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My Very Own HRT thread!

Started by Maddie86, July 17, 2017, 09:20:44 PM

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Yay!!! Huge accomplishment! I hope to be closing in on that 100 marker too, sooner or later. ;D

And don't feel bad about your old picture, just wait until I work up the courage to post mine. ;D

~ Ellie
(I made the s lowercase so it didn't look as much like PMS... ;D)

An Open Letter to anyone suffering from anxiety, particularly those afraid to make your first post or continue posting!

8/30/17 - First Therapy! The road begins in earnest.
10/20/17 - First coming out (to my father)!
12/16/17 - BEGAN HRT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5/21/18 - FIRST DAY OUT AS ME!!!!!!!!!
6/08/18 - 2,250 Hair Grafts
6/23/18 - FIRST PRIDE!
8/06/18 - 100%, completely out!
9/08/18 - I'M IN LOVE!!!!
2/27/19 - Name Change!



 CONGRATS  Maddie 100 lbs is a lot to loose and you should feel great about it. You are doing well girl. Keep it up.

April 13, 2019 switched to estradiol valerate
December 20, 2018    Referral sent to OHSU Dr Dugi  for vaginoplasty consult
December 10, 2018    Second Letter VA Psychiatric Practical nurse
November 15, 2018    First letter from VA therapist
May 11, 2018 I am Laurie Jeanette Wickwire
May   3, 2018 Submitted name change forms
Aug 26, 2017 another increase in estradiol
Jun  26, 2017 Last day in male attire That's full time I guess
May 20, 2017 doubled estradiol
May 18, 2017 started electrolysis
Dec   4, 2016 Started estradiol and spironolactone





So happy for you Maddie- keep up the hard work girl![emoji1380]

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Quote from: Kc1058 on December 19, 2017, 04:54:15 PM
So happy for you Maddie- keep up the hard work girl![emoji1380]

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

thank you :)


Hi! So last night I went out in public as Maddie and it went well! I have a friend that's leaving town soon so a few of us went to a drag show. It was a good place for me to go out, I didn't get any weird stares or anything lol. I had a few glasses of wine and I think I'm done with alcohol for a while, they just gave me a stomach ache and kept me from sleeping well. I feel like my makeup came out really good but with the lighting in there I feel like I didn't get any pics that really did me justice. oh well

on the HRT front I don't think there's really been any new developments really, but things are going well. As for the weight loss, I haven't weighed myself in a week and a half and honestly I'm scared to. It's been so cold so I can't go jogging outside anymore, I've actually been walking laps around the mall for exercise! I've been eating like garbage though because of the holidays, so I think I'm gunna hold off on weighing myself until like a week into the new year. I've been off work for a while now and I'm going back on Monday. I work construction and I'm gunna be on a job with my dad for 2 or 3 weeks. it sucks but I really need the money, and after that I'm gunna be looking really hard to get a new job because I really need an apartment asap. I found out on xmas that my sister is moving back from Oregon and she and I don't get along at all. I live with my mom right now and my sister (and her deadbeat boyfriend) would be moving back in with us for a while. I wanted to get out of here anyways, I can't come out while I'm still living with my mom, so now I'm really making a push to get on my own


Hi Maddy,

  It looks like you and the girls did have a good time. The pictures are nice and I really like the one with the halos as you really look your best in that one. I'm not really fond of the wings though. I am glad you  got your time out with your girlfriends.

April 13, 2019 switched to estradiol valerate
December 20, 2018    Referral sent to OHSU Dr Dugi  for vaginoplasty consult
December 10, 2018    Second Letter VA Psychiatric Practical nurse
November 15, 2018    First letter from VA therapist
May 11, 2018 I am Laurie Jeanette Wickwire
May   3, 2018 Submitted name change forms
Aug 26, 2017 another increase in estradiol
Jun  26, 2017 Last day in male attire That's full time I guess
May 20, 2017 doubled estradiol
May 18, 2017 started electrolysis
Dec   4, 2016 Started estradiol and spironolactone



Quote from: Laurie on December 29, 2017, 12:54:10 PM
Hi Maddy,

  It looks like you and the girls did have a good time. The pictures are nice and I really like the one with the halos as you really look your best in that one. I'm not really fond of the wings though. I am glad you  got your time out with your girlfriends.


Thanks! yeah, I like that one too, I look happiest in that one! 2 things I plan on working on for 2018 is my dancing and my smile. I try not to show my teeth when I smile and because of that I end up looking awkward sometimes, oops!


