effects are done at a time when they had no CGI.

Born 1998
Started hrt 2015
SRS done 5/21/2018


Dr. Strangelove or: how I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb.
Buckaroo Bonzai
Oh' brother where art thou

"If you go out looking for friends, you are going to find they are very scarce.  If you go out to be a friend, you'll find them everywhere."



Quote from: sarah1972 on September 07, 2017, 09:40:50 AM
Dirty Dancing

Watched it 6 times while I was a teen and at least 6 more times since. Should have known something is up back then...

Gosh I was the same. I watched that movie a huge number of times as a kid. And Grease, too.

I'm kind of a fan of 80's movies. They had something about them.

A few of my favourites are, in no partcular order:

Ferris Bueller's Day Off
The Neverending Story
National Lampoons Christmas Vacation
Uncle Buck
The Great Outdoors
Planes, Trains and Automobiles

And pretty much anything else with John Candy in.
Natura nihil frustra facit.


Fantastic Planet was a trippy movie and most people I knew had to be stoned to watch it.  Kinda like Fritz the Cat, lol.

I'm fortunate enough to have all the Universal monster movies; original Dracula, Wolfman, Frankenstein, etc.  Black & White movies tend to have more of an "edge" to them.

Years ago, I started collecting movies on VHS - What?  VHS, what is that?????

Then I transferred them to DVD before the VHS life expectancy (20 years) foiled my collection. 

Then I put them on an external disk drive, one of many I now have but it's so much easier plugging an XHD into a BlueRay player and going right to the movie versus looking thru hundreds of DVDs.

HRT since 1/04/2018

Siobhan Amanda

So many! But if I had to pick... The lost boys
"You only live twice"


Quote from: Julia1996 on January 02, 2018, 09:23:18 AM
Again, sounds cheesy but it's not. I totally care nothing about cars but even I found the car chase scenes cool though I can't imagine what kind of cars they used because they looked really weird.
The cars were real and they were a Lola T-70. The 50's through the 70's saw some real innovations and original ideas in car design that pretty much ended when the safety standards restricted car design.
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I am surprised that nobody has mentioned "Glen or Glenda".

Oops,  :o    I think my age is showing. Excuse me, please.


Quote from: Dani on January 02, 2018, 07:36:29 PM
I am surprised that nobody has mentioned "Glen or Glenda".

Oops,  :o    I think my age is showing. Excuse me, please.

Isn't that the one with Johnny Depp? 

Born 1998
Started hrt 2015
SRS done 5/21/2018


No, I believe Glen or Glenda was played by Woods who in turn was played by Johnny Depp
HRT since 1/04/2018


HRT since 1/04/2018


Also,  I want what I want (1972)
HRT since 1/04/2018


As horror is the genre most closely associated with cult classics, Evil Dead 2 wins out every time for cult films in my book. ;D

Honorable mentions: Night of the Living Dead, Dawn of the Dead, Evil Dead, Army of Darkness, Re-Animator and all of the assembled Lovecraft inspired movies that almost always had Jeffery Combs, Bubba Ho-Tep (there's a Bruce Campbell theme to my movie choice ;D), Event Horizon(it's a really good bad movie), anything by John Carpenter with special shout out to They Live.

Skipping the most obvious long running franchises that got ran into the ground and then trampled by a stampede of elephants being chased by Bigfoot (the monster truck, not the sasquatch) who was being driven by Hulk Hogan on flakka. I'm looking at you Wes Craven's ghost.
~ Ellie
(I made the s lowercase so it didn't look as much like PMS... ;D)

An Open Letter to anyone suffering from anxiety, particularly those afraid to make your first post or continue posting!

8/30/17 - First Therapy! The road begins in earnest.
10/20/17 - First coming out (to my father)!
12/16/17 - BEGAN HRT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5/21/18 - FIRST DAY OUT AS ME!!!!!!!!!
6/08/18 - 2,250 Hair Grafts
6/23/18 - FIRST PRIDE!
8/06/18 - 100%, completely out!
9/08/18 - I'M IN LOVE!!!!
2/27/19 - Name Change!



"I want what I want" was a 1972 Trans movie which starred a woman playing a guy who became a woman.
HRT since 1/04/2018