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Stevi's Saga

Started by Stevi, March 19, 2018, 04:20:15 PM

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I mentioned in a reply a couple days back that my wife had finished up her letter explaining our situation, transition and such, to them.  One of them called as soon as she finished reading it.  It is all good with her.  She said she loves us both.  Always has and always will.  We are both welcome when we can manage to get her way.

I have not heard from the other sister.  She is the wife of a retired Methodist minister.   Don't know how they are going to deal with.  Still waiting for that shoe to drop.

As for my family,  I still haven't heard anything from three of my sisters and one of my brothers.  Right now, I am fearing the worst from them.

That is my update on the coming out to family process.


Northern Star Girl

Quote from: Stevi on July 24, 2018, 02:39:44 PM
I mentioned in a reply a couple days back that my wife had finished up her letter explaining our situation, transition and such, to them.  One of them called as soon as she finished reading it.  It is all good with her.  She said she loves us both.  Always has and always will.  We are both welcome when we can manage to get her way.

I have not heard from the other sister.  She is the wife of a retired Methodist minister.   Don't know how they are going to deal with.  Still waiting for that shoe to drop.

As for my family,  I still haven't heard anything from three of my sisters and one of my brothers.  Right now, I am fearing the worst from them.

That is my update on the coming out to family process.


Dear Stevi: 
It is not my intent to bore you with my armchair coaching here but YOU can not control how others feel about you and if they accept you.   .....
.... But you are in complete control of how you act and handle their acceptance or non-acceptance....

One thing is for sure, you have to accept yourself!!!

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I started HRT March 2015 and
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I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single


Hi Stevi,

  Waiting for those responses can be a pain. We want to know and we want to know now! Some people honestly do not know how they feel about it. They can take some timee to respond if they respond at all. It has still been a relatively short time since you sent them out. Give it some more time for it to sink in and find out how they feel about it.
  While you are waiting enjoy those supporting replies that you have gotten back already.

April 13, 2019 switched to estradiol valerate
December 20, 2018    Referral sent to OHSU Dr Dugi  for vaginoplasty consult
December 10, 2018    Second Letter VA Psychiatric Practical nurse
November 15, 2018    First letter from VA therapist
May 11, 2018 I am Laurie Jeanette Wickwire
May   3, 2018 Submitted name change forms
Aug 26, 2017 another increase in estradiol
Jun  26, 2017 Last day in male attire That's full time I guess
May 20, 2017 doubled estradiol
May 18, 2017 started electrolysis
Dec   4, 2016 Started estradiol and spironolactone



Danielle, Laurie,

I know.  I need to be patient.  Then I get what I get.  No answer?   Rejection?  Disowned?  Just deliberating?

Still, it is a bit like sitting on pins and needles.  Uncomfortable no matter which way I twist.

Girls, I do hear you.



My wife got a call today from her "other sister" ( the one that had not called yet in the post from a couple days ago).  She told my wife that all was well.  She loves us and respects my decision.  She might have trouble with the name but she is OK with us.  My wife is batting a thousand. 

I spoke with my most accepting sister, sister #2, today.  She thinks that sister #1 and sister #3 will choose to write a letter.  She spoke with sister #1 and she thinks that she will be much like sister #5.  That she is thinking I am doing the wrong thing but wishing for me to be happy.  Probably, will have trouble with me in face to face situations.  May never accept me as their sister.

I am not home.  Won't be home until Saturday evening at the earliest.  So, I won't know if they have sent out letters or not till then

SOme very good news.
Focus on that,

Northern Star Girl

Quote from: Stevi on July 25, 2018, 07:40:01 PM
My wife got a call today from her "other sister" ( the one that had not called yet in the post from a couple days ago).  She told my wife that all was well.  She loves us and respects my decision.  She might have trouble with the name but she is OK with us.  My wife is batting a thousand. 

I spoke with my most accepting sister, sister #2, today.  She thinks that sister #1 and sister #3 will choose to write a letter. She spoke with sister #1 and she thinks that she will be much like sister #5.  That she is thinking I am doing the wrong thing but wishing for me to be happy.  Probably, will have trouble with me in face to face situations.  May never accept me as their sister.

