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Jenn's Journey, Part 2

Started by Jenn104, January 03, 2024, 04:31:48 PM

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Quote from: Jenn104 on April 10, 2024, 07:29:39 AMsometimes the sheer absurdity of how my mind works leaves me giggling.

You make it a good Wednesday too Chrissy.


Thank you Jenn! 

Always stay cheerful, be polite, kind, and understanding. Accepting yourself as the woman you are is very liberating.
Never underestimate the appreciation and respect of authenticity.  Be brave, be strong.  Try a little kindness.  I am a brown eyed brunette. 



I need to do more stretching. When I try sitting back on my heels I really need to stick a firm pillow under me as I lean back to sit.  I will get there one day without a pillow!  I doubt I will take up yoga but I will do stretching positions. 
Always stay cheerful, be polite, kind, and understanding. Accepting yourself as the woman you are is very liberating.
Never underestimate the appreciation and respect of authenticity.  Be brave, be strong.  Try a little kindness.  I am a brown eyed brunette. 


Quote from: ChrissyRyan on April 11, 2024, 06:22:30 PMJenn,

I need to do more stretching. When I try sitting back on my heels I really need to stick a firm pillow under me as I lean back to sit.  I will get there one day without a pillow!  I doubt I will take up yoga but I will do stretching positions. 

I started doing yoga when a cis-female office pal suggested I try it. She thought I'd like the mindfulness as much as the workout. My studio offers a chill vibe and classes across different disciplines. I tend to "slow flow"/vinyasa-style classes.

Yoga is my "me time". As my body changes, I get to reconnect. I get more balance and core strength than flexibility. YMMV though. I secretly marvel at the grace of a few women in class. Class is a chance to drop everything else and just be, a treat for the pace of my life at the moment.

Me being me, btw, "warrior 2" is the official yoga pose of my transition. Strong base, arm extended fully, gaze directly ahead. Think about that, right?

I also do a daily stretch routine that has some yoga-like elements in it. Pelvic floor stretches plus some basic things to unplug daily.

"I want to be remembered as a woman ... who dared to be a catalyst of change."
                 - Shirley Chisolm

"We need to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
                  - Marsha P. Johnson

"Why not question everything?"
                  - Lynn Conway



The little things in transition that validate never cease to make me giggle.

I pierced my ears a good 8 weeks ago. I went a week past my ok to change date, just to be sure. although stopped the daily squirting with saline. I put on my first pair of "hanging" earrings. I feel great! I am kind of laughing at myself for feeling childishly happy. Yet here we are.

I was chatting a work friend just now as we waited for something to start up. She just moved, so I asked about how it is going. "Ugggg. my husband just wants to unpack his garage stuff, not do real work."  I told her I can see both sides but feel very very removed from that narrative. Partly because I didn't get the house, partly because I just think differently.

anyway. it was a good weekend-- a pair of 40 mile rides in place of a single 50 miler +  a 20 mile "leg spin". plus yoga. plus cleaning and laundry. plus a few other personal things. Life is hectic. Life is good.

"I want to be remembered as a woman ... who dared to be a catalyst of change."
                 - Shirley Chisolm

"We need to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
                  - Marsha P. Johnson

"Why not question everything?"
                  - Lynn Conway

    The following users thanked this post: LoriDee


Back from my Sunday ride and a quick drink with the women in the cycling group.

I have under a month until the 85 mile ride, my first real distance ride. I am feeling cautious optimism. My local bike shop is queer owned. The owners are super nice, real allies in my transition. We've worked out a plan for bike tune up and minor tweaks that allows me to keep riding. We did a tire swap out with tubes, a new chain, disc brake pads, and some derailleur tuning between Friday and today. They'll repack the steering tube bearings, bleed the brakes, and upgrade my pedals. They talked me into better shoes - "3 holes road shoes" over "2 hole mt bike shoes". I think I'll get maybe a little extra power.

Today-- I got a quick 50 mile lesson in pace lines. Riding 6 - 8 inches off the tire in front of me. Kinda a cool thing. Plus one friend is a very good coach, so I got tips on pace, and climbing. Things feel like they are coming together. I need a lot of miles though.

The weekend ride's turned into a really fun thing for me. Good workout then social time after.

