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*is young, and accordingly confused*

Started by James-Alen, May 05, 2008, 06:44:28 PM

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Ok, so, I'm turning 18 in five months and am (I must admit) a bit nervous. However, things are going to take wing for me and I'm goign to start transitioning. Question is, how? How does one exactly get involved in all this good stuff, such as RLE and Harmones? Do you just see a gender therapist and they know what to do, assuming they deem you worthy? Any advice would be awesome.  :-X


The good stuff, as you put it, is all that guy stuff - the HRT, SRS and all that are but a path to that.
FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


Hi, James.

Well, I went in the opposite direction, but my husband is FTM. 

You have it right.  A good gender therapist is essential.  They are the "gate keepere,' if you will, and know how to help you discover who you are and what you want to do about it.  It isn't an easy journey, typically takes ~ 2 years or more to get to surgery. 

We have lists of gender therapists by state.  Take a look at

Hopefully, there is a GID specialist nearby.  If not, call one in your state and ask if he or she knows of any near you.  We are always happy to add new counselors to our list.

Best wishes, and start saving your money.  It isn't cheap.

When we walk to the edge of all the light we have and take the step into the darkness of the unknown, we must believe that one of two things will happen. There will be something solid for us to stand on or we will be taught to fly. — Patrick Overton


Lol Tekla indeed.

Hello Robyn ^^ I want to see my friend's therapist in I think Vancouver WA, he's an FTM so i mean how much closer to understanding can ya get in a therapist? lol I'm excited. Yeah I understand the journey is long and hard, I get P-Oed when people say 'you have to get more than one surgery?!' or 'It takes a year to heal? no way!' It frustrated me that they cant have decent patience. i know that RLE and HRT come first, there's 2 whole years right there!

Thanks for the link I'll check it out. I'ma try to be VERY smart with saving, credit, AND loans... careful and responsible as I can be so that I can also live my life ya know? Thanks for the reply hun <3 I'll do my best



Which surgery you talking about? You don't need a real life test for masectomy. You need'nt even have hormones first.
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.


Is a masectomy top surgery? Because the guy i am interested in says that FTMs dont need harmones for his top surgery ^^ and can get it at the same time as starting harmones (is indecisive about which to do first because i want both)


yeah. i just like the word 'masectomy'. sounds a tad more violent and satisfying. i want my masectomy first too. but that's on hold.  :(
Nero was the Forum Admin here at Susan's Place for several years up to the time of his death.

Scratchy Wilson

I personally wouldn't recomend the masectomy before starting T based on results I've seen. The chest looks waaaaaay better if you've had time to build up your muscles on T before going under the knife....but that is just my personal opinion. It all depends on what you want.


Quote from: James-Allen on May 05, 2008, 08:00:32 PM
Lol Tekla indeed.

Hello Robyn ^^ I want to see my friend's therapist in I think Vancouver WA, he's an FTM so i mean how much closer to understanding can ya get in a therapist? lol I'm excited.

Probably Reid Vandenberg in Portland.    He's a neat guy.  If you can get to the FTM Conference, Gender Odyssey, in Seattle over Labor Day weekend, I'm sure you'll meet him there.  Jamison Green and some of our other national/activist attorneys are usually there, too.  Will have a track for youth, too.  About 400 FTMs and a few MTFs.  We can't make it this year due to work.


When we walk to the edge of all the light we have and take the step into the darkness of the unknown, we must believe that one of two things will happen. There will be something solid for us to stand on or we will be taught to fly. — Patrick Overton


"So, what do you do?"  It's the basic guy question because so many men define themselves in large part by their work.  So, you're 18, what are you going to do?  Even though in 2008 most women support themselves, there is no other option for guys.  You're expected to support yourself, and if you're lucky, support others too.  So, what are you going to do?  Are you going to need college?  Trade school?  Other special training?  Are you working to that?  When the transition is all done and over, where is it you want to be?  And the time to think on that is now, not later.  We have people in here who are lawyers, what's that?  7 years?  And you have to get through college before you go to law school, so its a two stage deal.  A professor, 8-10 years of college.  A traditional craft person in construction?  Most union apprenticeship programs are between 4 and 6 years.  Union electricians, plumbers and the like make pretty darn good money once they get past the apprenticeship program.  But now is the time to start working toward the work you really want to do, few things will define you more than the work you do, and how well you do it.  You might not always be liked, but there are times when a grudging admiration comes close enough. 

FIGHT APATHY!, or don't...


Scratchy: yeah I guess you're right, that probably would be the better idea, starting T first. I wanna work out a lot, get all ripped anyways ^^

Robyn: Yeah it is, i talked to my friend.

Tekla: I'm going into a trade I think, my dad wants me to be an electrician and I might, but for some reason that just sounds increadibly boring to me. I might go plumbing or something else of the journeyman variety.  When I'm all done, I want to be able to live, have money to go out have fun ya know? Settle down when i'm like, 34gish.
