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Can one get well through sheer will-power?

Started by Nero, January 16, 2008, 06:48:52 PM

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I am a Christian but I do not believe in healing miracles or any of that.
But is it possible to get well through sheer will-power?
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


QuoteBut is it possible to get well through sheer will-power

Studies show a positive attitude helps.


Will Power and emotional Judo.  Meaning a positive attitude, some meditation, and seeing a jungian therapist.


positive attitude/Will Power/self belief  ...... can              imho make a difference


Through will power.

If you are willing not willfull and accept and use right effort, mindfullness, etc.

you can have a definite effect on your health.

If you know how and are properly trained, you can tune in on the source of the tension and relieve it. through varroius means of meditation, acceptance and body movements.

This is possible. I do it all the time.

But you do need to be aware of it and know how to do it.

In our tradition we are tought this if we have a Master and/or by our Dharma brothers and sisters.

Outside a Sangha, I don't know where you'd learn this.

Some preasure points do work though not as effective.

It also is ultamitely not answerable to ones own will.

Some things just have to be gone through in order to release them.

All acceptance is best.

So the answer, from my experience is yes and no.

Willing but not willfull and with training and awareness one can prevent or release most common stuff.

More serious matters too, but some of those need intense privacy or safety to do safely.
And some have to be felt in some way no matter what.

This is an interesting subject you posted Nero.

I hope I can answer this from my perspective as fully as possible.



Healing can be complex: a number of features. Will, meditation/mindfulness (that's very large as it would also include knowing when to stop being hard-headed and allowing available treatments to be used as well,) and a positive frame-of-reference toward oneself and his/her place among the ten thousand things.

Sometimes the power of the Will will merely make the illness worse. Ego madness, for instance.

Balancing is not as simple as walking down a sidewalk.



Quote from: Nero on January 16, 2008, 06:48:52 PM
I am a Christian but I do not believe in healing miracles or any of that.
But is it possible to get well through sheer will-power?
Possibly.  But the reverse is more common: people getting sick through sheer will-power.
"Anyone who attempts to play the 'real transsexual' card should be summarily dismissed, as they are merely engaging in name calling rather than serious debate."
--Julia Serano


I don't think it's possible.  It will make a difference, but I don't think it would ultimately make you better.  Plus, some people can't help themselves being pessimistic or anything. . . It has way too many factors. . .  It's sort of like asking, do happy/always optimistic people ever get sick because of the way they think?
trying to live life one day at a time


Thinking you get through something with will power is a recipie for disaster.
I've seen plenty, dozens and dozens crash an burn that way. I'm
part of those crash and burn victims...

One of the reason is when your in deep internal doo doo, its very hard
to properly assess ourself. At the very least, we need an external
person for support/to measure progress against.

Its typically seen more often in males ,
especially in very macho cultures, like Russia.
When its impossible to live up to our expectations and have to do it
alone because it would be a sign of weekness to demand help, people crack.
In the case of Russia (which I know since I've
spent many months there and had an Ukrainian girlfriend), it leads
to rampant alcoholism. Not demanding help is so prevalent in that
culture that seeing a psychologist is seen as a very bad thing.

Asking for help is NOT a sign of weakness.
Its a sign of humility and strength.
Having a big EGO and wanting to keep face
is of no use if people see you go down the drain
(as will happen when its no longer possible to keep
up appearance).
