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Jock itch

Started by Scratchy Wilson, May 20, 2008, 01:13:41 PM

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Scratchy Wilson

It's been really hot here lately and I've been sweating A LOT. Well, as you can see by the subject line I have jock itch between my thighs....and it hurts really bad! How do I get rid of it or at least stop the burning?  :-X


If it is just caused by chaffing maybe you could wear some of those lycra or cotton bike shorts so your theighs don't rub, and put something heavy duty like Vasaline on the sore bits. Any nappy type ointments will probably do the trick like Bapanthen, or get a good burn cream with an anesthetic in it.

If it is fungal then your going to need an anti-fungal cream. I would suggest going down to your local chemist/drugstore and asking for some cream regardless.

Cut down on the bare back riding too...

Some ice wraped in a towel might help with the pain.



Here's a tip from my primary care physician at the VA in Loma Linda....

Put on your socks before you put on your underwear.

Sounds silly...but the same fungus that causes foot problems causes some of the same problems in the crotch.

We used to call it "crotch rot" or Jock itch"...and it is treatable with some very simple antifungal chemicals.

One is Clotrimazole topical, 1% solution. It is NOT prescription!!!

Use it gently two-times a day directly on the eruption and out to another couple of inches surrounding the reddened area.

BTW: The medical name for jock itch is tinea cruris (pronounced: tih-nee-uh krur-us)..and it is pretty contagious. It is also one of the nasty little things that lives under your toenails and causes the bad, "cheese-like" odor of your feet.

Jock itch usually responds to self-care: Over-the-counter antifungal creams, powders, and sprays will probably clear it up. Sometimes, though, a person may need to see a doctor for a prescription antifungal creams.

When it comes to healing a fungal infection, it's essential to keep the affected area clean and dry. Follow these steps when treating jock itch:

    * Wash, then dry the area using a clean towel. Use a separate, clean towel on the rest of your body — don't use the same towel you used on your groin.
    * Apply the antifungal cream, powder, or spray as directed on the label.
    * Change your clothes, especially your underwear, every day.
    * Treat other fungal infections, such as athlete's foot.

It's important to continue this treatment for the amount of time recommended in the instructions on the product label. Continue following the steps above even if symptoms disappear sooner to prevent the infection from coming back.

If these steps don't work, or if symptoms last longer than 2 weeks, talk to your doctor, who might need to prescribe a stronger antifungal cream, spray, or pill.

If you have a fungal infection somewhere else on your body, like athlete's foot or ringworm, be sure to treat it to help prevent the fungus from spreading to your groin. Use a separate towel on your feet after showering — or if that's not possible, dry your groin before your feet so the towel doesn't spread the infection.

I have successfully treated friends with ringworm, which is NOT a worm at all.....with potassium permangenate, reagent quality, dry mixed with water into a firm paste and topically applied to the area and loosely bandaged. It will turn the underlying skin a deep purple..but it will kill the ringworm overnight! I know it will also work on tinea of all kinds..but you've gotta like the resulting color.

Like I already said...if you have athlete's foot, put your socks on before your underwear — this covers your feet so the little guys don't get in your underwear.

Scratchy Wilson

Huh, athletes foot eh? I'm gonna put my socks on before my underwear from now on!
Thanks for the advice, it's greatly appreciated. I've been using an over-the-counter clotrimizole cream, it seems to be helping a lot!


Wish someone had told me that a long time ago lol...  I used to have bad atheletes foot and get ringworm a lot, and the itching...  suffered from it from age 9-21 because regular overcounter treatments didn't work and perscription medican wasn't covered by my medical insurence.  Came to PA and finally got Insurence that covered it lol
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