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FFS with Dr Rossi

Started by Stephane, September 24, 2018, 05:07:57 AM

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This is my first post but I have been here a long time reading researching there are lots of fantastic posts in the forums. I started my transition in 2015.

I will post pictures and keep this thread up dated nearer to the time of my surgery in case it helps others, I am booked for February next year. I will be having the following procedures

Forehead contouring

Orbital rims reshaping

Hairline correction

Brow lift

Feminizing rhinoplasty  (to make the nose smaller overall, thinner and straighter; to leave the bridge shorter and straight or slightly concave when seen from profile, and to give the tip more definition)

Upper lip lift

Face and neck lift

Trachea shave.

Breast Augumentation up to 500cc implant included placed under the pectoral muscle through armpit incision.

Upper blepharoplasty

Jaw tapering jaw shaving.

I am 48 years old and 3 tears HRT, I feel these options hopefully will give me what I want, I have selected Dr Rossi because of reviews price and location. As I said I will post pictures before and after in February. I have booked my leave at work and have 4 weeks after surgery do you think I will heal enough to return to work in that time. Also any advice on things to take, any helpful hints at all to make my recovery easier would be appreciated.


Hi Stephane

Good luck with your surgery! I am currently in he process of researching FFS surgeons myself and currently leaning towards Rossi but I am also considering Dr Bart and DiMaggio.

I look forward to hearing more about your surgery in Feb!



I had pretty much the same things done to me except for the jaw and breast surgeries. The drains were removed after the 4th day. I was able to drive my car 8 days after surgery. I had the stitches and staples removed at 10 days.

I would think that 4 weeks post op is plenty of time for recovery. I really think that you will be up and about within 2 weeks, but we all heal from surgery at our own pace.

Best wishes and a speedy recovery.


Hello Stephane, welcome to Susans! 

February will come up fast... I bet you're excited.  Once I made the decision and scheduled FFS I couldn't wait for the results.  Well actually I did have to wait ;) but it's so worth it.

Since this was your first post I'll add information to help with navigation and site guidelines.

Things that you should read

When you get a chance, it would be great if you can introduce yourself in the Introductions Forum.

Really great to see you here!

Assigned male at birth 1963.  Decided I wanted to be a girl in 1971.  Laser 2014-16, electrolysis 2015-17, HRT 7/2017, GCS 1/2018, VFS 3/2018, FFS 5/2018, Labiaplasty & BA 7/2018. 


Quote from: Stephane on September 24, 2018, 05:07:57 AM
This is my first post but I have been here a long time reading researching there are lots of fantastic posts in the forums. I started my transition in 2015.
Congratulations on your progress, perhaps you read my posts regarding Dr Rossi.
Quote from: Stephane on September 24, 2018, 05:07:57 AM

I will post pictures and keep this thread up dated nearer to the time of my surgery in case it helps others, I am booked for February next year. I will be having the following procedures

Forehead contouring

Orbital rims reshaping

Hairline correction

Brow lift

Feminizing rhinoplasty  (to make the nose smaller overall, thinner and straighter; to leave the bridge shorter and straight or slightly concave when seen from profile, and to give the tip more definition)

Upper lip lift

Face and neck lift

Trachea shave.

Breast Augumentation up to 500cc implant included placed under the pectoral muscle through armpit incision.

Upper blepharoplasty

Jaw tapering jaw shaving.

Sounds similar to what I had performed, except breast implants and feminizing rhinoplasty.
Quote from: Stephane on September 24, 2018, 05:07:57 AM

I am 48 years old and 3 tears HRT, I feel these options hopefully will give me what I want, I have selected Dr Rossi because of reviews price and location. As I said I will post pictures before and after in February. I have booked my leave at work and have 4 weeks after surgery do you think I will heal enough to return to work in that time. Also any advice on things to take, any helpful hints at all to make my recovery easier would be appreciated.
I think you will be fine going back to work after 4 weeks, that doesn't mean you will look completely healed, but you will be fine to go back.

