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Top Surgery - Andrew Mellington

Started by eren_k28, September 06, 2018, 04:30:26 PM

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Good evening everyone,

Firstly allow me to front this with the usual "sorry if this is in the wrong section please move as appropriate" - I don't post much (this may well be my second?) so after a quick bit of research this seemed the best place. If not, I am sorry!

I would like to take the opportunity to bring attention to Mr Andrew Mellington who recently performed top surgery on myself. In fact, today was my two week post-op check up, and it seemed a good time to write a little about my experience and how he came to be my surgeon.

When the Charing Cross gender clinic wrote me a letter to say my chosen surgeon, the well known Andrew Yelland, would not be performing my top surgery I was rather gutted and concerned. I didn't recognise the other names on the list and was dismayed to come to the realisation I could either choose someone else or go further afield.

I chose to stay on at Nufield Brighton Health and opted for Andrew Mellington to perform the operation. There was little to research about him, no accounts of previous success stories that I could find. I was going in blind.
A few months later I met the man himself on a Thursday afternoon in June.

He admitted to being new to handling this kind of operation with regards to transpeople. He's primarily a reconstruction type of guy, helping women to restore their confidence after suffering breast cancer and the like, so deconstructing healthy tissue and reshaping was relatively new to him. Despite his lack of experience handling people in my situation I already had confidence in him. He treated me with dignity and respect, was mindful and considerate during my examination and made sure I was compliant in having photos taken. He never once referred to my breasts and he never used language that made me uncomfortable.

Mr Mellington never once seemed to struggle for alternatives nor did he stumble when addressing me/my body.

Fast forward to the day of and following the procedure. I cannot fault the nurses of Nufield for the most part - they are amazing and took great care of me, though there has always been lengthy delays before appointments. I was checked and by the end of the day I was back in my private room recovering.

In two weeks I have regained almost all mobility in my arms and upper body. I have barely touched my pain killers, have experienced minimal bruising and little discomfort in general. I was shocked by how well I was recovering, having read multiple accounts to the contrary. My first peek at myself, wrapped up in gauze, was daunting but ultimately gave me relief.

Today was the first time I'd seen my chest as it is to be. The stitches are neat, the scarring clean and not at all horrific (I was of the larger variety, and had double incision). In all honesty I don't think I'll be left with much scarring at all. Both my nipples, though a little scabbed, are attached and healthy. After some fluid was removed my chest looked healthy and good. Mr Mellington himself was pleased with the results and after checking I was happy for more photos post-op to be taken (oh hell yes!) I could see the results for myself head on.

The purpose of me writing this lengthy post is to tell others of my experience. We all know and speak highly of Yelland. That said, I couldn't be happier that I was treated by Mr Mellington. He is an amazing surgeon who deserves recognition in this field. I am eternally grateful to him for taking on NHS patients and assisting the cause for transpeople to receive medical care. Not only that but he is incredibly skilled at what he does and I hope many more people turn to him for their surgery.

I am so thrilled with my results, even at this early stage. I want other people to have confidence in him despite being "new" to the cause. He is an excellent choice and I am so glad I bit the bullet and went to him.



He sounds wonderful!  Lucky you!

I take it he's in the UK?  Your post doesn't specify.

Good luck with your healing, sounds like its going wonderfully!


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"If the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."


Quote from: Ryuichi13 on September 06, 2018, 05:13:04 PM
He sounds wonderful!  Lucky you!

I take it he's in the UK?  Your post doesn't specify.

Good luck with your healing, sounds like its going wonderfully!


Sent from my SM-G930P using Tapatalk

Whoops! Yes, he's in Brighton in the UK. In fact today I took pictures of the results and I am amazed at myself. I love it.

I know how important it is to research and feel comfortable with your surgeon and I wanted to help others who are considering going forward to trust in Mellington's ability. He's an excellent surgeon and I do feel very lucky that I ended up under his knife.