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Here I go again :-(

Started by JeanetteLW, March 10, 2017, 12:45:20 PM

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Charlie Nicki

Quote from: Laurie on September 04, 2017, 11:04:04 PM
Thank You Tommie, and everyone else that try to make me feel better. But I really feel broken inside. There's something wrong. I'm happy for whoever it is I hear or read about, really I am but at the same time it hurts, I want to know why I can't have love and happiness too. Like I'm being punished or don't deserve it. All i have ever wanted in this world is gone. I've ruined it and chased it away. I'm broken, I cry, and sometimes it's hard to keep it bottled up inside. I think wtf am I doing and who do I think I'm kidding? This transition is going to end the same way. Some how I'll screw it up too.

Edit:  I deleted this after I took a nap, then found out it took 7 other posts from this thread with it. So I retrieved them which of course brought this one back too. I left it alone for a while then decided to explain it a little.
   The above is how I have been feeling lately. It comes and goes. The above was one of my lower times. Usually I feel about like I do at the moment. I still feel off and broken but I have it under control. I tried to delete it because I was embarrassed by it after my nap. After retrieving it I said to heck with it let them see it, it is me and how I am feeling. So there it is. I'm also not thinking completely  straight at times. I can't say I'm sleeping particularly well as body body is in control of that while my head is else where. I'm here at the computer until I'm beginning to doze at the keyboard then I tap what is usually a nap. How long I sleep is up to my body but it usually only a couple hours and then I'm up again. I try to keep busy to keep my own problem at bay. I doesn't always work because many time what I read can bring my problems back into focus.
  I'm sorry folks. I really don't want to be sharing this with  anyone else. I'd rather not think of it at all, I want to put my problems in a box and shove it in a dark corner and forget about it. I no longer drink or do drugs but both have been in my mind recently. I want to become numb, I want to forget. I almost want to go to sleep and not wake up. I can't do any of those, so I continue trying to put it away and carry on.

Laurie, it seems you are feeling depressed and that's nothing to be ashamed of. Sharing it helps you cope and I think it also helps the rest of us going through something's good for us to  be realistic and realize that transition isn't all smiles, perfection and rainbows. A lot of us are sad and down for different reasons and losing people in our lives is hard, transitioning is hard. My heart is with you and I'm hoping you feel better soon.

I completely understand the feeling of just wanting to sleep and not waking up. We all have bad days, we have to thrive and keep up going. We have to hope it'll get better and things will come around. Try to be positive, try to get out of your house a bit more and keep your mind occupied in different things. Eat chocolate, ice cream, sweets, or anything that can make you feel better. Drugs and alcohol are not a good choice because while they might bring a temporary relief and distraction, they make things worse afterwards, they make depression worse. You seem like a very kind and giving person, and all of us really like you here. Hope you get better soon.

Much love to you <3

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Latina :) I speak Spanish, English and a bit of Portuguese.


Laurie, I think almost everyone here has had times feeling like you are now. I know I certainly have. I also totally get the sleep deprived state of mind. For the last month I have been averaging 2-3 hours of sleep per day. It definately messes with your mind. Stack on that life issues and depression is an easy place to reach.
Charlie Nicki, I have been doing the eating thing myself lately. I'm not certain it will help as for me I see my weight goal moving farther and farther away. Heck I've gone up 15 lbs in the last 6 or so weeks. Getting out of the house whenever possible however sounds like a real good way to stretch the mind and improve ones mood.

Hang in the Laurie, we are all pulling for you.
04/26/2018 bi-lateral orchiectomy

A lifetime of depression and repressed emotions is nothing more than existence. I for one want to live now not just exist!



Quote from: Laurie on September 04, 2017, 11:04:04 PM
Thank You Tommie, and everyone else that try to make me feel better. But I really feel broken inside. There's something wrong. I'm happy for whoever it is I hear or read about, really I am but at the same time it hurts, I want to know why I can't have love and happiness too. Like I'm being punished or don't deserve it. All i have ever wanted in this world is gone. I've ruined it and chased it away. I'm broken, I cry, and sometimes it's hard to keep it bottled up inside. I think wtf am I doing and who do I think I'm kidding? This transition is going to end the same way. Some how I'll screw it up too.