I think that you look best in the halo picture because you look more relaxed,  your head is up more, you can see your eyelids and it seems more natural. Your other pictures strike me as more intense as if you are concentrating on something... perhaps on looking relaxed and natural. You are comfortable in the halo picture.
April 13, 2019 switched to estradiol valerate
December 20, 2018    Referral sent to OHSU Dr Dugi  for vaginoplasty consult
December 10, 2018    Second Letter VA Psychiatric Practical nurse
November 15, 2018    First letter from VA therapist
May 11, 2018 I am Laurie Jeanette Wickwire
May   3, 2018 Submitted name change forms
Aug 26, 2017 another increase in estradiol
Jun  26, 2017 Last day in male attire That's full time I guess
May 20, 2017 doubled estradiol
May 18, 2017 started electrolysis
Dec   4, 2016 Started estradiol and spironolactone



Happy new year everyone!! I'm really hopeful for 2018! I will hopefully start living full time in a few months and finally come out to everyone! I need my own apartment first so I'm going to be focusing on that for the next few months, and I need a new job! I'm nervous but I think things are going to be ok! In this next year I'm going to get to see one of my best friends get married and another one of my best friends is going to have a baby! I'm so excited!!!

I went to a party as Maddie a few nights ago and it went well for the most part. I could have done a better job on my makeup, it was pretty rough under my nose because I have a little bit of a cold lol, but my outfit was really cute! I'm a shy person so I didn't mingle much with people I didn't know, but it went better than the Halloween party that was at the same house, this time I didn't drink. I tried getting some pics but none of them came out good so I'm not gunna post em lol.

I hope everyone is doing well! Things are going to get difficult, but I know that there's also amazing things ahead of me and hopefully for everyone else here too! <3


Ok, so it's been almost 3 weeks since I've updated! I don't post here as much anymore because I branched out and I'm trying to be more active now in other parts of the board lol. In case anyone missed it, I did post in the coming out section last weekend, I finally told my sister about my transition! she's my first family member I've told!

The reason I came here to post today is because it's the 6 month anniversary of me starting HRT!!! I have a private facebook group for my friends that know about my transition, so I'm just gunna copy and paste a post that I wrote to them:

"Ok so this is going to be a long one! I broke things down into sections though so you can skip over what you don't want to read about. Today is the 6 month anniversary of when I started hormones, so I wanted to reflect on all the changes that have happened to me so far. Also, I'm a few more weeks away from the one year anniversary of when I first started coming out to friends! The first friend I came out to said that I seemed like I was trapped and tortured for such a long time and she was absolutely right. I used to talk a lot in my sleep (sometimes even yell, apparently) and I had a sleepwalking problem too and I think this was the cause of it. Sometimes I used to wake up and I swear I could hear myself yelling at myself! It stopped as soon as I started coming out to people, it's almost like I used to be possessed and coming out was my exorcism. I've noticed a lot of great changes so far and I'm so excited for more! Basically by starting hormone replacement therapy I'm putting my body through puberty again, but this time a female one. Hormones take time to work their magic, I guess it's typically 3 to 4 years for the changes to reach their full effect, so I have a long road ahead of me, but thankfully I'm lucky enough to have some amazing people in my life for support <3

