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Question about meta w/ UL

Started by ferretinafez, August 20, 2018, 11:00:07 AM

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Hey, it's been a long time since I've been here or posted anything but having not got much out of my surgeon other than 'it will be fine' I want to know if anyone else has had a similar experience to me and what happened in the end.
I am two weeks post metoidioplasty with hysterectomy, vaginectomy, scrotoplasty and urethral lengthening. I've been pretty sore the whole time but generally I feel like I'm doing quite well. I did have an issue with my suprapubic catheter which had migrated too far into my bladder and caused unbelievable discomfort ( I would have taken pain over the constant pressure and itch it caused) but pulling just a little and retaping it to prevent it moving again seem to have solved that. Bleeding seems to be improving and any pain I feel is minimal at this point, and often nonexistent. The one thing that is starting to worry me a little is that a few sticthes, just behind my scrotum, seem to have come lose and there is now a weeping wound about a centimeter long tucked up, almost underneath it. It isn't terribly deep as far as I can tell and is clean, just weeping quite a lot. At first I was worried this might cause a problem with the urethral lengthening but seeing as it is fairly shallow I doubt this. My main concern now is that if it heals like that, I'm going to have a somewhat inaccessible recess beneath my testicles which could be a hygiene issue. Things are still rather swollen so it's possible it won't be as bad as it seems now once that goes down. Having sent my Dr some photos (said goodbye to my dignity early on with this surgery :/ ) to which he just replied that it should be fine and that alginate dressing might help it heal I don't want to worry too much but I can't help but be a little concerned. I have no way of getting to my surgeon for a check up because I live across the country from where I had surgery (this is with Dr Nim Christopher in the UK btw) so I was wondering if anyone here has had a similar experience and if so, what happened in the end? I'm mostly looking for reassurance I guess. I've had a pretty miserable experience with this surgery and just want to feel like things are on track so if you have anything to share or any advice it would be very much appreciated. Even if it isn't the best news, if rather be in the loop and understand what's going on so I can process it and look for solutions.

If this is in the wrong place or if a similar topic is open that I have missed I apologise. As I said, I have been away from this site for a number of years and am trying to figure it all out again.

Many thanks for any and all information offered and I hope you are all having a great day



I'm sorry you're struggling with your post op healing. I totally get it, man. I'm there too. I have to say I'm happy to hear someone else's story, though not happy you're struggling. 

I did not have urethral lengthening with my metoidioplasty but did experience what you are describing with wound separation. I am 9.5 weeks post op.

I actually had 3 areas of separation - in the front of my new scrotum where 4 flaps came together, one directly under my scrotum (like you describe yours to be), and one in my perineum.

The one in my perineum is large and deep (about 2 inches long and still about a half inch-3/4 inch deep) and is still struggling to come together.

However, the one in the front of my scrotum and the one under my scrotum have healed fully.

I'll fill you in on just the one underneath since that's what you are having an issue with.

My doc recommended wound packing for all my openings. What that entails is dampening a section of gauze or packing strip and placing it in the wound. This helps debride (remove dead skin/foreign material) the wound and prevents the wound from closing up prematurely in a way that can form an abscess and cause infection. It keeps the wound bed open so it can heal "from the inside out". I would dampen a small piece of gauze, then lift my scrotum and tuck it up into the separation. The dressing should be changed 2 times a day. If you notice any foul odors then that would indicate infection and I would recommend calling your doctor to get advice (my doc recommended a diluted hydrogen peroxide treatment if that did happen but it did not in my case).

I did that diligently. It took about to 5 weeks post op and then the two in my scrotum just closed up and healed over. At that point, I didn't need the packing any more and it formed a nice scar leveled with my skin.

I don't know how it would have healed without packing (obviously) so I can't say how leaving it be would have resulted. However, with the wound packing, both those spots healed very nicely and I have no unhygienic divots or indents at all. It looks great other than it's a scar (which I couldn't care less about).

I hope this helps in some way. You can pm me or respond here if you have any other questions or just want support. I know it super super sucks when these things don't heal like we think they will. Hang in there. It will improve.


Thanks for your response Dex, it helped a lot. As you say, it's nice to hear someone else's story though I am sorry you have also had some difficulties. I have started packing the wound similarly to yourself and it does seem to be helping already which is a relief. Its not doing much yet, but it has significantly stemmed the weeping and seems to be keeping it cleaner than before. It is very reassuring to hear your separations have healed well now and I'm sure it is a relief for you too!  I'm going to take it a little easier these next few days (not that I was up to much anyway) and give it a chance to start coming together a bit before I have to travel on Monday to remove my catheter, provided all goes well in that regard, because no one the small town I currently live in will dare to do it. I have a feeling it was all the movement with traveling that caused the separation in the first place so I want to be in the best state possible for that.