Edit:  I deleted this after I took a nap, then found out it took 7 other posts from this thread with it. So I retrieved them which of course brought this one back too. I left it alone for a while then decided to explain it a little.
   The above is how I have been feeling lately. It comes and goes. The above was one of my lower times. Usually I feel about like I do at the moment. I still feel off and broken but I have it under control. I tried to delete it because I was embarrassed by it after my nap. After retrieving it I said to heck with it let them see it, it is me and how I am feeling. So there it is. I'm also not thinking completely  straight at times. I can't say I'm sleeping particularly well as body body is in control of that while my head is else where. I'm here at the computer until I'm beginning to doze at the keyboard then I tap what is usually a nap. How long I sleep is up to my body but it usually only a couple hours and then I'm up again. I try to keep busy to keep my own problem at bay. I doesn't always work because many time what I read can bring my problems back into focus.
  I'm sorry folks. I really don't want to be sharing this with  anyone else. I'd rather not think of it at all, I want to put my problems in a box and shove it in a dark corner and forget about it. I no longer drink or do drugs but both have been in my mind recently. I want to become numb, I want to forget. I almost want to go to sleep and not wake up. I can't do any of those, so I continue trying to put it away and carry on.


You are loved. Please don't despair. I've had people in my life be hateful to me, then over time come back and love me. I had to turn to prescription drugs years ago to control Bi-Polar II disorder and sleeplessness. It saved me. I see a gender therapist on a regular basis who is great. I'm not suggesting any of this is for you. Instead of sleeping to escape, I have a few little escape tricks I use that really help. I spend time outdoors in the sunlight whenever I can. Sometimes at night I lie on my back outside and marvel at the moon and the stars. Connecting with nature has a good vibe and refreshes. I have a bird bath and bird feeders all around my back deck, and it's a joy watching them be happy. Happiness is contagious. I go shopping.  :) I write down my thoughts in a brief 'statement' whenever I feel myself getting down, which is often. Somehow this helps me. Here's one I wrote down two nights ago that I think reflects how you and a lot of us feel sometimes.

"I want to disappear from the world I'm living in and appear in a world where I have no history, where there are only the possibilities of living in the now."

This is a link to an inspiring song on YouTube I listen to to start my day every day - my life anthem. It's Jackson Browne's 'Alive in the World'

Little things like this help keep my depression manageable. It seems to take an awful lot to keep us alive in the world. I shed tears for you.  :'( Private message me any time you want to share with a friend in your darkest moments.

Much, much, much love your way!


Finding 'self' is the first step toward becoming 'self'. Every step is part of a journey. May your journey lead to happiness. Peace!


Laurie, I think we all want love and happiness.

It would be easy for me to say that my moving into transition cost me that, as my marriage ended, my ex refuses to see or even be in the same zip code as me, I lost my home, and I lost our family friends.  But, I have to stop and reflect on this.

If someone loves us, can that love really be conditional?  Can real, honest love be linked to our physical appearance?  Is true love conditional on the shape of a few ounces of tissue, or a particular style of clothing?

While we seek happiness, can we find a truly deep state of joy and peace while in the grasp of suicidal depression and paralyzing anxiety?  Would our treatment and care for our dysphoria and the resulting health issues keep us from finding joy and peace, or enable it?

Can we really say that we have love and happiness while hiding ourselves from the world and living in misery so we don't make others uncomfortable.  Do others love us when they cannot tolerate our true selves?

I lost my family, my home, our friends, just as my ex had told me would happen.  But, you know, the darndest thing happened next.

Instead of being alone, miserable, trapped in hiding while I transitioned, I reached out a little bit.  I tried just living, as myself.  I made contact with others. (Sound familiar?)   Piece by piece, I built new friendships, new connections.

Oh, it wasn't easy or fun.  I had many bad days there at the start.  Folks here and elsewhere helped me out.  There were hours of therapy time, long discussions with folks who had gone down similar paths.  But ultimately, I could see that what I had been thinking of as a loss of everything was more like molting, shedding an old skin that I was outgrowing.  My old life didn't fit any more.  My loved ones who rejected me loved that dead skin, not me. 

They can have it. I don't need it any more.  The authentic me has rebuilt her life, perhaps even found love.

