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Genitals - To Hate or Not To Hate?

Started by Nero, February 27, 2008, 05:45:10 PM

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I am in the strongly dislike to dislike range, depending on my mood and the emotional rollercoaster I am on.   Hate is too strong a word and I rarely use it.
I do not like others looking at my crotch, that probably annoys me the most!!


Quote from: Osiris on February 27, 2008, 10:12:01 PM
I don't hate it. I try to work with what I have.

However, I don't think I could live with it indefinitely as is. I kinda need a minor(major) addition down there.

Major is better :laugh:  yep I gotta agree w/osiris.  same here :) :) :)


Hate is much too strong a word. Yes, they feel wrong and are annoying, and I've wished to get rid of them since before they started growing up. On the other hand, they also allow me to have a straight relationship with the person I love, even if I have to go through all kinds of mental hoops to get things work as advertised.

If I was able to magically change just one aspect of my physical body, I don't think my genitals would be it. They'd be pretty high on the list, though.

Whoopee! Man, that may have been a small one for Neil, but it's a long one for me.
-- Pete Conrad, Apollo XII


When I pre-transition "it" didn't bother me much, my dysphoria was more social than physical.  But once I went full-time the attention shifted to "it".  But it was never hate, just a "That doesn't belong there!".  I focused on the fact that it was necessary donor material and it's days we numbered. >:D Now it's getting harder and harder to believe it was ever there as it's replacement feels so natural.  ;D

lady amarant

Hate is perhaps too strong a word (but only just) ... My feelings have kinda changed over time as well. In the deep, dark days of denial, I ignored it like a stop-sign, and if I did have to have dealings with it - well, there just weren't very many such occasions.

As I grew more aware of myself again, I discovered that I really didn't like the thing much - and settled on regarding it a very bad design - proof positive that God must have been drunk or still testing designs when he made Adam, realised her mistake afterwards and made Eve instead.

That feeling has grown gradually stronger though, until now I simply loathe the thing and want it gone.


I've never liked them....if I have a bath I put in plenty of bubbles so I can't see them.


Hate isn't a strong word for me to use about myself. I think though I hate more that I didn't act on the feelings I had when the time was prime to make a change. Now that I've grown to full adult materials I'd have to work that much more to change to what I'd like, even though the image of what I'd want for myself is far beyond reasonable for what technology can offer today.

But the subject at hand, I do loath the thing I was born into. I can't even make believe that I'm human sometimes because of the way I feel on a day to day basis, the way "it" makes me feel on a day to day basis. The way society expects me to be because I have "it" and not the other. But my hate isn't just subject to one item on my list. But "it" does take the brunt of my aggression.

I do though hate that this thing seems to have it's own schedule for getting up and stretching it's leg. Nothing worse then having to schedule my day around something that in all due respect I should have control over.

Quote from: Seshatneferw on February 28, 2008, 05:50:21 AM
On the other hand, they also allow me to have a straight relationship with the person I love, even if I have to go through all kinds of mental hoops to get things work as advertised.

Could not agree more, but if i had the chance to not be in a relationship at all, I would take the chance (depending on the circumstances).
(ROCK) ---> ME <--- (HARD PLACE)

Shana A

I don't hate them, but would prefer having a different set  ;) I live with the ones I have though.... As others have mentioned, I also dislike the societal assumptions that are attached.

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde



Quote from: Natasha on February 28, 2008, 06:22:18 PM
::) ::) i'll be damned.  god forbid i say the H word. ::)  but wait, i don't believe in god and as far as i know, this is an individual poll so i can say whatever i want about my body parts, yes?

Sure can. I say the H word about my tits. probably a very similar feeling to yours about your genitals.
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.

Shana A

Quote from: Natasha on February 28, 2008, 06:22:18 PM
::) ::) i'll be damned.  god forbid i say the H word. ::)  but wait, i don't believe in god and as far as i know, this is an individual poll so i can say whatever i want about my body parts, yes?

Yes, you can say anything  ;)

"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." Oscar Wilde


Pica Pica

they're alright, but they get in the way sometimes
'For the circle may be squared with rising and swelling.' Kit Smart


Quote from: Nero on February 28, 2008, 06:30:48 PM
Sure can. I say the H word about my tits. probably a very similar feeling to yours about your genitals.
Tits.  Lol.

I'm gonna buy a shirt in a year or two that says, "stop staring at my pectoralis major.  I know it's bigger than yours."


Definitely HATE... If I didn't need *it* in order to have a vagina, I would have cut *it* off already.  Early on in transition I didn't hate, but I do now, and it is getting worse by the day.  Two weeks ago while in Ann Taylor Loft's dressing room I tried to rip *it* off through my jeans.  Of course it didn't work, but it felt good.  That wasn't a concious decision.  It was definitely an irrational decision.  It was when I was at one of my most despressed/angry at the world/resentful towards all women with God-given vaginas moments.

This topic brings something else up... you admit suicidal or similar thoughts like mutilation of genitals and your therapist is required to report it (at least where I live).  This is so backwards to a TS, because we just want the correct genitals, and money will get them, and institutionilizing us makes us lose money, and possibly our job, and a therapist really can't actually FIX the problem, unless of course they are really good with a scalpel.  BTW, no I haven't been institutionilized.  It has just always been one of those catch-22's that bugged me.



Quote from: Natasha on February 28, 2008, 06:22:18 PM
::) ::) i'll be damned.  god forbid i say the H word. ::)  but wait, i don't believe in god and as far as i know, this is an individual poll so i can say whatever i want about my body parts, yes?

you sure can, just like the rest of us :)


I loathe them.  If there was a stronger word than loathe, I'd use it.  Only six months, three weeks, one day until their demise.


Its actually kind of funny in a twisted sort of way to look in the mirror.  Almost like WHAT THE F$#@ IS THAT.  Most days I just kind of don't think about it too much and get on with my day.  It will probably be a year or two until I can get rid of it, but oh well not much I can do about it at the moment.




W/ the way my nipples have been hurting so much lately and getting in the way, I'm about ready to say I hate my tiny little boobs!

But that'd defeat the purpose of all this :D


Quote from: Zythyra on February 28, 2008, 08:31:36 AM
I don't hate them, but would prefer having a different set  ;) I live with the ones I have though.... As others have mentioned, I also dislike the societal assumptions that are attached.


I do hate the assumptions, yes.

And Outlaw Star ftw Annwyn.

lady amarant



You kidding me? Outlaw had one of the best characters and lines in it ever. I do love Cowboy mind you... But,


Ah... I miss him.