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Dentists too now?

Started by Annwyn, March 27, 2008, 08:33:21 AM

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So I went to the dentist this morning.

Of course I had to put down the medications I was on.

So I put on my MP3 player and ramp it up and just keep my mouth open while the chick cleans my teeth.

Fine, I'm glad I thought of bringing some music along, easiest appt so far ever.

So the dentist comes in, looks over my teeth and tells me all the cavities I have, really nice guy, really country.  Stuff like, "not right yet," all that redneck drabble, really nice though.

Looks over my papers and was like, "So you're married?"  "No, I'm not married."  "Well who's taking all these meds then?"  "Uh... me?"  "What're they for?"  "Complicated."  "I gotta know" "Feminizing hormones to become female(a lot more ums and uuughs than that)"
Well he just kinda looked at my mouth then and suddenly just wasn't saying much.  Drug the thingy across my gums and was like, "oh oops, sorry bout that mr, oh I mean miss."  And it happened 7 times.  Deliberately.  Friggin painful, jabbed it into my gum once really hard, that apron they put around me was covered in blood.  The nurse looked horrified.  I'm pretty sure I did too.

It's better now.  I guess my body can handle pain really easily cuz it's not bothering me now.  Still, simply the ideology of this.  And this sort of thing isn't protected against in SC.


Icky :-(

Can you complain about the dentist to his superiors? Even if it is not illegal there they might care about losing a customer/bad pr (or they might be stupid idiots like the dentist).

I tend to explain HRT as "my own hormone production is messed up and these correct it". Mentioning being trans just overly complicates things and risks stupid reactions.

lady amarant

Geez. Sorry Annwyn.

What a small, vindictive thing to do, torturing you with his little tools while you are stuck in his bloody chair. Sadly not much you can do without outing yourself or running up legal costs, but I can imagine exactly how you feel.

What an a*se.


Awl, that's really awful! Have you ever seen this dentist before?

I had to list those meds once before a tooth extraction (ouch!) with a specialist, but they never asked a thing about why I was taking them. On the other hand, it was right before I went fulltime, so it might have been sorta obvious, lol.

But I'm surprised your dentist demanded to know WHY you were on them. I'm wondering if that was inappropriate to ask of you?

Quote from: taruMentioning being trans just overly complicates things and risks stupid reactions.

It probably depends on your environment. I've never had a problem after telling professionals, dentist included.



Eh.  COmplain about what?

"hai.  my dentist poked me and it hurt.  I think he did it on purpose"

Ms Jessica

Ugggh.  That's why I hate Dentists.  They used to do that to me all the time.  And I wasn't cross dressing, or taking hormones or anything.  I was just there to get my teeth cleaned.  I stopped going cause I got so sick of being stabbed in the gums by those friggin hook things.  I'm convinced my dentist secretly wanted to be a pirate, or at least an extra from Hellraiser. 


Funny you should mention dentists Annwyn, I just got back from mine. I'm sorry you had a bad experience, that's just terrible. I think it's much, much harder before you are full time because if they do know, they might pass judgment and do weird things. I'd definitely shop for a dentist, preferably in a more rural area.

My dentist is very accepting as are all of his office staff. He knows, some of them know. I think it is important for them to know, especially if they are doing work that will change your smile or putting you under or anything. Drugs can interact strangely so it's better they know but NOT be snooping too much, like that guy did. I mean, they should know the drugs you are on, but NOT why you take them.

In my case, my smile is being modified and he made the comment "well, we should do it this way because no one will see your gums, it will be the best way" when in fact you will be able to see a little tiny bit of gum line on the top when everything is done. Anyway, sorry to hear of your plight, but I think you did the right thing by listing the medicine. He is the one that crossed the line, not you!

Cindi Jones

I wouldn't list the HRT meds for a friggin dentist.  Find a new dentist and keep your secret. Ya gotta do what you gotta do.

Author of Squirrel Cage


Last time my mother went to the dentist, the hygenist was a screwup and permanently cut chunks of her gum out, exposing more of the tooth (progressing her from like 2-3 to 4-5 on gumline recession for most of her teeth.) Ought to have that looked at by another dentist... :/


Quote from: Cindi Jones on March 27, 2008, 12:17:58 PM
I wouldn't list the HRT meds for a friggin dentist.  Find a new dentist and keep your secret. Ya gotta do what you gotta do.

Estrogen can affect bleeding, I believe, especially in the doses many of us take. I didn't want to get into a situation where there was a bleeding complication, and the dentist later pleaded it wasn't his fault since I didn't disclose the meds I was taking. My normal dentist doesn't ask about meds, but the oral surgeon who extracted my tooth did. And I feared I was going to really bleed with that.

Plus, I had a rule to not hide anymore just to avoid awkward or inconvenient situations. Transition meant transition: no hiding the facts, name, anything. I figured if this was going to be my life now, I'd have to learn to deal with those sorts of situations as/if they came up.

But yes, I would find a new dentist in this case ;)



I have the best dentist in the world, a nice Fillipino lady, as gentle as they come, very nice.  If your in the Bay Area, let me know, I'll give you her name.

