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Body hair

Started by Nadia.20102010, August 12, 2018, 11:54:23 AM

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Hello ladies and gents,
So, let's talk body hair. Sometimes I see some transgender ladies and they are smooth like babies and that's great. What their trick is I don't know. Laser? Hormones? Naturally smooth?
But, for those of us like me that aren't naturally smooth and do have body hair, what is the solution??? I asked this question from my dr and he said a combination of Hormones replacement therapy and laser. But, I am not sure how much did that work. I feel like the rate of growth has decreased but, the stubborn hair is there and is there strong and to stay. I recently went and bought a package of 10 full body laser hair removal treatments from Laseraway in San Diego and I feel like I have not benefited from the laser sessions what so ever. Again decreased growth but, the hair is there and grows and must be shaved. I am middle eastern and it is almost crucial for me to find a way to smoothness as I have hair everywhere and I mean everywhere including but not limited to my buttocks . It makes life sad and missrable to be a woman with hair ( even if it is baby hair) in and specially on your buttocks. Please help. All suggestions and recommendations are welcomed.


Hi Nadia,

I started out quite furry... definitely not what I wanted.  Given enough time, MTF HRT is known to substantially reduce thickness and visibility of body hair (not facial hair).

I went after my body hair with laser, that worked quite well.  Roughly 60% - 90% reduction depending on which area of my body.  This was before HRT so I know it was just the laser.  After laser's effectiveness tapered off I nailed everything else with electrolysis after the most important thing was cleared with electro (my face). 

Laser should work pretty well for body hair if you have black/dark hair and light skin.  There are specific types of laser tuned to work with less contrast (hair that's a dark color but not black, and slightly darker skin).  The best salons have several types of laser and well trained staff.

Some salons have been known to call IPL "laser" and that is misleading.  IPL can reduce hair but the hardware is generally cheaper and less effective, and IPL has different potential side effects compared to laser. 

Others will have more advice and experience than I have.

Assigned male at birth 1963.  Decided I wanted to be a girl in 1971.  Laser 2014-16, electrolysis 2015-17, HRT 7/2017, GCS 1/2018, VFS 3/2018, FFS 5/2018, Labiaplasty & BA 7/2018. 


I was pretty hairy before, even at a young age, with moderately thick chest and stomach hair and hairy arms I hated. I started hormones off and on at 18 and then had an orchiectomy and full-time HRT at 24, and over the next few years my body hair reduced dramatically. My arms now look almost hairless, and what is there is mostly fine and blonde. The hair on most of my torso reduced dramatically, but I still had a bit of a coarse "happy trail" which I had done with electrolysis. I am still having a lot of electrolysis all overto remove the finer, blonde "fuzzies" that took the place of the thicker, darker stuff. My leg hair reduced as well but nowhere near enough to my liking, and my bikini line stayed about the same though maybe not as coarse, and I plan on having permanent hair removal on both when I can afford it. I'm mostly sticking with electrolysis because I've not had the best experience with laser. I would say HRT took me from "heavy male body hair" to looking like a woman with mild to moderate hirsutism. I've seen a lot of cis women with much worse body hair issues than I have now.


In my youth I was naturally quite smooth. Then my wife started giving me weekly full body shaves which kept me very smooth for years. She would occasionally experiment with pubic hair patterns (hearts, landing strip, etc) but generally preferred me bald from my earlobes to my toenails.
Now that I am in what we could call 'advanced maturity', my hair is getting so coarse that a daily shave would be required and that is just too much trouble. So I am now a 'Silverback Grizzly Bear'. She still does my legs and pits occasionally when dressing me for a formal event such as the opera or ballet. Mostly I just go Bohemian.
I yam what I yam, and that's all what I yam.
-- Popeye

A wise person can learn more from fools than a fool can learn from a wise person.

Maid Marion

Some of us just get lucky in the genetic lottery.  I don't have chest hair.  And hair on my arms is very fine.

But, even some GGs have to shave.  I've read that it is better to do hair removal before HRT, but many girls find that out too late.