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What does your family call you?

Started by kings joker, February 07, 2017, 05:26:19 PM

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This is actually a pretty interesting question.

My family wholly acknowledges that I am genderqueer/lesbian(gay)

And because I go by all pronouns with my gender identity they do choose to use she/her/hers as matches with my biological sex. I don't mind, I really appreciate it when people mix it up for me, but those are mostly close friends.

My sexual identity on the other hand is something they almost always get wrong. My Mother likes to say I am bisexual which I've told her just isn't true - it is just what I called myself way back in 7th grade. She doesn't like to use gay/lesbian as I am with a cis-gendered man and even though she knows I am genderqueer she cannot seem to fully grasp the larger picture and separation of gender and sexuality.
My Dad has been fantastic though! He just tells people that his daughter like chicks and then some.
Others: "But doesn't she have a husband??"
Him: "Eh."

Dax Lavender

Something unique--my mom dodges questions about my gender by just calling me her "oldest", because I'm her oldest child. She also calls my sister her "youngest". But I think that only really works for moms somehow (can't really imagine my dad using those terms) and only for oldest and youngest children, not kids in the middle.
My dad tries to avoid identifying me to strangers, but if he does he says child or son. If I'm there that can be dodged by me responding that he's my dad, and communicating the relationship that way.
My brother calls me by my name, or "brosis", which I'm not particularly fond of, but eh.
My sister says sibling, brother, "my brother but not really", and sometimes guardian because I help raise her.
(After four years of transitioning my mom and sister use my they/them pronouns, finally, but my dad and brother still use he/him.)


Dax Lavender

Welcome to the site.

I am still known by most family as my old self. My wife switches between my birth name and preferred name. My kids know and call me Dad.

I have always called them my oldest, my youngest and my middlest.

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With warmth,

1st Therapy: February 2015
First Endo visit & HRT StartJanuary 29, 2016
Jacqueline from Joanna July 18, 2017
Full Time June 1, 2018
