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Transgender Transformation Group Meditation

Started by patstar, July 29, 2017, 07:50:45 PM

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Hi, my name is Patstar.  I've been away from these forums for about a year and a half.  I would guess that a couple of people here remember me.

The main things to have taken place in my life in the time I've been away are:  (1) I lost 56 pounds last year (from 210 to 154), twelve of which I have put back on since.  (2—more importantly) I also had a total orchiectomy this past May (yay!).

I was extremely happy with the results of the surgery: both testicles were removed and I experienced no real pain at all post operation and in the recovery.  (Anyone in Rhode Island that would or the northeast would like the name of my surgeon, just ask.)  However, I am somewhat disappointed in the effects of the procedure so far (okay I AM 63, still.....).  After nearly three months I still physiologically look like a man.  Blood-work says that just about all the testosterone is out of my body.  Yet there has been no decrease in my physical strength (which is good and bad I suppose), and I have no problem producing full erections (again, good and bad as long as IT's still there, lol), etc.

This brings me to the true purpose of this thread.  Does anyone Know of the existence of any transgender meditation group to say, enhance feminization—within or out of these forums?  The effects of group meditation have been pretty well documented have resulted in rather profound data, considering the the limitations in number of meditators, etc.  And this is for focusing on external events (internally?).  At least the frontiers of science seem to be falling in line with spiritually, more and more coming to the conclusion that even physical reality is NON-physical and mutable.  Also, Einstein did say: "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."

Now, I have digressed a bit, but does anyone know of or interested in group meditation and other spirituality regarding >-bleeped-<.....other than the dubious stuff on Youtube. 

P.S. I also just want to discuss spirituality from a serious transgender perspective.
Well wishes to all. Patrice


Okay.......I VERY much care about this thread.  Therefore—in spite of the lack of response I'm not going to discontinue it.  So, I'm going to fight for this thread.......and my vision, and try to better communicate what I put forth.

In this "Brave New World" (and Age) of the early Twentieth Century we have gone past questioning to affirming two things that were previously held to be self-evident in the opposite: gender and reality.  The simplistic era of the nature of reality—seeing is believing (and knowing)—has completely ended.  I profoundly believe that the two major developments of at least the early Twenty-first Century shall (CAN) be what constitutes being male or female and the validity of the extrasensory reality.

Anyone who thinks that a lot this non-physical/spiritual reality and the interconnected nature of all things stuff is New Age mumbo-jumbo nonsense needs to read books like "The Secret Life of Plants: A Fascinating Account of the Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Relations between Plants and Man" by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird.  Science is POWERFULLY confirming just about all of these things.  The non-physical interconnected Universe is as much as much a reality as transgender men and women.

I will also go out on a bit of a limb and say that these CAN be THE two most important developments (sociologically and otherwise) in the first part of this century.  Why can't the two be "interrelated"?  I think that trans-women (and trans-men) should not rule out the power of meditation—for more than a few objectives.

At the very least can we start to dialog a bit on this fascinating subject(s)?

Well wishes to all. Patrice

Steph Eigen

I have practiced Buddhist meditation (mostly Zen school of thought) off and on for many years now.  The goal is mainly to obtain greater insight and a degree of abstraction from the immediate physical world allowing dispassionate examination of ones emotional state, motivations, reactions and thoughts.  This is a gross oversimplification and along with this is the important task of quieting the noise and random activity of the consciousness, the "monkey mind."

Neurophysiologically, the brain goes into an altered state characterized by hightened theta activity on EEG as well as other definable changes in activity.  There is a great book on by MIT neurophysiologist, James Austin, who became quite engaged in Zen meditation and describes his personal experiences and well as the scientific underpinnings of meditation practice and it's history:

It is a tour de force yet very accessible to the non-expert reader.  It's a big book, about 900 pages but broken up into small chapters.  If you are in any way interested in meditation, I overwhelmingly recommend it as required reading.

I suppose there are much more spiritual stories in the Buddhist scriptures of physical effects of meditation or the nearly superhuman acts of the great masters of the practice.  On a realistic, mere mortal level, don't expect magical body transformation.

The YouTube feminization videos are not credible.   To be clear, they are not meditation in the sense that most understand meditation.


