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Started by Jessie92585, March 29, 2018, 02:01:00 PM

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Jessie92585 husband of 10+ years has recently found out she is a mtf. It took me about a week of reflection and research to understand this. Right away I accepted him as her and have fully supported the change.
However, she keeps growing more and more distant from me. She started taking estrogen without a dr.s rec for over a week before I found out. She kept this and other secrets from me like hiding the fact shes talking to other transgenders.
She was so open and honest as we were discovering this about her and now we barely ever talk. When I try to talk about anything, she gets so defensive and yells at me and puts me down. I want to be a part of her transformation but she won't let me.
I haven't even been able to get her out of bed most days. She just wants to read these forums and talk in chat rooms and only when I'm not around.
I keep buying her gifts trying to have some connection but she's just so mean all the time.
This morning I tried to engage with her in what she was reading about and she just got mad and made me feel bad for bugging her.
Even hugging her pisses her off most the time. I've been telling her lately to just please leave if she doesn't want to be with me. I feel like she's just using me because she doesn't work or drive or do anything to help out. If I ask for help it's like pulling teeth.
So I guess my question is how do I continue to stay in this relationship when I feel like I'm constantly showing affection, trying to walk on eggshells and be nice and trying to hug and kiss her and initiate sex which has completely stopped (her doing). I feel so unwanted and gross and ugly and  unloved.  I keep trying everyday but it's really starting to wear on me. I'm at a point where I know she won't appoligise or come after me and it just hurts so much.

Allison S

Wow I'm shocked at how you're being treated based on your account. While I do understand your partners' struggles as I'm mtf too, I think this is really... overboard.

Again, I don't know what your partner could possibly be going through... is she meeting with a therapist? Are you? I mean just taking estrogen without a doctor's guidance and oversight is scary for her health. I hope that she can reach out for help in anyway. I know I read forums (for crossdressers at the time) before transitioning and now I'm on here a lot more. It's such a different journey for all of us. To be honest, I really do relate to your "husband". Like a lot... and you're feelings matter too.

Please stick around and someone who is more experienced on your side of things can hopefully come along. Good luck

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Wow!  Your comments were really sad to hear.  I think the vast majority of MTFs on this site would, if they were married, be in 7th Heaven to have their spouse be as you describe yourself to be.

I am fortunate in one thing that I no longer have a significant other to either share my adventure with or mess with her and I don't mean that as intentional. 

Sometimes we forget that while the issues we personally deal with as transgenders is not an easy one, those other individuals in our lives, such as spouses, have for the most part had their world turned upside down.

Off the top of my head, I could think of a number of reasons for your spouse's actions but that's not for me to say so I won't.

Additionally, you mention your spouse taking "non-medically" prescribed medications?  That could be very dangerous in so many ways.

While my heart goes out to you for your wanting to share and care, possibly counseling would be beneficial.

However it turns out, you appear to be an awesome person and I wish and hope that you have peace and joy in your life.

HRT since 1/04/2018

Northern Star Girl

Jessie92585: I absolutely agree with the previous comment by Cassi:

"Wow!  Your comments were really sad to hear.  I think the vast majority of MTFs on this site would, if they were married, be in 7th Heaven to have their spouse be as you describe yourself to be."

I can not comprehend why your husband is treating you this way.  Hopefully while she is reading the Susan's Place Forum posts, as you stated she is, she will see all of the MTFs reactions to her behavior.  There are lots of lots of threads and comments here in the Forums to verify this. 

You might want to point her to this specific thread as a start.

Hugs to you,
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I am 44 years old and Single


Welcome to Susan's Place. What your asking isn't unreasonable so you need to state this relationship needs to be honest and open in order to fill your needs. In exchange, you will continue to support the transition. Because your message still hasn't been heard, I suggest both of you consider couples consoling. This could be with the therapist handling the transition or with a therapist who regularly handles couple issues.

Things that you should read

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Sounds like she needs therapy with a competent gender therapist and maybe both you should talk to someone too. Taking hormones without medical supervision is risky and foolish. You sound like a sweetheart too. Good luck.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Northern Star Girl

Hello Jessie92585, I see that you are new here and you certainly have questions and concerns, this is the right place for you to be to find out what others have done that may have been in your circumstances and your husband's circumstances. 
Be aware that there are lots of members here that can identify with the issues that you brought up in your introduction posting. 

You have already been welcomed here by Dena but allow me to alsoWELCOME YOU to Susan's Place.  You will find this a safe and friendly place to share with others about your husbands contemplated transition and to read about others transitions and their trials, tribulations, and successes in their transition journey. 
It is nice that you have signed up so you can share with others and involve yourself with some give and take with other members.
When frustrated or if you have a successful moment you can share it here if you wish and receive support from others and offer support to others. You might even find that you will make some new friends here. 

