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And the double standards go on.

Started by Julia1996, September 06, 2018, 06:45:25 AM

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Hi everyone. So last night a couple of my brother's friends were over and one of them brought his new girlfriend. She's very nice and I liked her. She happens to be a stripper, which I totally see nothing wrong with. So we were talking and she told me I should consider stripping. She said my coloring made me very exotic looking and that I could make ridiculous money. She told me there was no actual nudity involved and that the guys weren't allowed to actually touch you. She said she could introduce me to her boss if I wanted. Tyler nearly had a stroke!  He told her not to put ideas like that in my head. Then he says " that's never happening Julia so don't even think about it"! Then Tristan said "oh, absolutely not"!

Ok, Tyler's reaction doesn't surprise me at all. He turns into a total prude with anything concerning me. He thinks I'm showing too much leg if I flash an ankle. But I found Tristan's reaction particularly rich considering the fact he stripped a few times when he was still in school. He did it because it was easy money. When I reminded him he had stripped he told me it didn't matter because he was a GUY and it wasn't the same thing at all and his girlfriend was NOT stripping EVER. How would it be any different? I didn't like it when he stripped at all but I would never have told him he couldn't do it. Yet he thinks it's perfectly acceptable to tell me I can't. To be clear, I have no desire to be a stripper and I would never do it. Besides, even if I did I can't even imagine my dad's reaction. He would probably chain me up in the basement or something. So it's fine for a guy to strip but it's NOT ok for a woman to strip. A guy who strips is hot but a woman who does it is a slut or trash. WTF??

And not long ago Tyler and Tristan were talking about their tats. Back when Tyler was getting his sleeve finished I had mentioned to my dad that I thought a small red rose on the inside of my wrist would look cool against my skin color. He told me to just keep thinking and that if I came home with a tattoo he would remove it with a cheese grater. When I mentioned the fact that Tyler's entire arm was a tattoo he just said he wasn't arguing about it and to just forget it. Since he was so opposed to the idea I just dropped it. So when Tyler and Tristan were talking about their tats I mentioned that I had once thought about the rose tattoo. Tristan said "don't be daft Julia, you're NOT getting any tats".  That amazed me. Tristan has an incredible amount of ink! It's only really visible when he takes off his shirt but he has a lot! My mom said he looked like a carnival freak the first time she saw it. I asked him why it was ok for him to have tats but not ok for me. I got that same ### answer I get for everything. " because I'm a guy and it's different if guys want ink".

I was dumb enough to think Tyler might actually be supportive and I asked him if he thought there was anything wrong with girls getting tattoos and he said not at all and he thought it was cool actually.  But then he said that didn't apply to me though. I asked him why not and he said " well because Tristan doesn't want you to. You're his girlfriend and it's totally your responsibility to look the way he likes". OMG! He really said that to me! WTF???  Then I started thinking back to when I first transitioned and Tyler turned into the clothes police. If he thought my skirt was too short or my clothes were too tight or whatever he would make me change before I went out of the house. Now some of you are probably thinking that if your older brother told you you couldn't go out dressed a certain way, you would tell him to go hose himself. That was always my sentiment but in addition to being really bossy with me anyway, if I did that Tyler would just tell my dad my outfit was too slutty and my dad ALWAYS agreed with Tyler and I had to change anyway.  But it was perfectly ok for Tyler to wear his skin tight jeans. Tyler had a couple of pairs of jeans he would wear when he was trying to meet or attract girls. They were so tight you could practically see the veins in his Dick. I always told him to warn me when he was going to wear those so I could stock up on eyebleach first. Even my dad once told him he should just let his Dick hang out his zipper because those jeans showed almost as much and it would be easier for him to walk. But he NEVER told Tyler he couldn't go out that way or made him change. I mentioned that of course and got the standard answer about it being different because Tyler was a guy.

How did these double standards even get started?  Why do we still even tolerate them. I know guys tend to enforce them and it doesn't matter if they are dad, boyfriend or brother, they ALL totally stick together when it comes to this stuff. But I can't blame it all on guys. Lots of women actually enforce these way outdated double standards. It makes me want to tear out my hair sometimes!

Born 1998
Started hrt 2015
SRS done 5/21/2018


It's the male dominated society we live in, where they are the "protectors".  Defenders of feminine honor, with a large amount of hypocrisy.

"If you go out looking for friends, you are going to find they are very scarce.  If you go out to be a friend, you'll find them everywhere."


FOoly CoOly

Its very much the same at my home, except its just me my mother grandma and father. My dad is always trying to protect me in ways that i find annoying, if he could just find a better way of saying the things he says i would feel a-lot better. But since i told him this he sorta stopped, just goofy ol dad;) if this bothers you however then speak up! Tell them how you feel when they start up, you don't need to argue with them but mentioning the problem once could help in the future. I like reading your messages : ) wish you luck!