Mental- So over the last year I've been trying to be more positive in general. I used to be mean at times and I hate that about my former self and I'm so glad that I left it behind. I see now that "offensive humor" is just really dumb and that it hurts people. I think I used to keep my emotions guarded because I was afraid to let my true self show, but once I finally started coming out to people it was just so enlightening and I could finally act how I wanted and everything came pouring out. I guess I was always conflicted, there was definitely a nice side of me with high morals but sometimes I kept bad company and I lost sight of that, but ultimately I can only blame myself for my actions and I'm taking full responsibility and I'm moving forward. I have no problems letting my emotions show anymore. The hormones have definitely made me more emotional, which I'm happy about but I'm still trying to get a full grasp on. I'm making progress though, it's been months since I cried over a pretty cloud lol. For a while I was smiling a lot more, but lately I've been a bit more sad and sometimes I just feel like crying for no real reason. I think it might be seasonal, I really miss being able to go to the park and jog, I've always been pretty sentimental but I've been more so lately. Personality wise I do act a bit more femme depending on who I'm around, it's weird. When I'm at work I don't really have any male fails, but my female personality comes out a lot more around my friends. I've noticed I seem to talk to myself more now. Not like full conversations, but when I'm alone I'll just randomly blurt things out. To be honest, I don't feel super feminine all the time, and I'm kinda bummed about that, but I definitely don't feel like a male either, I guess I just feel sort of in between right now, but I'm hoping that once I'm presenting as female full time I will have more mental changes along with it. I used to have some real anger issues and I hated that about myself, I almost feel like I inherited it from my dad but also I think it might just be a typical male thing, I don't know, all I know is that I hate getting worked up and mad, especially because it makes me feel like my dad. Instead of getting angry I usually get sad now, but my mom has a way of pushing my buttons sometimes and I yell at her and then I feel absolutely terrible about it. I really hate when this happens, it's one of the bigger reasons why I need to get out on my own, my sister told me that my relationship with my mom will get better once I move out, we'll see.
Social- Obviously I've been hanging with the girls a lot more, and I love it! I always have such a good time being around women, it's a lot more fun and easy going! Guys can be very mean, even if it's in jest, at times I had to be very defensive and I'd act hostile towards some of my guy friends, but that's another thing that's in the past now. I'm still down to hang out with my male friends, but I never really get invited out or anything. I'd rather hang out one on one than go out for a "guys night", Dave still hangs out with me one on one and he's pretty much the only male who still does. I think others would too but no one seems to have time to do stuff like that anymore, part of getting older I guess. I know I have a lot of amazing friends and I'm well loved but there's still a lot of times where I feel super lonely and down on myself and I feel like no one likes me, I definitely have some self esteem issues I need to work on. Also, I'm doing a bad job at hiding my transition. At this point none of my friends that I haven't told yet are going to be surprised when I come out. I know there's a lot of whispering going on behind my back, some people have talked to me about it and set me up in a good situation to tell them about me, but a lot of others don't talk to me personally, they ask my friends about it and that kind of bothers me a little because it puts my friends in awkward situations where they have to cover for me, and if that's happened to you then I'm truly sorry about that. Another small thing I've noticed is that a lot of my old male friends don't like my posts on fb and ig as much anymore, even if I'm not posting anything where I'm acting too girly haha.

Voice- this is one of the biggest things I need to work on. I feel like my vocal mannerisms can be girly at times, but the tone/pitch of my voice is nowhere near the female range, and I've had some very difficult times recording vocals for my band because it really triggers my dysphoria. I know there's a trans woman in Ithaca who gives voice lessons but right now I don't really have the time or money to set up an appointment. I think I can look into youtube lessons but it will be easier to practice talking to myself when I have my own apartment.
Skin- This was one of the first things I noticed changing! My skin started to look a lot healthier after just 10 days! Guys have pretty greasy skin and mine is a lot dryer now, I don't moisturize as often as I should, I really need to get in the habit of it. My skin used to be very blotchy, I usually lay on my bed with my left hand on my cheek while looking at my computer and you could see marks on my face from it but it doesn't get like that anymore. I have allergies and my skin gets itchy and breaks out at times, but it's nowhere near as bad as it used to be. It's been bad lately but I think it's because I haven't been eating well, I've been letting my diet slip and I need to get back on track. My skin is definitely softer now but I still have a ways to go until it gets super soft, but I think I'll get there eventually.

Hair- So when I'm not using any products my hair is definitely dryer and less greasy than it used to be. I used to have to wear hats all the time but I stopped that months ago, I can almost always brush it out to a point where it doesn't look gross anymore. It's definitely softer now and it does get tangled a lot but I don't get nearly as many split ends as I used to. I haven't noticed any increase in length, I've been growing it since 2011 so I think it's as long as it's going to get. After a couple of months I stopped losing hair, I used to lose a decent amount in the shower but now it's only a few hairs! My hair is a lot thinner on top and my doctor said I've definitely had some hair loss but I think it does look a little fuller now, but there's some spots on my head that still really bum me out. I think my facial hair grows a little slower now and it's maybe a pinch thinner, but unfortunately hormones don't really change it that much, I have to do electrolysis for up to 3 years or so to fully get rid of my beard. I'm seeing more progress though than I thought I would by now, my electrolygist seems to have done most work on my cheeks so far and it definitely looks thinner there. she did some spots on my chin that look thinner too and she started my mustache last time and I can already tell it's looking thinner. As for my body hair, I was always very hairy and in some spots it was pretty dark and it always grossed me out, but thankfully it's starting to thin out. It's still a little thicker than I'd like but hopefully it will get thinner over time, and it's lighter in color than it used to be and it takes longer to grow back. I had a hard time figuring out if it was Nair or the hormones but I think it's the hormones, but I do really like Nair for hair removal, it works well for me, my skin is pretty sensitive to razors so I try to avoid them but there's still some spots I need to use them on.

Taste- So the testosterone blocker I'm on really makes me crave salt! Soups and corn chips and hot sauce are my weaknesses. I constantly crave mexican food now, like almost every day. Luckily I found some enchilada soup that's 180 calories per can and I found some frozen chicken and veggie mexican bowls that are under 300 calories. I know it'd be better to make it fresh myself but at this time of year it's hard for me, I'd rather cook outside and I'm back to work so I settle for quick and easy now. I still can't do raw tomatoes or mushrooms, but I can eat more veggies than I used to! I used to be disgusted by pickles but now they don't freak me out! I can eat em now!
Weight- so my weight loss has slowed considerably, I lost 33lbs in the last 6 months (25 really since I gained some back), but it's hard to tell if it's from the hormones or not. a month into HRT I plateaued at 208lbs for 3 weeks, and at one point I gained a couple pounds back, but after a while I started losing again but much slower. at the same time, I started a much slower paced job back in september for 2 months, and over the last month I've been stuck inside so I don't exercise as much, and if I do exercise it's a mild workout. I still have a good 20 to 30lbs more that I want to lose.

Strength- So I always heard that estrogen will make you lose muscle mass. So far I don't think that's happened to me, I can still lift heavy things but I think it's had an effect on my energy. I seem to move a bit slower now, I've noticed that my running technique has changed, I take much smaller steps where as before I had bigger leaps, and it's totally unintentional. The testosterone blocker I'm on is actually a medication used for high blood pressure, so I'm wondering if that's the culrit behind my lower energy.

Chest- I've always had a bigger chest due to my weight, but I actually do have female breast development now. It started to hurt constantly back in early november and that's when I developed breast buds, they started small, they were lumps behind the nipple that were harder than the fat on the rest of me, I could feel a spot on my stomach and then feel my chest and it definitely had a different feel to it, and now those buds have spread and I think cover all of my breasts now. There's still a lot of sensation in my chest, it's pretty sensitive, it hurts if I get a tight hug or if I randomly bump something into it, and the other day they were really hurting because of the cold, and I think I still have a few more years of this, ouch!! I can't run without a sports bra now!

Shape- So even though I lost a lot of weight my chest is still noticeable, I think the hormones stopped it from shrinking as much as my gut did. My shape is hard to gauge with all the weight loss, I know hormones are supposed to give you hips and a butt but that's also genetic, or so I've heard. I don't think I'm going to be getting hips, but it'd be nice to balance out my broad shoulders. I haven't noticed any butt changes either. Both my therapist and my doctor have told me before that I have a pretty feminine face, I think I do look cuter and even a little younger. I can actually look in the mirror and see a girl inside of me now, and I feel like that's only going to get better with time, so I'm happy about that! I definitely see a new glow in my face when I look in the mirror :)

Male stuff- I won't get too in depth about this, I don't wanna talk about it and I'm sure no one wants to read about it. At this point I think I'm sterile, my last blood test said my testosterone is very low now, which I'm happy about! I have almost no sex drive and I'm actually happier that way, I feel like I have better control over my body and it's nice not to be easily distracted by dirty thoughts! Over the holidays I spent some time with an old crush that I never get to see and it was honestly one of the better times I've ever had hanging out with her, and I think it's because of the hormones! I guess I'll mention it here that my body scent has changed too, I'm not as smelly anymore after intense physical activity. I always use deodorant but I use a weaker one because of my allergies and sometimes I had to freshen up in the afternoon, but it's been a long time now since I've smelled any typical male body odor on me!

Alright, that's all I can think of for now, thanks for reading! If anyone has any questions let me know!"

I hope this helps anyone who's curious as to the changes made around the 6 month mark!


Congratulations on the great days you are having.  I had something long typed up but one of my kids walked in the door with blood on his face so it got lost.  Oh well.  I'm happy for you.  Hugs.



HRT since 1/04/2018


aw, thanks ladies! and Robyn I hope your kid is ok!!


