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New to Susan's

Started by Gill, February 14, 2006, 06:58:38 PM

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Hi Everyone:

I guess a lot of you have already heard about me - (good things I hope).  I'll be quick as I had to kick Steph (Craxford) off the computer long enough for me to write an intro.  She's upstairs taking her contacts out  ;)

Well what can I say.....Steph and I have known each other for 37 years (this actually came up in a conversation on Friday night), been married going on 33 years now (gees had to think about that one).  Our relationship has been evolving for that long and it has been a rough road to travel, though I think things are settling down now.  It has been a really rough year for me dealing with; the marriage of our daughter, the death of her mother-in-law, surgery, coming out to the family, coming out at work (for both Steph and myself), mourning the loss of my spouse/marriage per se.  We are still dealing with some of the fallout, but we are getting through it.  Our biggest challenge is our daughter - she has taken this hard.  Hopefully she will come around. 

We spent so much time and energy keeping the secret, circling the wagons.  Now we all realize that was just a loss cause, delaying the inevitable.  Having no-one to speak to about all of this was tough as well.  Afraid to ask for help as this would reveal the secret life that we protected.  But you know what they say a problem shared is a problem halved.  Though it was tough telling everyone, it was the right thing to do.  I was beginning to feel a lot like George on Seinfeld when the worlds started to collide.  Once I began to speak about it you just can't imagine the weight that lifted off my shoulders (now if I could just get it off my hips...) .

Well that's about it for me except, in the birthday card I'm the one on the left..... :)  Oh and one more thing, Steph says I can say nice derogatory stuff, just can't call her an idiot....

You have to maintain your sense of humour through all of this.



I'm very pleased you've decided to join us!

Grand welcome and otherwise joyous hellos to you!

Never fear, we've only heard the best! *wink*

Please feel free to join in any of the conversations (=



Gill, Welcome and Thank You for dropping in!

(now maybe we'll be able to hear the "rest of the story .  .   .    " ;D)

All joshing aside, it will be nice to receive a little more insight on how our self-realizations affect those we love.  Thank you for breaking your silence and, again,

FKA: Emelye

Pronouns: she/her

My rarely updated blog:

Southwestern New York trans support:


We said our hello and welcome earlier today,

But I did have to add I have tears of joy you are here and have desided to give sharing with us a try.

Yes I think I've only read the most wonderful things from Steph about you. Every wife should be so lucky to be admired and adored so. I'm sure we'll be reading more from you. As the others have said just jump in anywhere to share what you can. You don't have to wait to start your own topic it's just when ever you think of something. Looking forward to having you among us.




It's great to have you here!  A thousand welcomes!



Welcome to Susans Gillian.  I have really looked up to Stephanie, since she had posted so much stuff about her transition and at the time I joined, I was still doing my research and found her information very helpful and reassuring.  Since then, it has sure been quite a trip.  I hope to see more posts from you here soon.



Hi Gillian!

  Thanks for introducing yourself here at Susan's! :icon_dance:  I'm a newbie here but I'm already clued in to how cool Steph is (unless you want to provide any stories to the contrary *nudge nudge*) and how much she cares about you.  I look forward to hearing your insights (and again, those stories.)

Welcome  :)



Welcome to Susan's Gill! Wow! You could knock me over with a feather. Your joining the family here is so unexpected and so very welcome. It is absolutley wonderful to finally meet Steph's spouse. By the way you take great pictures. I could use a good photographer right about now. That and a complete makeover. I wont bother with the usual stuff which I'm sure you already know by heart. However my welcome wouldn't be complete if I didn't say: Fix yourself a cup of tea or other relaxing beverage, sit down, take your shoes off and set a spell.

Good Journey



Hello Gill,

              Welcome to susan's.   It's great to have Steph's spouse here. You are both very fortunate women to have each other and we are lucky to have you both here


Jillieann Rose

Hello Gill,
Glad to meet you. I'm your neigbor from Port Huron, Michigan I often travel in and through Ontario.
Please join in on the conversations and post whenever you can.
Steph has help me on my journey; always encouraging and I think of her as a big sister.
(Oh I think someone already said that . But it is true for me too.)
Can't comment on the picture cause I only see the place holder with an X thru it.
But i'm sure those words mean the world to Step they sure would if my wife said them to me.
What an encourager you are.
It's is a pleasure to meet you Gillian.



Hi Gill, I dont know if Steph showed you the picture of me but if not she can describe to you who I am (if thats possible). Nice to finally get a post from you in an official manner by that I mean Joining Susan's.
Cant think what else to say so I will just shut up and welcome you.



Gillian, I'm glad you've joined us. Hopefully you've surfed enough to know that I've already expressed what a wonderful woman and partner you must be. Welcome.



Yay Gill !!   You've made it here !!  The day we've all been waiting for !! 'Course this means Steph will hafta' actually share the computer now ;)  ....

Welcome, Friend,



Hi Everyone:

Thanks for the warm welcome.  Though I have maintained my sense of humour, it wasn't always so.  There have been many tears shed, opinions shared (another way to say arguements) on this journey.  This journey is not for the feint of heart, it requires strengths you never you knew you had.  Sometimes you find you are the only one that you can truly depend on as so much is up in the air.  The decisions you make along the road, whether you want to stay or just say "to hell with it all" and go your separate ways.  This journey has been a roller coaster ride, sometimes fun, most times scary.

But once decisions are made you begin to gain control back into your life.  As we all know TS issues can ride rough shod over SO's and their families, taking over our lives.  Knowing that it is okay to yell stop, wait a minute, let's get some perspective here helps.  It is okay to have an opinion that is different from your spouse's, it makes for good discussion and shouldn't be taken personally, but rather used to grow on (does that make sense?)  But to get to that point in my life, as I said before, has been a roller coaster ride. 

You know what they say about Damn Smart Women (and this is for all of us) Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, wine (or beer) in the other, body thorughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WHOO HOO what a ride"!

I swear those stretch marks are really skid marks  :D

Thanks again everyone for the warm welcome.



Very happy to see you here Gill, we communicated sort-of through Steph  :) Welcome!


Quote from: Gill on February 15, 2006, 06:25:22 AM
Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, wine (or beer) in the other, body thorughly used up, totally worn out and screaming "WHOO HOO what a ride"!

I loved that.  What a wonderful philosophy on life.  That really made me smile.
