I got about an hour and a half of electrolysis in today. My friend Jodie, also my electrolyst, was kind enough to take a whack at me early this afternoon. She's getting ready to retire, so future visits will be purely social. She did clear everything off, and I am quite happy with that. The left cheek hadn't been touches since July, and was getting a little scruffy.
We also had fun with her new (to her) car, a Subaru Forester. How traditional of her...
I helped her clear out some old settings in the electronics from the prior owner and pair her phone with the car's Bluetooth electronics. She's tickled to have her music and phone calls coming in over the car's speakers and microphone. The vehicle voice recognition system and it's speech synthesis are pretty pathetic, so we set things up so her phone's little AI will handle speech recognition duties.
I'm still cleaning up in the apartment after my former roommate left and I shipped her stuff. I should have everything tidy within a week. Other tasks currently have a higher priority.
I am writing some stuff for my turn as Worship Associate this weekend, and will be doing it again November 11, just in time for Trans Awareness Week.
@Laurie sent me a snap of her re-done nails. Pretty close to mine currently! Twinsies!
I just noticed. The two-year anniversary of my going full time and the one year anniversary of my gender confirmation surgery (GCS) are coming up this weekend! Wow! How to celebrate?