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For those of you who are in or past RLE...

Started by MeghanAndrews, November 18, 2007, 01:30:53 PM

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Is the experience of Real Life Experience:

Better than you thought it would be?
22 (66.7%)
About what you thought it would be?
8 (24.2%)
Worse than you thought it would be?
1 (3%)
I never really thought about it prior to RLE
2 (6.1%)

Total Members Voted: 13


Ok, so I was curious about how different people who have gone through RLE feel about it when they are either through it and living their regular life or are in it now :)


7-8 months into it now... and it's been amazingly wonderful. For sure, there have been some seriously terrifying times, but overall... it's been absolutely, amazingly cool.

Imagine having this terrible migraine headache for four decades, and suddenly... it's GONE. Poof. I don't think I REALLY appreciated how nasty GID was until I started to escape from it.



I think like many I was very apprehensive at first, in fact a little scared even.  Would I be accepted was my biggest concern, for while I may pass, if I were not accepted and simply seen as someone who had changed their outward appearance then in would have been truly a struggle.

My RLE was generally trouble free, which was a nice surprise.     I think it was mainly due to preparation and pre-planning, as once the wheels were set in motion there was no going back.  Of course there were bumps along the way, but nothing significant.  The support from my employer, and co-workers was a huge relief which left me free to concentrate on living life outside of work.

I found that being positive about myself and not shying away from interaction with others was a great benefit as well.  Now I am able to live my life like other women, facing the same day to day struggles and issues they do, some good, some bad, but non the less a life as a woman.

RLE/RLT is probably the most important part of transition.



I was parranoid about going full time...  It hasnt been that bad actualy... and a whole lot better than Id expected...   Its been over a year <1year, 1 month and 4 days> I dont regret a thing about takeing the leap.


Better than you thought it would be

or maybe i should rephrase my answer to: the way it was always supposed to be.


I'm almost to the 7month mark now I believe, and it has been a wonderful experience for me.  If I could do it all over again, I don't think I could change anything to improve upon this go through.  :)


QuoteBetter than you thought it would be?     - 7 (100%)
About what you thought it would be?    - 0 (0%)
Worse than you thought it would be?    - 0 (0%)
I never really thought about it prior to RLE    - 0 (0%)
Total Voters: 7
I really did expect a far more rocky time, as is... *shrug* No one seems to care.


I feel relief.   I've been on and off HRT for quite a few years now and I finally see a light at the end of the tunnel.  I look forward to having a life.



For me the RLE and then post-op life is about as I experienced it to be. Though I expected to start looking for another job after I had had SRS I did not expect the company to be able to find a way to eliminate my job position prior to that. It happened I deal with it. Oh well. I would still go through it all again to be able to be me.

Cindi Jones

I didn't really plan it all that much.  My emotions pushed me to live as a female full time.  It's sort of like I came to my senses one day and I was working and living my life as I had always wanted.

What did I expect?  I had no idea what it woul be. I did not care.  I would have died trying to get to that point.  The weight of the world was lifted from my shoulders.  I had more problems to solve than I could have ever imagined. But my mind was finally cleared from the clutter that had plagued me all my life.

Author of Squirrel Cage


Quote from: Kate on November 18, 2007, 01:45:51 PM

Imagine having this terrible migraine headache for four decades, and suddenly... it's GONE. Poof. I don't think I REALLY appreciated how nasty GID was until I started to escape from it.


  :'(  - That does not sound nice. I know how nasty depression can be - but I am yet to face that time in my life where I sit down at my dotors place and say 'I am ready to transistion'. I hope that nasty GID does not get that bad on me - as I know I will follow and transistion if need be.
