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Genitals - To Hate or Not To Hate?

Started by Nero, February 27, 2008, 05:45:10 PM

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lady amarant

Quote from: deviousxen on February 29, 2008, 08:48:53 AM

I tend to watch fansubs, so somewhere along the line either I had a bad sub, or that didn't translate so well, or, ... but...



I have always tried to compress and get rid of my boobs. I don't know why I didn't realize I was trans earlier. I would say a strongly dislike them. Since I got my first binder I have felt much better. I decided to bind and present this past weekend and absolutely loved it. I felt way more comfortable with myself. Ever since then I just haven't been able to go back to not binding, it feels so wrong.


Quote from: Stephen on February 29, 2008, 11:37:54 AM
I have always tried to compress and get rid of my boobs. I don't know why I didn't realize I was trans earlier. I would say a strongly dislike them. Since I got my first binder I have felt much better. I decided to bind and present this past weekend and absolutely loved it. I felt way more comfortable with myself. Ever since then I just haven't been able to go back to not binding, it feels so wrong.

The flip side to us M to F's...


Quote from: Nero on February 28, 2008, 06:30:48 PM
Quote from: Natasha on February 28, 2008, 06:22:18 PM
::) ::) i'll be damned.  god forbid i say the H word. ::)  but wait, i don't believe in god and as far as i know, this is an individual poll so i can say whatever i want about my body parts, yes?

Sure can. I say the H word about my tits. probably a very similar feeling to yours about your genitals.

i thought so.  thank you nero :)


Quote from: deviousxen on February 29, 2008, 08:31:53 AM

And Outlaw Star ftw Annwyn.
Idk if any of you have noticed, but I'm EXACTLY like Aisha!

In fact, ima chainging my last name to Klanklan.

Posted on: February 29, 2008, 06:06:48 PM
Quote from: deviousxen on February 29, 2008, 08:48:53 AM
You kidding me? Outlaw had one of the best characters and lines in it ever. I do love Cowboy mind you... But,


Ah... I miss him.

My Hime has an even better line.

"Get off of her.  Those are MY melons!"


I hate my genitals (for a few more months or so).  I have however refrained from damaging them~  I'll need them for surgery.  If they weren't necessary for surgery, I would have already chopped them clean off and thoroughly bashed them with a large hammer! But let's not get ahead of ourselves~  They will be taught their listen soon enough o..o


I guess I hate them to. But last year was the last time I have done anything to them. At that moment realize after passing out from the pain and waking up in more pain that it might be better just to take a trip to Philadelphia to see a doctor when I get my money saved. The pain does not go away after your genitals goes numb it goes in to your abdomen also. About 3 weeks ago I found myself looking at Burdizzos wondering how bad it could be. I would really hate to go hospital in ambulance and go through all that pain. Just to wake up in a hospital bed and having a doctor say "we manage to save your testicles here is a $4000 bill".



Yeah, I've thought about trying to cut my testicles out, but then I know that they'd "save" them and I'd be back where I started, or something equally bad in luck.


Quote from: Vivian on March 01, 2008, 10:29:25 AM
Yeah, I've thought about trying to cut my testicles out, but then I know that they'd "save" them and I'd be back where I started, or something equally bad in luck.
I'm sorry, but the desire and motivation to cut off one's own genitals goes beyond transsexualism.  That's just straight up self mutilation and should be dealt with as such.

Why is it self mutilation?  Because it's damaging your body intently and with malice.

You would do well to push thoughts like that well out of your mind and focus on parts you DO like about yourself, or really, just to get over it. And wait for surgery.


Yeah, hate is a good word for what I feel towards those parts.  The development of the chest frightened me and I do remember thinking when I was 9-ish that "it's gonna cost me some serious money to fix that someday" (I knew about breast reduction, but not male chest reconstruction, which is even more ideal).  I denied that I even had the internals and remained convinced that I would develop 'normally' (aka, like a teenage boy) until proof of said organ's existence happened.  From there on out (age 11 and up), I became more detached from 'my' body and began seriously thinking about removing a few parts myself.  I began experimenting with cauterization and stitching to take care of the bleeding from the incisions, but never managed to find a good way to deal with the inevitable infection. 