Other than that-- life is hectic. I go have a board meeting for my 'Pride' non profit in the week. Still need to get my yoga on (Monday), training class for the LGBTQ speakers bureau I am joining.. and next weekend I will see cousins. My cousins all know. We're not close and most have never seen. That'll change. Frankly, it is not a big deal anymore. It just is a thing that is a going to happen.


off to relax,


"I want to be remembered as a woman ... who dared to be a catalyst of change."
                 - Shirley Chisolm

"We need to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
                  - Marsha P. Johnson

"Why not question everything?"
                  - Lynn Conway

    The following users thanked this post: LoriDee


The pace of life here is ummm wonderfully chaotic. My weekend was full. My week is looking just as full. I feel energized by the pace.

I've been working with my local bike shop to get my bike ready for the gran fondo ny. Eighty five gloriously uphill ish miles, on May 19th. The couple that run it are super nice, very good at what they do, and queer. The run the kind of business that is about doing right, not cranking out business. My bike is down to a last few set of tweaks. I am going to upgrade pedals and shoes. We've mutually decided the brakes need to be bled again. It happens. The course has a 2 mile downhill I am going to need brakes for. Serious brakes.

Low-key the race prep is a kind of metaphor for transition. I started with a huge problem-- what do I need to know, learn, do, experience, and be to complete the race. Little by little, the race details are clearer. I have a nutrition plan, for example. In-race nutrition is a must. I've learned to eat and drink at-speed, ish. Yeah, training. The size of the problem of getting to the finish is smaller. I can't control everything or even plan for every scenario. I can lose my race by someone else's carelessness. I am gonna be fairly ready though.  Oh.. ready but learning. There is a lot I don't know and I am learning on the fly.


Saturday I went to training and joined "Speak Out Boston", the oldest LGBTQ+ speaking bureau in the country. I am developing my initial "story"-- "the twelve words my manager said to me that changed my life". I was impressed by the training, the stories I heard, the people. I need to shadow some engagements and then I can 'go live'. I am energized thinking of it.  After training I scooted to cousin's birthday party. A few hadn't seen me yet.  Seeing me was a non-event for me and for them. 

Sunday? 55 miles on my bike - 2 loops of twenty and a 15 thrown in because why not. I am a little amazed-- I had so little leg fatigue last night. Shoot, I got my 50 in then did laundry and cleaned the apartment. I feel fine today. Hoping to get an hour or so to ride the "quick hill" loop late in the day. I am trying to get more fluid standing, and the quick hill loop is a good vehicle for that.

The week? I have the pre op support group tonight, followed by a call for the non profit board. Tuesday is electro day. Weds there is an NB group a shy friend wants to go to, so I told them I'd go. I am going to need to figure out when to get my Weds ride in. Thursday the over 50 group... Friday more electro and a the queer cycling groups "friday 20". Next weekend? on the hook for a 60-65 mile prep ride.

shhh. I love it.

Happy Monday!

"I want to be remembered as a woman ... who dared to be a catalyst of change."
                 - Shirley Chisolm

"We need to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
                  - Marsha P. Johnson

"Why not question everything?"
                  - Lynn Conway

    The following users thanked this post: LoriDee


Well done dear I feel exhausted just reading!!!
a long time coming (out) HRT 12 2017
GRS 2021 5th Nov

Jill of all trades mistress of non
Know a bit about everything but not enough to be clever
  • skype:davina61?call


I light heartedly post about 'getting my yoga on' from time to time. In truth, yoga's become a pillar in my own transition. Last week was the kind of week where merely two things on tap after work could be considered a light evening. I decided to try the Friday class yoga class- glad I did. Stylistically it is a "yin" class, slower and much more contemplative. Really good stuff for me after last week. Added plus? a few women in the class were like "Jenn! See you Sunday too right? coffee after". It's nice to be invited. I did show, and coffee after was nice. Note to self-- remember to take an hour for myself now and then.

Saturday I did what I think'll be the last extended ride before the 85 gloriously uphill miles on the gran fondo ride on the 19th. I rode 63 miles with my friend-- which works to 101 km. My first "metric century". I did ok - 63 miles at a shade under 15 mph and I had a lot left in the tank. My friend - also in the ride- believe I am "good to go".  Same for my bike, altho I am going to rebleed the brakes. "too much stopping power" does not exist, lol.

This upcoming week-- not so so so bad. I have a board meeting. Regular electrolysis. A sub-committee meeting, I am co-chair of the volunteer committee, so I need to put in some time. Plus training. My training is shifting slightly.

anyway, life remains hectic and good.