I am not home.  Won't be home until Saturday evening at the earliest.  So, I won't know if they have sent out letters or not till then

SOme very good news.
Focus on that,

@Stevi:  The plot thickens, now you have to nervously wait for the letters...  in my experience if it is good news they will call... those that want to write a letter may just feel more feedom to tell you what they really think.  This is exactly what happens with emails also... hiding behind a computer screen.

For your sake, I really hope that I am wrong... I want you to be happy and have the acceptance from your loved ones that you so very much desire.  Just so you know I still do no have acceptance from my parents and family members so I do feel your pain and anticipation about this.

No matter what happens, you did come out to them, that was a bold move on your part and I applaud you for that.

Please try to get some rest as you wait for the postal service... they don't call it snail  mail for nothing.

Hugs for you, wishing you well as always,
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             (Click Links below):  [Oldest first]
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                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single


Got an email from sister #1.  She is mourning the loss of her brother.  She thinks I should accept the way that God made me and be comfortable in my own skin.  That is the jist of her rather brief email. She is stuck on the outward appearance as the definition of who I am as a person within.

I will put together a response that Socratically addresses what I see as her misconceptions.  It will take a while to get to it since I am up to my armpits in alligators right now.



But but but, you didn't chose to be this way, it is the way god made you!

I know you already know that but I had to say it.
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
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Quote from: Dena on July 26, 2018, 09:32:26 PM
But but but, you didn't chose to be this way, it is the way god made you!

I know you already know that but I had to say it.

What Dena said :)


Dena and her echo, Paige,




Where to begin?

Yesterday, before we could head back home, my wife, her niece and I sat down at the table.  We were about to transfer title to our van to her, a gift.  Before we began to process the title, I needed to clue her in about the name on it.  I did not want to get into a public situation and have her be taken by surprise and then go ballistic. So, I handed her the title and asked her to look at the name of the owner, my name.  Our expectations were extremely low.  The niece has often expressed disparaging views of black, Mexicans, gays, man-buns.  But we needed to let her know what was going on.  We were flabbergasted by her response.  After answering her query as to what that meant she was 100% accepting.  She has insisted that I never again compromise my presentation around her.  She is worried that she will offend by letting habit cause her to use the wrong name or pronoun.  Incredible! 

Two of my wife's other nieces have reached out to express their unequivocal acceptance and love for both of us.  My wife's family has been, so far, ultra supportive.

On my side, it is a mixed bag.  Our daughter is still struggling in spite of her liberal bent.  Just too close to home for comfort.   My youngest brother is OK as long as he doesn't actually have to deal with me in person.  Sort of "Do whatever you want.  Just don't ask me to be involved."  My youngest sister is in a better place than my brother.  She disagrees with what I have decided to do but she will try to work with it for my sake.  My oldest sister decided she needed to give me her opinion and advice which I specifically told her I was not asking for.  I replied to let her know I got her response and would follow up with a more complete reply.  Every time I try to put my thoughts down I get more and more angry with her.   Almost every word of her response is wrong in some way or another.  Inaccurate, dismissive, disrespectful or self-righteous.

Two sisters have not replied in any way, whatsoever, as yet.

On the positive side, my second oldest sister and her husband and my younger brother's wife are supportive.

We got home from Atlanta this evening and swung by the post office to pick up the mail.  In it were a couple of cards from UU members expressing support for me specifically in regard to my coming out to my family.  There was a beautiful letter from one of my wife's nieces expressing full support for both of us.

Then there was the card from my older brother.  He is a word economist.  After stating my letter was hard to read (because of the content), he wrote "I'm OK with it."  Related how he questioned, from a early age, why people do such terrible things to other (kinds of) people.  I was now "an other kind of people" person.  He assured me that he will not abandon me.  Commanded me to "Be careful." with a reminder that North Carolina is not the most liberal state in the U.S.  Invited me to call if I need to talk.  Sent his love to me and my wife.  Brief and perfect.  One more solidly in the supportive column.

The saga continues....

Susan Baum

Hi, Stevi,
How wonderful were the responses you got from your niece and older brother? Like cherries on an ice cream sundae.

My own family was also a mixed bag but, as your brother put it, I'm OK with that too.

Keep on being yourself. You still may manage to convert a few minds.

Aging is inevitable - growing up is optional.


I have heard from a couple of my own nieces.  The one has gotten in touch with my daughter to try to help her along.  The other has contacted me with support and a commitment to help her mother with bringing my younger brother into line.

The second one is into her ancestry.  She asked some questions about how to include me in her lineage.  She was wondering about how to handle the new name and old name.  This is something I don't remember ever running across in all the conversations and comments here.  I was touched by her consideration for me.

I spoke again with my most accepting sister, sister #2.  We talked bout a number of things.  Her new job.  The circumstances that brought about the suicide of our younger sister's son a few years back.  Other family related things.

We spent some time on just what I should do about responding to our oldest sister, sister #1.  I am still angry about what she had to say to me.  We both agreed it was unlikely to do any good to argue with her or try to educate her on the issue.

She holds a certain opinion about this.  The correct one, by the way.  So, since my opinion and choice of action is flawed because it does not match the correct one, hers, I need to rethink it and properly consider God and His principles this time.  Obviously, since I reached the incorrect conclusion, I did not do it correctly the first time 'round.

I will try again to reply to her.  I think, this time, I will agree to disagree about what is the right path for me to move on.  Tell her in no uncertain terms that I have carefully considered all of this.  I have decided to do what it is that I need to do to try to be happy.  I have succeeded.  I am moving forward.  Her only choices are to accept me and come along enjoy the true, complete person I am, her sister, or reject me and be left behind to unnecessarily mourn the loss of a brother that never really existed except in her own mind. 

Having just written that last paragraph, I think most all of what I need to tell her is in there.  I just need to change the person of the pronouns from her to you and stick it in an email to her.



Quote from: Stevi on July 29, 2018, 11:57:26 PM
I have heard from a couple of my own nieces.  The one has gotten in touch with my daughter to try to help her along.  The other has contacted me with support and a commitment to help her mother with bringing my younger brother into line.

The second one is into her ancestry.  She asked some questions about how to include me in her lineage.  She was wondering about how to handle the new name and old name.  This is something I don't remember ever running across in all the conversations and comments here.  I was touched by her consideration for me.

I spoke again with my most accepting sister, sister #2.  We talked bout a number of things.  Her new job.  The circumstances that brought about the suicide of our younger sister's son a few years back.  Other family related things.

We spent some time on just what I should do about responding to our oldest sister, sister #1.  I am still angry about what she had to say to me.  We both agreed it was unlikely to do any good to argue with her or try to educate her on the issue.

She holds a certain opinion about this.  The correct one, by the way.  So, since my opinion and choice of action is flawed because it does not match the correct one, hers, I need to rethink it and properly consider God and His principles this time.  Obviously, since I reached the incorrect conclusion, I did not do it correctly the first time 'round.

I will try again to reply to her.  I think, this time, I will agree to disagree about what is the right path for me to move on.  Tell her in no uncertain terms that I have carefully considered all of this.  I have decided to do what it is that I need to do to try to be happy.  I have succeeded.  I am moving forward.  Her only choices are to accept me and come along enjoy the true, complete person I am, her sister, or reject me and be left behind to unnecessarily mourn the loss of a brother that never really existed except in her own mind. 

Having just written that last paragraph, I think most all of what I need to tell her is in there.  I just need to change the person of the pronouns from her to you and stick it in an email to her.


Hi Stevi,

I find your updates really inspiring.  Sure there's some negatives, but the positives responses you've received are pretty amazing.  Not too many people in this world can really test how people feel about them.  By the sounds of it, you've got a lot of people that truly love you.

Take care,
Paige :)


Name change details,  I had to stop by the tax office today.  We transferred a vehicle to our niece.  It is subject to personal property tax so I get a rebate for the remainder of the tax year.  While there, I had them change my name in the tax records.  Smooth and easy.

While in the courthouse, I stopped by the Recorder of Deeds office.  I asked if the name needed to be updated on my deed.  I was told I need to have a new deed drawn up to do that.  When I asked if I HAD to have it done, I was told that is a legal question that I would need to see a real estate lawyer about.