Thanks again, I really do appreciate it. While my surgeon was absolutely lovely, neither he nor the nurses told me or my partner very much about after care at all and what little they did say, I was too disoriented at the time to take in or question. Being so far away and having to mostly rely on email for communication with them, it's been a bit difficult to work out what is best so it really does mean a lot for you to share your story and advice with me. I hope your recovery continues well and that last separation heals up quickly for you.


I'm glad hearing another guy's story was helpful.

I agree, as soon as I started packing the separations they felt much better and the gauze  or packing will help absorb the exudate (the weeping fluid) so it'll be cleaner for you as well.

Travel day was the worst! I'm in the US. My doctor had me stay in town for the first 2.5 weeks and then I went home. I spent from noon to 8 pm in airports/on airplanes, then had another two hour drive home. I had had a hysterectomy previously but did have the metoidioplasty, scrotoplasty, and vaginectomy. That travel day was just the worst. I was so uncomfortable.

Wound separations typically occur in the first 7-10 days post op and can continue to happen up until about 14 or so days post op. Once separated, they can get worse before they get better. So it makes sense you're seeing it now at this point in your recovery. Rest is a great idea and for the next week or so trying to keep things from too much movement or pulling will help it from spreading.

Anyway, I'm here if you have more questions or just need to vent. I was incredibly frustrated with the pace of my healing. It really felt like it took forever (even though I get that 5 weeks out of my whole life is a drop in the bucket).

Thank you for the well wishes :) same to you. Good luck at your appointment Monday!


Thank you both so much for being willing to speak about this.  I'm more than likely considering having a meta done in a few years, and to hear about some of the things I could expect helps me to not be surprised should they happen. 

But I do have one question.  Does the doctor give you pain medicine for this, or is this relatively painless, only annoying to have to deal with? 

I have a low pain tolerance, and the idea of pain in such a sensitive area terrifies me.  But if it means I'll look like male when I look down and when I pee and have sex, I'm willing to undergo the potential pain.  I'd just like a heads-up to know what to expect in that respect.





Hey Ryuichi, I'm glad this has helped you too. Im starting to feel like certain aspects of this surgery aren't being talked about as much as they should so I'm glad my own queries have been of some help to you.
As for your question, are you referring to just the metoidioplasty, vaginectomy, hystorectomy, all of it together? Pain could vary between each if done separately. Personally, having everything at once, yes, it did hurt but not for long and yes, pain medication was readily available. This is in the UK so if you are in another country it may differ again but I'll break down my own surgery for you.
The hysterectomy has not been painful or terribly uncomfortable. I sometimes got twinges of pain that would come and go but generally the only discomfort was feeling other organs rearrange themselves in the new space which was quite an odd sensation. I wouldn't have needed medication just for this.
The urethral lengthening, and scrotoplasty as part of the metoidioplasty were painful and at first I was given morphine to combat this but I stopped taking it after two days and moved on to just paracetamol. I'm just over 3 weeks post op and while I'm still a little sore, I haven't had any painkillers in a week.i am now peeing normally but it stings like hell at first and I have a small fistula which stings like lemon juice in a paper cut but fades quickly.
As for the vaginectomy. That is... Odd. My surgeon doesn't do full vaginectomy (I forget the correct term for it though) so take that into consideration, but it was very painful for the first day then became a low burn for a week. It has slowly gotten better but has itched the entire time. I find it perhaps the most uncomfortable part besides the catheter. I'm also not very happy with it. I had hoped it would eliminate secretions and that the remaining hole would be unnoticable but so far this is not the case. It's still early days so may improve but right now I'm wishing it was gone entirely.
Now, the suprapubic catheter (a catheter inserted directly into the bladder via the abdomen) has been, by far, the worst experience. Most people find them no issue apparently but for me it has been uncomfortable to the point of distraction. I could feel it move with every step, it caused painful bladder spasms and migrated further into my bladder, irritating my urethra. I was so uncomfortable one night I asked my girlfriend to knock me out in desperation and was having to grip my bed sheets to stop myself pulling the thing out. This would, of course, not be a good idea, but I was half delerious with it. In the end my girlfriend had to wrestle me into a hot bath to try and relax my urethra and gently pull the catheter out a little. I do not recommend this, it should be left alone to do its job, but something had to be done at this point. We didn't have to pull it far before the immense releif kicked in and suddenly I was just exhausted. I slept through the night for the first time since surgery that night. It now turns out that I may have had an infection AND may be allergic to latex which may have caused these problems along with the spasms drawing the tube further into my bladder. It is not my intention to worry you unduly, this was a pretty rare problem but I want to be as honest as possible in case anyone else experiences this and comes looking for others. This will be removed tomorrow morning (finally! Got delayed a little because of the remoteness of where I live!) And I expect to feel a lot better for it.
In all, the only thing that really causes me pain now is sitting up straight. Its just not possible yet and could partly be due to the separation I have behind my scrotum. This is healing well now though (thanks again Dex for your suggestions and reassurance). As I said, I'm no longer taking any pain medication but my energy levels are very low. I put part of this down to having been scared to move because of the catheter discomfort leading to longer periods lying down than was really necessary. As a result I've lost a fair bit of weight and muscle but I've been able to move more in the last few days now that the catheter is taped to my side and not being used. Hopefully that will mean I can get a bit more done in my day than just one email and a slow walk to the bathroom and back.
So anyway, I'm sorry this is a bit of an essay but I wanted to be detailed and honest. Paracetamol was enough to take the edge off the pain after two to three days and I was given enough for a week on prescription.