"I want to be remembered as a woman ... who dared to be a catalyst of change."
                 - Shirley Chisolm

"We need to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
                  - Marsha P. Johnson

"Why not question everything?"
                  - Lynn Conway

    The following users thanked this post: LoriDee


Quote from: Jenn104 on May 06, 2024, 07:05:54 AMI light heartedly post about 'getting my yoga on' from time to time. In truth, yoga's become a pillar in my own transition. Last week was the kind of week where merely two things on tap after work could be considered a light evening. I decided to try the Friday class yoga class- glad I did. Stylistically it is a "yin" class, slower and much more contemplative. Really good stuff for me after last week. Added plus? a few women in the class were like "Jenn! See you Sunday too right? coffee after". It's nice to be invited. I did show, and coffee after was nice. Note to self-- remember to take an hour for myself now and then.

Saturday I did what I think'll be the last extended ride before the 85 gloriously uphill miles on the gran fondo ride on the 19th. I rode 63 miles with my friend-- which works to 101 km. My first "metric century". I did ok - 63 miles at a shade under 15 mph and I had a lot left in the tank. My friend - also in the ride- believe I am "good to go".  Same for my bike, altho I am going to rebleed the brakes. "too much stopping power" does not exist, lol.

This upcoming week-- not so so so bad. I have a board meeting. Regular electrolysis. A sub-committee meeting, I am co-chair of the volunteer committee, so I need to put in some time. Plus training. My training is shifting slightly.

anyway, life remains hectic and good.


Sounds good Jenn.

Always stay cheerful, be polite, kind, and understanding. Accepting yourself as the woman you are is very liberating.
Never underestimate the appreciation and respect of authenticity.  Be brave, be strong.  Try a little kindness.  I am a brown eyed brunette. 


Hi Jenn,

I guess I am a bit late with my comments, I guess life got in the way. I really admire how busy you are keeping yourself occupied with tons of activities and as an advocate for our community. Aside from work and all those other extra-curricular activities there can't be much left for meals and sleep!

I love your story of renaming that conference room at your workplace and you couldn't have picked anybody better than Lynne Conway, as her web site had a huge impression on me when I first read it with gaping mouth some 20 years ago. As a software engineer I also enjoyed reading some of her professional background stories as well.

I have been following your cycling endeavors with particular interest, since I am heavily involved in sports myself and I have a soft spot for folks trying to accomplish a personal goal in any sports discipline. I like how you are getting in shape for the race and wish you the very best for your race in a little over a week from now. Go Jenn! I hope you'll find it an enjoyable experience and will continue to exercise on your bicycle with your friends.




Quote from: Iztaccihuatl on May 10, 2024, 12:16:22 AMHi Jenn,

I guess I am a bit late with my comments, I guess life got in the way. I really admire how busy you are keeping yourself occupied with tons of activities and as an advocate for our community. Aside from work and all those other extra-curricular activities there can't be much left for meals and sleep!

I love your story of renaming that conference room at your workplace and you couldn't have picked anybody better than Lynne Conway, as her web site had a huge impression on me when I first read it with gaping mouth some 20 years ago. As a software engineer I also enjoyed reading some of her professional background stories as well.

I have been following your cycling endeavors with particular interest, since I am heavily involved in sports myself and I have a soft spot for folks trying to accomplish a personal goal in any sports discipline. I like how you are getting in shape for the race and wish you the very best for your race in a little over a week from now. Go Jenn! I hope you'll find it an enjoyable experience and will continue to exercise on your bicycle with your friends.



Hey There Heidemarie--

What a nice day to start my day. Welcome and don't sweat late. I am a dead head-- you're on the bus or off the bus.

Full disclosure-- I suggest Lynn Conway's name. I didn't get to decide. No worry.

Busy is good-- I read thru a lot of blogs early on. Most are sadly gone into the ether with the January reset. Regardless, I decided the people who seem the happiest don't wait for transition to happen, rather they jump in. I decided to jump. It worked.

I'll let you know how the gran fondo nyc adventure turns out. I am scared witless of the uphills. I am maybe more scared by the downhills - 45 mph is not my thing and a technical descent at 20 mph is a stretch. I am novice group rider, so the start has me nerved up. Love the new shoes but still getting used to the new pedals and clips. Then again, I never thought I'd feel ready and I kind of do. Yes! lots of cycling to come.

Happy Weekend,

"I want to be remembered as a woman ... who dared to be a catalyst of change."
                 - Shirley Chisolm

"We need to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
                  - Marsha P. Johnson

"Why not question everything?"
                  - Lynn Conway

    The following users thanked this post: LoriDee


I hope all of your riding is good.

Always stay cheerful, be polite, kind, and understanding. Accepting yourself as the woman you are is very liberating.
Never underestimate the appreciation and respect of authenticity.  Be brave, be strong.  Try a little kindness.  I am a brown eyed brunette. 


