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Stevi's Saga

Started by Stevi, March 19, 2018, 04:20:15 PM

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I have male pattern baldness.   Not cue ball bald.  Just noticeable thinning on the crown and a receding hairline on my forehead.  I have been on finasteride for three months, now.  I noticed, yesterday, that there is a lot of fuzz, some of it about a quarter inch long, along my hairline that did not use to be there.  Interesting.  Very interesting.  There is hope that my hair might be filling in.  It takes so long to grow though.

I have an assortment of wigs.  I don't often wear them any more.  Much more self-confidence, now, than I used to have.  My wife, on the other hand, frets about the top of my head when I am in public au natural. 



Hi Stephanie,

I also suffer from the same, I'm glad you are seeing progress [emoji4]. I also am taking finasteride for it but I'm also using minoxidil, I use a generic product instead of the more well known brand which is supposed to help you regain your hair, I found once I started on the minoxidil my hair has thickened and strengthened. While I haven't recovered all hair on top it is much better to the extent that it no longer causes me to worry too much about it. I found it took a couple of months to see results and the longer I take it the more new little hairs keep appearing and filling in the gaps.

I don't want to clog your thread up with images of my head so I have posted in my thread Now I'm Nicole showing the progress from March to today.





There have been a couple of developments on the coming out front.

I got an email from sister #1 a while back.  Her response to my sibling coming out letter violated some boundaries I specifically and pointedly set for her.  I pushed back at her, hard, too hard, I feared.  I am not often as assertive as I was with her this time.  Anyway, yesterday she replied to my pushback.  Not the best, but one I think I can work with.

This morning I put a fist full of letters into the mail to let a number of cruising life friends know what was up.  Over the past few years we have drifted apart for various reasons.  A major one was my and my wife's efforts to tame the trans-beast.  Now, that the creature has been domesticated, I thought they should know.  One of the couples lives not too far away.  On the way back home from the post office, I stopped at the local grocery to pick up a few thing for the next couple day's meals.  On my way across the parking lot I saw that friend walking to her car.  I purposefully avoided acknowledging her.  I had just sent out the letter and did not particularly care to address the issue in the middle of the local grocery's parking lot.  I did not think I had been noticed by her.  When I got home, I found my wife sitting on the bed, clutching her "Hugs and Kisses" bear.  "What now?", I asked.  She asked, "Did you see X while you were out."  I had.  Well, it seems that X stopped at our house on her way home and ambushed my wife.  Grilled my wife about how she was, questions and comments about our sex life, comments about my mental condition and expressed anger at my not acknowledging her in the parking lot.  All in all, a really bad scene and totally uncalled for.  The upside, my wife handled it well.  Not the confrontation itself, so much, (She wishes she had been quicker witted with her side of the situation.) as the aftermath.  I found her in a relatively good state when I got home.  Not so long ago, I would have found her in the fetal position bawling her eyes out.  I made a point of acknowledging how well she was dealing with it.  She is now POed beyond belief at X.  She is in defensive mode on my behalf.

In an effort to head off potential trouble, we decided I needed to email a copy of the letter I just put in the mail to one of our mutual cruising friends with X.  We needed to make sure X did not pass along this news before our letter arrived.  When I came into the computer to send off the email, I found a response from sister #3.  Sister # 3 was the one I held out he most hope for but the long time without a response was beginning to worry me.  Oh ye of little faith!  What a reversal of fortune.  My sister #3 was most kind , compassionate and thoughtful.  Addressed me with "Dear Stephanie, (I like Stevi, too),".  She proposed that we find a way to get together.  She wants to talk with us face to face.   Email is OK but she would rather do it in person.  I knew she was good hearted.  Our absolute worst response and probably our very best response in a matter of minutes of one another.  A roller coaster for sure.

Sister #4 is the only one left.  Crossing my fingers.

While taking care of the email to the mutual cruising friend, I got a further response from sister #1.  She did much better this time except she appears to be avoiding my name..  We will be able to get along, I think.  I sent a brief reply to both sister #3 and sister #1 so they know I got their emails and that I'll do a proper response to both of them a little later.

A little later I sent off a PM to a couple of cruising friends that are in parts unknown on their boat right now.  I have received affirmative responses from them.

The saga continues,

Northern Star Girl

Well, the way that I am reading your update it appears to be all good news... even though the thing did not go very well with "x" it was nice to read that your wife has defended you in that matter.
Things appeared to go well with your sisters and as you are, I am crossing my fingers for you regarding Sister #4

Ughhh, that was an ugly happening with "x" ...  she certainly has a bee in her bonnet...  be very thankful for your wife's attitude about all of this.... as I am sure that you are.  You are very fortunate... make sure that you let her know that.