Eh, he's fine.  His forehead is scraped up but he'll live.  One of the fun aspects of being a paramedic.  Kid walks in "I'm bleeding to death!" I just look up and say "Prove it.  Tis but a scratch."



Quote from: Maddie86 on January 17, 2018, 03:42:53 PMVoice- this is one of the biggest things I need to work on. I feel like my vocal mannerisms can be girly at times, but the tone/pitch of my voice is nowhere near the female range, and I've had some very difficult times recording vocals for my band because it really triggers my dysphoria. I know there's a trans woman in Ithaca who gives voice lessons but right now I don't really have the time or money to set up an appointment. I think I can look into youtube lessons but it will be easier to practice talking to myself when I have my own apartment.

I found that by using *only* the muscles behind the throat, used to swallow, my voice naturally sounds female. At first, it is an effort but eventually, it becomes second nature. I pass 100% on the phone. :)

QuoteSkin- This was one of the first things I noticed changing! My skin started to look a lot healthier after just 10 days! Guys have pretty greasy skin and mine is a lot dryer now, I don't moisturize as often as I should, I really need to get in the habit of it. My skin used to be very blotchy, I usually lay on my bed with my left hand on my cheek while looking at my computer and you could see marks on my face from it but it doesn't get like that anymore. I have allergies and my skin gets itchy and breaks out at times, but it's nowhere near as bad as it used to be. It's been bad lately but I think it's because I haven't been eating well, I've been letting my diet slip and I need to get back on track. My skin is definitely softer now but I still have a ways to go until it gets super soft, but I think I'll get there eventually.
Hair- So when I'm not using any products my hair is definitely dryer and less greasy than it used to be. I used to have to wear hats all the time but I stopped that months ago, I can almost always brush it out to a point where it doesn't look gross anymore. It's definitely softer now and it does get tangled a lot but I don't get nearly as many split ends as I used to. I haven't noticed any increase in length, I've been growing it since 2011 so I think it's as long as it's going to get. After a couple of months I stopped losing hair, I used to lose a decent amount in the shower but now it's only a few hairs! My hair is a lot thinner on top and my doctor said I've definitely had some hair loss but I think it does look a little fuller now, but there's some spots on my head that still really bum me out.

In my 13 yrs on HRT, I noticed that my skin/hair got better (i.e. less dry and softer) with the addition of progesterone and keeping the T at a minimum, not letting it drop too much. Both these hormones make my skin more supple and hair/skin shinier. Skin seems more resilient and stronger on a little more T, too. 

Just my observations, not an endorsement of either these hormones or advice. ;)

Estrogen is supposed to lengthen the growth phase so that scalp hairs grow longer. So, wait a couple of years and who knows?! My hair is down to my butt. :) So don't give up hope just yet...

Interestingly, since being on HRT, my hair is thinner, not thicker BUT it could also be cause I color it and straighten it regularly with my flattening iron.  :-\

QuoteI think my facial hair grows a little slower now and it's maybe a pinch thinner, but unfortunately hormones don't really change it that much, I have to do electrolysis for up to 3 years or so to fully get rid of my beard. I'm seeing more progress though than I thought I would by now, my electrolygist seems to have done most work on my cheeks so far and it definitely looks thinner there. she did some spots on my chin that look thinner too and she started my mustache last time and I can already tell it's looking thinner.

It took me about 4 years to remove everything by electrolysis + laser. Be patient. In the end, it will be worth all the wait and pain!

QuoteAs for my body hair, I was always very hairy and in some spots it was pretty dark and it always grossed me out, but thankfully it's starting to thin out. It's still a little thicker than I'd like but hopefully it will get thinner over time, and it's lighter in color than it used to be and it takes longer to grow back. I had a hard time figuring out if it was Nair or the hormones but I think it's the hormones, but I do really like Nair for hair removal, it works well for me, my skin is pretty sensitive to razors so I try to avoid them but there's still some spots I need to use them on.

When my T got VERY low, my body hair significantly thinned/got lighter all over, even around my inner thighs where the hair used to be VERY thick and dark BUT I also found my skin was not as nice, looked flabby and less firm so added some T and that made all the difference and is worth hairs getting a little thicker again.

For chest, abs, I did electro and that got rid of everything. I'm also doing electro for inner thighs and it's working really well, really fast. Waxing, I find, is the BEST option for hair removal, after electrolysis. Hair doesn't grow back for weeks and hairs sometimes even come back thinner after awhile.