Laurie, you have to ask yourself those same questions now.  Is the love you had, the happiness you had with regard to those who reject you, really worth keeping now that you know how shallow it was?  Aren't you capable of forming new friendships and social connections?  Isn't there a chance that you might even find love, with someone who accepts and loves your authentic self?

The past is immutable, done.  For better or worse, it is what it is, and we can't change it. Spending our energy fretting about what has been, about the 'what ifs' and the 'if only' is a futile exercise.  We spin our wheels and get nowhere. 

We have to look forward from wherever we are, find the best path from our current situation to find our way to happiness, joy and peace.

On a road trip through life, we don't make much progress staring in the rear view mirror and driving in reverse.  Get that life in 'Drive', look at the road ahead, and look out for curves. And interesting truck stops, of course.  They might have pie.  Or happiness.
Earth my body, water my blood, air my breath and fire my spirit.

My personal transition path included medical changes.  The path others take may require no medical intervention, or different care.  We each find our own path. I provide these dates for the curious.
Electrolysis - Hours in The Chair: 238 (8.5 were preparing for GCS, five clearings); On estradiol patch June 2016; Full-time Oct 22, 2016; GCS Oct 20, 2017; FFS Aug 28, 2018; Stage 2 labiaplasty revision and BA Feb 26, 2019
Michelle's personal blog and biography



I'm so sorry that life's lows have been feeling lower for you lately. I remain ever your devoted, some may even say #1, fan, and you know how to reach me if you feel like a chat would cheer you up or help to distract you. Healing from these negative experiences will not be easy, but it's worth pursuing. You are an inspiration to so many here, for one. Sending you big, big, big hugs!!  Love, Patti

Something is off - 2016-17
Out to husband - 2/14/17
Full-time - 3/9/17
HRT - 6/14/17

Charlie Nicki

Quote from: josie76 on September 05, 2017, 06:53:53 AM
Charlie Nicki, I have been doing the eating thing myself lately. I'm not certain it will help as for me I see my weight goal moving farther and farther away. Heck I've gone up 15 lbs in the last 6 or so weeks.

Yeah we shouldn't do it excessively, but having a treat every once in a while is good for the soul!
Latina :) I speak Spanish, English and a bit of Portuguese.

Jessica Lynne

You're an awesome and sweet person, Laurie. From the ashes will arise new relationships. A new life in a new world. You will not screw it up. You didn't screw anything up previoisly. You are not broken. Those around you that can't accept your loving beautiful soul however, are. I feel so sorry for anyone that would discard their relationship with you. They obviously are people who know the cost of everything and the value of nothing. What an incredible loss in  whatever tapestry they consider their existence to be.  Be strong and be you. The new life you build with new people that respect and love you for who you are is your best plan. Hold your head high and never, ever apologize for who you are. Always take the high road and send birthday wishes and other holidays you respect to those people you are mourning the loss of. Always keep the door ajar. Always give these sad souls an opportunity to ponder their pettiness. In the end, if you always take the high road, you'll never be sorry and never have cause to apologize. Cry for Leonard and move on now. Laurie has places to go and things to do and can't be held back by small minds or petty tyrants. You deserve to be happy. It's your birthright. Seize it and prove to them what a mistake they've made. The little ones will grow and think for themselves and eventually come to you. Be a person they want to know. Be Laurie. She's awesome.  Love trumps hate every time.


Michelle, wow.  Incredible words.  And so true.

Laurie - we care.  We really do.
Assigned male at birth 1963.  Decided I wanted to be a girl in 1971.  Laser 2014-16, electrolysis 2015-17, HRT 7/2017, GCS 1/2018, VFS 3/2018, FFS 5/2018, Labiaplasty & BA 7/2018. 


  Today has been terrible. I slept most of it away in a series of naps, though I did come online to read my replies and cry a little again and check to see what trouble Kendra had gotten herself into. I got up and went to Costco in 95+ heat sweating under my wig. I spent $210+ on gas and a few other items we needed. I've still got a headache. And here come the worst part... I broke 2 nails and cracked a 3rd in the process. Okay I'm feeling better than yesterday. The world still sucks but I am not feeling as down for now. I suppose I should get back to work here at  Susan's. After all isn't that what I signed up to be a mod for?
   Those that tried to help thank you.

