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Started by Shawn Sunshine, December 23, 2012, 09:01:31 AM

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So far the garden inventory for this year is:

~900 peaches and cream corn seed planted (tapered off from years kids just don't eat as much)
6 habanero pepper plants
3 cayenne pepper plants
3 jalapeno pepper plants
3 watermelon plants
2 rows of white radish planted
1 row of white onion planted
3 cucumber (burpless) plants
36 tomato plants (big boys, roma, etc.)

Still to plant:

Snap Beans
Some people say I'm apathetic, but I don't care.

Wonder Twin Powers Activate!
Shape of A GIRL!


The wet May conditions spilled into June for much of Missouri and resulted in one of the wettest May-June periods in decades, ranking it the 9th wettest June on record, and the wettest June since 1981.  This year the statewide rainfall average approached 15-inches for the combined May-June period.  And, we are looking at another inch of rain tonight and tomorrow. yay!

Needless to say I have not had to water my garden at all this year. ;)  However, I am down on production and lost some plants entirely.  All of my corn is still growing, but the stalks are stunted and will probably make short ears (they still taste great, you just have to eat more ears to get your fill. lol).  Lost onions, a few watermelon plants, a couple pepper plants and a few tomato plants, but still on target for harvest in a few weeks.
Some people say I'm apathetic, but I don't care.

Wonder Twin Powers Activate!
Shape of A GIRL!


Quote from: ainsley on July 09, 2015, 03:41:03 PM
The wet May conditions spilled into June for much of Missouri and resulted in one of the wettest May-June periods in decades, ranking it the 9th wettest June on record, and the wettest June since 1981.  This year the statewide rainfall average approached 15-inches for the combined May-June period.  And, we are looking at another inch of rain tonight and tomorrow. yay!

You have had a lot of rain. Major storms just about every day in your area. I hope the remaining plants make up for what is lost.

It has finally started to dry up here. Many lilies are in full bloom. Some have passed their peak. Plan to start a batch of basil pesto very soon.


Fixed a simple omelette loaded with home grown cherry tomatoes, fresh oregano and thyme from the planter, and store bought asparagus sautéed in olive oil. Added a little bit of cheese and prosciutto for fillers. Emphasis on the veggies to be healthy. Also, harvested a good amount of coriander last week. Local sweet corn is available at street stands. Life is good.


That sounds good!

My garden is a wash, except for the few peppers and about 3 dozen ears of corn.  Waaaaaay too much rain.  There are even 100 acre plots that the farmers around me never got their seed into because of the rain this spring and summer.
Some people say I'm apathetic, but I don't care.

Wonder Twin Powers Activate!
Shape of A GIRL!


Quote from: ainsley on August 03, 2015, 03:33:28 PM
That sounds good!

My garden is a wash, except for the few peppers and about 3 dozen ears of corn.  Waaaaaay too much rain.  There are even 100 acre plots that the farmers around me never got their seed into because of the rain this spring and summer.

That has to be disappointing. I know you had put a lot of work into your garden. Hope it dries out for next year.


  I had an unusually wet summer here. The water bill is half of last year's. The garden is doing well despite the cooler and wetter summer. The cucumber pickles are at the normal harvest levels. The leeks were usable 3 weeks ago. The used tarps I saved from other more active uses saved the garden during that heavy snowstorm we had this past May. The tomatoes are at normal production but has gotten 25% damage to the first harvest by 2 squirrels over 2 days of raiding. It has been quiet in the garden since I took care of those squirrels. The corn will have the first harvest soon. The lima beans are doing quite well thus far. Pumpkins are good and the watermelons are slow this year due to the cool.


Shawn Sunshine

I wish I had pictures for you but my mother is hoarding them and well she wont accept me as a woman, a few things at her house she wont let me have.
Shawn Sunshine Strickland The Strickalator



I took all the chili planters and the cherry tomatoes inside sometime in October.  The cherry tomatoes are flourishing and some of the chilies are still growing.  Others i have trimmed the leaves and small branches off to try to hibernate them over the winter (they're perennials).
ਮਨਿ ਜੀਤੈ ਜਗੁ ਜੀਤੁ


While they sleep you can come work on expanding the asparagus patch!

Hugs, Devlyn


I better get working before the ground freezes.  I hear its best to let the manure sink in over the winter anyways.
ਮਨਿ ਜੀਤੈ ਜਗੁ ਜੀਤੁ


  The gardening done for the season. Leeks, potatoes, carrots and beets left in the ground until use or hard freeze forecast. I had scalloped potatoes last night with the potatoes and leeks from the garden. I processed some pumpkins and roasted the seeds, tasty. A lot of peppers this year; pickled, roasted and dried. A record amount of corn and lima beans in the freezer with pumpkin pulp catching up. Moderate amount of tomatoes processed.
  The leaves from the surrounding trees are down and the last mowing of the season over those leaves tomorrow for next year's mulch. The rest of the pumpkins picked and the vines cleaned up tomorrow.



I brought in the herb planter. It may have been too late for the oregano because it was touched by the freeze. Large batches of peppers have been sliced and frozen for stir-fry or curries. Fresh toasted pumpkin seeds are much better than the store. Time spent this week winterizing our home.

Lilian J

I started a raised bed about 3 feet wide and 10 feet long in early January with tomatoe varieties along the back, capsicum and lettuce in the middle and herbs all along the front. Is going really well especially since I started regularly adding liquid fertilizer. 
Other garden projects include putting weedmat and mulch through the garden beds, digging out roots and rebuilding a garden bed.
My neighbors keep saying why are you doing so much gardening in a rental house but as I say it is relaxing and cheaper than therapy :)


Barely a week into winter and I'm already thinking about next years garden... I'll be planting seeds in a month and a half. Anyone interested still interested in a garden group?


  I did get a batch of seed catalogs in the mail lately. Garden planning is next month.



I was glad to see this post in hobbies. I love gardening, but right now I live in an apartment. As such I can't enjoy my hobby. I don't think my complex would like it. I even got my degree in Landscape Contracting. The most that i can do is enjoy some bonsai trees in my window. I suppose it is something. Gardening I find relaxing even mowing the lawn is fun to me.


I would love to garden!! i been getting a mild itch to do it i guess within the last month. What are good plants to garden for a novice??
AMAB Born: March 1994
Gender became on radar: 2007
Admitted to self : 2010
Came out: May 12 2014
Estrogen: October 16 2015


So, here I am, early June, middle of Missouri, and I just last weekend planted 400+ seed of sweet corn. lol  Been too busy to plant any earlier.  I have never planted this late it the year.  Wish me luck!!
Some people say I'm apathetic, but I don't care.

Wonder Twin Powers Activate!
Shape of A GIRL!


I just started a thread on bonsai in the main hobby forum but I would love to have a gardening sub forum to place it in.

Hugs,  Carly