Thanks for keeping your thread updated....

Hugs and well wishes,
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I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single



QuoteThanks for keeping your thread updated....

Trying my best.



My wife and I renewed our vows.  Exchanged rings.  What do you think?

By the way, her hand is covering my bright red nails and my hand is covering my name. The text is part of my portion of the vows that I read while weeping like a girl.  The photo, also, went on Facebook.  Still waiting for the last couple of letters to arrive at their intended destination by snail mail so a little subterfuge is still in order.



That's beautiful Stevi,

Such a wonderful moment for you both, you are one lucky girl, I'm tearing up reading it, no wonder you were weeping.



Northern Star Girl

Quote from: Stevi on August 08, 2018, 08:56:40 PM
My wife and I renewed our vows.  Exchanged rings.  What do you think?

By the way, her hand is covering my bright red nails and my hand is covering my name. The text is part of my portion of the vows that I read while weeping like a girl.  The photo, also, went on Facebook.  Still waiting for the last couple of letters to arrive at their intended destination by snail mail so a little subterfuge is still in order.


Dear Stevi:  This is very wonderful news ... I am so happy for your both.  It is great that you both found the commitment and love to stay together in undoubtedly difficult circumstances.

Very beautiful matching rings and a beautiful photo.... thanks for sharing your special moment with us.

I am still crossing my fingers for you regarding the last few letters that you sent to be received and then waiting for and getting replies....
Thanks for your updates.
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                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single


Nicole and Danielle,

Thanks.  I took some other photos.   One is now my new avatar.

Danielle, some good news on the latest round of letters.  The one sent out by email to the active cruiser friends resulted in a very positive response.  They are a couple of great guys, a married couple, so it was pretty much what I expected from them.  The other email that I sent to beat the neighbor with a bee in her bonnet was responded to as well.  Very favorably.  They asked me to send them a picture now and then to get them acclimated.  So they got a photo of my wife, the full shot of me that was cropped for the avatar and the ring shot you have just seen.

Not sure how gradual a change they are getting with the photo.  I did warn them that I was rather far along in my transition.  I don't know if they will see it in my face or not.  Might be interesting to know if they see a bigger change than I do.  A disappointment, though, if they don't.




That is beautiful and touching.  As the faith folk say, you have been blessed.  And your rings are just lovely.


Stevi, congratulations on renewing your wedding vows!  What a lovely thing to do!

I love your rings; they are beautiful.  And I love your new avatar!!  Wow, you look gorgeous!
2015-07-04 Awakening; 2015-11-15 Out to self; 2016-06-22 Out to wife; 2016-10-27 First time presenting in public; 2017-01-20 Started HRT!!; 2017-04-20 Out publicly; 2017-07-10 Legal name change; 2019-02-15 Approval for GRS; 2019-08-02 Official gender change; 2020-03-11 GRS; 2020-09-17 New birth certificate

Northern Star Girl

Quote from: Stevi on August 08, 2018, 09:23:18 PM
Nicole and Danielle,

Thanks.  I took some other photos.   One is now my new avatar.

Danielle, some good news on the latest round of letters.  The one sent out by email to the active cruiser friends resulted in a very positive response.  They are a couple of great guys, a married couple, so it was pretty much what I expected from them.  The other email that I sent to beat the neighbor with a bee in her bonnet was responded to as well.  Very favorably.  They asked me to send them a picture now and then to get them acclimated.  So they got a photo of my wife, the full shot of me that was cropped for the avatar and the ring shot you have just seen.

Not sure how gradual a change they are getting with the photo.  I did warn them that I was rather far along in my transition.  I don't know if they will see it in my face or not. Might be interesting to know if they see a bigger change than I do.  A disappointment, though, if they don't.


Dear Stevi:
Well, this is all very good news... thank you for sharing this with your readers and followers.

I am sure that you know that we are our own greatest critics....  When I first started transitioning I had always found that my friends had a better impression of how I looked than I did.  I was always so hard on myself... I think that this is a normal thing for anyone.
Looking at your new photo makes me think that your friends will be quite taken back by your beautiful feminine appearance....  so, no fears please, hold you head high and keep a smile on your face.

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                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single


Hi Stevi, 

Congrats on renewing your vows, that's such a wonderful thing to do.  You and your wife obviously have a very special relationship. 

Also, your new profile pic is amazing.  You've come a long way.