April 13, 2019 switched to estradiol valerate
December 20, 2018    Referral sent to OHSU Dr Dugi  for vaginoplasty consult
December 10, 2018    Second Letter VA Psychiatric Practical nurse
November 15, 2018    First letter from VA therapist
May 11, 2018 I am Laurie Jeanette Wickwire
May   3, 2018 Submitted name change forms
Aug 26, 2017 another increase in estradiol
Jun  26, 2017 Last day in male attire That's full time I guess
May 20, 2017 doubled estradiol
May 18, 2017 started electrolysis
Dec   4, 2016 Started estradiol and spironolactone




Allow me to take a different tack.  First some background on me.  I am estranged from my daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter.  I have been for 15 years.  The last I spoke with her was on her wedding day.  I was present and even gave her away.  It was only a "courtesy." She didn't even want us at the wedding. We knew something was wrong before the wedding day but we didn't know it was as bad at it really was. She has had a daughter and has not even let us know.  To this day my heart aches for a parent-daughter relationship with her.

You see, it is not just that she has failed to love me (and my wife).  The problem is that I love her and that love longs for a loving response.  I will always love her.  That ache will not go away.  It has, however, receded into the back of my awareness for the most part.  I no longer dwell on it.  It does, on occasions such as now , come to the fore.  I will again shed a tear or two and go on with living. 

I don't know it my method for dealing with the lack of a loving response to my love will help you or not.  I hope it does.

For some reason, beyond my ability to fathom, my daughter needed to cut me and my wife and her sister out of her life.  Somehow that makes life better for her.  How that can be, I don't understand.  But, since I love her, I will suffer the pain of the loss of our relationship because she needs to distance herself from me.  This is what I need to do to secure her happiness. My love is unconditional.  If she at some future point in time wishes to reconnect, I will hug her to death. When I meet my Maker, though, He will have a lot of explaining to do cause this has been a heavy load to bear and impossible to understand.

I join you in your grief and weep with you.  By all means grieve.  Consider forgiving.  Forgiveness is as much for you as them.  Try to understand but realize you most likely will not be able to truly understand all they are thinking and what it is they need.

As time flows by, the pain will recede into the background and, eventually, go unnoticed on most days.  The more you involve yourself with people and activities where you are wanted the more quickly that will happen.  Your participation here at Susan's is a very good start on that and very much appreciated by myself and so many others.  Thank you, Laurie!

Hugs to you,

PS.  Your latest reply showed up while I was composing this one.  I see you are trying to get back into the saddle.


Thank you Stephanie,

  I was just finishing a longer reply to you but I got to the end, hit enter or something and it all disappeared. I guess it wasn't supposed to be. So I'll just say I'm sorry my post causes pain for you. I don't want my problems to hurt others.
   Your response was thoughtful and appreciated. I don't know that I can do what you've done, at least not yet.

April 13, 2019 switched to estradiol valerate
December 20, 2018    Referral sent to OHSU Dr Dugi  for vaginoplasty consult
December 10, 2018    Second Letter VA Psychiatric Practical nurse
November 15, 2018    First letter from VA therapist
May 11, 2018 I am Laurie Jeanette Wickwire
May   3, 2018 Submitted name change forms
Aug 26, 2017 another increase in estradiol
Jun  26, 2017 Last day in male attire That's full time I guess
May 20, 2017 doubled estradiol
May 18, 2017 started electrolysis
Dec   4, 2016 Started estradiol and spironolactone




There is no reason for you to apologize to me.  You did nothing wrong.  It is the nature of our situation.  We love our families.  I, at least, refuse to allow my love for them to die to be replaced by hate.  The alternative to wallowing is to not dwell on the situation and relegate it to the seldom accessed nether regions of my mind.  Since it still resides within me, sometimes one of life's events brings it to the fore.  That is not a bad thing.  My own experiences are what makes it possible for me to be truly empathetic for the experiences of others.

It took a long time for me to come to these terms regarding my situation.  It will likely take a long time for you to resolve your situation.  I related my experience to you so you would have a template that you might choose to apply it to you own situation.  It took a very long time for me to recover as much as I have.  I hope I have helped in some way to shorten your recovery.

