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Megan Rapinoe Has Question To Those Who Don't Believe In Transgender Rights

Started by Jessica_Rose, March 28, 2024, 06:38:23 PM

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Megan Rapinoe Has Question To Those Who Don't Believe In Transgender Rights

Story by Matt Hladik (28 March 2024)

Throughout her time as a public figure, Megan Rapinoe has made a habit of speaking out in support of political and social causes she believes in.

On her Instagram story Thursday, Rapinoe challenged those who don't support transgender rights, asking them a pointed question to examine their beliefs.

"For people who want to hide behind 'my beliefs,' I would just ask one question: are you making any type of space, more inclusive, more whole, any semblance of better, bringing the best out of anyone?" Rapinoe wrote. "Because if you aren't, all you believe in is hate. And kids are literally killing themselves because of this hate. Wake TF up!"

Rapinoe finished off the post with a message "for all my trans homie enduring this horrific treatment day in and day out, I see you and hear you and I am with you."

Rapinoe has been consistent in her support for transgender men and women, saying in July 2023 she would openly welcome a transgender teammate on the USWNT.
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