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Started by DogSpirit, March 01, 2017, 06:36:55 AM

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I've always described myself as a female-bodied person who is somewhere in the gray zone between male and female; I've always thought of myself as androgynous. And I was wrong.

You-all probably know this already, but androgyny is being strongly male and strongly female.

Turns out I'm undifferentiated, a word I don't hear thrown around much. I'm not much of either male or female, which totally fits.

For those who'd like the fun of taking a personality test modeled on the Bem Sex Role Inventory:

-- Sue
Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in
-- Leonard Cohen, "Anthem"



I dont see andogyny as an identity as strongly male and strongly female. 

I see it as being hard to tell what sex you are.  And being a mix.

But its a label, and i usually dont do labels.


I dunno.
Morpheus: This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the red pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the little blue pills - you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes

Sh'e took the little blue ones.

Cailan Jerika

My understanding of androgyny is being somewhere in the middle, with elements of both but not strongly one or the other.

I'm bi-gender. Strongly male and strongly female, in the same (female) body.

Edit: My score was just slightly in the masculine:
Your score for masculinity was 104.
Your score for femininity was 98.

I have serious issues with them deciding that whether you like guns is a male/female thing (I know some seriously femme females who love guns far more than I do). There are a lot of questions on that list that are stereotypes, not reality.

This is not the same terminology used for transgender/non-binary at all. It's an entirely different scale that is unrelated, and their definitions don't match at all.



Rather an interesting personality test if anyone has a few minutes.  I came out 107/93 (M/F) - slightly more masculine.  I think that about fits my self-assessment.


122/81 M/F. I knew already that I have a masculine personality. Cool that the test showed that too.


Quote from: MeTonie on March 03, 2017, 12:34:51 PM
122/81 M/F. I knew already that I have a masculine personality. Cool that the test showed that too.

Mine was the reverse... :)

No surprise there.



117/89 F/M.

It's an interesting test, although there were some stereotypical questions.

Quote from: Cailan Jade on March 03, 2017, 12:12:51 AM
My understanding of androgyny is being somewhere in the middle, with elements of both but not strongly one or the other.

I'm bi-gender. Strongly male and strongly female, in the same (female) body.


And I thought the same, I've seen androgyny as something in the middle in lots of websites and conferences, bi-gender or polygender sound better to me when talking about strongly being two or more genders at the same time.


Today I got 103/88, a wee bit less masculine and a wee bit less feminine. Yeah, that fits my self-perception.


I got 98 masculine and 96 feminine  IE undifferentiated.  Doesn't that agree with my head right now?  :(