I still do feel like 'taking care of it myself' even now (it's one of the biggest things that frustrates me: I can fix most things of mine that break--electronics, minor carpentry, etc--but I can't fix myself), but I've seen the photos of what a professional can do.  Logic wins out on this one, 'cuz I'd rather not have a bunch of scar tissue for the surgeon to have to deal with.

*Shrug* as for the external bits of my lower body... it creeps me out to no end that there is literally a hole connecting the external to the insides of this body.  I think it's more a paranoia of what could happen, though--aka, the scene from "Boys Don't Cry" when those guys found out about Brandon.  I'll be glad when that's sealed off forever.
"Be it life or death, we crave only reality"  -Thoreau


Quote from: Annwyn on March 01, 2008, 11:50:16 AMI'm sorry, but the desire and motivation to cut off one's own genitals goes beyond transsexualism.  That's just straight up self mutilation and should be dealt with as such.

Why is it self mutilation?  Because it's damaging your body intently and with malice.

You would do well to push thoughts like that well out of your mind and focus on parts you DO like about yourself, or really, just to get over it. And wait for surgery.

I'm sorry, but I mean absolutely no offense by this and I hope you don't take it that way, but your statement was obviously spoken by someone who is still early in their transition.  I don't think you know what's it's like to live as a woman for several years with a penis attached to your body, desparately searching for a way to attain SRS, all the while listening to people around you, supposed friends, talk about "those queers who dress as women" because they are clueless about your gender situation.  The list of things that make me hate my current genitals is very, very long.

On the flip side, I love my body!  In fact, that is probably why I have considered hurting my genitals, because I don't consider *it* to be part of my body.  And according to your definition, that fact should deem it not self-mutilation.  After SRS I can go on with my life.  Until then, I'm not really living.

I remember when I use to tell people I didn't hate my genitals.  It was several years ago when I was in the first year or two of my transition.  Actually, I remember that time very clearly.  It seems that a lot of time has passed since then.

Again Annwyn, I mean no offense.

Amy :icon_chick:


I would never have the courage to go through with it.  But believe me, as someone with a history of self-mutilation, there is a difference between self-mutilation as a psychiatric condition and wanting to remove your privates.  The motivations and reasoning behind the two are different entirely.  One has to do with an illness and hatred of self, the other has to do with a loathing of a part of your body that doesn't belong.  I can't say I love my body, being overweight as I am, but I try my best (I happen to think I have a gorgeous face).  However, I cannot find anything to love about my genitals. 

Granted, to actually go through and try to remove my testicles would probably be a sign that I'm not doing so well in the head, but I can't say that I don't wish they'd go away every morning.  But, you know, one day, there will be the surgery.

Quote from: Annwyn on March 01, 2008, 11:50:16 AM
Quote from: Vivian on March 01, 2008, 10:29:25 AM
Yeah, I've thought about trying to cut my testicles out, but then I know that they'd "save" them and I'd be back where I started, or something equally bad in luck.
I'm sorry, but the desire and motivation to cut off one's own genitals goes beyond transsexualism.  That's just straight up self mutilation and should be dealt with as such.

Why is it self mutilation?  Because it's damaging your body intently and with malice.

You would do well to push thoughts like that well out of your mind and focus on parts you DO like about yourself, or really, just to get over it. And wait for surgery.


Quote from: amy2003 on March 01, 2008, 12:19:02 PM

I'm sorry, but I mean absolutely no offense by this and I hope you don't take it that way, but your statement was obviously spoken by someone who is still early in their transition.  I don't think you know what's it's like to live as a woman for several years with a penis attached to your body, desparately searching for a way to attain SRS, all the while listening to people around you, supposed friends, talk about "those queers who dress as women" because they are clueless about your gender situation.  The list of things that make me hate my current genitals is very, very long.

On the flip side, I love my body!  In fact, that is probably why I have considered hurting my genitals, because I don't consider *it* to be part of my body.  And according to your definition, that fact should deem it not self-mutilation.  After SRS I can go on with my life.  Until then, I'm not really living.

I remember when I use to tell people I didn't hate my genitals.  It was several years ago when I was in the first year or two of my transition.  Actually, I remember that time very clearly.  It seems that a lot of time has passed since then.

