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Your all time favorite movie?

Started by Nero, August 31, 2007, 02:01:33 PM

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I have a couple but I like Formula 17 the most.


All time Favorite?
Only one?

Ghost in the Shell.

That movie has been so influential as part of my life.
I hardly ever watch it anymore, but it's influence stands.
If you've ever questioned your existance, and what it means to be you this movie you will probably like.

It takes at least two-three viewings of it to get it.
Usually more.

You will probably need to watch it dubbed.
and then several times subbed to really get all that is going on with her.
This is a very deep, subtle, and complex film.
The action is downright awesome too.

You will really aprecieate this film

Pica Pica

i have never got through ghost in a shell without falling asleep.

Harvey - now that's a film wot sums life up.

"Years ago, my mother used to say to me, she'd say: 'In this world, Elwood,' she always used to call me Elwood. 'In this world, Elwood, you must be oh, so smart or oh, so pleasant.' Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. And you can quote me."



I believe that Godfather was the finest movie ever produced.  The storyline, cinematography, music and acting were superb.

I think the original In Laws (with Peter Falk and Alan Arkin) is the funniest comedy ever.  I crack up everytime I watch it.


Hard to decide.  Right now I'm leaning toward The Neverending Story.

Although, The Prestige comes really close to being my favorite.
"The cake is a lie."


American Beauty

I'm the same kind of twisted as Alan Ball.  I can watch it over and over and see something new every time.  It's a close look at a family that has come to normal dysfunction until Kevin Space's character decides he can't stand his life anymore.  Superb acting by all involved with a nod to Annette Benning, the equally frustrated housewife.  As in all of Alan ball's more recent work, no one is saved.  Six Feet Under is my favorite tv show of all time too.

See the trailer at



hmmmm...only 2 for a movie diva like me that is truly a hell trying to decide which movies i like above all others. I mean it is impossible cause you cant relay rate some movies better then others i.E "die hard" and "300"(as odd as it is since i do have a lil sexist against men. I am a lil turned on by dis movie XD) are my personal favorite 2 action movies but it would not be right to compare them to 

"as good as it gets" and "jerry Maguire" my two favorite...big girl comedies :P

ooh ooh i know the one movie i could watch 24/7 and never get tired of is ~Jackie drums on a...drum~ Beautiful Boxer

and the movie i am looking forward to is dark knight. cause i am the biggest Quinn fan (known as a Quinniet) and joker fan there is.

sorry for the longf post but it would not be a jackie post if it wasn't :P

love ya sistahs and brrtahs,

P.S.much love for Heath Ledger he was a remarkable actor and one of my favorites i will miss him.



Yeah, salute to Heath Ledger.
I will miss him too.
And 300?
Yeah, that is aguilty pleasure even if they didn't portray them as accurate as they could have (THEY, were the boy lovers, not the Athenians.[although probably the Athenians too ;) )
I realy like that movie.
What a great film. The lighting is fantastic. Just great!
High contrast, Low Saturation, Low color.
Just awesome! Eerie and Awesome!
The camera angles were great and the action seemless and fluid.
What great angles.
And gaod, their bodies were huge! (OMG wow)



The original The Hitcher

Rutger Hauer is unbelievable as the crazy hitch hiker. It keeps you on the edge of your seat, and the way Jennifer Jason Liegh's caracter is killed at the end...

I have many others, but this stands out as my all time fav.



Hmm... Well, I know my sister's is Phantom Of The Opera, a good movie, but too much singing.

I'd have to say that one of my all-time favorites has to be Back To The Future. I'm not sure about my absolute favorite, but that ranks up there.



Quote from: Sarah on February 02, 2008, 03:22:42 AM
Yeah, salute to Heath Ledger.
I will miss him too.
And 300?
Yeah, that is aguilty pleasure even if they didn't portray them as accurate as they could have (THEY, were the boy lovers, not the Athenians.[although probably the Athenians too ;) )
I realy like that movie.
What a great film. The lighting is fantastic. Just great!
High contrast, Low Saturation, Low color.
Just awesome! Eerie and Awesome!
The camera angles were great and the action seemless and fluid.
What great angles.
And gaod, their bodies were huge! (OMG wow)

May I empty your drool bucket, Madam?


Lawrence of Arabia.

Not only is Seven Pillars of Wisdom one of my all time favorite books, the movie does a good job of showing how:
a) Things done for good reasons don't always have a good outcome
b) For proving Marge Simpson right when she said " "One person can change the world but most of the time you probably shouldn't."
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


Hedwig and the Angry Inch- Everything about this movie is gorgeous, and it has the best kiss scene in the world.

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou- just.  Wow.  Wow.  I want to do Wes Anderson.