Quote from: Jenn104 on May 10, 2024, 07:21:56 AMFull disclosure-- I suggest Lynn Conway's name. I didn't get to decide. No worry.

You took the lead, that's what counts! Everybody else who contributed or made the decision followed you.

Quote from: Jenn104 on May 10, 2024, 07:21:56 AMBusy is good-- I read thru a lot of blogs early on. Most are sadly gone into the ether with the January reset. Regardless, I decided the people who seem the happiest don't wait for transition to happen, rather they jump in. I decided to jump. It worked.

That's why I love reading your's. You are determined to move forward and to make the best out of it and to build a new and better life and that attitude is something I admire. I just haven't gotten to that point yet and I am still trying to appease my wife...

Quote from: Jenn104 on May 10, 2024, 07:21:56 AMI'll let you know how the gran fondo nyc adventure turns out. I am scared witless of the uphills. I am maybe more scared by the downhills - 45 mph is not my thing and a technical descent at 20 mph is a stretch. I am novice group rider, so the start has me nerved up. Love the new shoes but still getting used to the new pedals and clips. Then again, I never thought I'd feel ready and I kind of do. Yes! lots of cycling to come.

Don't sweat the hills (well, literally, please sweat them!), it is one stroke (my term, not sure how cyclists refer to one push down on the pedal) at a time! To give you an analogy, in high altitude mountaineering you get slower the higher you climb. I typically notice that above 4,000m / 13,300ft I start moving like my grandma, like taking a 2 seconds pause between each step. However, after several hours I would still reach the summit, slow and steady wins the day. Same for your hills. And downhill, go at what speed feels comfortable and safe for you. I am sure you'll do fine!




"I want to be remembered as a woman ... who dared to be a catalyst of change."
                 - Shirley Chisolm

"We need to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
                  - Marsha P. Johnson

"Why not question everything?"
                  - Lynn Conway



Quote from: Iztaccihuatl on May 10, 2024, 07:38:50 PMDon't sweat the hills (well, literally, please sweat them!), it is one stroke (my term, not sure how cyclists refer to one push down on the pedal) at a time! To give you an analogy, in high altitude mountaineering you get slower the higher you climb. I typically notice that above 4,000m / 13,300ft I start moving like my grandma, like taking a 2 seconds pause between each step. However, after several hours I would still reach the summit, slow and steady wins the day. Same for your hills. And downhill, go at what speed feels comfortable and safe for you. I am sure you'll do fine!



Thank you.

I agree about hills- at some point its a matter of your head is stronger than your legs. "Shut up legs!" right? I've told my cycling mentor I am finishing, even if I walk a bike on a hill. Her response was "you will finish and you wouldn't be the only person walking a bike up a hill." She's done the event. With luck my youngest will get to see me finish as well as meet a close friend and her SO.

Me being me department? I carry my id/credit card/health care id in a little plastic purse that reads "Bitches Get Stuff Done" with a girl in a defiant pose. It is alwauys in my back center pouch with cell phone and keys. I reach back and give her a tap when I need motivation. shhhh. our secret. ;)

Seriously-- the race has been a real positive for me. I am in the best shape of my life, bar nothing. Instead of a long, cold winter I had a goal, motivation to be active. I've made friends. I've wound up in a queer cycling group I really enjoy. Itsa kind of grand adventure. I figured out a while ago the race is a good metaphor for my own transition. I have under control what I can control... the rest is getting it done.

Off to clean my apartment before the group ride late. Getting my yoga on tomorrow, followed by a "hard 25" ish on the bike and a pizza with Mom. Mom likes a good pizza.

Happy Weekend To All,


"I want to be remembered as a woman ... who dared to be a catalyst of change."
                 - Shirley Chisolm

"We need to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
                  - Marsha P. Johnson

"Why not question everything?"
                  - Lynn Conway


Quote from: Jenn104 on May 11, 2024, 08:28:12 AMI agree about hills- at some point its a matter of your head is stronger than your legs. "Shut up legs!" right? I've told my cycling mentor I am finishing, even if I walk a bike on a hill. Her response was "you will finish and you wouldn't be the only person walking a bike up a hill." She's done the event. With luck my youngest will get to see me finish as well as meet a close friend and her SO.

Yes, cycling up hills and any other hard core endurance activity meets the threshold of "Type 2 Fun". Not sure if you have heard that expression before, but Type 1 Fun is some fun activity that one enjoys while at it, while Type 2 Fun is an activity that is anything else than fun while doing it (thinking: "Remind me why I signed up for this?"), but at soon as it is over or shortly thereafter, in retrospect it was fun and the thinking goes: "Can we do that again?". I am sure those hills will fall into that category.