Amy :icon_chick:

Quote from: Vivian on March 01, 2008, 12:30:18 PM
I would never have the courage to go through with it.  But believe me, as someone with a history of self-mutilation, there is a difference between self-mutilation as a psychiatric condition and wanting to remove your privates.  The motivations and reasoning behind the two are different entirely.  One has to do with an illness and hatred of self, the other has to do with a loathing of a part of your body that doesn't belong.  I can't say I love my body, being overweight as I am, but I try my best (I happen to think I have a gorgeous face).  However, I cannot find anything to love about my genitals. 

Granted, to actually go through and try to remove my testicles would probably be a sign that I'm not doing so well in the head, but I can't say that I don't wish they'd go away every morning.  But, you know, one day, there will be the surgery.

I vehemently concur with these two posts.  Thank you, girls, for your insight on this subject.  I couldn't have worded my feelings in a better manner. :)

tink :icon_chick:


Quote from: Vivian on March 01, 2008, 12:30:18 PM
But believe me, as someone with a history of self-mutilation, there is a difference between self-mutilation as a psychiatric condition and wanting to remove your privates.  The motivations and reasoning behind the two are different entirely.
You think you're the only one on here who's had stitches in her wrists?  LOL.  Funny.
QuoteOne has to do with an illness and hatred of self, the other has to do with a loathing of a part of your body that doesn't belong.
A fancy play with words that could easily be restated as, "I hate myself cuz I have a dick, but if I savagely lopped it off I'd feel a lot better, just like I used to when I cut myself."
QuoteI can't say I love my body, being overweight as I am, but I try my best (I happen to think I have a gorgeous face).  However, I cannot find anything to love about my genitals. 
Not a pun against you dear, but I find it interesting that those people who find negativity with their genitals or gender and are so quick to blame their unhappiness on those few factors are also the ones that don't really do anything to brighten their life.  It would seem as if almost evecry transsexual I've met with this mentality of, "my life sucks cuz I'm not a pretty girl" are also the ones that are overweight, slothful, don't have many friends and don't really find motivation to do anything in their life to make themselves happy.  They point their fingers at their gender issues and psyche themselves up over it so much that they attribute a two year, character building journey to changing genders when for the most part it's just growing up.  People say that the more GID you are, the more you hate your life and your genitals.  No, that's just depression and lack of coping skills.  GID is simply wanting to be the opposite gender.  Don't lump me in with all these depressed emo kids killing themselves left and right, hating their bodies and their genitals and this that or the other, because I've been there and done that and I've gotten passed it and it had nothing to do with gender change, it had to do with me forcing my actions away from drugs and cutting and then forcing my thoughts to more positive parts of life instead of whiny emo crap all the time.

I apologise for the rant.  This attitude just bothers me, quite a bit.

I'm transsexual, and I'm NOT depressed and suicidal, I don't have a desire to self mutilate my genitals even if I do dislike them at the moment WITH A PASSION. and I'm not using GID as a scapegoat for all my other issues and I never have and I never will.


Quote from: Eryk on March 01, 2008, 12:01:37 PM
*Shrug* as for the external bits of my lower body... it creeps me out to no end that there is literally a hole connecting the external to the insides of this body. 

Creepy yet fascinating. Will never forget the time my gyno put her hand up there and touched my uterus. I was in awe that she could actually reach my insides. And somehow through her hand, I could feel my own uterus. It felt like a jellyfish (or rather what I imagine a jellyfish to feel like). It was wild and awesome and it took my breath away.

QuoteI think it's more a paranoia of what could happen, though--aka, the scene from "Boys Don't Cry" when those guys found out about Brandon.  I'll be glad when that's sealed off forever.


I'm just paranoid at the thought of pushing a kid out my ass against my will. I'm bi, so yeah...
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


Nero.  You just ruined the topic, LOL.


Quote from: Annwyn on March 01, 2008, 12:58:10 PM
Nero.  You just ruined the topic, LOL.

Personally, I thought it was a lovely sentiment!  ... I want a uterus...


