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trans people targeted for "extermination"

Started by CindyLouCovington, September 28, 2017, 06:42:56 PM

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I have mentioned this before but it is important.On april 7 2016 .i was nearly killed by a hit and run. the circumstances say it was deliberate.shortly after I was run down shortly after midnight a black car was seen briefly stopped at the spot where my body was soon found. later that year a trans man of our Louisiana trans advocates was almost run down oncauseway blvd in Metairie. he says it was definitely deliberate as the cae changed lanes when the driver saw him and speeded up tp over 50 to try to get him he barely jumpedclear i n time it was a BLACK CAR and as it sped past he could hear someome laughing in it I suspect some group of "religeous" nuts is targeting us. soWATCH OUT FOR YOURSELVES. the auto is the perfect murder weapon and hard to prove it was deliberate

Charlie Nicki

Wow that's terrible, did you and the other person press charges? So this is in Louisiana?
Latina :) I speak Spanish, English and a bit of Portuguese.


Charges are not needed. That was a hit and run which is much like attempted murder. The big issue would be locating the car and driver behind it.
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
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that is the problem, finding out who did itNo one got a licence number in either case and the guy didn't report it to the police. not that they could have done much. I am offering a reward of  $10,000 plus 10% of any damages I may collect hoping that someone finks on them for the money.I was hit in new orleans right outside my home. one problem is getting my funds out of the control of the vicious sadist of a sister who got a power of attorney from a court while I was in a 4 month Coma. she tried to finish the job started by the terrorist by deliberately doing everything she could to upset me soon after I came out of the coma hoping that I got a fatal relapse so that she would inherit all my money.I need to find a pro bono lawyer.


If you suspect your sister isn't properly managing your money, you should request the court demand an accounting of the funds that were spent. The sooner you do this, the better off you will be. There are often stories in the paper where by the time the truth is discovered all the money is gone. Yes, the person goes to jail but that does little to help the person who was cheated.
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
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Quote from: Dena on September 28, 2017, 08:55:51 PM
Charges are not needed. That was a hit and run which is much like attempted murder. The big issue would be locating the car and driver behind it.

The police should be able to track with traffic cameras. Or so it goes on "Person of interest"
Dawn Oday

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First indication I was different- 1956 kindergarten
First crossdress - Asked mother to dress me in sisters costumes  Age 7
First revelation - 1982 to my present wife
First time telling the truth in therapy June 15, 2016
Start HRT Aug 2016
First public appearance 5/15/17



I used to live in that area, most of my mother's side of the family still does. Makes me wary of going to visit now. Scary.

Then again I wouldn't wanna walk around there much regardless.  :-\ Gretna especially didn't feel safe anymore.


I have to get a pro bono lawyer as i have absolutely no access to any of my money so far all law school clinics i have tried are booked up i will keep trying. have no friend who can take me to court nursing homes are run like concentration camps. i would have no hesitation in sending my sister to prison and she knows it so i doubt she has the nerve to steal much. i have already threatened her with grand theft if she tries something


as far as traffic cameras there was one at the intersection where my body was found the terrorist was aware of it and was carefull to stay under the speed limit of 30 mph which is probably why i was not killed but was so badly injured none of the doctors gave me a chance of survival.i was in a coma for 4 months.Press drive is in a post war subdivision and has two wide traffic lanes plus the parking lane i was standing in when hit standing directly under a bright street light.person who saw car said lights were off probably so when he swerved suddenly out of the middle traffic lane i would not be alerted by lights shining on me. drunk would probably be speeding this was carefully plannedi


i  the guy nearly run down in Metairie who i met is not recognizable as trans even close up much at a distance. so i think we were both fingered, me probably by transphobe neighbors I think i know who but no proof.I have a feeling that this terrorist is working with "religious" nuts who finger targets for him he is probably a fanatic not doing this for pay. sounds paranoid of me i know but two attempts on trans people using a BLACK CAR is too scary to dismissed as a "coincidence" my neighbors could have easily have noticed that i followed a regular routine several days a weekGOING TO THE  UNO LIBRARY SEVERAL DAYS A WEEK comming home after the library closed at midnight and standing in the parking lane to check the mailbox i vaguely recall hearing a car comming in the middle traffic lane but since it was not speeding and was standing wee clear of its normal path was not alarmed


Look if you live in Louisiana it Louisiana is an open carry state. Go get a CCW. I have mine.

I live close to NOLA and this don't even sound right. If anything it may have been a gang initiation and no one would be safe.

An "auto" maybe a good weapon but a 9mm is better.

I go to NOLA all the time and never run into this. So for real or just plain ol' New Orleans drivers? Hell the whole state of La for that matter?


To reiterate on my last post and I live in SE Louisiana. People are dangerous driving in the state. When I mow my lawn and no on can tell either way what or who I am, and mowing close to the road with my mower on the edge of the road, most people don't even get over or even slow down if another car is coming so they can get in the other lane. A front tire blows out while they refuse to get over then  I am pretty much going to die.

