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(m2f) desperate beginner

Started by Lily Rose, November 29, 2016, 10:11:50 PM

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Lily Rose

  have been in this body so long and would just like to salvage anything i can. everything from head to toe seems not possible. never had typical hair cuts (did my own with clippers). think i am paying for that now. showering was lather with a bar of soap and did not need shampoo basically in and out. never used shaving cream to shave, soap worked just as good (some razors do not need soap). could probably go on but basically this is what i am lol. one thing has changed quite a while ago. was raised it is basically disgusting to not use a wash cloth this i use now. this is all before i gave up on life a while back.

  looking in the mirror my pores are hideous. my hair has thinned a bit to say the least. my finger nails for some reason i always did try to keep clean and some what manicured. now i grow them out and keeping them clean is like a full time job! almost thankful when i need to clip them back. takes about two minutes to undo a month or more :'(. really do not want to get started on my toe nails :icon_yikes:. last time i wore a dress or cared about any of this i was not old enough to drive yet (maybe old enough but no license yet), and swore to quit and take this to my grave.

  would be nice to get any feed back about shower products and toiletries. any products concerning the above. unless i am a hopeless case ???. this is where my first steps must begin.
"I love you!"
– Lily Anne

"You must unlearn what you have learned."
– Yoda

"The road to success is always under construction."
– Lily Tomlin

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent."
– Victor Hugo :icon_headfones:

Sophia Sage

Moisture and sunscreen are your friends.  :)

Here's a bare-minimum beauty routine for you:

Wash your face first thing in the morning with lukewarm water, with a gentle facial cleanser (like Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleaner), using just your fingers, and never tug the skin around your eyes.  After rinsing, shave if necessary -- though make sure to leave two or three days growth if you're getting electrolysis -- using shaving cream, and a razor that's no more than a week old; always shave in the direction the hair grows to avoid razor burn.  Then, apply a toner over your whole face (even a mild one like Dickinson's Witch Hazel) -- this helps to close up your pores, making skin appear smoother.  Finish with a moisturizer like Neutrogena or Aveeno that has at least an SPF of 15, and 30 in the summer time.  All these quality products are easily found at the drug store.  (If you need help finding them, and you're not passing yet, you can tell an employee that your girlfriend gave you a list if you're at all embarrassed about it.)

Shower with a moisturizing body wash. I like Dove's "Deep Moisture," I apply a dab to a nylon shower ball and it lathers much better than with a washcloth.  Do your whole body, except for your face.  After drying off, use some kind of lotion, again all over your body, to preserve your skin's moisture.  This makes it soft and pliable. 

For your hair, shampoo and conditioner, at least every other day -- maybe try Suave Keratin Infused shampoo and conditioner, which is pretty gentle and very inexpensive.  Use only a wide-toothed comb for your hair when it's wet, as anything else can lead to breakage.  If you can avoid using heat on your hair, all the better (though you can get away with this if you have thick locks). Only brush your hair when it's dry. Whenever combing or brushing your hair, always start at the ends and slowly work your way up the hair shaft to your scalp.

Before bedtime, wash your face, as before.  But this time use a moisturizer without SPF. 

As to your other issues, yeah, don't cut your own hair, go to a hair stylist every two to three months, just to get your ends trimmed, as you'll want to grow out your hair as much as possible.  Also, get a pedicure. It's very nice, and then you can attend to caring for your feet on your own once the initial overhaul has been attended to. For all nail care, I like Revlon clippers, they seem to stay sharp forever.

You should notice improvement in the quality of your skin and hair within a month, and even more so after getting onto HRT. 
What you look forward to has already come, but you do not recognize it.

Lily Rose

  sophia thank you so much i love you!

  actually i think you could have just typed:

-beauty routine
-Dickinson's Witch Hazel
-nylon shower ball
-Suave Keratin Infused

  these things have led me to months of reading and how-to videos. however thank you so much for the informative post i do not want to seem as a moron who needs someone to explain the basics of skin care and etc. but i am lol. "beauty routine" or skin care routine" dohf lol.

  do know i need a professional to cut my hair but the prices, WOW. also do have a very wide tooth comb but do not use it because my hair is so fine. it has always been fine and i have always used a comb with fine teeth. the older i get the more hair it pulls out lol. so guess now i will be switching that.

  nylon shower balls are something every woman i have dated had hanging their bath room but never knew what they were for  :laugh:. from what i have seen online, they are for exfoliating?
do not really see how they work better than a scrubby type of washcloth but they are so cute and that alone will be worth the investment lol. need to find one on a stick too because back brushes seem so abrasive.

  witch hazel looks to be a miracle product and can not wait to get some. due to the original purpose of after shave i just use rubbing alcohol as after shave. now i will be switching to witch hazel! this stuff looks like it is a cure all and do need it for my eye luggage :P. would love to soak in a bath of this stuff!

  lastly "beauty routine" has opened up my searches to so much. do not know why i did not think of this search phrase before. the online information and youtube videos i get now are pornographic to me :o. there is an entire world of beauty information i have always wanted to know but never really applied to me before.

  thank you so much.

  p.s. i have got a few emery boards. i could spend all day with this lol. still do not really know how to best shape my finger nails so i just try to keep them even with a slight crescent similar to after clipping them. still very difficult to keep them clean and constantly cleaning smuts from under them. however i will feel like crying when the next time comes to clip them back :'(.

Quote from: Sophia Sage on December 02, 2016, 09:29:41 AM
You should notice improvement in the quality of your skin and hair within a month, and even more so after getting onto HRT.
my dream come true hopefully one day.
"I love you!"
– Lily Anne

"You must unlearn what you have learned."
– Yoda

"The road to success is always under construction."
– Lily Tomlin

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent."
– Victor Hugo :icon_headfones: