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Hi everyone!

Started by umop ap!sdn, February 28, 2006, 11:50:00 AM

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umop ap!sdn

I'm 24 and living in Arizona. I realized in 2004 that I'm not a man and would rather be a woman - that's about as best as I can describe my sense of self at this point in time, LOL. I followed a link from a post on another site that took me to here - now if only I had more time to spend reading the site and the board.

Looking forward to getting to know you all! :)



Yes it's a lot to read but great information that will help you better figure out just how you really feel. There are some very wonderful individuals here with warm hearts and great keen humor and much wisdom and the ability to share their opinions in constructive ways.

I'm the Significant Other of Leah. Leah is Transitioning Male to Female.  Leah and I have found many answers here and think you will too. If you have a Significant Other that you have shared this with then share this site with her as well if you haven't already. No dought they will be able to find the support they need here too.

Enjoy your exploration of the material offered her and feel free to share where ever you feel you want to. I look forword to reading your future posts.



Hi and Welcome here at Susan's, I'm glad you found it. I'm also new member and believe me, here you will found support, advices and friendships very soon.

*hug*  :-*


umop ap!sdn

Thank you both!  :) I don't have a significant other at this point in time. But my immediate family is understanding about this.

In my haste to post an introduction (with other things going on around me, LOL) I forgot to mention that I'm seeing a counsellor and am getting ready to transition. Things are looking good for possibly starting HRT soon.  ;D



After much staring at your name, umop, I finally realized it's upside down, upside down.



Wow! Dennis,
Thank you, I kept looking and looking at the name wondering about it.
I could see it easily now.



Welcome to Susan's, UMOP!

You name is very clever, and kudos to Dennis for figuring it out.

This is a wonderful place that you've found and I hope you get as much or more from it than I did.  The whole site is wonderful, not just the forums.  The links, library and Wiki all have helped me immeasurably.  I'll be looking forward to reading more from you in the future and I'm again happy to say,

helen   :)
FKA: Emelye

Pronouns: she/her

My rarely updated blog:

Southwestern New York trans support:


OK Dennis.

Why on earth were you standing on your head browsing around Susan's.  Is it some new form of meditation :)

Oh and welcome to Susan's upside down.  You'll find a very diverse group of folks here, all very friendly and only too willing to offer help, advice and support.  Take part where you can as everyone opinion, thoughts and ideas are always welcome.  Be sure to read the rules, and feel free to take part in the Forums, Chat, and check out the Wiki as well, there is a ton of info there.  So relax and enjoy.

Chat later,



I was at work. I think it must've been from rolling my eyes while I was on the phone with a client.


Kate Thomas

Welcome To susans. Very happy you found us. I think Dennis was just being a bit batty   :icon_rolleyes:::) when he figured your name out. I like to take the positive side of thing so i will view the Upside ;D  Good luck on your journy

"But who is that on the other side of you?"
T.S. Eliot

umop ap!sdn

Thanks everyone! :)

Batty? Nah. Certainly witty though. :D


Hi umop:

Very clever indeed  ;D.

Welcome to Susan's and I am glad that your family is supportive.  That means so much.

Again welcome and I look forward to hearing from you.


Jillieann Rose

Glad to meet you.
Will be look for more of your posting so that  we can get to know each other better.

umop ap!sdn

Thanks Gill and Jillieann!

Update: I've gotten the go ahead to see a doc about starting HRT. ;D I hope to begin in early April if not sooner.

Victoria L.

Welcome! You're very pretty... lucky. lol


umop ap!sdn

Thanks Victoria! Everyone tells me I look great, but I dunno... maybe it is that I still see a little bit of the person I used to think of as "he" in the mirror. But then having one's facial hair removed and tweezing the eyebrows helps.... in fact, I think it's time for an updated photo. :D


Hi upside,

  Just wanted to add a belated welcome. =)  Great name.  ;D  Is that something you created for Susan's, or have you been going by that for awhile? 

Also, is there another name you'd prefer?  I'm fine with calling you upside or umop but I assume you won't be changing your name to either one... at least, not legally.  ;)

All the best,

umop ap!sdn

Thank you, Joseph. :)

Naah, I use this screen name almost everywhere. ;D Legally though, my new name will be Julie.