One more thing I want to mention though, is related to the hystorectomy and is the reason my surgeon does not fully close the vaginal opening. I was not ready for it and so I want to tell people about it. Somewhere during week 1-2 (I'm a bit hazy on that time as I hadn't fully recovered from the general anesthetic) I began to bleed a lot from the opening. I panicked and called my surgeon who said this was to be expected,  that it was from the hystorectomyand that it needed to come out. It often comes on 2-3 weeks after surgery and can last a few days to a week. For me this went on heavily for a week and a half and I still get a little bit but that may now be from the vaginectomy itself. But like I said, I was not ready for it and it was like the period from hell. I felt awful the whole time having not had one in six years. I'm still annoyed with my surgeon for not having told me when I asked what to expect in recovery. I had researched pretty thoroughly before hand, or so I thought, but missed mention of this. It was not fun and may be part of the reason I'm unhappy with the vaginectomy at the moment. I don't know what happens with different surgeries/surgeons in other countries but when pressed mine said this was the safest way to allow that blood out... Whether or not that means I can ask him to close things up fully later I'm not sure. I really don't want more surgery after this experience and am considering telling him not to bother with the testicular implants I was previously set on. I'm hoping things improve but I'm a bit up and down at the moment. Many people have much more positive experiences though, so don't assume mine is the norm. I hope if you do decide to go ahead with meta that it works out well for you and I hope this was at least a little helpful :)


I did not have my hysterectomy and my meta/scrotoplasty/vaginectomy at the same time so my experience is a little different.

For me, my hysterectomy was definitely the more painful of the two. It was managed with pain meds (vicodin) but I definitely experienced more pain with that surgery.

With my meta, I was given pain meds (vicodin) and muscle relaxers as the doctor said you may get spasms from the vaginectomy in particular because you are essentially stitching muscle together. I took both for about a week, but didn't have a need for anything but Advil after the first week. On my travel home day, I did use vicodin as I was very sore toward the end of that day. And sitting straight up and down was sore for probably a total of 5 weeks. By week 6-7, I was back to my normal routine and able to sit at work (office job) for extended periods with little to no pain. After the first week, though, I was able to make due with Advil almost 100% of the time other than that one travel day.

You will definitely be prescribed something to help with the pain, for sure.


Thank you both for your information, it does a LOT to relieve my anxiety over how pain is dealt with!  Also, the detailed info definitely gives me a heads-up as well as a lot to think about.  Chances are, I'm going to get my top surgery over and done with and go with a meta and scrotoplasty once the top surgery's fully healed.

Again, thank you both so much!




Hey Ryuichi and Ferret,
Just wanted you both to know that I did PM both of you. I can't tell if it worked properly or not as it's not showing up right in my Sent.

Didn't want either of you to think I was ignoring you so making sure it did go correctly. Let me know if you didn't get it.



Quote from: Dex on August 31, 2018, 09:57:04 AM
Hey Ryuichi and Ferret,
Just wanted you both to know that I did PM both of you. I can't tell if it worked properly or not as it's not showing up right in my Sent.

Didn't want either of you to think I was ignoring you so making sure it did go correctly. Let me know if you didn't get it.


I'm sorry for the late reply!  I got the PM, and the pics look great!  Thank you for sending them to me, they are very informative as to what to expect.  :)




I'm glad you were able to get to them. If there are any significant changes with healing, I'll let you know. After my next surgery in April, the retraction should be corrected then if it doesn't resolve on its own. I'm very excited for what this last surgery will bring aesthetically.

Let me know if I can help at all in any other way!