QuoteTaste- So the testosterone blocker I'm on really makes me crave salt! Soups and corn chips and hot sauce are my weaknesses. I constantly crave mexican food now, like almost every day. Luckily I found some enchilada soup that's 180 calories per can and I found some frozen chicken and veggie mexican bowls that are under 300 calories. I know it'd be better to make it fresh myself but at this time of year it's hard for me, I'd rather cook outside and I'm back to work so I settle for quick and easy now. I still can't do raw tomatoes or mushrooms, but I can eat more veggies than I used to! I used to be disgusted by pickles but now they don't freak me out! I can eat em now!

Spiro! haha  ;D :D

QuoteWeight- so my weight loss has slowed considerably, I lost 33lbs in the last 6 months (25 really since I gained some back), but it's hard to tell if it's from the hormones or not. a month into HRT I plateaued at 208lbs for 3 weeks, and at one point I gained a couple pounds back, but after a while I started losing again but much slower. at the same time, I started a much slower paced job back in september for 2 months, and over the last month I've been stuck inside so I don't exercise as much, and if I do exercise it's a mild workout. I still have a good 20 to 30lbs more that I want to lose.

In my own personal experience and what I've read, it seems that keeping the refined carbs at a minimum (i.e. too much insulin leads to excess fat storage, according to some studies) and having adequate levels of sex hormones (estrogen and testosterone appear to prevent excess abdominal weight gain) while not being too stressed (i.e. cortisol can sometimes lead to weight gain but in other cases, the opposite can be true too) are all helpful. Best of luck in losing the remaining 20-30 lbs. You can do it!  :)

QuoteStrength- So I always heard that estrogen will make you lose muscle mass. So far I don't think that's happened to me, I can still lift heavy things but I think it's had an effect on my energy. I seem to move a bit slower now, I've noticed that my running technique has changed, I take much smaller steps where as before I had bigger leaps, and it's totally unintentional. The testosterone blocker I'm on is actually a medication used for high blood pressure, so I'm wondering if that's the culrit behind my lower energy.

Could be if you are dehydrated and not drinking enough water, eating enough salt. Or not eating enough calories. Or not getting enough E or too low many things. As always, let your doctor know if this becomes a problem.

Coffee helps me when I feel depleted. ;)

QuoteI think I do look cuter and even a little younger. I can actually look in the mirror and see a girl inside of me now, and I feel like that's only going to get better with time, so I'm happy about that! I definitely see a new glow in my face when I look in the mirror :)

HRT has definitely helped in making me look way younger than my age. Amazing, right?! Studies do confirm estrogen has rejuvenating properties.

QuoteI have almost no sex drive and I'm actually happier that way, I feel like I have better control over my body and it's nice not to be easily distracted by dirty thoughts!

I missed it post-op and I find a little T (and even progesterone) helped a lot. Given me back my libido and amazing orgasms. But pre-op is a different story, I get it!
I am not a medical doctor, nor a scientist - opinions expressed by me on the subject of HRT are merely based on my own review of some of the scientific literature over the last decade or so, on anecdotal evidence from women in various discussion forums that I have come across, and my personal experience

On HRT since early 2004
Post-op since late 2005


Quote from: RobynTx on January 18, 2018, 08:51:34 AM
Eh, he's fine.  His forehead is scraped up but he'll live.  One of the fun aspects of being a paramedic.  Kid walks in "I'm bleeding to death!" I just look up and say "Prove it.  Tis but a scratch."

oh good! I'm glad he's ok!


Quote from: KayXo on January 18, 2018, 09:34:01 AM
I found that by using *only* the muscles behind the throat, used to swallow, my voice naturally sounds female. At first, it is an effort but eventually, it becomes second nature. I pass 100% on the phone. :)

In my 13 yrs on HRT, I noticed that my skin/hair got better (i.e. less dry and softer) with the addition of progesterone and keeping the T at a minimum, not letting it drop too much. Both these hormones make my skin more supple and hair/skin shinier. Skin seems more resilient and stronger on a little more T, too. 

Just my observations, not an endorsement of either these hormones or advice. ;)

Estrogen is supposed to lengthen the growth phase so that scalp hairs grow longer. So, wait a couple of years and who knows?! My hair is down to my butt. :) So don't give up hope just yet...

Interestingly, since being on HRT, my hair is thinner, not thicker BUT it could also be cause I color it and straighten it regularly with my flattening iron.  :-\

It took me about 4 years to remove everything by electrolysis + laser. Be patient. In the end, it will be worth all the wait and pain!

When my T got VERY low, my body hair significantly thinned/got lighter all over, even around my inner thighs where the hair used to be VERY thick and dark BUT I also found my skin was not as nice, looked flabby and less firm so added some T and that made all the difference and is worth hairs getting a little thicker again.

For chest, abs, I did electro and that got rid of everything. I'm also doing electro for inner thighs and it's working really well, really fast. Waxing, I find, is the BEST option for hair removal, after electrolysis. Hair doesn't grow back for weeks and hairs sometimes even come back thinner after awhile.

Spiro! haha  ;D :D

In my own personal experience and what I've read, it seems that keeping the refined carbs at a minimum (i.e. too much insulin leads to excess fat storage, according to some studies) and having adequate levels of sex hormones (estrogen and testosterone appear to prevent excess abdominal weight gain) while not being too stressed (i.e. cortisol can sometimes lead to weight gain but in other cases, the opposite can be true too) are all helpful. Best of luck in losing the remaining 20-30 lbs. You can do it!  :)

Could be if you are dehydrated and not drinking enough water, eating enough salt. Or not eating enough calories. Or not getting enough E or too low many things. As always, let your doctor know if this becomes a problem.

Coffee helps me when I feel depleted. ;)

HRT has definitely helped in making me look way younger than my age. Amazing, right?! Studies do confirm estrogen has rejuvenating properties.

I missed it post-op and I find a little T (and even progesterone) helped a lot. Given me back my libido and amazing orgasms. But pre-op is a different story, I get it!

thank you for your detailed response! This is very helpful! I'll try to keep that voice tip in mind :)


Well it's been a couple weeks so I figured I'd give a short update. Last week was a little rough for me, I had to work outside in temperatures ranging from 12 degrees to 28 and the girls DID NOT LIKE IT! they were super soar and just straight up hurt and it made me miserable, I was pretty irritable all week.

My weight has been going up and down a lot. I found out that I gained 5lbs over the holidays and then I went down 4lbs and then I gained another 2 back. I think some of it may be water weight but this is getting frustrating. I've been back to work for almost a month now so I am getting some physical activity but not nearly as much as the summer and fall. I tried jogging a couple times last week but each time was no more than 10 minutes or so. I didn't really have the energy to keep going but I didn't get winded, so at least that's good. I'm thinking about joining a gym but I really shouldn't be spending the money and later this week I'm starting a job that's an hour and a half away. so at least 3 hours of driving a day on top of 8 hours of work, I probably won't have the energy to go work out. On the plus side, this job should last me about a month and it's in a high rate area, I should be getting around $30 an hour! I'm saving for an apartment and that will help me out a lot!

So since I've been back to work for the last month I haven't had any Maddie time. as of today it's been exactly a month since I've dressed up. I haven't done any hair removal since then either, and I feel really gross. I live with my mom and since I'm working I have no alone time here so I can't use my clippers because she will hear them and ask why it's taking me so long to shave, and then if I use Nair like I have been she will ask me why I'm spending so much time in the bathroom. On the bright side, this is a good way of tracking how well the HRT is working! I still have back hair, but it's nowhere near as bad as it used to be! it used to be really thick and dark but it's lightened up a lot! some spots are darker than I'd like and it's all a little longer than I'd like but I'd say there's been a good 50% reduction so far. I didn't get a pic of that but I got pics of my chest, arm, and leg. My stomach is still pretty bad, maybe just a 10 to 15% reduction of what it was before, but my chest has maybe a 25% reduction, I still have a long way to go on that. My arms are probably my best, the hairs again are a little longer than I'd like but they are really light and not too thick, I'd say at least a 50% reduction there too. My legs are weird, in some spots the hairs are thin and light but other spots are darker and thick, they're very patchy. Here's some pics. sorry, they're kinda gross but whatever. I have today off so I'm gunna go shave now lol. There's a good chance the hair would get longer and thicker and darker if I grow it out but the growth has definitely slowed. Honestly right now my growth looks like it did at 2 weeks before and it's been 4, so that's progress! I hope it gets better over time, I've only been on HRT for 6.5 months and my estrogen levels are still low, 47 pg/mL, but that was in December before my last estrodial increase.



HRT since 1/04/2018