On another front, the fitness center membership.  You thought I forgot about that, didn't you.  Well, I did not.  It is just that I gave them two weeks to reconsider before I took further action.  He did not use the entire period.  I picked up a registered letter from him today.  He has refused to reinstate our family membership but my wife may continue under a single membership.  Tellingly, I think, he addressed the letter to S Jones instead of Stephanie Jones, as I had signed my previous letter.

So, while in town I stopped by the law practice I have used in the past to ask about the deed and name change.  In addition, I asked for some referral for a law firm that might take a gender discrimination case.  I had to leave a message for the lawyer.  I'll let you all know where this leads me.



I replied to my older sister, Sister #1.  Every time I thought about what to say in a reply, I got more angry.  I had initially thought I would try to educate her.  That was a foolish thought.  She is not interested in learning anything about gender identity issues as it relates to me.  She already knows what she needs to know.  She asked her doctor for a second opinion.  Not to learn anything.  Instead, so, she could call upon an "authority" to back up what she believes.  She then proceeded to tell me I was asking the wrong question by asking them to accept me and my choice.  According to her I should accept with how He created me and learn to live with it.  Translation- Man up!

in my reply I bit my tongue and read her the riot act, anyway.  I put the Tommy gun down and just settled for giving her both barrels of the shotgun.  She got off easy.  I am typically non confrontational.  This was not typical, by any means.

(Irony.  I just got interrupted by a text message from another of my wife's nieces.  She sent a message of love and support for both of us.  Pride in me for making the bold step to transition and make it known to one and all. She informed us that her daughter is working on her Masters in gender studies.  My wife's family has been super-great.  So much of my family is tying themselves in knots over this.)

I did not tell her to get lost.  I used the last half of the reply to express my love for her and my understanding of how hard it can be to grasp and offer an olive branch.  I do not want estrangement.  I just don't want her meddling and second guessing nonsense.


Northern Star Girl

Dear Stevi:  I read your update and have tell you that it was good that you bit your tongue... and didn't tell her off, but instead offered an olive branch... Kudos to you for taking the better action on your part.

I know that all of this is very difficult and here on your thread, your readers and followers are your biggest fans...  In your good times we will rejoice with you and in your not so good times we will offer our thoughts and words of support.

Hang in there...
Hugs and well wishes,
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                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single


Just an update on a few things.

Not much from my family.  No reply from sister #1 to my reply to her troublesome response.  Still not a word from sisters #3 and #4.

My wife and I have begun to get ready for the cruise.  We will head down to Miami a few days early.  We have made some arrangements to spend some time with a couple of the regulars here on our way through central Florida.  Looking forward to that.  We have done a little shopping.  The cruise has a couple of evenings designated as "elegant night"  I found a couple of dresses for the occasions.  One is a dress with a black halter top.  Low, low cut in the back and a full faux wrap around skirt, gold on black.  My wife insisted I buy it along with a more practical blue dress that with the proper accessories can do elegant or classy casual.  They were on the clearance rack.. Thought I would need to pay about $90.  Got both of them for $56 when we checked out.  What a pleasant surprise that was.

On the fitness center front, I have filled in some online forms with ACLU of NC and Lambda legal to see if I can get a little help with fighting the fight.  I have, also, reached out to a lawyer to seek some counsel or a referral to a lawyer who can help me deal with this issue.  I don't know if I will actual pursue it, but I need some advice on the possibilities of mounting a challenge and the chances of prevailing.  My wife and I are not in a big hurry to be high profile in the fight against transgender discrimination.  Still, if this is a suitable case to challenge a private individual's choice to not serve a transgender individual or the lack of transgender discrimination protections in North Carolina we will give it some consideration.  This situation does not have the religious objection component in it.



It seems to me that there are almost no legal protections for gender identity in North Carolina.  In fact, the state has a negative score according to this website:

I don't know what kind of legal recourse you could possibly pursue, if there are no existing laws to protect your position.



Yes, I know it is a tough one.  Likely, impossible.  I do believe he violated the terms of the membership agreement in that "being transgender" is not one of the two grounds for canceling my membership.  North Carolina law does require he honor contracts he willingly enters into.