FWIW, I am very satisfied with long term results from my surgery with Dr Rossi and the hair implants I had done right before I left Buenos Aires. 
"It's only money, not life or death"


Thanks for the advice so I am now a little over a month away nervous scared and anxious are some of the things I feel. It's also hard to send all of your money overseas in advance its everything I have I have saved and saved worked and worked to get to this point in life. I am really nervous about everything I guess it is normal to feel this way. I am also very excited for my future and blessed to be able to do ffs. I will update this thread on my arrival in Argentina before surgery and again when I am well enough.


Nervous? If you are from the US, look forward to a wonderful break from winter weather.  :)

I have not been there. But do remember someone saying to use whats app on your phone when on wifi to communicate with your friends & family.

There are several threads on this forum that have recommendations for things & places to possibly see. Another made mention of ways to improve the healing process. I do not remember all of the details, so you would have to search for those.

Look forward to hearing about your trip! Wish you the best.

Edit: Had these 2 bookmarked.,189339.0.html,195259.0.html


Hello Stephane -

I had FFS with Drs. Rossi & Appiani just over a year ago, which included
most of the procedures that you mentioned. I was also 48 at the time. Feel free to send me a message with any questions.

I will add that I would bring some sort of probiotic supplement, as the antibiotics you'll be given will wipe out your gut bacteria. I started having digestive issues a few days after surgery. I ate a lot of yogurt to help recover, but a probiotic would have been very helpful.

Also, there is a Facebook page for Dr. Rossi's patients that you can visit for other advice, etc.

Best wishes for your surgery.

- Taylor


Thanks Taylor I can't seem to send PMs here so messaged you through the FB group.


So I arrived last night on the 3rd so its Feb 4th today surgery is on the 6th at 2pm. It took me 30 hours to get here from New Zealand so a long flight when I arrived Amanda picked me up and took me to my apartment she is really nice and easy to get along with. I didnt sleep on the plane at all so I was extremely tired and stressed but managed to sleep last night. I dont have much to do today except rest and work out eating and maybe some food shopping. I am seeing the hair transplant surgeon later today also. I have a big day tomorrow I go to see Dr Rossi have blood tests and go to choose breast implants. I am pretty nervous about everything as it's so close and quite anxious about how much I will achieve from ffs. Actually nervous and anxious dont do it justice I am honestly thinking about everything I guess it's natural to have doubts to be so scared and frightened, I am so ready and waited so long but at the same time petrified about how I look afterwards, about how I will look in the next 6 months, about how feminine my face will look. Anyway just a small update really just so you all know I am here and so close to my date.


I wish you a successful surgery and swift recovery. I will follow your journey. Dr Rossi is an amazing doctor. You will be in good hands ;)


Amanda collected me Tuesaday morning took me for xray, blood tests and heart check then she took me to the hair transplant place which was great, I must admit it was there I saw probably the best looking male I have seen in my life if you go there you will see for yourself after this she dropped me home with surgery booked the following day I was starting to get quite apprehensive, anxious and nervous. Dr Rossi and Amanda came by in the early evening, he is a really lovely gentle man and so positive and open about what I want and what he thinks. He explains each procedure what's possible what's not. He is polite considerate and reassuring. I liked him immediately. On Wednesday morning I showered Amanda collected me and we went to the Mentor breast implant store. I chose my new boobs moderate plus profile at 375cc I wanted natural but full and looking at them now my choice was perfect. Amanda offers her advice all through listen to her tell her what you want she will help you. She dropped me home I showered again and waited to be collected surgery is booked for 2pm. I am still pretty tired and find it hard to concentrate I will add to this post later, I have so much to add as I am now only 3.5 days post op and still tired and find it difficult to focus.


Hi Steph -

Thanks for the update. I'm glad your trip got off to a good start and you're now recovering. Each day gets better. Be sure to keep those cold packs on your face.

Kinda off the subject, but they have really good ice cream there. My favorite was "dulce de leche" (vanilla caramel). If interested, perhaps Amanda can bring you some. Stay positive. Hopefully you'll be up for some short sightseeing/shopping trips soon :)

- Taylor


Taylor I got that the first night I was here its yummy onto my second lot already. I have to be careful where I put the cold packs I cant put them any where that has been lipo filled so temples lips eyes nasal folds and cheeks are all off limits kind of just putting them under my jaw now.