Take care,
Paige :)



randim, Kathy, Danielle and Paige,

You are so kind and encouraging.  I realise I am harder on myself than others are.

At this past Sunday's UU service, My wife and I included the congregation in our celebration with a cake after the service.  As the congratulations were given and accepted, I got into conversations about how it started those fifty years ago.  I am completely open about our past.  I was surprised that I needed to explain that, No, same sex marriage was not legal way back then and that our marriage was legal because I was a man way back then.  I guess, maybe, I am more "male fail" than I see in the mirror.

Another little bit of encouragement came when I received an email from one of the church members,  She had read the "joys and concerns" email sent out to all the members and noticed Happy Fiftieth thumbnail in it.   She emailed to wish me a happy fiftieth birthday since she had missed the celebration because she had been out of town.  I thanked her for mistakenly thinking I am only fifty years old instead of married for just fifty years.

Onward to 75 years,  2/3rds of the way there.




I need a bit of help.  I have been trying to insert another image in another reply.  I swear I am using the same technique I used to insert the image of our rings.   In the preview or the post all I can get is [Image Removed]  I even retried the ring image and got the same result.

Any idea what gives?


Northern Star Girl

Dear Stevi:   I see that you are using PhotoBucket to host your photos.   Might I suggest that you clear your browser and clear all cookies and history, shut-down and restart your computer..... a fresh login to PhotoBucket and do a fresh upload of your pictures..... and try posting your pictures again.   

If that doesn't work I can send you simple picture posting instructions for a different picture hosting site that I always use and have success with.  

Please try again... we all want to see more of your pictures!!!
If you are still having problems after trying what I suggested please let me know here on a reply post or send me a PM and I will send you instructions. ... I will be glad to do it.

Good luck!!!
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I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single


Photobucket does not allow you to post images from there onto forums like this.  You have to pay them money if you want to do that.  There are other image-hosting services that will allow free posting to forums.  I use Flickr.
2015-07-04 Awakening; 2015-11-15 Out to self; 2016-06-22 Out to wife; 2016-10-27 First time presenting in public; 2017-01-20 Started HRT!!; 2017-04-20 Out publicly; 2017-07-10 Legal name change; 2019-02-15 Approval for GRS; 2019-08-02 Official gender change; 2020-03-11 GRS; 2020-09-17 New birth certificate


Here is the "card" I put together to recite my vows from.  Thought you might like to "participate"  Picture me weeping and pausing to collect myself with every phrase as you read.

QuoteFifty years ago, as a naive, maybe foolish, young couple we stood before a justice of the peace and promised to love, honor and cherish one another until death parted us.  On that day, together we stepped out onto a pathway to a place we could not see.  As we have walked along the pathway we chose, we have passed through many terrains.  Some places of peace and joy.  There have been canyons of gloom and despair.  At times the pathway was rugged and treacherous where we needed to help one another pick our way through.  At times, the pathway before us was steep and difficult to ascend, but one that led us to the satisfactions of success.

All of our steps, together, have brought us to this place on this day.   This place is one we could not have foreseen in all our wildest imaginings.  It is a good place.  It is our place.  It is a good day.  It is our day.

As we stand here, together, in our place, I promise to love, honor and cherish you as we again step onto the pathway that stretches before us that will take us on into our future until death do we part.  My dear Penny, will you continue our journey together?

With all my love, forever,

My wife's name is Penny.  I am pretty sure this is the first time it appears anywhere in this saga.  Meet both halves of this duo.



Stevi, your re-dedication vow is beautiful.  Fifty years!  Wow!  I have a lot of respect for any couple that can stick it out that long.  You have done well!

I love the photo of the two of you.  You both look great.  And obviously, you have what it takes.  I wish you a long and rewarding future together.
2015-07-04 Awakening; 2015-11-15 Out to self; 2016-06-22 Out to wife; 2016-10-27 First time presenting in public; 2017-01-20 Started HRT!!; 2017-04-20 Out publicly; 2017-07-10 Legal name change; 2019-02-15 Approval for GRS; 2019-08-02 Official gender change; 2020-03-11 GRS; 2020-09-17 New birth certificate

Northern Star Girl

Dear Stevi:   Well I see that perhaps my corrective suggestions might have worked for you and you once again were able to post your pictures from your PhotoBucket account.

Thank you for sharing your vows and your thoughts regarding your ceramony and of course the wonderful picture that you posted.

I am very happy for you and the success that you are having with your life endeavors.
Thank you for sharing with us.
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I started HRT March 2015 and
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I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single