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Pre-Surgery Englargement

Started by eyesk8rboi, May 30, 2018, 10:45:55 AM

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I know we're talking medical so it's not dirty, but I'm not sure if I can say the "c" word, so we'll just call it "c" for the time being.

So I was watching -cough- videos -cough- and saw that some of the cis females in these videos had very large "c"s, like actual penis-sized "c"s....And my question is: Does anyone on this forum have an experience with this enlargement?

I read that you can apply androgen creme and use pumps. (Or testosterone, but I'm not getting much growth, then again it hasn't technically been a full year, and I'm only 3 months back on.)

Has anyone on here used pumps or cremes, or both in addition to your hormones?
If so, how well did it work for you?

I'd prefer to have medtoidioplasty once I get bottom surgery, because I'm worried I won't be able to have sex with a phalloplasty, and I kind of used up my left forearm skin....but I'd also like to have a normal sized penis....I have enough self confidence issues without transitioning into a micro-penis.

Any experience?
Any advice?
Steven Lee | 24 | Dog Dad | Beginner Figure Skater | Aspiring Writer

:icon_arrow:Started counseling on June 11th, 2017
:icon_arrow:Received HRT Letter on July 2nd, 2017
:icon_arrow:HRT Consultation with Doctor on July 16th, 2017



IMHO, concerning pumps and creams, I would suggest caution and lots of research. I've read about injuries from pumping. The creams can contribute to your overall testosterone levels so that is something to be aware of. It's disputed whether or not creams are actually effective. Some people swear by them and others have said it made no difference, but I would keep your T levels in mind if you decide to try it.

I have read lots of accounts of people having penetrative sex with phallo. But this is a complex subject and there are others who are more qualified to comment than me.

I've anecdotally heard of some people getting additional bottom growth after a hysto. I have no idea how common that is, though.


Quote from: blackcat on May 30, 2018, 07:26:02 PM
IMHO, concerning pumps and creams, I would suggest caution and lots of research. I've read about injuries from pumping. The creams can contribute to your overall testosterone levels so that is something to be aware of. It's disputed whether or not creams are actually effective. Some people swear by them and others have said it made no difference, but I would keep your T levels in mind if you decide to try it.

I have read lots of accounts of people having penetrative sex with phallo. But this is a complex subject and there are others who are more qualified to comment than me.

I've anecdotally heard of some people getting additional bottom growth after a hysto. I have no idea how common that is, though.

I know it probably just varies from person to person....I figured I'd have more growth, but then again, I was on for like 4 or 5, then off, and I've only been back on for 3 months, but there haven't been any changes past like the growth I saw in the first couple of months.
Considering how well my body's taken the hormones I expected more, but that's what I get for expecting.

I'll try to do some extra research, but I haven't found much yet, and I'm not really too sure where else to start.

I'm already on an higher dose of T so I definitely don't want to mess it up, because I know that excess T converts to estrogen and that's just counter productive and I can't stand being crazy...(Not a jab at women, the 3 months off T after being on for a while were the worst months of my life. I forgot how to girl, the cramps, the unadulterated rage over nothing, can't do it - T balanced me out way too well, like it was meant to be.)
Steven Lee | 24 | Dog Dad | Beginner Figure Skater | Aspiring Writer

:icon_arrow:Started counseling on June 11th, 2017
:icon_arrow:Received HRT Letter on July 2nd, 2017
:icon_arrow:HRT Consultation with Doctor on July 16th, 2017



Hey, so I haven't pumped or used any other supplements (yet), but the size you get from testosterone is determined by both genetics and the way that you have converted the testosterone into another form of testosterone called DHT, and whether or not the DHT receptors you have have been maxed out. DHT is responsible for penis growth and also (unfortunately) hair loss (though there are ways to mitigate that). Unfortunately DHT is currently illegal in the US and Canada and is difficult to come across, but there's a starting point for you if you want to research some more. I plan on trying to get access to DHT soon so maybe I can share some information about that soon.

Pumping seems to definitely cause permanent results if it is used correctly and consistently. It stimulates blood flow and the growth of the capillaries and blood vessels that engorge with blood resulting in a larger (usually girthier rather than longer) and harder erection.