I'd just do whatever I wanted and let them complain all they want. You're around 20, right? None of them can really "make" you do anything unless they're willing to kick you out of the house if you don't comply, which I seriously they doubt they will.


Quote from: Lucca on September 06, 2018, 11:43:34 AM
I'd just do whatever I wanted and let them complain all they want. You're around 20, right? None of them can really "make" you do anything unless they're willing to kick you out of the house if you don't comply, which I seriously they doubt they will.

Yes I'm 20. No, no way my dad would kick me out ever! Tristan and I were going to get an apartment after he finished his paramedic training and started working. My dad was totally not about me moving out so he talked Tristan into moving in here. No, none of them could actually MAKE me do anything. Old habits die hard for my dad and brother though. Of course my dad expects me to do what he tells me because I always have. My dad has always been a great dad but he has also always been pretty controlling with me. And now even though I'm 20 years old, he seems to think I'm still a child. And Tyler has always been bossy with me. Growing up my dad always said I had to listen to Tyler because he was older so Tyler totally got used to telling me what to do and he's also always been overprotective as has my dad. I don't like that from them but I'm pretty much used to it. But it pisses me off when Tristan starts thinking it's ok for him to start telling me what to do. He is a dominant type by nature and I get that but "girlfriend" doesn't equal " property ". He wasn't like that nearly as much before he moved in. I think being around Tyler and my dad has started bringing it out more in him.

Born 1998
Started hrt 2015
SRS done 5/21/2018


I mentioned them kicking you out of the house just because it's the only leverage over you that they have that I could possibly think of, and it's clearly absurd and they'd never do it.

As long as you're living there, I think the only solution is just to be as assertive and straightforward as possible. Sooner rather than later, you'll also want to move out. Your relationship with all three will probably improve once you do. That's about the best advice I have   :-\.


If I were you, I would save up and get a tattoo just to spite them. Nobody has the right to force their beliefs and preferences on you.


Quote from: DustKitten on September 06, 2018, 04:36:32 PM
If I were you, I would save up and get a tattoo just to spite them. Nobody has the right to force their beliefs and preferences on you.

That's hilarious. After reading your reply I went on amazon and ordered a temporarary tattoo sheet set. I picked skulls.  Im going to put a huge skull and cross bone tattoo on my arm and some little barbed wire ones on my fingers. 😂😂 Im going to act like I went and got real ones. All three of them will go nuts! Lol

Born 1998
Started hrt 2015
SRS done 5/21/2018


My grandmother would have had an aneurysm if I visited her with a tat. "Common as muck" would be her interpretation of tattooing on anybody, man or woman. I suppose in her day the only people sporting them were criminals and cage fighters.

...Then again, she'd have a fit if she saw me now in general. 
"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."

Lady Sarah

A nephew of mine married a girl who started working at a strip club as a server. Within months, she worked as a dancer. Then came the nights she never went home. She was prostituting herself. That ended the marriage. At present, he is in the Air Force, happily divorced.

One thing leads to another. When you have an opportunity to make sick money, would you say "no"? If you can, you probably don't need to be a stripper.
started HRT: July 13, 1991
orchi: December 23, 1994
trach shave: November, 1998
married: August 16, 2015
Back surgery: October 20, 2016


I think most of us women could use one of these! This is not violent.  :angel:


My grandfather told my father that he should never get a tattoo because if the police were after him, he would be more easily identified, especially if he became a repeat offender.  (I think that my father was one of the most conscientiously honest men in the world.)

I personally am not a fan of tattoos.  In the UK, most young and many middle aged women seem to have them, though.  A small one here and there may not detract from beauty but many have entire arms covered in tattoos which I personally think detracts from natural skin tones.  Anyway, as you obviously know, temporary tattoos look like real ones and can be changed if you get bored with them.



I know a girl that has a flock of butterflies tattooed across her shoulder, and another that has a lovely chain of roses curling up from her wrist. I think tattoos can be quite beautiful and meaningful, just as they can be aggressive and distasteful; it all depends on what kind of tattoo you want.



Some tattoos are body art, others organizational tags, and most for memories. All of my tattoos are beautiful artwork with personal meaning. I often receive compliments on my tattoos from unsuspecting people. I do not have a tattoo just to have a tattoo.

Personally if I wanted a tattoo I would get one. Is getting a tattoo a deal-breaker for the relationship? It is not my place, but if so the relationship may need growth in other areas. I know that you know this already.

Susan Baum

Quote from: Julia1996 on September 06, 2018, 12:30:49 PM
My dad has always been a great dad but he has also always been pretty controlling with me. And now even though I'm 20 years old, he seems to think I'm still a child.