Quote from: Jenn104 on May 11, 2024, 08:28:12 AMMe being me department? I carry my id/credit card/health care id in a little plastic purse that reads "Bitches Get Stuff Done" with a girl in a defiant pose. It is alwauys in my back center pouch with cell phone and keys. I reach back and give her a tap when I need motivation. shhhh. our secret. ;)

I love that approach. I need to find me a similar motivational token!

Quote from: Jenn104 on May 11, 2024, 08:28:12 AMSeriously-- the race has been a real positive for me. I am in the best shape of my life, bar nothing. Instead of a long, cold winter I had a goal, motivation to be active. I've made friends. I've wound up in a queer cycling group I really enjoy. Itsa kind of grand adventure. I figured out a while ago the race is a good metaphor for my own transition. I have under control what I can control... the rest is getting it done.

I love that too. The same goes for me when I practice rowing, whether on a machine in winter or in the boat in summer.




Quote from: Iztaccihuatl on May 12, 2024, 10:53:04 PMYes, cycling up hills and any other hard core endurance activity meets the threshold of "Type 2 Fun". Not sure if you have heard that expression before, but Type 1 Fun is some fun activity that one enjoys while at it, while Type 2 Fun is an activity that is anything else than fun while doing it (thinking: "Remind me why I signed up for this?"), but at soon as it is over or shortly thereafter, in retrospect it was fun and the thinking goes: "Can we do that again?". I am sure those hills will fall into that category.

I have never heard of type two fun but I get it- its all about the moments of deep focus to get it done, THEN you get the rush of accomplishment.  Definitely hills and climbs exactly.


"I want to be remembered as a woman ... who dared to be a catalyst of change."
                 - Shirley Chisolm

"We need to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
                  - Marsha P. Johnson

"Why not question everything?"
                  - Lynn Conway




I figured out a few months back the cycling thing is about three things-- can I get in shape? can I learn enough technique? do I have the mental toughness? I figured if I could do those, I could show up and be credible.

For months I've had a running joke with trans friends-- "mentally toughness? JENN YOU ARE TRANS! you got this race". I mean right? a year into serious transition, I kind of figure I have a little mental reserve. It just is not possible to be anything except resilient with a side of mental toughness at this point. Doesn't work.


The general plan yesterday was 35 miles up the coast. I'd get a mix of rolling hills and a pair of steep ish but short climbs. Except my rear derailleur cable decided  otherwise. The end cap dropped, the cable frayed, and I got stuck in "high gear" aka the low rear sprocket. I am not confident enough a mechanic to fix it on the fly. I didn't want to lose my race to a bad repair.

I called my shop-- they are uber local, queer owned, and super nice. Joe the mechanic came- did a temp repair, and I got back to the shop. I wasn't far - about 8 - 9 miles. They watched me a part of the way, kind of fun to have a pace car. An hour later? new cable.

I could have been freaked out. I could have called it a day. I could have found any reason to stop. Nope. I changed it up. I adjusted my route and did another 16. I got a disjointed 35 miles in. But I got them in. Resiliency. If something goes south in the race, I am recovering and moving on. I know that.

Seriously-- 6 days out, I am feeling good. I'd lost my sense of balance w/ my new shoes and pedals. I feel a lot better after yesterday. I have my in race nutrition plan. I have a mental plan for the first 55 (of 85) miles. I feel confident enough to ride my race. The bike shop people keep reminding me - "Jenn's gotta ride Jenn's race." Its kind of sinking in.

From here- a last night of intervals tonight. Rest. Weds/Thu are short easy rides, tapering. Friday I will do a warm up, "leg spin", then I am off to the race. Sunday at dawn ish.

Happy Monday,

"I want to be remembered as a woman ... who dared to be a catalyst of change."
                 - Shirley Chisolm

"We need to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections."
                  - Marsha P. Johnson

"Why not question everything?"
                  - Lynn Conway


Have a great week Jenn!

Always stay cheerful, be polite, kind, and understanding. Accepting yourself as the woman you are is very liberating.
Never underestimate the appreciation and respect of authenticity.  Be brave, be strong.  Try a little kindness.  I am a brown eyed brunette. 


Never give up - that's the right attitude for an athlete!

I am sure you'll do fine in the race and no hills, leg cramps or whatever else you could encounter is going to stop you.

You got this, Jenn!

Have a great race!

