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girlfriend wants hormones but no bottom surgery

Started by dutchbirblady, March 11, 2018, 06:23:36 PM

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Hey there,

I'm currently dating a transgender girl who's on the waiting list to start her hrt. It won't happen for a good few years because there's not many clinics who offer it near her but I already want to ask just in case.

She wants to start hormone treatment, but she does not want a bottom surgery, also she does not intend to keep taking hormones her whole life (e.g., stopping after five years when the effects have become final). I fully support that decision and I've read stories about it being able to work out well, but I am worried she might get liver disease or brittle bones because of it. I've heard about women who did similar things and they had no issues with any of it but I've also read through this forum and found that a lot of the changes would revert if she'd stop taking hormones. Then again, she doesn't want to end up with a non-functioning reproductive organ either and she really, really, really doesn't want bottom surgery- and I support her with that because genitals do not define gender to me. Can someone give me a rundown on what would happen if she'd stop taking horones after say, 5 years, if her body would change back to normal et cetera? or if she'd have to keeptaking a low dosage to keep her body the way it is but her reproductive organs still functioning like she wants them to?

Thanks in advance!


I think I read here or somewhere that after taking HRT for over 9 months you pretty much become sterile.  Also, I read somewhere that stopping HRT will stop E production and nothing is permanent.

I'm sure someone will address this with more specifics.
HRT since 1/04/2018


hormonal changes become irreversible around the 2 year mark. for mtf women, i've heard that the penis becomes softer in texture, shrinks, and without regular 'exercise' can stop getting erect. hope this helps! :)

Lady Lisandra

I've heard of a trans woman that wanted to keep some of her male features. She would take hormones for 6 months, then stop for another 6 before starting again. I didn't have the pleasure of checking personally, but i heard that her genitals remained quite functional.

I've been taking hormones for almost 2 years and due to regular "exercise" my penis still works. It's not like before hrt, but with the correct stimulation i can make penetration work.
- Lis -


The timeline can vary greatly, but eventually taking estrogen will cause production of testosterone to cease.  At some point after that, production of testosterone will not re-start.

Good health requires either estrogen or testosterone.

After 5 years (your example), she would probably require exogenous testosterone to regain/keep male function.

As it is often recounted on Susans, the estrogen changes much more than body parts.  The mind is even more malleable than the rest of the body. After a while one gets used to thinking and looking like a female.

I didn't start out wanting or expecting to be female.  At age 58 I was diagnosed as hypogonadic (low testosterone).  I won't go into detail, but over the next 10 years, the male in me just evaporated.  I don't want to go back.


Lady Sarah

Before I started hormones, I did not know what to expect. It actually took me more than 5 years to change my body enough to be happy with it. However, after just a few months, I knew I never wanted to even think about changing back.
How her minds works may be different. If she told her family she didn't want bottom surgery, that might be why they are so mean. It might also be that they were the ones that convinced her not to get it, and may be trying to get her to change her mind about going on hormones.
started HRT: July 13, 1991
orchi: December 23, 1994
trach shave: November, 1998
married: August 16, 2015
Back surgery: October 20, 2016


Quote from: Lady Sarah on March 12, 2018, 05:14:29 PM
Before I started hormones, I did not know what to expect. It actually took me more than 5 years to change my body enough to be happy with it. However, after just a few months, I knew I never wanted to even think about changing back.

I'll be happy to see more changes in five months.  As it stands at this very moment with less than 2 1/2 months HRT, there's a slight change in my face that's I can really describe yet.

And the twins at the end protrude I'd say an inch.  I still get those "guy" moments asking why but they pass.

And as someone mentioned earlier, there's a mental change as well as physical.  That has to be interesting.
HRT since 1/04/2018


Quote from: dutchbirblady on March 11, 2018, 06:23:36 PM
I fully support that decision and I've read stories about it being able to work out well, but I am worried she might get liver disease or brittle bones because of it.

In my spouse's case, we went to the doctor and the doctor did a full physical and blood work in preparation. As long as your girlfriend's health is monitored by a doctor during the process, any issues should be addressed.


I don't know where the people saying the effects are all permanent are getting their info from...

But, the only change that will remain long term after stopping E is some breast development.. Skin will revert fairly quickly, fat will redistribute in male patterns, MPB becomes more likely and body hair will return - facial hair may also return to some extent.

And here's a thing: Estrogen doesn't directly cause sterility or erectile dysfunction. Sufficient levels of either T or E will cause the body to signal the gonads to shutdown, so too much T can have the same result.

This is not medical advice. Always consult your doctor.


