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APA adopts..policy supporting transgender, gender diverse, nonbinary individuals

Started by Northern Star Girl, March 02, 2024, 05:14:29 PM

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Northern Star Girl

  APA adopts groundbreaking policy supporting transgender, gender diverse, nonbinary individuals

                    American Psychological Association

News & advocacy Press room Press releases 2024
Date created: February 28, 2024

EXCERPTS Below: (Click the APA press release LINK above to view entire story)

Washington — The American Psychological Association has adopted a landmark policy affirming evidence-based care for transgender, gender diverse and nonbinary children, adolescents and adults, noting that recent legislative attempts to obstruct access to psychological and medical interventions for such individuals puts them at risk of depression, anxiety and other negative mental health outcomes.

"The adoption of this resolution reaffirms APA's dedication to promoting inclusivity, dignity and access to quality health care for all individuals, regardless of their gender identity or expression," said APA President Cynthia de las Fuentes, PhD.

The resolution also calls for insurance plans to extend coverage for health care services tailored to the developmental needs of children, adolescents, and adults identifying as transgender, gender diverse or nonbinary, encompassing both psychological and medical gender-affirming care.

"We believe that access to evidence-based health care is a fundamental right for everyone, and this policy reflects our commitment to promoting social justice and equity in health care," said de las Fuentes. "APA also affirms the essential role and legal rights of parents and caregivers to ensure the well-being of children and adolescents while honoring their expressed gender identity, including being involved in health care decision-making, and supporting developmentally appropriate youth self-advocacy."

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