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I hate politics

Started by celibi87, December 07, 2007, 01:04:29 AM

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So I get into work like normal and the boss calls me in as I am sitting down. He asks me to fax something for him which I did and when I gave him back the papers I faxed he asked me to sit down. I sat down and he pulled up a sticky note with complaints against me. One of them I understand (using my cell phone at work) but the other two make no sense at all. Here is the list he gave me:

1. I dress up as a female and try to mascarade around as one even though im male. Due to the elections and the amount of politicians coming in to see my boss I shouldnt be allowed to dress up as something im not as to create false accusations against him.

Ok....this is totally not fair to me. Noone has ever come to me and say that they have a problem with it and if they did I would listen to them and try to avoid being girlish around them and since I am in the back noone ever sees me. All the politicians I have ever seen go through the front door and avoid the back where we are so they wont see me.

2. I look at everyones hours when collecting the time cards and its an invasion of privacy to others.

I dont even collect the time cards anymore and when I did, I never looked at them. I took them out of their slots and put the on my managers desk. Why would I care what other people got on their time cards???? All I care about is the fact that I get paid for the hours that I worked and nothing else.

3. I use my cell phone at work to text to my friends during work and avoid taking calls even when we are busy.

Yeah I use my cell phone at work to text but only when we are at a standstill with no calls. As soon as a call comes in i put the phone down and awnser it. Even when someone else is on a call and needs help, I set down my phone and help them. I can understand the fact that other people have messed up in the past due to having their cell phones on and talking/texting on it rather than awnsering calls, but if I am doing my job and I still help others I dont see a problem with it and neither do the other people who do the same thing.

Overall I just wanted to shoot the person who put these complaints against me because out of the 10 of us who work in the back, 70% of the are on their phones texting/talking. My boss says that me dressing up might cost him the election if I am seen and understood that I am doing this cause I feel better in the clothes I wear now than I did when I began. He cracked a joke about it to loosen up the mood and I left, shutting off my phone just until he left.

So far the anonymous person who complained against me and my boss are the only ones who care what I do as long as I do my job right and dont screw up.

/end frantic day that wants me to yell my guts out

Laura Elizabeth Jones

Man, that is messed up, the people that said what they did are jerks.

Akina Chan

Awww sweetie I'm sorry.


After my knee is better we've gotta go do some shopping or something.

Love you lots. Don't let them get to you.  :-*


Some of that sounds like BS, but on the other hand, I'd send you home if you were on the phone and not doing your job.  If its important, tell me and I'll break you, otherwise do it on your break.  When at work, its always best to do what you get paid to do.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...