And dentists prescribe drugs, powerful painkillers and strong antibiotics, so they do need to know if you are taking something that is counter indicated.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


I would want to know "why" he needed to know why you were on them. That is between you, your endo and therapist. He just needs to know what and how much. I would get a new dentist...


Quote from: Christine on March 27, 2008, 02:08:12 PM
I would want to know "why" he needed to know why you were on them. That is between you, your endo and therapist. He just needs to know what and how much. I would get a new dentist...

Doctors (and dentists) can be curious and ask things without ulterior motives.


Quote from: tekla on March 27, 2008, 01:17:27 PM
I have the best dentist in the world, a nice Fillipino lady, as gentle as they come, very nice.  If your in the Bay Area, let me know, I'll give you her name.

And dentists prescribe drugs, powerful painkillers and strong antibiotics, so they do need to know if you are taking something that is counter indicated.
Bay area?  As in southeast coast?  :-)


People get sued for way less than that. I'd drag his butt into court. Seriously I wouldn't put up with that. I bet his nurse would testify.
"In my world, everybody is a pony and they all eat rainbows and poop butterflies!"

If the shoe fits, buy it in every color.


His nurse is his wife, LOL.

Doesn't bother me too much, cept I gotta go back to this dude for fillings.  Yarr.


Don't go back to him for the fillings.



Yeah you should go to a different dentist. I'm tempted to go kick his rearend for you.


Quote from: Annwyn on March 27, 2008, 08:33:21 AMStill, simply the ideology of this.  And this sort of thing isn't protected against in SC.

That's where you're wrong, the reasoning is not important, it doesent matter that "transpeople" are not protected, he made your session needlessly painful and dangerous most likely purposefully, that's called medical malpractice, and it's against the law, whether you have a good case or not is another matter, but this definately deserves being reported to the proper authorities.

Few people have the funds to pay for attorneys to file such suits, but that doesent mean you have no recourse.

File a complaint with the South Carolina Board of Medical Examiners. Even if the complaint is disregarded or thrown out, there may be an investigation, and Maybe the doctor's medical malpractice insurance premium is raised (if he has it).

You could also try filing a complaint with the South Carolina Board of Dentistry

I am unsure if any one of these departments has exclusive jurisdiction in this area, but call them up and explain what happened briefly, if they can't help you ask them what government agency you should talk to, don't let them brush you off or treat your concern with little regard, remain firm and if they give you no choice ask to speak to a supervisor, you pay taxes, so they work for YOU. Another tip, ALWAYS ask for a representative's name at the onset of every conversation you have with a government employee (or anyone for that matter) that is assuming they don't give you their name, have a pen and paper to jot their name down, and any other relevant information, what they said, you can use this later if they are >-bleeped-<s.

At the very least, this report will stay in some record, and he will probably get some unwanted attention by these government agencies, I just did some quick searches on google and this is what i found, it might be worth doing a bit of research on your part as well, you have options of retribution.

Quote from: Annwyn on March 27, 2008, 09:11:52 AM
Eh.  COmplain about what?

"hai.  my dentist poked me and it hurt.  I think he did it on purpose"

This is not a "oh he's a dentist and he was rough", you said so yourself, he asked you the question, you explained your trans status, he was visibly dumbfounded/offended, he was needlessly rough with you, the nurse looked terrified, this is discrimination, and this is medical malpractice, and is not something to take lightly, it is against the law. I've been to dentists myself and I've never had such tools scraped across my gums several times repeatedly, or had a bloodied dentist bib thing at the end, If things are painful enough, you should have been medicated ANYWAYS, it is not acceptable to experience significant amounts of pain if the dentist is doing simple procedure.

If you have any injuries in your mouth you want to photograph them NOW, just in case.

If you are doubtful if you want to report this, think of how this dentist might do the same thing to someone else in the future, like someone who is blatantly gay, or another transperson.

Posted on: March 29, 2008, 01:51:32 AM
Quote from: Christine on March 27, 2008, 02:08:12 PM
I would want to know "why" he needed to know why you were on them. That is between you, your endo and therapist. He just needs to know what and how much. I would get a new dentist...

He doesen't need to know, really, I wouldn't tell them i'm taking HRT, at least if i'm taking the whole spiro+estrogen+progerterone cocktail.

Yeah estrogen can effect bleeding and all, but really now, it will still be within the range of a normal patient, it's not like you're going to open up like a geyser or something (unless he's a malpracticing jerk who abuses you)

Quote from: Rebis on March 27, 2008, 10:34:22 PM

Don't go back to him for the fillings.


Yes, really, go to someone else, don't go back and get abused more.


Dentists, like doctors are bound by ethical and legal rules to cause no harm.

Harassment because you are TS is grounds for a suit.  Especially if, in your opinion, you were needlessly exposed to pain.  Regardless of the outcome of such a suit, his malpractice insurance would go up.  Just threaten him with this and he should back off.

Better still, find a new dentist.

I outed myself to my dentist of twelve years about my medications and intentions and he had no problem with it.  Well, he did say I was his first transsexual patient so he was a little confused on how to address me, but after that no problem.

Out of the darkness, into the light.
Following my bliss.
I am complete...