Any hit and run is a against the law. I see people walking down the street all the time when I go to NOLA and I don't pay attention to who is who. NOLA does have quite a few LGBTs though. It could have very well been a gang initiation and you just happened to be trans. But then again it could have been a driver trying to text and veered toward you and may have seemed deliberate. If you were hit then there will be damage on the vehicle and that vehicle that fits a description with the amount of damage consistent with hitting a person will be found out. If the vehicle is the same then the feds can be called in to investigate a hate crime. But hell even religions in Lousiana are more liberal than say the same religion in Poduck Kentucky.

I was pulled over for speeding in Dry Prong Lousiana while dressed and not drinking but a legitimate pull over. The one officer in which there are probably four at the max if that was extremely respectful. gave me a non moving violation, seat belt ticket instead of speeding and going more than 20 over.

If I had to guess and my BF is a cop and I was almost one but the trans bug bit to hard so I stayed driving trucks, I would take an educated guess that instead of religious zealots it would be gang initiation. I don't know the full facts an I can't even assume. That is just what sounds more probably to me though.


I kind od doubt it was an accident because Press Drive has two wide traffic lanes in addition to the parking lane just the two traffic lanes are as wide as Chef Menteur highway which Press runs into. there are always cars in the parking lane though not in front of my house. so someone had to swerve out of the middle traffic lane. he would not have been traveling in the parking lane,especially that time of night with little traffic. and since the cars lights were apparently turned off thatsounds like careful planning so I wouldn't be warned by the headlights. and he was careful to stay under the speed limit so as not to be photoed by the traffic camera. and the fact that a trans man of our group was almost deliberately run down also by a BLACK CAR (color of the car not driver)is much too conveniently "coincidental" for comfort, I met this guy and he wouldn't be clocked even a few feet away much less a block away from a moving car. HEcertainly was fingered


I frankly would not have thought that people down here would be that hostle either, since there are a lot of LGBT people here, and most of the trans women you hear about getting killed here were apparently engaged in prostitution which is dangerous. I maintained a Quiet almost reclusive lifestyle books gardening etc. I never angered anyone by allowing them to pick me up Pre-op or post op for that matter. at 67 years of age I was much too old even if I had been inclined. I mentioned how some neighbors invited me over to their NewYear fireworks party hugging me saying we were all God's children etc. then after I started to transition giving me nasty looks and the next year for the first time in 15-20 years not holding their new year fireworks party like now my presence made it unfit for "decent" people to come there meaning their relatives. and I started being harasses by Code enforcement, which acts only on complaints about some big rose bushes on my lawn. I always managed to get the complaints dismissed, at a lot of trouble to myself. the LAST time shortly before I was run down. someone wanted to get rid of me by any means.


Quote from: CindyLouCovington on October 11, 2017, 09:45:16 PM
I frankly would not have thought that people down here would be that hostle either, since there are a lot of LGBT people here, and most of the trans women you hear about getting killed here were apparently engaged in prostitution which is dangerous. I maintained a Quiet almost reclusive lifestyle books gardening etc. I never angered anyone by allowing them to pick me up Pre-op or post op for that matter. at 67 years of age I was much too old even if I had been inclined. I mentioned how some neighbors invited me over to their NewYear fireworks party hugging me saying we were all God's children etc. then after I started to transition giving me nasty looks and the next year for the first time in 15-20 years not holding their new year fireworks party like now my presence made it unfit for "decent" people to come there meaning their relatives. and I started being harasses by Code enforcement, which acts only on complaints about some big rose bushes on my lawn. I always managed to get the complaints dismissed, at a lot of trouble to myself. the LAST time shortly before I was run down. someone wanted to get rid of me by any means.

I hope I didn't come across as hostile. ???

Look hon. I have lived around the world and all across the United States. I am not from here but the most idiotic drivers I have seen have been from SE and even to a lesser extent SW Louisiana. I has been a while since I have been to NYC but I had still lived in SE La then and they knew the deal in NYC. Down here they didn't back then and still don't and I doubt smart phones makes it any better.

SE La is a big time LGBT hot spot so I seriously doubt unless you pissed someone off if it was personal.

LOL prostitution, Louisiana is an open carry state. So as long as a pistol is not carried on your person and a purse is not a person, you can carry as long as you are legal and prostitution is not a felony crime. I have quite a few friends that "hook" in NOLA. They carry.

Seriously. My Boyfriend is a cop but not in NOLA and a handbag is not a "person".

I really don't know your situation but that is only my take on it... But now the mob works in many different areas. Make things right with them if so.

Yeah in cities, Code enforcement is worst than the Mafia. Rose bushes, not mowing your lawn and so on can get code enforcement involved. So live outside the cities. I prefer rural myself because of the exact same reasons you stated about rose bushes.

Louisiana is LGBT friendly regardless, especially SE but even SC and SW too. Hell I am from Arkansas and even they are LGBT friendly even if they can't totally understand the T too much but they do know and are trying. Arkansas is about as redneck as you can get. But they are at least respectful mostly but no less than anywhere else.

Have patience though. Hell my cousins husband who I thought would never like a "->-bleeped-<-" told me that he met one in NOLA after Andrew and she was badass. Then I told him about me and to him it was no big deal. To my cousin, his wife, it was but now not so much. He changed her mind. And this is in Arkansas. So times are changing and perceptions too.