I had found some hypnosis files that are supposed to do something similar to what you're saying, but I'm not sure how reliable they are.  I did listen to a few, and I felt like they worked, but could be a placebo kind of thing.
Hey all, I've created a new account because my life has begun anew.  This is to protect my identity.  Thanks for your understanding!

Steph Eigen

The ones that claim to grow bobs are nonsense. 

Steph Eigen



Hi  Steph.  Yes, of course I know the Youtube stuff is nonsense.  I just put that out there as a dubious example of what I'm definitely not talking about. 

This is much more the kind of thing I'm speaking of:  And was with the focus being on external event.  Think what might be achieved internally with even a much smaller group of meditators?  No, lol, I'm certainly not expecting immediate huge "magical body transformation", but do you think that small and/or subtle beneficial changes over weeks or even months might be worth the time spent ;)?  I have a personal saying: "Great constructions are usually built over long periods of time."

Even with 0.% physiological changes over a period of say....two years the idea of like minded (and personal goaled) individuals linking minds...or meditating in unison still has its appeal, wouldn't you say?

Yes, I am well aware of the more purest or basic ideas about meditation.  Also some of the more advance states are indeed the stuff for the real experts, but does one have to be a master to experience astral travel—or at least open ones third eye?  Mine was open as a child; I was fascinated, but had little idea what it was or what to do with it.

We are just beginning to understand the mind-body connection (again?), and I know of no better tool for reaching the upper levels of the mind than meditation. 

Finally, I think we are well suited to this adventure. Aren't we trans-women (and men) heroes...explorers?
Well wishes to all. Patrice


"A Russian scientist has been studying the human energy field and is claiming that people can change the world simply by using their own energy. While this idea is not new, not too many have taken the time to scientifically go about proving such ideas -although the field of quantum physics has shed some powerful light on the topic over the years. Dr. Konstantin Korotkov, professor of physics at St. Petersburg State Technical University, states that when we think positive and negative thoughts, each have a different impact on our surrounding environment.

"We are developing the idea that our consciousness is part of the material world and that with our consciousness we can directly influence our world," said Dr. Konstantin Korotkov.

We cannot see energy very easily with the human eye and thus the world of unseen energy can be difficult for the mind to grasp without scientific measurements to verify what is taking place. Perhaps this is why the study of consciousness affecting our reality has been virtually untouched for so long. To help create a bridge between our physical and unseen world, scientific experiments using a technique called bioelectrophotography are being carried out. In these experiments, an assumption must be made that states the human body and consciousness is constantly emitting energy. Following this assumption, Bioelectrophotography aims to capture these energy fields seen as a light around the body. In the metaphysical world this energy emission is known as a person's aura, while in the scientific field, it is often refereed to as our energy field.

Princeton Research

Dr. Korotkov is not the only one studying the effects of the human mind, thoughts and energy on our surrounding environment. The Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) Laboratory has also been trying to wrap their heads around the subject and have concluded that the mind does in fact have a subtle capacity to influence the output of devices known as Random Event Generators (REGs).

A project that initially started when a student was curious to study the effects of the human mind and intention on the surrounding environment, turned into a rigorous testing lab where Dr. Robert Jahn and his lab assistant spent many hours experimenting to determine whether or not the mind has an effect on our physical world. Jahn and his assistant were able to determine that the human minds interactions with the machines demonstrated a relationship that was not physical in nature. The mind was able to effect and change outcomes of the machine in ways that were beyond explainable. In essence, consciousness was having an effect over the physical world.

To determine the effects of the minds intention on the physical world, they built several machines called  a random number generator. The machine would essentially mimic a coin flip and record the results over time. The machine performed 200 flips per second and produced an average mean of 100 as one would expect. Left unattended, the machine would continue to produce results that suggested a 50/50 chance of producing either heads or tails. The interesting results came when human intention started to interact with the machine. What was once a random 50/50 chance of producing heads or tails began to deviate from expectation as the observer began to intend for the numbers to be higher or lower. While the effects of the mind over the the machines was not large, it was enough that contemporary physics is unable to explain what exactly is happening. Perhaps this is where the quantum world can shed light?

The implications this research could have on humanity is quite fascinating given it could reach into the realms of creating a world of peace, healthy living and joy. If intentions and thoughts can impact something the way it has been demonstrated above, why not explore the boundaries of how far this can go? It is my belief that we create our realities with our thoughts and intentions, I feel science is starting to confirm this and in time we will realize the true power of our minds and intentions."
Well wishes to all. Patrice


One of the Dan Brown books is about this kind of thing.  Very fascinating read.  I love this kind of stuff.  I believe it's called Noetics?  I may be wrong, since it's been a few years... Thank you for sharing this PatStar!
Hey all, I've created a new account because my life has begun anew.  This is to protect my identity.  Thanks for your understanding!


You're welcomed KageNiko.  I'll have to look up that book! 

I am fascinated by this sort of thing also.  Over the past 150 years or so the modern media, with the help of others, (and in all likelihood by order of the government and/or the major corporations) has done a masterful job of marginalizing these kinds of subjects and making them fringe topics that are worthy only of derision and condescending jokes.

These parties have in the past mislead our society—in spite of statements by Einstein and others—as to the very nature of reality itself!  The goal(s) would appear to be keeping real knowledge and power out of the hands of "common people" and otherwise maintaining the status quo.

Well wishes to all. Patrice


I have been meditating for over 40 years. Started with Transendental with my mantra and then becomming  zen bhuddist and today I live in Bangkok continue to be a devout bhuddist. Used to believe I could be enlightened in this lifetime but accept that this is not my time.

Meditation has many levels. When you start you look for emptyness. Later under Zen you pondered the koans also. Fasting creates a new dimension in meditation after 5 days. All that being said you cannot change your physical shape, you can become healthy and not fat but some suggestions that you can develop feminine shape by meditation is not possible. My master would laugh at such a concept.

I can understand how some begining meditators feel that elation and power as they reach their first state of conciousness to the world while meditating but as Susuki, an enlightened Zen monk who has written many books has said. When you first find that state of alternate conciousness the tress are no longer trees, mountains are no longer just mountains. But as meditation advances the trees are just trees and the mountains just mountains. We don't seek answers as a buddhist but ponder the questions. These questions have no answers and the zen master question are Koans.

So sorry but this is my view from my life as a buddhist..
When we first start our journey the perception and moral values all dramatically change in wonderment. As we evolve further it all becomes normal again but the journey has changed us forever.

SRS January 21st,  2558 (Buddhist calander), 2015


Thank you for your response Warlockmaker.  Hmmm, have you ever tried group meditation—or really read about test or experiment results regarding it?

I believe in the power of the human mind.  Quantum physics (and physicists now) support the idea that thought influences matter (reality) on at least a subatomic level with merely one observer/thinker.  What might a sizable focused group achieve?  Also.....even plants have proven to possess some small degree of consciousness and psychic capability ("The Secret Life of Plants", etc).  I honestly think thank our species could learn much from plants.

Could we start group meditation session with a much more modest goal(s)?  Forming a genuine connection?  Bonding?  Then maybe once the group has a substantial size, how about focusing on affecting the negative attitude toward LGBT individuals by still TOO many people.  Just a few thoughts and ideas. 

Well wishes to all. Patrice


And through positive, focused grouped meditation perhaps we can positively influence this sort of thing: -- --

Yes, yes I know full well that Dailywire is a dubious conservative "news source" associated with Fox TV News and that some of the details in these stories are highly questionable, nonetheless this is a growing problematic and dangerous trend that we need to address in SOME manner.  And there is strong evidence to indicate that focused group meditation has affected negative things such as crime--even on a worldwide basis.  At the very least, sadly, this IS concerning.

There are so many wonderful things which we might do if we put our minds together in meditation.
Well wishes to all. Patrice


"But this doesn't mean we can just sit around and wait to be saved. The Golden Age has occurred in our future timeline precisely because of the awakening that is happening now. And each of us has the responsibility—and honor—to play a part in this beautiful shift and make it happen. When we become disheartened when we watch the news and see all the negative things happening around the world, we can remember that this is not an accurate reflection of the state of the world. Earth is a much more positive environment than we think it is—we simply get only the negative stuff shoved in our faces night and day. And while most of the world's problems are due to a tiny minority of elites who have a lot less power than they would like us to believe, it is we who give them their power, and it is we who can just as easily take it back."

—Reality Unveiled, Ziad Masri
Well wishes to all. Patrice


This is pivotal period in our society's history. A part of the future could well be in your hands (or more accurately minds) Are there no visionaries here?   
Well wishes to all. Patrice


Well wishes to all. Patrice