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The Official Susan's Cookbook

Started by Janet_Girl, January 12, 2011, 04:07:08 PM

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MY last girlfriend could not cook to save her life, and she had two kids to take care of, so I wrote a cookbook for her with all the recipes being easy to get the ingredients, easy to make in under 20 minutes, and reasonably healthy. While the book is many many pages long, here is one of my favourites to make:

Thai Salmon


One salmon (fresh, though not living. If living, exchange for one not living. Skinned is preferred)
Blackstrap molasses
Dijon mustard
Basil, chopped, diced, or whole
Cooking wine
Melted butter
Worcestershire sauce
Soaking pan, large enough for (non living, but skinned) salmon.


You'll note there are no exact measurements either here, or in any of the other recipes. This is because a true chef (and let's face it, you are a true chef, otherwise you wouldn't be asking for my Intergalactically famous recipes) can vary the amounts needed, as opposed to slavishly following a cookbook. And because I make this up as I went along. But every recipe has been tested on kings, queens, knights, presidents and visiting dignitaries. And none have died yet. Therefore my methods are sound...

Start by mixing into the soaking pan, the blackstrap molasses (1/4 cup will do for a large scale salmon), a heaping teaspoon of Dijon mustard (plain mustard will do in a pinch, but is more coarse and therefore less is needed), a generous dash of cooking wine (it will evaporate during cooking, so don' be worried if you use too much), and some melted butter (1/4 stick will do fine for a large salmon.) Add to this the Worcestershire sauce (1/8 cup) and blend by hand. 

Place salmon on top, and using a cooking brush (or other implement of basting) paint the salmon with the mix. Cover dish and let stand. The longer you let it stand, the stronger the taste. But anywhere from 15 minutes to 1 hour is acceptable.


Cooking fish, especially red fish (salmon, tuna, mako, shark in general) can be difficult because the outsides cook much faster than the insides, and one can end up with very dry fish if cooked improperly.
The secret here is to cut the salmon into small squares (something on the order of 5 inches will do) and place over medium heat. This will allow the fish to cook completely, without drying it out. If you are unsure as to the proper cooking procedure, the extra sauce in the pan should just start to simmer, and not to boil. This is the correct temperature.

So, to start, take the entire contents of the soaking pan (non-living salmon, and mixing sauce) and place into the frying pan, placed at medium (or lower) heat. While the fish is cooking, continue to baste with the sauce the salmon is in. 
Every two minutes, flip the salmon and allow the other side to cook. Cooked salmon will go from red to pink when done and will fall apart easily. Overcooked salmon will go from pink to white, and become tough to cut, as well as very dry. This is to be avoided.
After each salmon square has been flipped twice, cut into the squares to determine if done. entire square should be pink. If the edges are white that is of no matter, just not the center.
Remove from heat and serve to hungry offspring.

+Approximate cooking time- No more than 10 minutes.
+Best served with- Rice, or fresh salad vegetables garnished with Italian dressing.


The secret of this kind of recipes is a leavening the grandma generation used, with very yummy results.
Its core is 3/4 teaspoon of baking soda and 3 tablespoons of cider vinegar per 500g of flour. The cider vinegar is used to activate the baking soda and leaves a very fine taste.
It also can be used for bread, and for pies since most of the sour taste is used up during baking, leaving a very fresh and fine tasting dough.
There is no need for rising times, the dough should be made and baked right away.

selfmade pizza (fast and easy)

500 g flour ( a mixture, i.e. of all purpose and 50 % whole grain is possible. Or a few tablespoons of oatmeal added. )
3/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 tablespoon salt
pepper and further spices to taste ( there are even ready made pizza spice mixtures available. But salt and pepper is also yummy )
4 tablespoons of cider vinegar
3 teaspoons oil (tasty oil like olive oil is an option)
ca. 300 ml water

Prepare a baking sheet, use some oil suitable for being heated and grease on top.

For variations of the crust:
if the baking sheet is pan like, its possible to use a few drops of oil more than only necessary to grease the sheet.
The oil soaks in the dough and makes for a frying like effect...

or its possible after greasing to finely powder with some flour. This will make for an almost heating stone like effect, like the bottom of baked bread.

Prepare toppings first, because the dough should be baked right away.

Toppings can be fried veggies...
sliced veggies like tomatoes and onions, sprinkled with oil and pepper...
and many other combinations...

Now make the dough with the 500g flour and the other dough ingredients.
Mix the solid ingredients thoroughly first, then add the liquid ones.

Spread the dough on the baking sheet. If its too liquid, add some flour first, if its too solid add a bit of water.

Add toppings and bake at 220 C for about 25 minutes.
Look inside in time, depending on the position of the sheet, and the oven itself its possible adjustments of time or position are necessary.

After baking, its possible to add some more toppings like some fresh salad or different herbs.

And, well, it might be recommendable to use some organic ingredients, especially spices, because they might taste a bit better.


This used to be my favourite recipe, and now I can't eat it anymore. I hope everyone else enjoys The Best Fettuccine Alfredo Ever. Personally, I find everything is in the ingredients. Try to get your bacon sliced at a deli, somewhere where you know it has been smoked and is full of flavor. Feel free to substitute chicken breasts for thighs, and cilantro for parsley. As for Parmesan, Parmesan Reggiano is a requirement. You can find that at some Safeways, but you may be able to order it online. If you're buying it in person, check the rind. If the rind has the dotted look of the Parmesan Reggiano, then it's authentic. The more fresh things the better, so avoid frozen stuff and dried alternatives. You can stick your Parmesan Reggiano rind in with the Alfredo sauce when it's simmering to get all the cheese possible out of it, but remember to take the peel out when it's done. Some stores have fresh made pastas, so try to grab their Fettuccine if available. If not, the dried stuff works fine, too.

Fettuccine Alfredo
Serves 1-2

1 strip bacon
1 boneless skinless chicken breast
2 clove garlic
½ yellow onion
½ cup spinach
½ cup diced tomatoes
¼ cup chopped cilantro
½ cup freshly grated Parmesan Reggiano
¾ cup flavourless nut based milk
1 tbsp butter
1 tsp corn starch
120 grams of Fettuccine
Salt and pepper to taste

Start boiling some water in a pot big enough for just your noodles. Make sure the water tastes as salty as the ocean.

In a fairly large pan, begin cooking your bacon. You want the fat to render and create a fond on your pan. When cooked, remove and set aside. Slice your onion, crush your garlic, cube your chicken breast, and add it all to the pan with your spinach. Once the chicken is cooked, add back the bacon, and add the cilantro.

Add butter to saucepan, as well as cornstarch. Mix until the cornstarch is incorporated into a paste. Add grated parmesan (and rind), as well as the milk. Mix while rubbing the bottom of the pan to incorporate the fond made by the bacon earlier. This shluld be constantly mixed and left to a mid-low. Once the cheese is melted, you should have a wonderful Alfredo sauce. Remove the rind, if added.

Just before your noodles are fully cooked in the large pot of water, remove, and add it to the pan. Feel free to also add about ¼ cup of water to salt the Alfredo sauce. Allow the noodles to finish cooking in the Alfredo sauce.

Serve with chopped tomatoes on top, and add salt and pepper to taste.
If you ever feel like you're unloved, message me. Reach out to me. Seriously. I love you. I'll listen to everything to need to say. I'm running on California time, and I'm a full time student, so if you're expecting a reply, please be patient. But I'll always reply. Thinking of you.