From my own experience only. I started on herbals for erection control last May and in November switched to regular meds. This is due to nerve damage causing uncontrolled erections long term and other major issues. I can  absolutely say in my case there is nothing happening down south any more. I've been on E for less than 3 months and I know I won't ever go back to testosterone. I will get the testicals removed but that is it for me bottom wise. Having a stub of a penis left won't bother me in the least as it looks like a little lady bit now anyways.
December 2015 noticed strange feelings moving in
December 2016 started to understand what my body has been telling me all my life, started wearing a bra for comfort full time
Spiro and dutastricide 2017
Mid year 2017 Started dressing and going out shopping etc by myself
October T 14.8 / 456
Came out to my wife in December 2017
January 2018 dressing androgenes and still have face hair
Feb 2018 Dressing full time in female clothing out at work and to friends and family, clean shaven and make up
Living full time March 1 2018
March T 7.4 / 236
April 19th eligard injection, no more Testosterone
June 19th a brand new freshly trained HRT and transgender care doctor for me. Only a one day waiting list to become her patient 😍



Its not unusual here in Thailand for tgs to not have bottom surgeries (srs). Many feel that they may lose the ability to orgasm, and lose their sex drive. Many have been on some sort of HRT program for many years. From my many discussions with my tg friends, here, who still have a penis and take E, they continue to have the abilty for erections and have a great sex life. They go off E sometimes with no negative effect.

Longterm damage, from E, to the liver should not be a problem if carefully monitored. Many of the liver issues are caused by excessive alcoho, especiallyl when on meds. Also self prescription of E in large doses is not advisable. Use a Doctor and take a blood test To monitor the liver and kidneys every 6 months for the fist few years and then yearly after is advisible.

Generally speaking if you are a sexully active and healthy male, then  the E will not stop you from erections. Many Western tgs regard their penis with disdain and taking HRT confirms their view of who they are without a penis, which they hate, this mindset will lose their ability for erection. As you are on HRT for longer then your new female mind will have different triggers for arousal and you will mentally change and adapt.

I was on HRT for 3.5 years before srs. I was sexually very active and never had a problem with erection, just a different trigger mindset to get there. Maybe this mindset allowed me to orgasm easily as a female post srs. Not all people are interested in sex but this is a major concern for younger transitioners.

Finally, I note that she has not started HRT. Well the mental outlook will change on HRT and she may change her view on srs. Read about the effects of HRT mentally on many posts in this forum.
When we first start our journey the perception and moral values all dramatically change in wonderment. As we evolve further it all becomes normal again but the journey has changed us forever.

SRS January 21st,  2558 (Buddhist calander), 2015


Quote from: warlockmaker on March 26, 2018, 12:46:55 AM
Its not unusual here in Thailand for tgs to not have bottom surgeries (srs). Many feel that they may lose the ability to orgasm, and lose their sex drive. Many have been on some sort of HRT program for many years. From my many discussions with my tg friends, here, who still have a penis and take E, they continue to have the abilty for erections and have a great sex life. They go off E sometimes with no negative effect.

Longterm damage, from E, to the liver should not be a problem if carefully monitored. Many of the liver issues are caused by excessive alcoho, especiallyl when on meds. Also self prescription of E in large doses is not advisable. Use a Doctor and take a blood test To monitor the liver and kidneys every 6 months for the fist few years and then yearly after is advisible.

Generally speaking if you are a sexully active and healthy male, then  the E will not stop you from erections. Many Western tgs regard their penis with disdain and taking HRT confirms their view of who they are without a penis, which they hate, this mindset will lose their ability for erection. As you are on HRT for longer then your new female mind will have different triggers for arousal and you will mentally change and adapt.

I was on HRT for 3.5 years before srs. I was sexually very active and never had a problem with erection, just a different trigger mindset to get there. Maybe this mindset allowed me to orgasm easily as a female post srs. Not all people are interested in sex but this is a major concern for younger transitioners.

Finally, I note that she has not started HRT. Well the mental outlook will change on HRT and she may change her view on srs. Read about the effects of HRT mentally on many posts in this forum.

Like your necklace!
HRT since 1/04/2018


It should be noted many trans couples have had unplanned children due to the belief they were sterile. Some times even though all the tests indicate they are sterile on hormones both mtf or ftm will still be capable of reproduction. Therefore it is also the case that one could become fertile again after stopping treatment as you do not remove the source.

If they wish to stop at one point I highly suggest they seek a doctors advice for advanced steps to prevent an unwanted outcome of transition etc.
Awww no my little kitten gif site is gone :( sad.

2 Febuary 2011/13 June 2011 hrt began