Love to you,


Laurie, you are greaving a loss. What you are experiencing is normal. We all grieve in our own way and go through the five stages of grief in our own time and way.

I share in family loss and know how you feel.

You have a lot to offer someone that will love you for who you are. You are not broken .

I needed help for about 1.5 years with medication. It helped me greatly when I needed it.

I still get triggered and am in a slow motion family train wreck. Sometimes it becomes easy to blaim ourselves for the faults of others. Make sure to only own what is yours. I know I was there for my wife  and daughter and now they do not want me. It hurts. It can make me think I am broken. I am not broken; I am trans. My ex and daughter can not deal with that truth. We will be apart and that hurts but it is their choice.

I am sorry you are going through this.

HRT  5-28-2013
FT   11-13-2015
FFS   9-16-2016 -Spiegel
GCS 11-15-2016 - McGinn
Hair Grafts 3-20-2017 - Cooley
Voice therapy start 3-2017 - Reene Blaker
Labiaplasty 5-15-2017 - McGinn
BA 7-12-2017 - McGinn
Hair grafts 9-25-2017 Dr.Cooley
Sataloff Cricothyroid subluxation and trachea shave12-11-2017
Dr. McGinn labiaplasty, hood repair, scar removal, graph repair and bottom of  vagina finished. urethra repositioned. 4-4-2018
Dr. Sataloff Glottoplasty 5-14-2018
Dr. McGinn vaginal in office procedure 10-22-2018
Dr. McGinn vaginal revision 2 4-3-2019 Bottom of vagina closed off, fat injected into the labia and urethra repositioned.
Dr. Thomas in 2020 FEMLAR
  • skype:Rachel?call



  I hate crying. I'm still crying several times a day tears come unbidden and run down my cheeks.
  Today was almost a good day working on your posts trying to be a moderator. It isn't always good doing this job. Imagine reading all the posts you can, regardless of topic, from friends or non-friends, good subjects and not so good. Not reading most for enjoyment but to check that everyone is following the site Terms of service and find the newcomer hiding among the threads so they can be properly greeted. Most of you do not know or even have a good idea what these moderators and admins do to keep this site running like it should. It takes a team working together to do this job that Kendra and I are just learning. I'm afraid we are likely causing more work for the other more experienced mods and Cindy because they have to help us so much and answer our questions but we try. I do not find enjoyment in having to make up a report on a a post that hasn't followed the guidelines. I don't care for having to editor delete your posts and having to PM someone explaining why I had to do what it did. I like it less when I have to do it to a friend and I have lots of them here. Some of them are closer to family. But I will and have. It is part of this job I asked to do. I do it because I want to be part of this team. though I don't like parts of this job there is a sense of satisfaction to it when I have gotten something right. And for the most part it keeps my mind off of other things. Things that hurt.
  But then I read a post that brings back the tears. they run down the cheeks as I read. It can be a good post or a sad post. It doesn't matter. All that registers is that it's too close to my own problems. Suddenly I'm not even comprehending what I'm doing. Post after post go by. Did i read it? I'm not sure. Sometimes the post just sits there on the screen. I  stare at it, nothing registers. Eventually I see it and move on to the next.
   Today was better, Kendra and I talking back and forth, discussing different posts and threads, trying to help each other before  reaching out for help, and then trying to understand why we are doing what we have to do that has been suggested. We really try to figure it out for ourselves so we can  see if our ideas and reasons are correct when we do talk to our mentors. The others are as helpful as they can be to us, almost as though they really want us to succeed. lol Really, I am sure that they do. They need the help and they are actually nice people, though if you are on the receiving end of that work it doesn't feel that way. But folks, it's a job, for the most part a thankless job. be kind to your mods and admins.
   My computer and phone beeps letting me know something wants attention. I look and it, a notification someone posted on my thread. I let it sit. I don't want to go there. Tears lurk there between the lines, i know there is more pain there. I go back to reading your posts. Dang this is an active site. too many people making too many post to keep up with. But I read them. I move them to the proper place, greet the new person but it's a cursory greeting. My head isn't into it. I can't give them a greeting with my personal touch. It bothers me but the thoughts and fun aren't there and now there too much to do. A few words and a stock greeting and I move to the next post.
   Today is better. Post after post goes by, a comment here and a report there and it's onto the next. It starts with a yawn. Soon there's another and another. Why is this post taking me so long? Finish it and on to the next. What was I doing with this one? I've dozed off at the keyboard. A yawn and look at it again. Dang, I've done it again.  It must be nap time. I lie down and time passes.
   Today is better. Back at the keyboard bringing up my screens, filling them with the tools I need to do the job, no less than 8 screens for Susan's, plus email and facebook spread across 3 monitors. Maybe I'll add my TV.... I check FB and like a few make a comment or share something then kill that site. I don't have it up much these days. Check email and ignore most but see that I have a new post or two in my thread. sigh I guess I should read them. I bring my thread up and find  an out pouring of support there, nothing but compassion and sympathy. Damn tears! Yes, just like I thought more damn tears. it hurts all this care being thrown at me. I don't deserve to be treated like this. I'm wretched. I don't respond. I can't. I am thankful to have these friends who care but their caring hurts and I cry.  I'm sorry. I wipe my face and move on.
   Today is a better day. I bring up an unread post and read it, tucking my thoughts away. This one is okay I move on to the next post. and the next, and the next...
   Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.
April 13, 2019 switched to estradiol valerate
December 20, 2018    Referral sent to OHSU Dr Dugi  for vaginoplasty consult
December 10, 2018    Second Letter VA Psychiatric Practical nurse
November 15, 2018    First letter from VA therapist
May 11, 2018 I am Laurie Jeanette Wickwire
May   3, 2018 Submitted name change forms
Aug 26, 2017 another increase in estradiol
Jun  26, 2017 Last day in male attire That's full time I guess
May 20, 2017 doubled estradiol
May 18, 2017 started electrolysis
Dec   4, 2016 Started estradiol and spironolactone



Today was a better day.

No tears okay maybe once but for only a short time. I think it was something I read. Something nice someone said. No pain. no squirrels running amuck in the brain. No blank stares.

Today was a better day.
April 13, 2019 switched to estradiol valerate
December 20, 2018    Referral sent to OHSU Dr Dugi  for vaginoplasty consult
December 10, 2018    Second Letter VA Psychiatric Practical nurse
November 15, 2018    First letter from VA therapist
May 11, 2018 I am Laurie Jeanette Wickwire
May   3, 2018 Submitted name change forms
Aug 26, 2017 another increase in estradiol
Jun  26, 2017 Last day in male attire That's full time I guess
May 20, 2017 doubled estradiol
May 18, 2017 started electrolysis
Dec   4, 2016 Started estradiol and spironolactone



Quote from: Laurie on September 05, 2017, 07:19:23 PM
  Today has been terrible. I slept most of it away in a series of naps, though I did come online to read my replies and cry a little again and check to see what trouble Kendra had gotten herself into. I got up and went to Costco in 95+ heat sweating under my wig. I spent $210+ on gas and a few other items we needed. I've still got a headache. And here come the worst part... I broke 2 nails and cracked a 3rd in the process. Okay I'm feeling better than yesterday. The world still sucks but I am not feeling as down for now. I suppose I should get back to work here at  Susan's. After all isn't that what I signed up to be a mod for?
   Those that tried to help thank you.

OMG La-rue (back at cha)
I EVERY DAY crack at least one nail.  I am so upset(that is not the right word, but i don't want you to delete my post for my true feelings) God, i hate it.  I take 5 supplements to build my nails and nothing is working.  So your experience say to me, avoid Costco at all costs.
$210???  What was that a buggy full of steaks?
Girl its all good.  You are in a temporary bump. and, like kidney stones, this will pass.

If it helps you a bit I found a temporary relief from dysphoria.  Spend 4 days worrying about yourself and several people in the path of this damn hurricane.  Tends to focus on the bigger world.  Oh, at the moment I am not under threat.  Others are.


I'm glad the clouds are lifting for you, Laurie.

I'm also grateful that you shared your cloudy days. It helps some of us realize that we are not the only ones enduring temporary darkness.


Quote from: JulieOnHerWay on September 08, 2017, 12:20:08 AM
OMG La-rue (back at cha)
I EVERY DAY crack at least one nail.  I am so upset(that is not the right word, but i don't want you to delete my post for my true feelings) God, i hate it.  I take 5 supplements to build my nails and nothing is working.  So your experience say to me, avoid Costco at all costs.
$210???  What was that a buggy full of steaks?
Girl its all good.  You are in a temporary bump. and, like kidney stones, this will pass.

If it helps you a bit I found a temporary relief from dysphoria.  Spend 4 days worrying about yourself and several people in the path of this damn hurricane.  Tends to focus on the bigger world.  Oh, at the moment I am not under threat.  Others are.

Hi Julie,

  That post was meant to be a little tongue in cheek though it is what happened. The day was better than the few preceding it and unfortunately I was to have a few more down days with an abundant amount of tears after it. But I was feeling a bit better so the humor bug was waiting to grab me and it did. As for the $210 about $50 was the gas, about the same on a package of sirloin steaks and a package of hamburger. The rest was misc nonsense.
  I do not use any supplements for my nails as they are pretty strong as is but they are at that length (almost a 1/4 " past the bed) that they are prone to breakage like when something you pickup slips through your grasp and hits the nail bending it or running your nail into something. It's inevitable you'll break them.
  I think I'm getting past this down period and this last bit was pretty low. The long post was more a musing on how my day went. I was just kind of "not here" and going through the motions.

Thank you for the response Julia.

April 13, 2019 switched to estradiol valerate
December 20, 2018    Referral sent to OHSU Dr Dugi  for vaginoplasty consult
December 10, 2018    Second Letter VA Psychiatric Practical nurse
November 15, 2018    First letter from VA therapist
May 11, 2018 I am Laurie Jeanette Wickwire
May   3, 2018 Submitted name change forms
Aug 26, 2017 another increase in estradiol
Jun  26, 2017 Last day in male attire That's full time I guess
May 20, 2017 doubled estradiol
May 18, 2017 started electrolysis
Dec   4, 2016 Started estradiol and spironolactone



Quote from: Dan on September 08, 2017, 07:24:56 AM
I'm glad the clouds are lifting for you, Laurie.

I'm also grateful that you shared your cloudy days. It helps some of us realize that we are not the only ones enduring temporary darkness.

   Hi Dan, and a thank you to you also. My thread is me. I try to be here and honest in it or as honest as I can be. If I'm posting here it is a good thing whether it's an up day or a down one. At least I am trying to connect with someone somehow. It could also be me trying to connect with myself or reaching out for that helping hand. But it is a connection.
  If I am not posting I see it as one of two possibilities. The most common one is that I do not really have anything to share. The other isn't so good. It could be that I am isolating. Isolating is what I do when I am mad or hurting. I did a bit of it this time but I was still online and trying to avoid my problems by working at this moderator thing. I was only partially successful at it and I fear not very productive. Fortunately there is someone here at Susan's that leaves me alone for a bit then engages me in conversation asking the most annoying questions and makes me thing my issues over. She I think is why I began to feel a bit better and start climbing up out of my dark hole. It's been a long climb.
  Today is a better day. Better than yesterday. My problem is still there but set aside for a bit. I'm sure I'll be revisiting it again but not today. Today it is overcast outside but I can see the sunshine peeking out within me again.

Today is a better day.

Thanks Dan.

April 13, 2019 switched to estradiol valerate
December 20, 2018    Referral sent to OHSU Dr Dugi  for vaginoplasty consult
December 10, 2018    Second Letter VA Psychiatric Practical nurse
November 15, 2018    First letter from VA therapist
May 11, 2018 I am Laurie Jeanette Wickwire
May   3, 2018 Submitted name change forms
Aug 26, 2017 another increase in estradiol
Jun  26, 2017 Last day in male attire That's full time I guess
May 20, 2017 doubled estradiol
May 18, 2017 started electrolysis
Dec   4, 2016 Started estradiol and spironolactone



Hi Laurie

Glad to here you're doing a bit better :). Seems like you've had quite a torrid time of it.

Does your new forum job mean I can't mention the "M" word any more? You know the one, I'm sure you remember it ;D
Sorry I haven't been around much, I don't like to here of you hurting, so a big hug from across the pond to make up for it.

Peace and love and all that good stuff,
