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Second orchiectomy

Started by Dpwpg, July 23, 2017, 08:03:09 PM

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Hi, due to torsion I lost my right testicle about 20 years ago.  The other one doesn't produce sperm or testosterone and they question if the first one ever did either.  Anyway, I have been having gender dysphoria for years and am always on the fence about transitioning.
However, my doc told me this week that the other one will need to come out!  Bittersweet, but it looks like fate made my decision for me.
I was wondering how it feels do you notice them not there when walking?  Does the scrotum shrivel up or is it loose skin?  Any info would be great.  Thanks

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Lady Sarah

For one, it feels great not having them there. The skin will shrink away to the point where it will look like you never had a scrotum.
started HRT: July 13, 1991
orchi: December 23, 1994
trach shave: November, 1998
married: August 16, 2015
Back surgery: October 20, 2016


I suspect you know this already, but I'd just like to point out that you need to take either testosterone or estrogen after that. If you don't have any sex hormones you'll get osteoporosis, which is bad.


Oh totally.  I'm taking testosterone now because the testicle just never worked.  Thanks though.

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Quote from: Dpwpg on July 23, 2017, 10:37:39 PM
I'm taking testosterone now because the testicle just never worked.


Since you are taking Testosterone, I would not expect to see any additional shrinkage in that area.

If transition is in your future, then make that decision for yourself. Do not leave it up to fate.

If you do not want to transition, then testicular implants can restore a more normal feeling down there.


Quote from: Dani on July 24, 2017, 05:28:14 AM

Since you are taking Testosterone, I would not expect to see any additional shrinkage in that area.

If transition is in your future, then make that decision for yourself. Do not leave it up to fate.

If you do not want to transition, then testicular implants can restore a more normal feeling down there.
Very good point.  As cheesy as it sounds, I feel the universe is telling me To transition. I definitely feel more female, but have a wife and kids which complicates things first!  However, the more things down there that break or don't work just makes me think why the hell not?  So far a testicle gone, one leaving, foreskin issues...physically my male part just sucks lol.

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