Another update now I am with it and 7 days post op. The surgery went well and everything was done I was borderline type 1 or 3 but ended up having type 3 as Dr Rossi felt I would achieve a better result. The surgery itself was 8.5 hours. So I was collected and wheeled down to the theater for surgery, it was a very surreal experience to be honest everyone was busy doing things as I laid on the operating table. Both Dr Rossi and Appiani welcomed me and started to draw on my face and then on my body for my implants. Once all done I had drips put and met the anethatist. Music was playing by now I was really quite nervous Dr Rossi asked what music I like I said this is fine, New Order was playing I was just thinking oh I like this song when Dr Rossi leaned over me and squeezed my hand he looked down and said "don't worry Steph I got you it will be amazing trust me" it seemed no sooner had he finished that sentence that I woke up trying to vomit and pee at the same time, anesthetic it is awful to wake from. I was back in my room and my translator Sofia was looking after me and I mean she looks after you. She is such a gorgeous person so caring and so nice. She said every thing has gone well and reassured me that I am going to be so happy with my results. I had absolutely zero pain really but was really uncomfortable from my mouth being so dry and finding it difficult to breathe it was around midnight. I settled as best I could for the night and actually slept for a while. My eyes burned also and I really tried to keep them shut. The following day at around 3pm Dr Appinai came by, he removed my breast drains took off my bandages checked me out and rebandaged me I managed to get a quick selfie before he bandaged me up again. He was so positive so nice and was telling me how great I am going to look so gentle and such a kind lovely man. He had much energy and positively it suddenly became so real I cried a little and looking at my quick selfie I was amazed at what they had achieved for me. Since then I swelled and bruised it gets worse before it gets better but I could certainly see the changes already very evident. I was taken back to my apartment by Sofia where Amanda met me and got me settled. All in all very little pain but my eyes were still very sore and I was just uncomfortable from having to breathe through my mouth. I actually recovered quite quickly from here I just woke and slept at any given time it didn't matter really I was here for a purpose and that was to heal. Amanda looked after me and brought things up to my apartment that I needed.

I have had my nose cast removed and I am still very swollen but wow you know everyone goes on about how ffs surgeons are not good at noses let me tell you my nose is just beutiful compared to what I had it's like a little femine nose I love it the bridge the tip they did a perfect job. They also managed to even out my lips that were crooked from an earlier life trauma and again I am so happy with them. I am ecstatic with the work they did everything for me is perfect my forhead is smooth my jaw especially around the chin is fantastic, the trachea shave is perfect, as far as I am concerned these 2 surgeons Dr Rossi and Dr Appiani are miracle workers. They did more for me than I expected than I though possible. Dr Apianni asked me when he removed my nose cast if I am happy, he said we only like happy faces, I looked at him and just got so emotional at how much these surgeons have changed my life, I couldn't answer I had a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. I am 49 years old and felt things would be limited but as I said my expectations have been exceeded. Of course I have a long way to go a lot of swelling and bruising but my experience so far has been just wonderful. Amanda is such a cool chick she looks after you answers your questions and goes above and beyond. I would certainly not hesitate recommending T Change to anyone else without hesitation, they are a fantastic team and work together like clockwork, so much talent within such a small group of people. Dr Rossi and Dr Appiani are amazing talented surgeons and certainly they are worthy of being in your list of choices when it comes to ffs. I am not healed enough to post before and after but will in time add them to the thread so you can see my results. Also my breasts well just wow they are beautiful for me they change the whole way I look at my body, not to big and not to small, not to far apart just perfect natural looking full breasts.


Hi Steph -

I'm so glad to hear that everything appears to have gone well and that you're happy with your initial results. I imagine you're headed home soon, if you haven't left already. Perhaps you can provide another update when you have time?

- Taylor


Quote from: Stephane on February 14, 2019, 07:08:18 AM
... when Dr Rossi leaned over me and squeezed my hand he looked down and said "don't worry Steph I got you it will be amazing trust me"...


Thanks so much for the review. Absolutely adored the quoted line above. That is so endearing. If you have time to update further at any point in time. Am sure it will be well received. Hope you are recovering well. Cheers!