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Liz has a MAC makeover

Started by LizK, October 21, 2016, 03:53:38 AM

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Went to MAC cosmetics today for a new look (a first* for me)and met Santana who is a beautiful, 20 something woman with a ¾ sleeve. She has a Buddha on her upper arm and a skull covered in flowers on her forearm. The skull is to remind her that there is beauty in all things, even that which may appear to be ugly. She lives her life by this ethos she tells me.

Santana was hugely knowledgeable about the makeup and chatted constantly about each product as we selected tones and colours. We chatted about makeup and my life and her life and we laughed, we laughed a lot, it was always together and always good natured almost conspiratorial, absolutely delightful, I actually felt like I belonged. I don't know that I have ever had a woman treat me quite the way she I was another woman...the me inside. This is also another first* for me, it is also hugely reaffirming.

I loved the two hours I ended up spending there and the huge amount of money I spent, paled into the background.  Santana came round the counter with her arms outstretched as I was leaving saying to me thank you for such a great afternoon, I have loved working on your makeup, I give her a hug and thanked her.  We had to talk a bit later and she asked for a social media contact and once again thanked me for such a great afternoon.

The MAC cosmetics are pricey but excellent quality and seem go a long way. While the look and the cosmetics were important, none of it would have worked without Santana. I did encounter other staff and they all appeared to be extremely fact one of the guys paid me a compliment on how good I looked especially my eyes.  They may have just been polite but for this gal it made my day.

So all you SA girls, if you are your $$ and get yourself along for a consult...I probably have enough cosmetics to last me a year, but it is all matched to my skin tone, it is all good quality, it all mixes and matches and I can go fairly plain or jazz it up a bit depending on where I am going. I also know exactly where each product goes, also how it is applied...and you only need a tiny bit of each which will go a long way.

Without the input of Santana the experience would have been very different. I loved her accepting attitude and  her matter of fact way of checking to make sure I was not getting anxious sitting in public having my makeup done...she was a delight. When I had to call her after getting home she asked if I would show her any photos of me having done my own makeup and gave me her Facebook contact details. She once again told me what a great time she had with me today and if there was anything she could do to help to just call. Santana went above and beyond the call of duty to put me at ease and ensure that I enjoyed myself. It was a hugely affirming experience for me.

The cynic in me wants to claim that Santana was doing nothing but her job and "sweet talking" me. I am sure there was some of that but there was undeniably a huge amount of "her" in it as well. I think she genuinely got a kick out of seeing me so happy when we were finished.
So now I found myself fully made up standing in the middle of a shopping centre(another first*) ...and you know what happened...nothing...I walked out and got into the car and nobody paid me even the slightest amount of interest...just as any other woman would expect.


Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019


Such a great story! Congratulations on the great experience!


Anne Blake

Great story Liz, isn't a makeover fun! And of course, the people make all the difference. I am a Sephora's fan, probably for life because of a similar experience with Rae at a local store. Every time I go into a makeup store the response is similar and I love it! It is just so affirming going into a place where they treat you well and respect what you are doing, along with all the pampering.



Yay!  Great story, Liz. I think the makeover process reminds me of a ritual, a rite of passage for us, as we enter a modern woman's temple, are anointed in various ways and engaged in modern feminine activity and conversation, and finally in mutual praise and acceptance.

I know it may sound silly, but I think the formal makeover rite is what finally got me to fully accept that I am a woman. It seemed to be a positive thing that burned away the last bit of self-doubt.

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Earth my body, water my blood, air my breath and fire my spirit.

My personal transition path included medical changes.  The path others take may require no medical intervention, or different care.  We each find our own path. I provide these dates for the curious.
Electrolysis - Hours in The Chair: 238 (8.5 were preparing for GCS, five clearings); On estradiol patch June 2016; Full-time Oct 22, 2016; GCS Oct 20, 2017; FFS Aug 28, 2018; Stage 2 labiaplasty revision and BA Feb 26, 2019
Michelle's personal blog and biography


Sounds like a great experience, I'm very happy for you. I had a similar experience at the Mac store in London, and the items I bought have all been great quality.


Awesome Liz, I am jealous as heck. You are an inspiration for me and hopefully one day I gain enough confidence to do the same.

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Treat life's difficult times as if they are normal moments, this makes the normal and special ones even more fantastic.


I have to say ladies it was an absolute daughter came over last night and I showed her what I got...jealous I think is the correct term >:-) She was raving about how good the cosmetics were, how well they cover and how insanely jealous she is that she can't afford them.

I wrote tot MAC last nite praising the efforts of Santana and hopefully she will get a pat on the back for her efforts.

Thank you all for the encouragement.

I have never done anything like this and the thought of wearing a full face of makeup at a place such as "The Mall" has never crossed my mind. I don't think it was about actively being brave. I went to buy some foundation for a start planning on building on it from there, however once I got the positive response and the offer to try a few products, I rationalised it out  saying I can always take it off before I leave. After another hour and half I have the full makeup on and ...Dam I looked good....I suddenly found myself in a situation of having to decide wether I wanted to venture out into the big bad world wearing all this and nothing else particularly feminine...I don't know what it was but I have to say I wasn't overly concerned  when we left and had to walk the full length of the shopping centre to get to our car. 

All in all I encourage anyone who has not experienced this to find a place you are comfortable with going to and book yourself a makeup session. The tips and tricks were worth their weight in gold alone.

Transition Begun 25 September 2015
HRT since 17 May 2016,
Fulltime from 8 March 2017,
GCS 4 December 2018
Voice Surgery 01 February 2019


Liz, what a great experience.  I got a makeover, manicure and eyebrow wax at the hotel spa during Southern Comfort Conference.  Quite enjoyable.
Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much. - Oscar Wilde



Its a great idea to get a professional makeover. I have a CIS female friend (Tracey) and both she and her mother are big fans of Bare Minerals foundation and blusher (powder). They both tried bare Minerals powder but recently switched to liquid foundation using the reservoir brush.

I am now a total convert. I used to use Dior or Boots No 7 foundation, but since using bare Minerals liquid foundation I am completely converted to it. Its just goes on effortlessly and all it takes is two small drops in the brush applicator and this gives me a smooth overall coverage, which lasts al day.  If going out at night I might do another light coverage. The bottle seems to last for ever, but its very important to shake it before applying the drops onto the applicator brush.

I went to the bare minerals shop in shop in Selfridges in Oxford St in London and had a wonderful two hours with a very nice girl.

However whilst I have found what I believe is the perfect foundation and a very nice peachy blush, I still use Dior Show Mascara - the very best in the world.

Nail polish is always OPI. My favourite colours are  Big Apple (Red) and Are we there yet (coral), as both suit my skin tones.

I like Maybelline Colour Tattoo cream eye-shadow for the range of colours or for more subtle eye shadow - Dior.

Eyebrow powder is best from No 7, also eyeliner and lip pencil for outlining a perfect cupid bow, all from - No 7 from Boots. I never use eye brow pencil now after learning this from my beauty therapists.

However after a lot of laser and electrolysis on my face these days plus regular moisturiser I mostly just wear lipstick, eyebrow powder and mascara - day to day,  for things like shopping, although I try to always keep my nails and toenails painted my nice OPI coral colour for which I have a matching lipstick.