I am about 2.75" erect from just using a standard biweekly T dose, I'm hoping to get over 3" after I get my hands on DHT and try pumping. I've heard people say they've seen anywhere from .25" to .50" of growth on DHT, so that would be great. There really isn't a way to get out of the micropenis range without phalloplasty. Rarely folks wind up in that between 3" and 4" sweet spot I'm hoping to achieve but it's honestly not very common.


I too have heard about men having their dick injured due to pumping.  I'd rather go with my natural growth unless I decide on a phallo, tbh.  To possibly injure myself is just not worth it.  And, my T levels are great, so I'm not risking doing more T that will probably turn into estrogen.

I'd like to get the 7" size I want by having a phallo, but then again, I'm in the minority.  I'd want enough to do penetration should I so desire to, and its looking like the only way is with surgery.  I'm still debating on if I even want any bottom surgery in the future. 

I'd recommend doing a LOT of research.  Possibly injuring your junk or adding even MORE estrogen to your body is probably not something you want to do, right?




There is definitely 100% a way to pump safely. And DHT if I am understanding it correctly will not convert into estrogen, and you only stay on the supplemental DHT (which is a local application) for a few months, once or twice.

Also, not everyone with metas cannot penetrate. I can penetrate pre-meta, and I anticipate it will just be easier after surgery.


QuoteAnd DHT if I am understanding it correctly will not convert into estrogen, and you only stay on the supplemental DHT (which is a local application) for a few months, once or twice.

Do you have any peer-reviewed studies that will confirm this?

I've been looking and I can't find any legitimate studies either for or against this claim. The only information I've been able to find claiming that DHT does not potentially aromatize/has no negative side effects are websites that sell DHT cream, or trans blogs and forum discussions that all quote each other but do NOT link to hard sources.

I know most of us would love to have a magic bullet for the results we want. If someone claims to have that, but the reality is it could cause harm or set us back in our goals, it's extremely important to make decisions based on hard data and not hearsay or a sales pitch.

I used to be involved in the health food scene and I have seen some "active" people in the community later be taken to court for millions of dollars because the label didn't match what was in the bottle and some people had serious problems.

I'd appreciate if anyone had hard info to share about how this works because I don't know and I'd love to learn. But I am also wary of unsubstantiated claims because I only get one body in this lifetime.

I'm extremely sensitive to hormonal fluctuations and the results are never good. I could never use hormonal birth control because it made me suicidal and depersonalized. I can't afford to roll the dice and have to be skeptical for the sake of caution. Some people may be fine following anecdotal advice from the web, but a more sensitive person may not.


See with pumping the idea of blood clots scare me...Like you can get them from something as small as hickeys or like one time of sexual choking that may not even come back to haunt / kill you year and years later, so I'm like terrified of that, because I already have high blood pressure.

I was also wondering what estrogen blockers would do, or if I could even take them / if it would be safe. (I won't know until I ask my doctor next visit, in October.)

I'm just worried about phalloplasty taking away sexual pleasure, I'm not opposed to it, I just have enough issues sexually without not being able to feel anything at all. Like that's the main reservations I have about surgical transition. I want them, but they have their downfalls as well as staying put with parts that don't match. (Excluding the fact I'll never have children of my own, that one hits me most and I didn't have the funds or time or means to save eggs before I started T.)

I'm super sensitive to hormones, as well, in response to @blackcat - T has mellowed me out EXTREMELY compared to how I was before T, with and without birth control and anti-depressants, I have no need for either now, but I was like completely insane before T adjusting things the way they are now.

There's so many risks with pretty much ANYTHING you do, so it's worth taking some here and there, but sometimes better safe than sorry even if it's something you'd really like, like a normal sized penis. :T
Steven Lee | 24 | Dog Dad | Beginner Figure Skater | Aspiring Writer

:icon_arrow:Started counseling on June 11th, 2017
:icon_arrow:Received HRT Letter on July 2nd, 2017
:icon_arrow:HRT Consultation with Doctor on July 16th, 2017
