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Please help me to get bigger breasts before i do something crazy!

Started by Annaiyah, March 12, 2019, 05:46:01 PM

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Yeah, it's been a while since I've used this site and the forums. But I'm getting pretty desperate.

I really want to have ddd breasts, without implants. I'm trans so I've always wanted large breasts without implants. I've seen a few MTF people with big boobs naturally, that look natural anyway, and I really, really want to be one of them. Ever since i was a teen and fantasized about being a girl, i would always envision myself with huge breasts. Even now, I still have visions and fantasizes of having large breasts and doing certain things, being certain places, showing sexy cleavage, etc. This is my dream and having my breasts at a certain size means all the world to me! It's the most fundamental part of the reclamation of my womanhood!

But now it seems everything I tried seems to thwart my attempt to achieve my dream, and this desire seems to elude me. In terms of manifesting, i tried manifesting bigger breasts. I have too much resistance. I guess it's because I want it too much. I've seen other women manifest larger breasts. I've also been trying Noogleberry after a long hiatus. I got the breast pumps back in late September, I went for one whole month and didn't get any results from it. What a waste of $70-$80! After that i put it away and didn't use it for a while, but I started back on it at the beginning of this week to try for at least three months. Now I'm getting discouraged after hearing a few people say it doesn't work. I've even seen one person say they tried it for a whole YEAR and didn't get results! I feel like stopping the Noogleberry... again. Maybe i'll sell it on eBay and get at least some of my money back.

I can't tell you guys how much having bigger breasts mean to me but it's enough that i've even felt suicidal over not being able to have bigger breasts and being stuck with A-cup breasts. I hate not having full-sized breasts. If i did get ddd breasts naturally, i would've beaten this stigma that trans women don't grow full-sized breasts naturally... and that i have bigger implant-free boobs that some naturally-born women! I also wanted larger areolas and have my nipples be able to secrete milk but secreting milk i can easily let go of until my next life. But at the very least i want my larger breasts that look real. I've always wanted that.

I don't like the shape or the look of implants, and I'm in no way knocking people who've had implants. But i don't want them because they don't feel or look right. I won't be able to show cleavage and i wouldn't have experience the breast development that naturally-born females do. If I had to choose between 1: having the ddd breasts i've dreamed of for a very long time with the only catch being i can't ever get bottom surgery or 2: i am allowed bottom surgery but i can't ever get bigger breasts unless i get implants, i'd pick Option 1... HANDS DOWN!

I want to wear certain clothes, show a lot of cleavage, and have my breasts bounce and jiggle all over the place while i'm out and about so in a last-ditch effort, I guess i will ask is this one final time, is there anything i can do? Is it even remotely possible to get my bigger boobs? Or am i doomed to have to get implants and wait until my next life to have big breasts?
They say identity theft is a crime. Well, needless to say, a crime has been committed. My identity has been stolen. No, no one knows my social security number or has my credit card. I'm walking around in the wrong body. I'm wearing a costume which I cannot remove... and the only way I can remove that costume, is through surgery


Well, you could go on hormones, as I'm planning on doing.  However, I don't think the breasts will be as big as you want.
I'm a 65 year old male who has been thinking about SRS for many years.  I also was a  full cross dresser for a few years.  I wear a bra, pantyhose and nail polish daily because it just feels right.

Started HRT April 17, 2019.


There are a large number of cis women who want the same thing. That's what keeps the breast enhancement surgeons in business. Did your mother, sisters, grandmothers have large breasts? If not, odds are you don't have the genes for it.
If so, then why not?


How active are you? Breast are largely made of fat tissue. Female athletes often develop breasts after they cease to compete or later in puberty.
Also, extremely large breasts can cause back pain and injury. You may want to go look st various breast sizes or breast fillers to find a size that is not so extreme and would be less damaging to your body.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ann W

I know what it's like to long for bigger boobs, believe me. It's been my principal frustration since starting HRT. I've switched doctors twice over feminization issues. If my current doctor doesn't start me on progesterone, I may start DIY.

I'm not looking for huge ones. I just want to look normal; and I've always felt very strongly about not being fake. I want my own. But if I can't get them any other way, I'll get implants. It's like wearing make-up. Wearing make-up makes me feel good about myself; I look prettier when I do, and I'll look prettier when I have a normal-sized bosom.

So, in the end, it's not really about being phony or fake. It's just expressing the inner me outwardly, as best I can.