Please come in and get involved at your own pace.  Be sure to look at the Links that Dena posted below her Welcome Message to you, there is information about the site that will help you navigate around and best utilize the features here.
Again, Welcome.
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                  A New Chapter: ALASKAN DANIELLE's Chronicles    
                             Danielle's Continuing Life Adventures
I started HRT March 2015 and
I've been Full-Time since December 2016.
I love living in a small town in Alaska
I am 44 years old and Single


I find that my spouse doesn't really share too much about what he is thinking. I want to know, but I'm not sure my spouse is even really doing any intense thinking. Our couple's therapist avoids the issue and focuses on other relationship stuff instead.

I think it's ok if your partner doesn't really want to talk about the transition. Perhaps they think they have to build their own identity themselves. I think that's fair.

I think sometimes when my spouse has been nasty to me that that comes from a place of jealousy or self-hatred. I think sometimes he really resents that sometimes I don't conform what he thinks a woman should be. For example, he really hates my body hair, just as he hates his own body hair.

I'm not sure what else to say. If it's true that your partner is using you, I suppose you might need to think about when you might need to exit the relationship.


Hi Jessie,
I for one would love to have a spouse as supportive as you.   Mine doesn't want me to transition and hasn't given me any encouragement. 

The way you describe your husband leaves me to be believe she's very self centered.  You should not tolerate this sort of behavior.  Narcissists come in all gender types.  Unfortunately you've been unlucky enough to get a transgender one.

Good luck,
Paige :)


Sounds like a "Bad Brat Baby Boy " to me.....UGH! Such a guy..  Pathetic.  You surely must know by now that it's all about him...his struggle, his feelings, his new interests...  And you are the enabler...  chauffeur...  bread winner....  Do you cook and wash dishes too...???

It is very sad when one is so engaged in the struggle to find ones true self, so totally self-referential, that  the process leaves wreckage everywhere.

Your new "girl friend" needs to get out of bed, get a job and most importantly find in her heart a good measure of empathy for your struggle.


Jessie92585 it hurts me to hear what you are going through. As many have expressed here soooo many would love such dedication and support. I know i would. Yes she may just be all about herself but another thing to consider is the hormones she is taking could have her in an emotional self destructive spiral. Now i have never been on what i consider to be on female  hormones but i have been on the oppisite and was given herbal estrogens. Both  made me act very much the same way. With the (what i think was male HRT as a child I with drew from everything. I did not have blogs or internet to read or talk to anyone. I remember looking at other girls my age in great detail. I longed to feel  what i saw as their free spirited peace. Their natral glow in being free to be who they were a young devoloping female. I would get caugh in such thoughts then get ripped back to reality remembering i was a male and could never freely be who i longed to be. I did not talk to anyone i did not have too. I became a loner in the truest sense. My hair was longer then my belt line and that definatly made me a target. I was a minority in an all white school and was targeted for that also. I fought every day at school and most times it was because i was attacked by 5 or more males that refered to me as a girl, faggot and then attacked. I was very capable of defending myself. I dont like violence,  i dont agree with it but im very very proficient at it.
But to get back on subject here. My point is i felt crazy. I could not think clearly, i was very and i mean very emotional. Not in a tears sort of way but in a angry fast to revert to violence sort of way. The male hormones was creating havoc in my system as my body fought it to no avail.

Many years later with out knowing it i was taking herbs i thought was to help me heal from surgery faster but in truth it was natral herbal estrogens. I became very much the same way. Not with violence but great agitation and confusion towards females mainly. I dont really know why . By this time i was an adult and the internet had been well devoloped. I spent many days and nights googling topics of what was happening to me. I say happening to me because i did not know why i was growing breasts again. I did not understand why i started feeling the need to be female so intense again. I withdrew from my wife. I talked to her a few times on this because i had too. My chest was definatly growing and she brought it up over coffee one morning.
She and i could never consummate our marrige in the 18 years we were married. I was way to endowed as a male and she was a childhood rape victim from multiple adult males. So although we could not have relations that way , we of course found other ways to be with each other. Well later after coffee she touched me as if i were a woman , i realize now she was testing me. My whole being ,mind ,body and soul reacted. I was helplessly lost. I finally felt alive. Though short lived because the next morning she verbally attacked me. She told me she had given me the herbs to make me not want relations with her as often. She yelled and said, how could you not know? Look at you, your legs you have shaved clean, you wear makeup and female clothing and look at your chest, you have tits. Last night you responded fully as a woman. You even stink like a woman when you sweat you act like its perfectly natral you are like this, dont you even remember you are a man?