Not a pun against you dear, but I find it interesting that those people who find negativity with their genitals or gender and are so quick to blame their unhappiness on those few factors are also the ones that don't really do anything to brighten their life.  It would seem as if almost evecry transsexual I've met with this mentality of, "my life sucks cuz I'm not a pretty girl" are also the ones that are overweight, slothful, don't have many friends and don't really find motivation to do anything in their life to make themselves happy.  They point their fingers at their gender issues and psyche themselves up over it so much that they attribute a two year, character building journey to changing genders when for the most part it's just growing up.  People say that the more GID you are, the more you hate your life and your genitals.  No, that's just depression and lack of coping skills.  GID is simply wanting to be the opposite gender.  Don't lump me in with all these depressed emo kids killing themselves left and right, hating their bodies and their genitals and this that or the other, because I've been there and done that and I've gotten passed it and it had nothing to do with gender change, it had to do with me forcing my actions away from drugs and cutting and then forcing my thoughts to more positive parts of life instead of whiny emo crap all the time.

Actually, I freaking love my life, thank you.  Every day I live is incredible, and I'm thankful for the friends- my family- that I have built.  Don't make assumptions about me because I want to remove my genitals.  I never made ANY judgments of you or tried to lump you in any categories, so you have absolutely no right to do that to me.  I don't hate my body, I just don't like being overweight, and it's something that I actively work on.  I've lost 70 pounds in a year, thank you. 

And as for cutting, I don't care about emo subcultures.  There's a huge difference between feeling sorry for yourself and being clinically psychotic in a mental institution.  So don't even think you know why someone might hurt themselves unless you've actually talked to them.  I am the LAST person to whine about my life because I have too many great things going on in it.  But some of us have issues we're working through for our trans journey, and this is the place we come to work on them.

GID isn't a scapegoat for my previous self-harming actions.  GID, in a way, is the best thing that could have happened to me.  It gave me the gateway to begin finding who I actually am.


Quote from: Annwyn on March 01, 2008, 12:39:34 PM

QuoteI can't say I love my body, being overweight as I am, but I try my best (I happen to think I have a gorgeous face).  However, I cannot find anything to love about my genitals. 
Not a pun against you dear, but I find it interesting that those people who find negativity with their genitals or gender and are so quick to blame their unhappiness on those few factors are also the ones that don't really do anything to brighten their life.  It would seem as if almost evecry transsexual I've met with this mentality of, "my life sucks cuz I'm not a pretty girl" are also the ones that are overweight, slothful, don't have many friends and don't really find motivation to do anything in their life to make themselves happy.  They point their fingers at their gender issues and psyche themselves up over it so much that they attribute a two year, character building journey to changing genders when for the most part it's just growing up.  People say that the more GID you are, the more you hate your life and your genitals.  No, that's just depression and lack of coping skills.  GID is simply wanting to be the opposite gender.  Don't lump me in with all these depressed emo kids killing themselves left and right, hating their bodies and their genitals and this that or the other, because I've been there and done that and I've gotten passed it and it had nothing to do with gender change, it had to do with me forcing my actions away from drugs and cutting and then forcing my thoughts to more positive parts of life instead of whiny emo crap all the time.

I apologise for the rant.  This attitude just bothers me, quite a bit.

I'm transsexual, and I'm NOT depressed and suicidal, I don't have a desire to self mutilate my genitals even if I do dislike them at the moment WITH A PASSION. and I'm not using GID as a scapegoat for all my other issues and I never have and I never will.

I find your point of view very egocentric. Everybody has a different strengths and weakness. I just wonder were your lack of understanding comes from. I never said and did not read it in any other post that this makes someone more GIDs it seems like you got this idea from somewhere. There are issues that can stem from GID especially self esteem. I spent years ignoring GID I knew it was an issue and it slowly broke me down bit by bit. Now I'm trying collect the pieces. There is someone telling I lack coping skills or didn't handle things right or lack character. Well that is water underneath the bridge and I don't need to hear I did that so much better than you. I glad you never had any of these issues but some of us do. I been through different things and have a different make-up so I handle things differently. I'm going do what need to survive even though misguided at times.




If I read your posts correctly, you are three months into HRT and not really living as a woman yet?  I never want to take anything away from somebody transitioning, because I have to give someone credit for just doing it, but can you honestly say that you know the mindset & rationale of a TS several years into HRT and fully socially integrated as a woman, but still living with a penis?

I shouldn't speak for everyone else here, but I think it would suffice if you simply didn't criticize people for their thoughts and possible actions in a situation you have never been in.  I think Susan's has always been a place you can speak your mind, but also a place where everyone respects everyone else's thoughts, feelings, and opinions.

Again, my apologies if I have read things incorrectly.  I don't mean to offend you.

Amy :icon_chick: