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Prolactin Issues?

Started by mr_marc91, December 14, 2018, 06:30:41 AM

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Hey people,
Just curious if any one has gone through or had issues with their pituitary gland and high prolactin issues through their transition?
And how it effected your transition and your self in the long term?
I've had on going issues for the past 3-4 years with climbing levels of prolactin and issues with my pituitary gland.
Every thing was fine up until April when they stopped my medication but it's all kicked off again unfortunately for me lol.

Sorry for such a doom and gloom subject, I'm just concerned what it's going to be like in the long term.


I am making an assumption that your FTM. I haven't heard if Prolactin being an issues with testosterone however it can be an issue with estrogens. This issue appears occasionally in the MTF section so you might find this tread useful.
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
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Yeah I am, I think that's why my Endo is so perplexed about it lol.
And cheers:)


Something is bothering me about this. Is your endo testing both Testosterone and Estrogen levels. Estrogen is made from Testosterone and if Testosterone levels are excessively high, the conversion will take place. It's possible that you dosage is high or that your body does the conversion at lower levels. This has happened to some of our members but this is the first time that Prolactin might be involved.
Rebirth Date 1982 - PMs are welcome - Use [email][/email] or Discord if your unable to PM - Skype is available - My Transition
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I hope you get this figured out.

Did you have your E tested? I've heard of some guys having mysteriously high FSH & LH while other numbers were ok, never had more information on those unique situations, though.

May I ask how did you come to determine your prolactin levels were high and there was a pituitary issue? None of the clinics I've went to tested prolactin.

I came off T temporarily while switching clinics. My T was too high for the labs to record (over 1500ng/dL), which raised my estradiol to the normal ranges for ovulation. This happened after my period stopped, oddly. I was a HOT MESS (insomnia, panic, tremors, cold sweats). I need only a fraction of the dose most guys need - metabolism definitely isn't a one-size-fits-all thing. Lowering my dose was all I needed to do.


He always tests both levels, my T levels yo-yo constantly.
I've switched meds several times because of it, I had to go on blockers, T and Cabergoline which actually did level it all out. But as things improved he wanted to try it with out the Cabergoline and stopped the blockers in October.
But the blood test from that month and the one in July showed that they were doing their own thing again lol.
He's said himself he's stumped, my MRI has come back clear too.

And my Endo does a full check yearly just to make sure every thing is ok.
It could be my medication is too high as I'm only 5'2 and not what I'd call heavily built lol.