I was in shock. I really had to think. Yes i do remember im a male but to remember that i really had to think about it. It was like the months i could not really get out of the house from awaiting surgery then after the surgery , i had forgotten i was a male. I told her that i was the same as i have always been. I fully withdrew from her at this point. Sinking further into research. Now i realize between the medication i was taking mixed with estrogen hormonal natural suppliments i had changed. Mainly my communication with her. I realized i did not remember much of the last 6 months. Just emotional peaks and valleys.  Happy and at total serenity when alone and wearing makeup and clothing and primping and agitated when with her. This was almost like a re awaking for me since childhood. Now that i knew i was on herbal estrogen i told myself i would nolonger take it. But i couldnt stop. I actually took higher doses. I became more secluded and with drawn. It was like being intoxicated as the estrogen built up in my system. Then one day my ex wife told me since i could hardly get hard she wanted to point out that i had lost about 5 inches. My natral response with out thinking was yeah and i still am larger then most guys , i wish it were gone. She and i never spoke about any thing on that topic again. We seporated a month later.

So im telling you all this to say. She may be just caught up in her emotion and not feel like she is understood by you or maybe the estrogen is effecting her and she is feeling the agression toward you because your female and she is becoming one. It sounds crazy i know but i think its a pheromone thing.  Other then those possibilities maybe she is just selfish. Eaither way there is no excuse for such actions, especially since you are paying her way and supporting her both emotionally and financially.  I'm so sorry to hear you are going through this with her. Even if she dont want or wont go for therapy,  please go yourself. Go for your own mental health. Hopefully she will realize your her best friend and greatest support. But she needs to be loving and supportive to you as well because what you are going through is just as if not more of an upheaval in your life. I cant be easy to find out your husband is really female and your wife. It is truely commendable how wonderfulky you have supported her and its time she shows you the same support and respect in my humble opinion


Hey Jessie, this is a horrible situation to be in. How can she treat you like this after marriage and you being so good about her transition.
When I came out my gf was my rock, she researched everything and helped me with every single aspect of becoming a woman, medically, socially, fashion and style everything.
You sound like you are trying to help her so much and she is just rejecting you.
Regardless of being trans, they are just being plain up horrible. Maybe just leave her be totally for a while and she will figure out where her priorities really are.
She is totally missing the point of how rare it is to find someone who accepts you after this big change.
Sometimes the whole transition thing can make people so selfish and self centered. I'm kind of embarrassed to be honest.


Laurel D

I feel like there is something, that she is not talking about. Oftentimes those pent-up feelings cause a lot of resentment and distance.

But it's not your job to solve her issues. If she doesn't seem willing to put in any work towards the relationship, then that sounds like it's pretty done. But since you seem like the mature one, you might have to be the one to end it. But that's up to you.

If you're not sure what to do at this point, I would suggest finding a therapist for yourself ( not couples therapy.) Because you have to protect you. And she has to resolve whatever issue is causing her to act in this manner. Don't drown trying to save somebody else.

And I agree that taking unprescribed  hormones is risky and stupid. It could also possibly be affecting her moods. Magnifying whatever resentment she might have, from whatever she's covering up. But that's her problem. ( Especially if she won't talk to you about it.) It shouldn't be made to be your problem. Good luck.

Sent from my LG-TP450 using Tapatalk


Oh wow I'm so sorry to hear this mine and my partners hearts both go out to you.
I have been really lucky with my wife she wants me to be a part of her journey I understand things from both sides as my partner sometimes gets a little mardy with this process but she is becoming a better person and I happier person so that we can have a healthy relationship.
I really hope that in time they will let you in and be a part of there journey please feel free to message me if you would ever like to talk I know how hard it is as sometimes I can be the one who gets marry and defensive but I think that's the fear trying to get out of me.
The worst thing you can do is bottle things up I really hope that you have a strong support network as it is not only her that is transitioning but you and your relationship
Take care


Sorry to say it but it is probably not about his gender confusion. It's more about deep seated depression. There were many days when I didn't want to get out of bed. There were days I stayed home from work to dress up. There are support groups that accept both trans and significant others and you may consider attending together.
Dawn Oday

It just feels right   :icon_hug: :icon_hug: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss: :icon_kiss:

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First indication I was different- 1956 kindergarten
First crossdress - Asked mother to dress me in sisters costumes  Age 7
First revelation - 1982 to my present wife
First time telling the truth in therapy June 15, 2016
Start HRT Aug 2016
First public appearance 5/15/17