Dearest Julia,
I had to chuckle at your line.
I hate to be the one to tell you, but to your dad, you will always bring out his protective streak because you will forever be his "little girl."
It is something all parents do; just ask our little one - the daughter who turns 40 next week...   ;)

Aging is inevitable - growing up is optional.

Allison S

I got home and my mom told me my dress is too short lol she's right it is and I'm kind of tired of the attention. I think they're giving you sound advice... Just not in a very gentle(manly) way... Except the way you dress, I think that's a bit much...
Your brother and father need gfs. This pent up testosterone is not a good thing! Or do they have something against women that they're not interested in them?? Lol

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Quote from: Allison S on September 08, 2018, 01:37:31 PM
I got home and my mom told me my dress is too short lol she's right it is and I'm kind of tired of the attention. I think they're giving you sound advice... Just not in a very gentle(manly) way... Except the way you dress, I think that's a bit much...
Your brother and father need gfs. This pent up testosterone is not a good thing! Or do they have something against women that they're not interested in them?? Lol

Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk

My dad and Tyler don't monitor my outfits any more. Tristan has taken that over. But pretty much in the opposite way. He will suggest I wear something and then tell me I look really hot in it. But then true to confusing guy behavior, he will then get annoyed when another guy looks at me in the outfit HE wanted me to wear. He will say " that guy better stop checking you out before I knock him crosseyed". Wasn't that the idea? He wants me to look hot but then gets annoyed when another guy checks me out. It's like he's saying " look what I have, but don't look too long". Guys are so weird! 

My dad definitely needs a gf. But he's been resistant to my suggestions that he try to find one. I was going to make him a profile on ok cupid but he told me not to even think about it. Women check him out and flirt with him all the time and I see him checking women out so I don't see what's taking him so long to get a gf. Once at the store this really pretty girl totally hit on him. He was very nice to her but that was it. I told him he should have asked her out. He told me that she had only been a couple of years older than me. When I asked him so what , he told me that him doing anything with a girl that young would be wrong, not to mention gross. Then he told me he didn't need matchmaking advice from his teenage daughter. Rude much? Stay alone for all I care then! And then we have Tyler. He has had lots of "girlfriends". But they never last longer than a few months. I don't know why he can't keep a girlfriend. Not that I would ever admit it to Tyler, even under torture,  but Tyler is a very handsome guy with a jacked body. He has no lack of female interest but the problem seems to come after they get to know him. All I can figure is it's Tyler. I love him very much but Tyler can be extremely obnoxious. He also has some pretty chauvinistic attitudes. I grew up with him so I'm used to him, but I can easily imagine how annoying a girl would find him after a while. Tyler also has no lack of male attention from gay guys. I once suggested that he try getting a boyfriend since his girlfriends don't ever last. To be honest I said it to mess with him but his reaction was disappointing. Instead of being offended he said having a boyfriend would probably be easier because he could at least understand guys and that he wouldn't have to deal with female mood swings and irrational behavior, but that he had absolutely no attraction to males and that he couldn't ever have a romantic relationship with a guy.

So until Tyler learns how to not be a >-bleeped-< with women I guess there isn't much hope of him having a ltr with anyone. And who knows with my dad. After his rudeness every time I suggest he start dating again, he can get 20 cats and collect miniatures for all I care. Or whatever "old maid" guys do.

Born 1998
Started hrt 2015
SRS done 5/21/2018


I don't get why you are so insistent that your dad and brother get a GF. Why is that? Not everyone needs a partner to by happy.
This is not medical advice. Always consult your doctor.

Allison S

Quote from: PurplePelican on September 09, 2018, 06:10:32 PM
I don't get why you are so insistent that your dad and brother get a GF. Why is that? Not everyone needs a partner to by happy.
She was responding to the comment I made. You're right, a partner doesn't make someone happy... But it can. Her dad and brother seem nice enough but sometimes a bit pent up. I think her dad specially. It's not my place, but it's not like I told her that her dad should get back with her mom... Lol

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On the sub-topic of tattoos, I'll give the usual granny advice that few people follow:

If you, ever get a tattoo, do it because YOU really want it,

  • Not because friends have them;
  • Not because someone suggested that you get one;
  • Not because someone dared you to get one;
  • Especially, not because someone told you NOT to get one.

It may be annoying even when loved ones tell you what to do, especially if they don't practice what they preach.  However, you have to weigh the satisfaction of defying them against the possibility, especially in the case of boyfriends, of driving a wedge into your relationship. 

Just from reading your posts, I would say that on the whole, Tristan is very understanding and in love with the real you, and proud to be with you even when you encounter unpleasant and prejudiced people who knew you before your transition.  I also think that you love him and I would be surprised if you would risk your relationship just to defy his occasional masculine whims.

It's okay to vent your feelings in threads like this, though.  :angel:
